I like the idea behind this. Not a protest, just a demonstration of presence, a show of (hopefully) overwhelming numbers. A simple statement (borrowing from Anonymous): 'You screwed us all, you poked us, prodded us, messed up our lives and murdered our friends and family. We are legion. We do not forget. We do not forgive. We are here. We are ready. You should have expected us.'

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You should have expected us. Absolutely. I really couldn't be bothered before March 2020. They should have left us well alone.

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I’ve been ready and fighting for over 30 years locally, statewide and federally. I saw the writing on the wall. This covid plandemic was the last straw! We must stop these evil monsters before they destroy all that we hold dear! Our kids deserve better than what is happening now and they deserve a good future without these evil predators!

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Bravo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fa_qE3hpVas

The battle is spiritual and we need to invoke His omnipotent powers beyond our understanding!

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It is absolutely spiritual and that is how we need to fight the battle. We have God on our side if enough of us realize it and pray for His help. That is the only way we will and can win. We can’t do it on our own. Accept Jesus and start praying everyone.

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Bravo Katinka - spread the Word of God in every way you can. My Letter is read in 70+ countries and all 50 US States and I always try to include His message as relevant. https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/coronation-special-rules-for-rulers?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=762792&post_id=119659638&isFreemail=false&utm_medium=email



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I've recently tried to highlight the important role Substack (and its independent, real journalists) are playing to preserve real freedom. The unsung heroes are those who are putting "skin into the game" and supporting their favorite Substack authors with paid subscriptions. I call this very-small group the "Silent Minority."

Thank you!


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Yes! I don't think the public is forgetting this time like we have so often in the past. I've absolutely had it with these monsters.

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Joel Excellent... Show and action of UNITY.. Something they FEAR, just like they put us in FEAR... Only this FEAR of UNITY is real for them because they know that we are AWAKE and UNITED.. They FEAR that more than anything.. Like JOEL said, they overplayed their hand and they went to far like the maniacs and psychopaths they are, because they have money and connections and EVIL in their hearts they think they are invincible and can do whatever their money gives them the power to do...

People are UNITED and MAD and they are not going to take it anymore.. We know your intentions from the beginning were to murder and destroy... We no longer believe your LIES of " Good Intentions" for humanity LOL, what a joke.. You EVIL people always want the respect and honor of the GOOD, so you come like you just want to help, but your intentions were always EVIL, just like your ancestor parents before you that you follow.. Well you will go where they went soon.. WE know you are censoring the TRUTH, because LIES and LIARS FEAR the TRUTH... When you come the next time it will no longer be easy.. We have had enough and we are DONE with GATES and FAUCI, and all Health people, Government, Mandates, Corporations, DONE.. No more complying, everything will be INFORM first, give me the data, when the DATA is wrong which it will be, there will be no CONSENT..

No more signing any documents without reading all of it to see what rights you are stealing.. A lot more coming..

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they think they are invincible and can do whatever their money gives them the power to do...

As did Marie Anoinette, and Czar Nicholas II come to that. They thought they were invincible because the peasants believed they were literally Gods on earth.

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Well said, Bill - with you all the way and perfectly put. I humbly add my 2 cents: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/the-financial-jigsaw-part-2-special-ec0?utm_source=email

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The best way to irradiate a bunch of folks is to get them all together in one space. Just sayin, I trust nothing. I will still try to participate worldwide, but I will never gather in large groups, microwave weapons too powerful and ubiquitious. Yes, I am a pessimist with a bit of optimist around the edges.

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That would be the very worst thing they could do. Can you imagine how big our numbers would swell after such a massacre of innocent people? Remember, there's potentially 8 billion of us.

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Hi Joel,

Irradiating a targeted group might be done so only a few have heart attacks or strokes. Most wouldn't directly feel anything, but would come down with a flu or cold or would develop a serious illness that doesn't appear until months later like cancer.

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Assuming non-ionising radiation, they would not be able to do that without causing many immediate side-effects. It would be very obvious what they were trying to do.

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I will let you go first, as they say. No big groups gathering is my rule, for now, for multiple reasons. But I am asocial anyway, always have been. I know there is a human need for gathering, but I can only do about a dozen or overwhelm. One good dose of irradiation can ruin your whole day, (as they are soon to say?) best

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On the other hand, these monsters getting together in one place, at their silly evil meetings can be a very good thing for us. Take them out all at once. This is war.

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Agreed. Just need one missle

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I’ve had it with these self proclaimed elites! I will never, ever forget what these malignant narcissists did to me!!!!

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For those that cannot or will not attend (no judgement btw), I suggest if you have the skills, target the WHO website and hack it, overload it, jam it up at exactly the same moment as those meeting in person.

Let them know, we are more than what they can see. We are more than what they want us to be. We are many, we remember, we do not forget.


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Good idea

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Agreed - great idea BH, thank you, but beyond my outdated skills - my sons are into tech so I will take the war to them! In the meantime IMHO we must avoid direct confrontation because they have immense power, not least of which is martial law and I think this is what they want. However, as you suggest, we hold the power to peacefully resist by NOT COMPLYING:


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I'm ready and I have God on my side.

"Finally, go on acquiring power in the Lord and in the mightiness of his strength. Put on the complete suit of armour from God so that you may be able to stand firm against the crafty acts of the Devil. Because we have a struggle, not against blood and flesh, but against the governments, against the authorities, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places. For this reason take up the complete suit of armour from God, so that you may be able to resist in the wicked day and, after you have accomplished everything, to stand firm." [Ephesians 6: 10-13]

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Its about time we all banded together as ONE to resist & expose the corrupt politicians,socialists,WEF,WHO & myriad other “New World Order”cabol. Also the corrupted voting machines,forced killer vaccines,Gates,Fauci,our children being indoctrinated by lgbtq teachers & groomed. We all need to demand that our rights be reinstated,freedom of speech,choice of religion,choice of medical procedures,etc. Also the right to know what our school kids are taught. No more changing biology & confusing our kids,truth there are only TWO sexes. No more pornouns to confuse the masses. The WOKE socialists are also changing our vocabulary from mom & dad to caretakers, pregnant women to pregnant people,I could go on but I know you all get where I am coming from!

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WORLD WIDE RALLY FOR FREEDOM 12.0 .... May 20, 2023..... #WewillALLbethere https://gettr.com/post/p2gfu8f6144

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Excellent! Thanks for posting. I am actually in the country, hooray; I shall be there in London, flowers in my hair, smile on my face, hoping to be one of very, very many. 🙂

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I am heading to my neighbors in New Brunswick for the event there.

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Disappointing turnout. Are you here?

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Oh, is this a bible thing?

Shame if so.

I thought it was a humanity thing

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è vero siamo tanti, ma siamo troppo dispersi nel pianeta. nella mia cerchia di conoscenti siamo solo in 8, siamo stati tagliati fuori e con noi parlano solo del tempo e delle cazzate quotidiane. nessuno vuole asoltarci, neanche con i dati alla mano. 35 anni fa mi sono laureata in statistisca ma non l'ho mai messa in pratica. con questa pandemia le reminescenze sono a volte affiorate per intero a volte solo come flash, ma fin da subito i loro dati mi sono sembrati errati, fallaci. quando cerco di far capire al "gregge di pecore" (non meritano altro epiteto) che i dati che ci vengono mostrati dal mainstream e dai nostri "governanti" (parola esagerata) sono falsi e tendenzioni per questo, questo, questo e questo motivo, mi ridono dietro dicendo che IO sto cospirando. non sono medico ma l'influenza non si cura con "tachipirina e vigile attesa" ne ho avute di influenze e il mio medico (sempre lo stesso) mi faceva prendere la vitamina C con gli antiinfiammatori insieme all'aerosol magari con cortisone se la tosse era brutta e all'occorrenz anche l'antibiotico. quando al "gregge" dico questo vengo accusata di parlare a sproposito visto che nn sono medico e non sono inforata delle ultimissime cure. MA ANDATE TUTTI A FARVI FOTTERE DAL LUPO GREGGE INSOLENTE, OTTUSO e LOBOTOMIZZATO.

scusate lo sfogo ♥

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