As a nurse I have not trusted anything I heard as the Scamdemic unfolded nor do I trust word one from

Any government alphabet agency. Gratefully I stopped working in in patient care long ago. What I have learned and what I believe makes me ashamed and horrified as to what my colleagues doctors and hospital administrators have done under the spell of the government who is ruled by Big Pharma The manipulation of records is one’s first clue as to the nefarious nature of the patterns.

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Hands up who knows what the number 2 risk factor for dying (after obesity) in hospital in 2020 was?



COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)

Lung cancer?


No, none of these.

The answer is actually (believe it or not) errrr..................................Anxiety!

Yes, you read it right, Anxiety.

With a staggering 28% chance of DYING in hospital if you have this MENTAL condition.

Don't believe me? Here's the CDC study from 2020.


"But of course someone with Covid would be anxious in hospital?" would be the explanation from most people but that's wrong because this was a study of people with a PAST medical history of anxiety. They were being treated for anxiety long before Covid came along and was documented on their medical records.

So how can an airborne respiratory virus target and kill people with a mental condition and only kill when when they are in hospital?

The answer is it can't. A moments thought on the subject would show it to be completely absurd.

There is another explanation though. I have worked as a Paramedic for 23 years and with that experience can, pretty accurately, tell if someone s having mild, moderate or severe breathing difficulties. When I was seeing these types of patients on my TV screen in early 2020. I was saying then that these people were not only NOT having Covid ARDS (Acute respiratory distress syndrome) but that many appeared to be simply having................panic stacks!

And the main symptom of a panic attack is hyperventilation.

And contrary to medical orthodoxy there's compelling evidence that severe hyperventilation leads to oxygen desaturation.


All the elements were now in place (breathing difficulties (hyperventilation), oxygen desaturation and NO fever) to convince hysterical doctors at the time that what they were witnessing was the so called 'happy hypoxics' the apparently unique signature of severe Covid 19.

In fact, so deranged had the doctors become that they were misdiagnosing these anxiety patients as severe Covid patients and putting (and killing ) them on ventilators.

That's the real explanation for why Anxiety was the number 2 risk factor for 'Covid' in 2020.

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not just the manipulation--the refusal to consider already known evidence.


with Margaret Anna Alice and Dr Ahmad Malik

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How so? I was administered a Naloxone IV after an Ambien sedation. From my reading it's not a great thing to do since naloxone can have some major effects. Note...never an opoid addict and presented no signs or symptoms.

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Unlike opioid agonists like morphine, naloxone and other opioid antagonists don’t have severe risks. It cannot kill you, for example, the way an agonist overdose can.

It certainly can precipitate acute withdrawal syndromes in opioid dependent users, so should be used with caution in such settings.

An alternative to acute reversal of opioid based anaesthesia is to use very short acting opioid agonists such as alfentanil.

(Note: I’m not a medic but I did my PhD in this field in the 1980s, focused on the fentanyl series of analogies invented by Janssen Pharmaceuticals.

Intriguingly, Janssen is now a wholly owned subsidiary of the Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical company.

They’re in on the “covid19” “vaccine” lethal fraud, too.

And the major street drug of abuse for decades in USA? Fentanyl.

A suspicious person ought to suspect that there’s a link between these facts.

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but as you know, Mike, the science was irrelevant--they knew Covid was not deadly-so the evidence was ignored because for their purposes it was irrelevant.


with Margaret Anna Alice and Dr Ahmad Malik

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With that attitude you're obviously a climate denier and possibly transphobic......

As time goes on more and more of the big names and groups are getting sullied, stay clean please and keep up the good work.

Consider doing an interview with Italian cardiologist Joe on x. He's helping to give Daniel Nagase a platform to ghelp get his message out-


Sorry Joel, not a highjack and had no intention of this satire message to become serious.

That offers for you too mate, my interactions eith Joe over the last year has shown a caring heart.

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Yes, I have.

Not many people have listened. :)

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Jul 23Liked by Joel Smalley

I wonder, prior to 2020, how many hospital deaths were caused by blatant mishandling of patients by the medical system? A certain percentage of hospital deaths for any year come from the medical profession being not so brilliant and by being careless and non-caring.

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Lots. A wise, former civil servant once pointed out to me that the effects of a system, if they’re persistent, are the OBJECTIVES of the system, regardless of claims to the contrary.

I now think of the NHS as the National Harm Service.

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

The Medical Health Industrial Complex went out of its way to reclassify pretty much everything as "Covid-19" purely to exaggerate/fabricate stats and increase fear to increase compliance. I remember in 2020 part of the propaganda campaign was to lionise "Ventilators" and spread panic because hospitals apparently didn't have enough for the impending "pandemic". Not long after it comes out that these ventilators were actually killing people, not "saving lives". That is a microcosm of the entire farce. Essentially the exact opposite of what was pushed by powers that should not be was true. At every step this has been the case.

Ditto for the "overwhelmed " hospitals. I personally experienced this twice when the initial "lock down" was in place with all the obedient Sheep "staying home" to "save lives". I got a train to Sheffield Hospital from Edinburgh for a pre covid arranged donation. The train was virtually empty, the streets everywhere were deserted, barely any cars on the road, etc. The Hospital was completely empty both times I went (March, May 2020). No muzzles in the Hospitals at that time either. No muzzle "mandates" (the ruling class telling you to cover your face like a slave).

People have forgotten just how insane it was in 2020.

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Some people have forgotten just how insane it was in 2020,I for one never will!

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The world lost its collective marbles and it got more bizarre as the months passed.

Muzzles only came in June 2020 in hospitals. I was having immunotherapy at Brighton. I had worked out what was going on by then and refused to wear a stupid mask. It was touch and go whether I got the next treatment session but I eventually did.

Stupid doctors thought they were protecting their staff by insisting on masks. They forgot about basic health & safety protocol involving the staff in the decisions, let alone my issues.



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I Think This

Already Is

The Afterlife.

- I Definitely Over Packed.


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During the post-vaccine period, a much higher percentage of patients with acute respiratory conditions were also given a COVID-19 diagnosis compared to normal times.

This could mean either: a) The vaccines were not as effective as expected, or b) COVID-19 diagnoses were being used in a way that masked other issues.

Or imo c) incentives perhaps were used to create patients with respiratory distress such as by the use of remdesivir or administering other drugs to recalcitrant "conspiracy theorists".

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A perfect storm was created, every medic and nurse was hyped up to see everyone coming through the hospital doors as Covid infected regardless of underlying illness and the PCR tests made it so easy, even in-patients were being diagnosed with Covid. Wrong treatment = bad outcome.

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er...people took a jab to protect them from covid which is a coronavirus which cause respiratory issues but, having taken the jab they ended up in hospital with a diagnoses of covid which subsequently killed them. but they didn't have any respiratory issues.

unless you take out the covid diagnoses. in which case they still took the jab and died but now did have respiratory issues.

er...is that what the doctor is saying? is the world getting more complicated or am I getting dumber?

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It's a pretty simple scam. You produce a toxin A that allegedly reduces the harms of toxin B. You produce several tests to verify the presence of toxin B. You make it really easy to diagnose harm by toxin B. The more people you take out with toxin A, the more effective it would appear at reducing harms from toxin B. The scam is revealed by studying the excess deaths, hence why noone wants to talk about it.

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Got a lot of time for the author and have shared a hell of a lot of his stuff, yours too for that matter.

Nice to see you mentioning his work, he deserves more exposure than he gets.

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You’re gonna hafta spell it out for me

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COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2 to be exact) is not novel or unusually deadly. Rather, it is indistinct from hundreds and thousands of other viruses that we live with every year. The "vaccine", on the other hand, is more deadly but "COVID" was used to cover up the deaths it caused.

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Indistinct because it’s nothing but a reclassification of symptoms

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Correct. Lots of ways to say this.

Positive tests for sars-cov-2 were used to blame euthanasia protocols on a "novel coronavirus" that was never shown to increase the risk of death for any age group or health condition.

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It (original strain) choked people to death. Quite unusual. The variants are "unusual" in causing persistent frontal headaches.

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The jab can cause persistent frontal headaches, amongst many others. Japanese docs. have linked 200+ medical conditions directly to the bioweapons.

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Probably doesn't matter how you get the spike; infection, jab, or persistent shedding.

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The nanopore sequencing of SARS-COV-2 demonstrates it is novel.

I find your assertion that it was not novel to be bizarre.

It was not unusually deadly in the short term. It was not as transmisssble as we were told, so yes lots of actions were taken to make it look that way in order for the fear to be hyped up and mandates and restrictions to be justified. That does not mean it was not novel. I had swollen glands all through Feb 2020 as my immune system was attacked with something I had not had before. (I've had flu it was not that). I was not the only person affected. I had three strains, each time it attached a different part of my body producing quite different symptoms. A great idea in bioweapon design - have it cause diverse effects makes it difficult to prove the cause.

There are too many people like me who can recount their lived experience that demonstrates it was novel.

No one knows the long term implications of either the man made virus, or the injected "biowarfare countermeasure" ( that is acting more like a bioweapon ) or the impact of repeatedly catching covid after having injections.

We still have excess deaths. We still have sudden deaths. We know the injections are worse but the compounding effect of virus and injection may prove to be the most hazardous.

Our efforts should be focused on alerting people to the potential long term harms of both virus and injections so we can look for, and identify ways to reduce the risks. By downplaying the original virus you are adding to the potential for long term harm which I find very sad.

The evidence showing which labs it came from will get out.

We were deliberately attacked and millions have been killed.

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25


Jul 24

"The nanopore sequencing of SARS-COV-2 demonstrates it is novel."

The "virus" has not been isolated nor has met any of the burdens for proof of isolation. What you mentioned is playing numbers aka modelling aka extrapolations from genomic sequences.

"There are too many people like me who can recount their lived experience that demonstrates it was novel."

There are many more that suffered zero issues at all during 2020/"Covid". I was briefly unwell in May 2020, nothing out of the ordinary. I worked normally the entire time and never obeyed any diktats. The vast majority of the world had zero issues during this time, which is statistically impossible *if* "Covid-19" is what it is claimed to be. A "bioweapon" so ineffective there were no excess deaths in 2020 and statistically there was no "pandemic". Excess deaths, out of the norm, only occurred after the "vaccine". That is your "bioweapon".

Had you not been overwhelemed with propaganda about "Covid-19" you wouldn't be here claiming you suffered unusually due to a "novel virus". You'd have put it down to existing ailments/reasons.

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Anyone with a functioning immune system did not get long-term problems, because the pathogen was destroyed before it could seriously enter the bloodstream.

Especially, vit D insufficiency played a large part. Keeping people out of the sun + feeding them vit D destroying glyphosate is one of the reasons some people couldn't fight it.

Dr. Bhakdi explains why it was not novel to any immune system on the planet -


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