I started questioning vaccine products 15 years ago, after one of my dogs became very ill (and was put down) after what I discovered was gross over-vaccination of pets every year, see this webpage on my original website: https://over-vaccination.net/questionable-vaccines/pet-vax/

From pet vax I developed an interest in human vaccination...it's out of control and being developed as a huge market, now being facilitated by mandates.

See the Home page of my Over-vaccination website for more info: https://over-vaccination.net/

With the arrival of 'Covid' I've undertaken much more correspondence, see my website: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/

It's been said for years that vaccination is the best thing ever...well I disagree...it's looking more and more like the worst...

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I woke up in time for my pets. I regret COVID did not occur a decade sooner so I could have protected my kids too.

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It's pretty huge Joel...children have been exploited for years with the ever-increasing vaccination schedule, including revaccinations. Now adults are increasingly in the frame, most notoriously with the demand that theY be jabbed every few months with Covid needles...INSANE!!!!

It's way past time for the taxpayer-funded vaccination schedule to be investigated, it's awash with conflicts of interest. The pHarmaceutical industry has hijacked policy, courtesy of its handmaidens in the universities, medical profession, politics, and the media.

There are so many traitors to the people...

Hopefully, the Covid debacle is going to help blow the lid off this thing, including questioning how on earth a software billionaire, Bill Gates, has been allowed to dominate international vaccination policy for the past 20 years, via the ubiquitous Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

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Your use of the term "exploited" is spot-on. Not surprisingly, the conflicts of interest have been in plain sight for those who were willing to look JUST a bit more closely. The creation of "vaccine court" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Vaccine_Injury_Compensation_Program) should have provided a clue, but I openly admit that until the Covid debacle that clue had escaped me as well. Also, the reach and depth of the bribery perpetrated by the BMGF, not only in vaccine policy but also in academia, cannot be overstated.

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Absolutely correct The Wilster! The unfettered influence of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is diabolical! And all without our informed consent!

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Joel, as an example of questioning vaccination policy, see the submission I made in 2015, against the No Jab, No Pay bill in Australia: https://www.aph.gov.au/DocumentStore.ashx?id=18970842-0622-49d1-a6b7-f7b1d2e9a7f7&subId=405305

The bill became the No Jab, No Pay law in January 2016, resulting in parents being made compliant to the vaccination schedule for young children to access tax benefits.

This resulted in children being prey to more vaccine products, with an additional diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis shot being added to schedule for children at 18 months (making a total of six diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis containing shots for children, which also include an aluminium adjuvant), plus the meningococcal ACWY shot being added for children at 12 months.

Children are subject to an ever-increasing vaccine load, with more recently two million children aged 5-15 years in Australia being Covid-jabbed, against a disease of little or no threat to them. It’s diabolical children are being subjected to these unnecessary and potentially harmful medical interventions, with who knows what potentially deleterious consequences for their natural immunity.

The No Jab, No Pay concept has now developed into the No Jab, No Job threat in Australia, with likely millions coerced into these jabs under Covid jab mandates.

Vaccination policy here is populated by academics in bed with the vaccine industry, there are so many conflicts of interest to expose.

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Good work Unbekoming, have had a quick look at your links, will read soon.

The key issue is ‘voluntary informed consent’…

Health practitioners have a legal and ethical obligation to obtain voluntary informed consent before a medical intervention, including vaccination.

Health practitioners in Australia should not have cooperated with the No Jab, No Pay law in 2016, because this is a coercive law which trashes voluntary informed consent.

But they went along with it…

And now, here we are, with No Jab, No Job, and millions jabbed under Covid jab mandates.

Children have been jabbed too.

It’s a catastrophe…

Even if there was nothing in these needles, they’re the most potent weapon unleashed upon humankind, because they’ve been used to steal personal autonomy and bodily integrity.

This is political, and the medical profession is right in the thick of this devastating attack on our freedom.

It’s done now in Australia, and millions have been damaged politically, including those who refused to consent to the jabs, and who were denied their livelihoods, and denied participation in society.

They created an apartheid here when the mandates were in place, they’ve ruined the political, social and economic fabric of this country.

It is absolutely diabolical!

There must be accountability…

There must be justice for this crime against the people.

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100% agree. I'm glad we have connected, and I'm surprised I haven't bumped into you, you site and work before.

Yes, it is political...disguised as the medical, which is why it's so effective.

I was asleep at the wheel when they brought in No Jab No Play and realise now just what a catastrophe that was.

I don't know if it has always been the case but certainly modern-day Australian's seem to have a very strong collectivist bent, and mass immunization and achieving "herd" immunity seems to fit that posture so perfectly.

The tourism marketing positions us a freedom loving and individualistic...but unfortunately that's all it is, marketing.

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Joel, if you’re interested to have a look, here’s the report I submitted to the APVMA after Sasha’s death in 2008: Is over-vaccination harming our pets? Are vets making our pets sick? http://users.on.net/~peter.hart/Is_%20over-vaccination_harming_our_pets.pdf

Also see my essay Over-vaccination of pets - an unethical practice 2009: http://users.on.net/~peter.hart/Over-vaccination_of_pets_-_an_unethical_practice.pdf

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I started to wake up back in 2007: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2007/10/wilton-alston/dont-get-a-flu-shot/. Even with that realization--which started with my puzzlement over how ubiquitous taking the flu shot was among my circle of (otherwise very sharp) friends and colleagues--I had no idea, none, how deep the rabbit hole went! The Great Covid Dumpster Fire opened many eyes, while confirming the suspicions of many others! #SmallVictoriesAmidGreatLosses

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Yes, the Covid debacle has to blow the lid off this thing…

See relevant correspondence on my website: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/

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My 11 year old cat (pictured in my avatar) survived his kitten vaccines and one that I was pressured by the vet. to give him at 2-3 years old. Thus far he hasn't been ill once (knock on wood). If I get another kitten or puppy I will demand the breeder doesn't inject it with anything.

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See this link for dog and cat vax guidelines: https://wsava.org/global-guidelines/vaccination-guidelines/

Read them very carefully and critically and read between the lines…

Keep in mind they’re compromised in being funded by industry, i.e. MSD Animal Health, aka Merck.

I focussed on dog vax during my research, but didn’t vax my cat beyond kitten vaccines.

My recommendation is absolutely minimal vaccination, but do your own research.

After 15 years of investigating this area, I’m highly alarmed at the amount of jabs being pressed upon humans and animals.

Vaccination has become a religion that can’t be questioned - but now it must be questioned, and all those who have protected it from scrutiny must be held to account.

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Thanks. I've done a lot of research during the last 3 years which is why I've come to agree with Dr. Smalley's contention. And I see no reason why pet vaccines would be any different.

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The scary thing is…what has this unnatural intervention done to natural immunity?

If vaccination just stopped, what would happen?

What are the consequences for progeny of humans and animals who’ve been jabbed for generations?

Do we have any truly independent and objective ‘experts’ to consider this matter?

I very much doubt it as so many are compromised by conflicts of interest.

This has to come to a head now, we have to consider how much damage has been done to humans and animals by the onslaught of needles.

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Thanks for sharing -the same happened with me becoming aware of vaccines after my two of my tiny kittens I was fostering for animal control was vaccinated at four weeks and suffered neurological damage and almost died.

AC still insisted on fixing them at six weeks and one of them almost didn’t make it again at 1.5 pounds. I never heard of such a thing and luckily I was able to adopt them due to their medical needs as I did not trust anyone else.

Unfortunately the next litter I fostered they started vaccines at two weeks but did raise the weight minimum to 2 pounds for fixing. It was so heartbreaking I had to stop fostering but this began my awareness of the unnecessary vaccines for pets and people, especially children. My youngest daughter, now 19 has autism and a doctor in North Carolina said it was from the vaccines when she was only three and back then I did not pay attention like I do now. I feel so terrible I was such a slow learner but luckily was aware enough not to do the C jabs.

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Vert sorrow for your experiences re vax Freedom Bay.

Don’t blame yourself! We’ve trusted purported ‘experts’ and have been betrayed.

This is what must come to the fore now, that ‘voices of authority’ have misled and exploited us.

This entire shambles needs to blow sky high!

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I get angrier with every scientific report that this covid vaccine is nothing but poison. With the bank of evidence proving the harmful effects of this poison how can anyone still sit there and lie through their teeth. Not one of these gutless bastards has the gumption to tell the truth. I hope I am still alive and kicking when the people finally have enough of these lying gutless individuals and rise against this tyranny . These liars world wide must be brought to justice by any means. Many thanks to the great people that do have the guts to stand up and fight this .

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Surely you aren't saying injecting heavy metals, and other neurotoxins, as well as plain toxic crap, into your body every so often during your life time can lead to poor health.

My pediatrician says it is good for my kids and I once had a pediatrician YELLLLLLLL at me when I asked if there was a link between kids vaccines and autism. (By the way I hope that b@astard is dead already or got the full covid shot protocol himself.)

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Exactly true until they can scientifically prove otherwise.

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Repeal the Bayle-Dole Act⁉️🤔😳😵🙏🏼💕🇺🇸🙏🏼

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Repeal the 1986 vaccine laws and you will see a drastic change in big pharma. Most of their poisons would vanish, especially vaccines. Their criminal operations would be severely hampered or destroyed altogether.

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I've come to the same conclusion over the last year or so and realized that those "crazy" anti-vaxxers were right all along.

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They are just greedy evil people

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It makes me wonder how anyone working in big pharma can close their eyes to all this and act so dumb. Oh, I forgot...it's the paycheck, perks and bonuses that matter more than people's lives and health.

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Thanks for supporting my anti-vaxxer position. I see nothing of any real proof that is established that shows ANY vaccines are safe and effective or offer any longer term benefits. This holy mantra indoctrinated into the medical establishment is the biggest lie ever.

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When BIDEN created fast-track I smelled a rat, When Biden create OWS - operation warp speed I saw rat shit on the floor; When BIDEN gave big-pharma CEO's liability-immunity for life I shit my pants.

When I saw Biden demand the US-MIL & US-PUBLIC get the mRNA vaccine I was skeptical, when I saw BIDEN & whitehouse staff all get the Chinese sino-vac (J&J) vaccine I ate my own shit from my soiled pants.

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I thought it was Trump who fast tracked the covid vax. I also think Trump told JFK jr he was going to work with him to provide a safety for kids as far as vax. Trump even promised JFK jr an office in the white house if elected. Then once elected Trump would not return JFK jr phone calls and Trump supported Pfizer and fast tracking the covid vax.

I voted for Trump but we got to keep things real. What Trump did here was not okay. Lots of people were injured from that shot and many died.

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Correct, it was Trump, not Biden who enacted Socialist redistribution of Taxes (Taxation is theft) to Big Pharma under his beloved "Operation Warp speed". Something he still brags about to this day. He advised people, multiple times, to get "Vaccinated" and has praised the "Vaccines" multiple times. When he isn't doing that he is having Johnson & Johnson folks on stage with him at his rallies. It makes me laugh that partisans ignore all of that and respond with the "but Trump didn't favour the mandates/Trump did his best/Trump was deceived" non sequiturs.

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I agree at the end of the day look at the big picture of each candidate. They all did questionable things. Don't let any of that slide past your radar. Then when time to vote you still got to pick what you feel is the best candidate and hope for a honest election.

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"Democracy" is tyrannical. Picking your ruler via "Election" is serfdom not liberty. All governance is tyrannical.

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to be honest I think he was played big time by Fauci. Im not a Trump supporter ( dont live in the USA) but he I think tried hos best but was deliberately led down a path already set by those who wanted this action. Fauci was in on the plan, the jabs were already in motion and the pandemic was supposed to be earlier but Trump WON..shocking. So they regrouped won Trumps Trust and boom here we go

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what about Trumpf? Give due where due belongs.

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Today is orange-phallus day, tomorrow back to reality

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I just put my post on another sub stack but I think it could apply here too.

In America, when a new Mom gives birth and BEFORE she leaves the hospital with her new born baby someone comes with a shot for the baby. A Hep B shot. THEY COULD TEST THE MOM TO SEE IF SHE HAS HEP B BUT THEY DON'T. They wait till after Mom is exhausted from giving birth and then they walk in with a needle and say we need to inject this toxic mess in your new born baby. Then when the new Mom protest they say it is government mandated.

This scenario plays out again and again in our hospitals. A lot of time hospital staff will wake SICK people up in the middle of the night and say they need to be vented because they have covid. They were just sleeping and are sick already. They aren't expecting this. It is meant to be a shock. They don't have time to think and they aren't in their right mind to think. It is SURPISE!!!!!!! It is meant so they don't have the time to process the repercussions of this. They are standing there in a white coat, looking like the "authority". Kind of like the milgram experiment.

The new Mom, before she realizes what is happening has now agreed to inject their new precious baby with heavy metals for something their baby probably doesn't have. This starts in the new Mom's eyes that it is okay and normal to give toxic shots, probably with heavy metals, to their child as they grow. The New Mom never knows what their kid personality would have been like without toxic metals in them.

Surprisely, for some reason autism rates have gone up. BUT PLEASE DON'T QUESTION THE FACT THAT WE ARE INJECTING NEUROTOXINS, HEAVY METALS, IN OUR BABIES SINCE BIRTH BECAUSE NEUROTOXINS IN SHOTS DON'T SEEM TO AFFECT A CHILD NEUROLOGICALLY IF GIVEN IN A SHOT. ............WTH?????????????????? Really??????? Please don't ever question why the heck they just didn't test the Mom for Hep B if they were so concerned the baby was going to get Hep B from the Mom because I just don't see a lot of new born babies playing with dirty needles.

I agree mark down dates etc of shots etc., however you got to understand most new born babies in the hospital in the U.S. already been injected with heavy metals BEFORE they ever left the hospital. This like the covid plandemic is planned out.

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Wow, I can't help but focus on this sentence: "The New Mom never knows what their kid personality would have been like without toxic metals in them." So true, and so sad. Especially since there are high rates of ADHD and mental illness in kids.

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Yep the poisoning of our children start when they are only hours old. Starts real early. Now with the new covid shots, why wait to poison your new baby when they are just born? Can do it in the womb now. Of course plenty of babies didn't survive that, but it's not like the elite who conducts the genocide will shed a tear.

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How can people take their babies to be injected SEVEN times in one visit!!!!!!! Seven shots of whatever coursing through those little bodies. No wonder some many children are on the autism spectrum and have multiple chronic illnesses and allergies. Their immune systems have barely started to work before they are stuffed full of chemicals and poisons. (And I still believe a "proper" vaccine against diptheria is better than having diptheria. But space them out and wait a while at least)

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So evil.

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I remember hearing about 10 years ago, someone saying, "if vaccine companies truly cared about the health of the public they would give their products away for free and wouldn't have a problem with liability being on them". I scoffed at that remark at the time. Now, after the last 3 years, I understand the point this person was trying to make .

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The last three years have gotten me to the point of ‘most vaccines are bad.’ But the rabies one has me stumped. Can anyone point me to some good reading on this?

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copied from an article By Corey Lynn (Corey's Digs) under Catherine Austin Fitts Solari Report. She talks about rabies vaccine for dogs. https://home.solari.com/22-ways-to-stop-vaccine-id-passports-in-2022-and-why-we-must/

One day, when I was out of state, I ventured into a veterinarian’s office with my dog. Despite his need for immediate attention, the vet refused to see him without vaccination records to show he was “up-to-date” on his rabies shot. Weeks later I attempted to bring him to a dog groomer to have his nails trimmed and was faced with the same issue – no entry. When I returned back home, I had high hopes of taking my dog to a new 20-acre dog park, only to find that it required an annual pass for access, which of course was not possible without proof of the rabies shot. Sound familiar? What the corrupt establishment has done to our animals is what they are now rolling out for humans through the vaccine ID passport, only with far greater repercussions and control because they are heading straight for your bank account.

A Quick Dose of Reality You Can Relate To: The System Has Already Been Tested

Just a few years after the rabies immunization for dogs became available, in 1983 they released the movie “Cujo” that had Americans scared half to death of their dog becoming rabid and turning on them. Let’s put aside “rabies” for one moment and look at the system that billionaire funders of big pharma and policymakers quickly put into place. They made the vaccine mandatory, assigned an ID tag that dogs must wear, stored the information and address of the dog and its owner in a database, informed healthcare, retail, park services, and businesses that they should not provide services to those without this ID. If one doesn’t abide by this law, the owner can be fined, dog quarantined and force-vaccinated.

The system they are creating for human beings has long been tested on pet owners of dogs, and most dogs are even chipped. It is also being run through the livestock industry via RFID tags, which Corey’s Digs previously reported on. They want every living being tracked and controlled because ultimately, we are all livestock to them. Just as they are running obedience training PreK-Adult throughout the entire education system and beyond, they are doing the same obedience training through vaccine ID passports.

Now I know what you’re thinking. “But, but, rabies is truly dangerous and life threatening, making these laws justifiable.” As far back as 2008, a study showed that half of the puppies and kittens in the U.S. were not even being vaccinated at all, and trends have shown that more and more people have either completely stopped the rabies shot or are not doing follow-up shots because studies have proven that one shot provides immunization for up to 6 years, not just 3 years. There are over 90 million dogs inhabiting 63 million households in the U.S. with only 60-70 annually contracting rabies. According to the CDC, wild animals that carry rabies, such as bats, raccoons, skunks, and foxes, account for 5,000 annual cases in the U.S., with just 60-70 dogs contracting it. Of those dogs who contract it, there is less than 1 dog bite of humans annually. In a 58-year stretch, between 1960-2018, there have only been 127 cases of humans contracting rabies, of which 70% were from bat bites.

So I ask, if nearly half the country has limited or forgone the rabies shot for their dog, do these numbers above reflect a significant risk? This isn’t to say that pet owners should forego the rabies shot all together, but if they choose that option, should there be a law in place that bans them from access to healthcare and other services for their dog? Should their be fines, quarantines, and forced vaccination? They have tested this system on pet owners for years, and half the U.S. population willingly went along with this without even questioning it. Sound familiar?

Whereas, there are some states allowing for a Titer test to determine if there are still antibodies in the dog to forgo a follow-up rabies shot, that option is scarce. And whereas, there are scientific studies proving it provides much longer immunity, states and establishments don’t seem to be taking that scientific evidence into account. Meanwhile, adverse events, and in some cases death, after receiving the rabies jab have become a grave concern for pet owners, leaving them feeling backed in a corner, much like the Covid-19 jab mandates.

When we take a look at Covid cases, it is the same pattern, only on a grander scale and with a much less life-threatening issue, with the main difference being the complete and utter exaggeration of the “virus” and case counts. So are lockdowns, mask mandates, mandatory jabs and boosters, vaccine ID passports being the only way in to restaurants and businesses, and mass scale data collection, justifiable, or have they done far more harm than good?

They are treating you like a dog, and they didn’t even show dogs the respect they deserve. You are nothing more than livestock to them. Do you want to be treated this way? Do you want your entire existence and that of your children’s to be controlled? Dogs may not be able to fight back, but we sure can.

Researchers at NIAID, under the supervision of Dr. Anthony Fauci, seem to have had no problem with force-injecting 44 beagle puppies with an experimental drug and severing their vocal cords so they wouldn’t have to hear them bark in pain, all before killing and dissecting them. Does this sound like humane people? Do you believe a dog is any different than a human to them, when they have treated humans in the same way by keeping prophylaxis treatment to Covid, neglecting cancer patients of their treatment by closing off access to hospitals, and leaving the elderly to die alone?

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And the vets know the rabies shots cause cancer in animals - a vet told me this.

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And add please, that Fauci NIH studies are usually corrupted in some way. Like the study on hydroxychloloroquine. They mega over dosed people with hydroxychloquine and said it wasn't healthy for a person. When you get a head ache do you take the whole bottle of aspirins and then say aspirins didn't help your head ache and made you sick? There are many ways to corrupt a study just like there are many ways to kill someone in a hospital. They don't just have to give the patients Remdesivir to kill a patient. The options for corrupting a study are endless like the options to kill someone in a hospital are endless. Then just lie afterwards. Or don't give the details out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tuvFN-URWo

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Thank you for sharing such valuable information

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I just saw this on Dr Tenpenny, sounds very interesting. "Watch the trailer of my interview with homeopathic veterinarian Dr. Will Falconer. Dr. Falconer started out in "common medical practices" before an inspiration led him to his full homeopathic practice treating animals without drugs. Educating pet owners and empowering them to bring prevention back to its natural roots became his larger calling.

In our interview, we discuss:

- Animal vaccinations & side effects

- Homeopath pet health

- Pet food market & ideal diets

- Vital Animal

Watch full episode here: 


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Sounds like you just wrote about Dr. Robert Morse, but only he mostly is for people. :). Dr. Morse got lots of videos about good health on https://drmorse.tv. I really like Dr. Morse. Been following him for about a decade now.

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Dorothy Ann, I watched a few of Dr. Morse's videos. He's awesome! Thanks again for the info.

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Thanks, I'll check him out

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You have to understand EVERY, I mean EVERY vaccine has something toxic in it or otherwise it would just pass right through your body. The toxin is designed to create vaccine memory in your body. Think of an organic apple. You eat it and since no toxic loads are in it, you just pass it right out of your body in a day or two. Since they can't make a shot last just a day or two in your body they have to put toxin crap in it. Vaccine manufacturers would not be allowed to market a shot that only stays in the body a day or two.


Now can your body handle the toxin load? I don't know. Depends on how much toxic mess is in it? How healthy are you to handle the toxic load? We always should have been talking about the risk versus the benefit of putting toxins in us, especially our babies. Is this a true pandemic? Is the risk of harm from the shot worth the risk of harm from rabies? This discussion you should be having with the doctor, but most doctors don't know this or won't talk about it. Doctors are not trained to talk about it.

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I totally accept that - but as far as I can tell, rabies is 100% fatal, and timely rabies vaccination is almost 100% preventative. It is the only jab I can think of that I would consider taking anymore. My little girl had it after an encounter with a stray dog in an endemic area. I agonised over the decision. I guess I will never know if I made the right call.

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That is why I always add, is the risk of harm from the shot worth the risk of harm from rabie sor what ever you are trying to prevent? Maybe sometimes it would be worth injecting a toxin in someone in a true pandemic, or like you said someone bit by a rabid animal. I don't know. I'm not a doctor.

The problem is even the doctors don't really know what is in a vaccine. They don't do test on the person to understand just how well their organs are functioning to see if their body can take on another toxin. Our doctors are trained in Rockerfeller medicine. The "vaccine" training isn't much I hear. Rockerfeller medicine is about giving out, a lot of times, harmful meds and cutting open people.

Doctors should be trained more in proper nutrition and herbs if you ask me.

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The real science is out and has proven the covid shots are a toxin that can cause death. Too much fraud has occurred and prosecution is eminent. All shots must stop immediately which will save lives.

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I pretty much agree with this all-encompassing statement.

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