Unexpected Patterns in Hospital Deaths: A Statistical Analysis of COVID-19 Era Data
John Dee uncovers anomalies in patient records following lockdown and vaccine rollout.
Unusual patterns in hospital deaths: Dee noticed two time periods when there was an unusually high ratio of deaths in hospitals compared to emergency departments. These periods were:
During lockdown (April 3-17, 2020)
Just after vaccine rollout (January 9-29, 2021)
Study details:
He looked at records of 21,928 adult hospital deaths from January 2020 to September 2021 in one NHS Trust.
He used statistical methods to find out what might explain these unusual patterns.
Key findings for the post-vaccine period:
COVID-19 diagnosis was strongly associated with deaths during this time.
Acute respiratory conditions were less associated with deaths, which was unexpected.
Other heart conditions and cancer diagnoses also showed some associations.
The COVID-19 diagnosis puzzle:
When he removed COVID-19 diagnosis from his analysis, the results changed significantly.
Acute respiratory conditions became more strongly associated with deaths, which makes more sense intuitively.
Possible explanations:
The way COVID-19 was being diagnosed or recorded might have been problematic.
During the post-vaccine period, a much higher percentage of patients with acute respiratory conditions were also given a COVID-19 diagnosis compared to normal times.
This could mean either: a) The vaccines were not as effective as expected, or b) COVID-19 diagnoses were being used in a way that masked other issues.
Questions raised:
Why did the relationship between COVID-19 diagnoses and acute respiratory conditions change so dramatically?
Were COVID-19 diagnoses being used accurately, or were they possibly hiding other medical issues?
As a nurse I have not trusted anything I heard as the Scamdemic unfolded nor do I trust word one from
Any government alphabet agency. Gratefully I stopped working in in patient care long ago. What I have learned and what I believe makes me ashamed and horrified as to what my colleagues doctors and hospital administrators have done under the spell of the government who is ruled by Big Pharma The manipulation of records is one’s first clue as to the nefarious nature of the patterns.
I wonder, prior to 2020, how many hospital deaths were caused by blatant mishandling of patients by the medical system? A certain percentage of hospital deaths for any year come from the medical profession being not so brilliant and by being careless and non-caring.