It seems there is still much work to be done, more than I thought to be honest. Mainly because there are still so many normies with their heads in the sand.
Except he still wants to be part of the system that has lied to us all. He complied with all mandates, knows it's all pointless but still wants to serve the machine.
He says at the end he went along with all of it so he could become a doctor and do good for future patients, but he won’t be any help to them if he’s afraid of speaking out against every other medical and scientific orthodoxy with false bases and the policies and practices based thereupon that collectively contribute to medical malpractice and prescription drugs being one of the leading causes of death in the US. In my case, I’ve lost all trust in the medical profession, scientific establishment, and regulatory process. Until radical change happens, I will avoid doctors offices, including psychiatrists, and hospitals like the plague, as I’m much more afraid of them than any invisible imaginary microbe. The only exceptions being severe physical trauma, broken bones, etc. I think it’s now evident to everyone who’s paid attention the past couple of years that it’s no longer tenable to look for truthful information or put our health in the hands of so-called experts, rather it’s a matter of life and death to take responsibility for ourselves to seek and find accurate information and change our lifestyles to achieve optimal health and prevent disease. It seems a far off dream that there might ever be a time in my life when i will ever feel like I can fell good about the institutions - every one - of society and their leadership.
Okay, so it's a little hypocritical this stance of saying "I'm against the herd mentality, but do nothing to impede it."
Wtf is EVERYONE ELSE HERE doing to impede it?
Name one other thing where "I informed others about the problem then waited for anyone else to come fix it for me" is a valid response. Right, it's 100% avoidance of responsibility.
Yet EVERYONE HERE is doing it. Smalley is informing us, waiting for us to... I don't know what. We're waiting for him & his guests to do... not sure what. Everyone is waiting for Daddy-Government to save us the trouble by... again, no one even seems capable of EXPRESSING WHAT needs to be done.
Aside from me, does anyone even THINK we need A Plan? If this isn't going to change ITSELF, then what's The Plan TO change it?
You just expressed how disappointed you are that this someone else didn't do something you yourself haven't done either. When it's YOU, you're gonna say "I'm just One Person, utterly powerless."
Isn't that true for the everyone else you're waiting for? Don't we need MASS public support for ANYONE'S efforts to succeed?
So what's the excuse for not discussing The Plan with all the like-minded people here? You all want the solution to be done by someone else.
WHO? Children are being KILLED while you wait. So WHO are you waiting FOR?
I voice my opinion at every opportunity as a research scientist. Some agree with the state of the world and my perspective and some think vax saved humanity. But most people want to move I am a party breaker but who hopes I am somehow wrong how this will progress
He may be engaging in a sort of infiltration of the medical industry. If the person manages to get licensed, he might be able to do much more good than his walking away on the very outset would.
From my limited experience so far, it seems that many physicians are retiring early, and some are being eliminated from the field by regulators. But I suspect a lot more of them are passively resisting the push for jabbing everyone, by only paying lip service to their employers' and the medical boards' requirement to push the poison.
My physician, for instance, does not even personally bring it up to me. His medical assistant/intake person asks if I've had the 'Corona vaccine'. I calmly say one word, "No." The physician has yet to push it on me or my child who is also a patient. I'm sure if I requested it, he would arrange to have me jabbed. I am sincerely grateful that he is providing care without coercion!
So there really are physicians who are doing a world of good by offering non-coercive patient care, while still keeping their jobs and licenses. This means the WORLD to my family right now!
Careful. Everyone thinks that merely expressing discontent with that notion = not doing it. But I have yet to get anyone who CLAIMS to be against following the herd to do one thing against it either.
I wrote here that I had A Plan to legally, non-violently remove the powers of corporations to get their agendas forwarded into policy ever again.
Yep. I don't want to call it serving one's paradigm, but here he is, speaking as if Some Great Force is going to listen & make Daddy ('Government') "Turn Moral." So he believes at the same time that Daddy ISN'T presently moral, but that he means to be, only can't at present.
So, yeah, if we want things done, lives saved, WE need to create a mechanism that gets things changed 1) that forces instead of begs the immoral people in decision-making power to change or leave their positions, that 2) appeals to the masses because we can't accomplish this without mass support.
This is hard only because most people are like him, paralyzed with terror at the thought of standing up to authority figures, so willing to wait as long as it takes for the imaginary Great Force to come around.
I'm not afraid. I came up with a plan to reduce or remove the powers of anyone to forward such harmful agendas into policy years before this. The problem? Can't get support to enact it.
The support I need to get it started is completely separate from getting the public's support. Once people see others have started a thing, they will feel relieved & less terrified to join. So the initial support at the organizing stage is completely separate from getting the public's support, which is much easier.
How about you? If someone FOUND a perfectly legal, non-violent means of growing grass roots support for a means to and corporate power & influence would you be tempted to support it?
"Challenge accepted." Everyone who has replied with "of course" beforehand has walked away from this without explanation. Let's recap: 1) the vaccines don't mandate themselves. 2) Neither do their manufacturers. No nation's citizens would ever accept dictates from corporations.
So, obviously, the mental excuse everyone makes is that "Our politicians' decisions can not be questioned. Once THEY say A, we accept A."
THIS has to be dealt with. Because what can we do WITHOUT mass public support?
So, a secondary recap: the vaccine manufacturers AND decision-makers in charge are not now nor ever will VOLUNTARILY MAKE the changes we want. We either have to gain some power over their decision-making or remove some of theirs, & the only power capable of making that happen is the support of people who will never consciously GIVE support to such a thing.
Are you still with me?
If you FEEL I'm wrong, then tell me why the people here are doing absolutely nothing to challenge the powers of those mandating what they know is killing children. Don't give me any other excuse, it's imaginary. If you wouldn't allow Kim Jong-un or the corporations themselves to do this, then there is NO OTHER REASON THAN it's "our politicians" doing this. No subtlety. Show me examples of people following corporate rule without their governments upholding corporate rule.
If you see some other way around this, by all means share. But the problems are that the ones in charge WANT things this way, the only force capable of making them change against their will is MASS public pressure, & protesting/begging Daddy-Government to please behave better or we'll cry louder = begging to retain one's belief in government, not holding politicians accountable. They're NOT holding them accountable.
How can we change their decisions without holding them accountable?
and if the normies dominate in a group, like an extended family or a social group, or a church or a workplace, then they all band together to nod and affirm each other's brainwashing, while also making the group (which, I emphasize, includes families) hostile to anyone who tries to raise a speck of dissenting opinion.
The normies think the dissenters are the crazy/brainwashed ones.
Midazolam used in care homes in the UK during 2020? A whistleblower, who was a family member of a care home victim, had evidence that midazolam had been purchased by the nhs in large quantity and used for end stage care of care home pts. This was during Matt Hancock’s reign of terror. The whistleblower, Wayne Smith died mysteriously after investigating midazolam. A warning to anyone else tempted to whistleblow?
Food (starvation) and climate agenda next on the global terrorists agenda. Del Bigtree interviewed Majid Nawaz last night on the Highwire episode 287. An excellent interview. Majid spent a few minutes defining the word “terrorist”. More specifically the way government agencies are redefining the word terrorist and applying it those who do not agree with the gov’t narrative on covid or climate change. Instead of calling a person a protestor, under our gov’ts recent legislation, the protestor is now called a terrorist and can imprisoned under law. Things appear to be moving quickly. Some days I wish I could bury my head in the sand, like so many.
This is so far beyond appalling. What grief for the families of those who were killed by this drug when they might have been treated differently and recovered. So SOMEONE very high up in the deep state administration, apparently untraceable, made an order IN ADVANCE to stockpile a product which is essentially a euthanasia drug, get it written into standard of care protocol for Covid disease so that it would be given without need for individual physician oversight, which resulted in many more people dying in hospital of "Covid", for the purpose of manipulating the public into fear of a 'virus' for which a purportedly lifesaving 'vaccine' would soon be available. And then a handful of billionaires holding stock in those vaccine companies got even richer. What a coincidence.
DnRs And advanced care directives were created by dying with dignity to make it easier to murder people. ACD at the end of the day, and medical power of attorney ( which I had with my mother) are meaningless. Drs and nurses can do whatever they want to you.
Sure sounds like murder he is describing. I watched my mother go into the hospital last year in the U.S. There was a nurse that seemed to care about her well being, but the doctor didn't seem to give a crap, and actually recommended bad treatment and release, when my mom wasn't even able to to get out of bed! Luckily I was actually there to see what the doctor was trying to do to my mom and was able to make sure it didn't happen.
I know this has been beat to death, but this is what you get with a government run health system. In the U.S. we simply replaced direct government involvement with a public/private partnership...sound familiar?
This has been going on for decades- the Liverpool care pathway( as mentioned) is a death protocol that Dying with dignity( originally called the euthanasia society) have pushed with so called " comfort care" for 40 years. My 69 year old mother in Australia was murdered this way. She was recovering from a broken leg, and for some reason ( her vitals were good) they put her on medazalam, morphine and haldol. She was a nurse, and told me they intended to kill her, I didn't belive her at first....I will not go into the horror of how these drugs original drove her mad, then the Drs said it was the dying process, it was a self fulfilling prophesy. If you put someone in a drug induced coma, with no fluids, and give EFFING LAXATIVES????? They will obviously die. I slept by her hospital bed trying to protect her, the hospital lied about what they were doing and murdered her. I still have the recordings of her begging the nurses not to give her the drugs. This shattered me. Watching the medical murder of my mother and best friend. The covid death protocols have been done for decades in hospitals, hospice, nursing homes, and with retarded people and babies. It's eugenics. Hopefully with the wholesale slaughter of hundreds of thousands in hospital the world is waking up. I doubt it though, this murder of people has been widely documented pre covid, even the former pope weighed in on it- and nothing changed. The death cult in the West is flourishing and protected by government, the WHO, the world bank, and the media.
I cannot speak directly to the cases Dr. Yeadon describes but Midazolam (Versed) plus Fentanyl are routinely used here in the US for colonoscopies etc. Not nearly as much as they used to be because of the advent of Propofol. Close monitoring obviously required in case oxygen levels drop. To give morphine to someone whose breathing is already compromised is pure folly to say the least
I worked as an RN for many years assisting with GI procedures. We used Midazolam/Versed to sedate patients. In most people it takes very low doses to cause sedation and it’s easy to cause a respiratory arrest by giving too much or when given with other medications that cause sedation. Excellent medication when used properly with caution. It also causes amnesia and is short acting. Upsetting to hear of the rampant evil in medicine today.
A good friend's cousin - a nurse in Wellington - informed me that she had given this to Covid patients ending life. She said she felt badly about doing it - but from what I gathered she felt it was necessary because those put down were beyond saving.
Perhaps true as no doubt they were very old and riddled with disease... but perhaps not -- they could have been treated with Ivermectin and Hydroxy....
You and Dr Yeadon are two of our HEROS. We have to be greater than the sadness and keep working to be brave, loud and united. Thank you
It seems there is still much work to be done, more than I thought to be honest. Mainly because there are still so many normies with their heads in the sand.
I saw this, and it made me a little hopeful for the future:
A Medical Student's Thoughts During COVID-19: Crazy Policies
By Anonymous, East Coast Medical Student, MS2
Except he still wants to be part of the system that has lied to us all. He complied with all mandates, knows it's all pointless but still wants to serve the machine.
He says at the end he went along with all of it so he could become a doctor and do good for future patients, but he won’t be any help to them if he’s afraid of speaking out against every other medical and scientific orthodoxy with false bases and the policies and practices based thereupon that collectively contribute to medical malpractice and prescription drugs being one of the leading causes of death in the US. In my case, I’ve lost all trust in the medical profession, scientific establishment, and regulatory process. Until radical change happens, I will avoid doctors offices, including psychiatrists, and hospitals like the plague, as I’m much more afraid of them than any invisible imaginary microbe. The only exceptions being severe physical trauma, broken bones, etc. I think it’s now evident to everyone who’s paid attention the past couple of years that it’s no longer tenable to look for truthful information or put our health in the hands of so-called experts, rather it’s a matter of life and death to take responsibility for ourselves to seek and find accurate information and change our lifestyles to achieve optimal health and prevent disease. It seems a far off dream that there might ever be a time in my life when i will ever feel like I can fell good about the institutions - every one - of society and their leadership.
Okay, so it's a little hypocritical this stance of saying "I'm against the herd mentality, but do nothing to impede it."
Wtf is EVERYONE ELSE HERE doing to impede it?
Name one other thing where "I informed others about the problem then waited for anyone else to come fix it for me" is a valid response. Right, it's 100% avoidance of responsibility.
Yet EVERYONE HERE is doing it. Smalley is informing us, waiting for us to... I don't know what. We're waiting for him & his guests to do... not sure what. Everyone is waiting for Daddy-Government to save us the trouble by... again, no one even seems capable of EXPRESSING WHAT needs to be done.
Aside from me, does anyone even THINK we need A Plan? If this isn't going to change ITSELF, then what's The Plan TO change it?
You just expressed how disappointed you are that this someone else didn't do something you yourself haven't done either. When it's YOU, you're gonna say "I'm just One Person, utterly powerless."
Isn't that true for the everyone else you're waiting for? Don't we need MASS public support for ANYONE'S efforts to succeed?
So what's the excuse for not discussing The Plan with all the like-minded people here? You all want the solution to be done by someone else.
WHO? Children are being KILLED while you wait. So WHO are you waiting FOR?
I voice my opinion at every opportunity as a research scientist. Some agree with the state of the world and my perspective and some think vax saved humanity. But most people want to move I am a party breaker but who hopes I am somehow wrong how this will progress
Like. Yes, mass pushback is needed. I agree we need a plan and we all need to step up. Maybe educating people as to what is going on is first?
He may be engaging in a sort of infiltration of the medical industry. If the person manages to get licensed, he might be able to do much more good than his walking away on the very outset would.
Sounds optimistic, but perhaps. If so, "May the force be with him". ; )
From my limited experience so far, it seems that many physicians are retiring early, and some are being eliminated from the field by regulators. But I suspect a lot more of them are passively resisting the push for jabbing everyone, by only paying lip service to their employers' and the medical boards' requirement to push the poison.
My physician, for instance, does not even personally bring it up to me. His medical assistant/intake person asks if I've had the 'Corona vaccine'. I calmly say one word, "No." The physician has yet to push it on me or my child who is also a patient. I'm sure if I requested it, he would arrange to have me jabbed. I am sincerely grateful that he is providing care without coercion!
So there really are physicians who are doing a world of good by offering non-coercive patient care, while still keeping their jobs and licenses. This means the WORLD to my family right now!
Knowingly following the herd.....
Careful. Everyone thinks that merely expressing discontent with that notion = not doing it. But I have yet to get anyone who CLAIMS to be against following the herd to do one thing against it either.
I wrote here that I had A Plan to legally, non-violently remove the powers of corporations to get their agendas forwarded into policy ever again.
See anyone volunteering to help?
I did not see it. Please give me the link?
Yep. I don't want to call it serving one's paradigm, but here he is, speaking as if Some Great Force is going to listen & make Daddy ('Government') "Turn Moral." So he believes at the same time that Daddy ISN'T presently moral, but that he means to be, only can't at present.
So, yeah, if we want things done, lives saved, WE need to create a mechanism that gets things changed 1) that forces instead of begs the immoral people in decision-making power to change or leave their positions, that 2) appeals to the masses because we can't accomplish this without mass support.
This is hard only because most people are like him, paralyzed with terror at the thought of standing up to authority figures, so willing to wait as long as it takes for the imaginary Great Force to come around.
I'm not afraid. I came up with a plan to reduce or remove the powers of anyone to forward such harmful agendas into policy years before this. The problem? Can't get support to enact it.
The support I need to get it started is completely separate from getting the public's support. Once people see others have started a thing, they will feel relieved & less terrified to join. So the initial support at the organizing stage is completely separate from getting the public's support, which is much easier.
How about you? If someone FOUND a perfectly legal, non-violent means of growing grass roots support for a means to and corporate power & influence would you be tempted to support it?
Of course
"Challenge accepted." Everyone who has replied with "of course" beforehand has walked away from this without explanation. Let's recap: 1) the vaccines don't mandate themselves. 2) Neither do their manufacturers. No nation's citizens would ever accept dictates from corporations.
So, obviously, the mental excuse everyone makes is that "Our politicians' decisions can not be questioned. Once THEY say A, we accept A."
THIS has to be dealt with. Because what can we do WITHOUT mass public support?
So, a secondary recap: the vaccine manufacturers AND decision-makers in charge are not now nor ever will VOLUNTARILY MAKE the changes we want. We either have to gain some power over their decision-making or remove some of theirs, & the only power capable of making that happen is the support of people who will never consciously GIVE support to such a thing.
Are you still with me?
If you FEEL I'm wrong, then tell me why the people here are doing absolutely nothing to challenge the powers of those mandating what they know is killing children. Don't give me any other excuse, it's imaginary. If you wouldn't allow Kim Jong-un or the corporations themselves to do this, then there is NO OTHER REASON THAN it's "our politicians" doing this. No subtlety. Show me examples of people following corporate rule without their governments upholding corporate rule.
If you see some other way around this, by all means share. But the problems are that the ones in charge WANT things this way, the only force capable of making them change against their will is MASS public pressure, & protesting/begging Daddy-Government to please behave better or we'll cry louder = begging to retain one's belief in government, not holding politicians accountable. They're NOT holding them accountable.
How can we change their decisions without holding them accountable?
That is an encouraging article. Thanks for sharing.
and if the normies dominate in a group, like an extended family or a social group, or a church or a workplace, then they all band together to nod and affirm each other's brainwashing, while also making the group (which, I emphasize, includes families) hostile to anyone who tries to raise a speck of dissenting opinion.
The normies think the dissenters are the crazy/brainwashed ones.
Midazolam used in care homes in the UK during 2020? A whistleblower, who was a family member of a care home victim, had evidence that midazolam had been purchased by the nhs in large quantity and used for end stage care of care home pts. This was during Matt Hancock’s reign of terror. The whistleblower, Wayne Smith died mysteriously after investigating midazolam. A warning to anyone else tempted to whistleblow?
Yes. That was a warning..and enough of one.
Food (starvation) and climate agenda next on the global terrorists agenda. Del Bigtree interviewed Majid Nawaz last night on the Highwire episode 287. An excellent interview. Majid spent a few minutes defining the word “terrorist”. More specifically the way government agencies are redefining the word terrorist and applying it those who do not agree with the gov’t narrative on covid or climate change. Instead of calling a person a protestor, under our gov’ts recent legislation, the protestor is now called a terrorist and can imprisoned under law. Things appear to be moving quickly. Some days I wish I could bury my head in the sand, like so many.
This is so far beyond appalling. What grief for the families of those who were killed by this drug when they might have been treated differently and recovered. So SOMEONE very high up in the deep state administration, apparently untraceable, made an order IN ADVANCE to stockpile a product which is essentially a euthanasia drug, get it written into standard of care protocol for Covid disease so that it would be given without need for individual physician oversight, which resulted in many more people dying in hospital of "Covid", for the purpose of manipulating the public into fear of a 'virus' for which a purportedly lifesaving 'vaccine' would soon be available. And then a handful of billionaires holding stock in those vaccine companies got even richer. What a coincidence.
And care homes. Plus DNRs.
DnRs And advanced care directives were created by dying with dignity to make it easier to murder people. ACD at the end of the day, and medical power of attorney ( which I had with my mother) are meaningless. Drs and nurses can do whatever they want to you.
The U.S. similarly bulked up Midazolam supplies too.
Sure sounds like murder he is describing. I watched my mother go into the hospital last year in the U.S. There was a nurse that seemed to care about her well being, but the doctor didn't seem to give a crap, and actually recommended bad treatment and release, when my mom wasn't even able to to get out of bed! Luckily I was actually there to see what the doctor was trying to do to my mom and was able to make sure it didn't happen.
I know this has been beat to death, but this is what you get with a government run health system. In the U.S. we simply replaced direct government involvement with a public/private partnership...sound familiar?
We need to abolsh all public//private partnerships...but how can we enforce?
This has been going on for decades- the Liverpool care pathway( as mentioned) is a death protocol that Dying with dignity( originally called the euthanasia society) have pushed with so called " comfort care" for 40 years. My 69 year old mother in Australia was murdered this way. She was recovering from a broken leg, and for some reason ( her vitals were good) they put her on medazalam, morphine and haldol. She was a nurse, and told me they intended to kill her, I didn't belive her at first....I will not go into the horror of how these drugs original drove her mad, then the Drs said it was the dying process, it was a self fulfilling prophesy. If you put someone in a drug induced coma, with no fluids, and give EFFING LAXATIVES????? They will obviously die. I slept by her hospital bed trying to protect her, the hospital lied about what they were doing and murdered her. I still have the recordings of her begging the nurses not to give her the drugs. This shattered me. Watching the medical murder of my mother and best friend. The covid death protocols have been done for decades in hospitals, hospice, nursing homes, and with retarded people and babies. It's eugenics. Hopefully with the wholesale slaughter of hundreds of thousands in hospital the world is waking up. I doubt it though, this murder of people has been widely documented pre covid, even the former pope weighed in on it- and nothing changed. The death cult in the West is flourishing and protected by government, the WHO, the world bank, and the media.
So much evidence of massive wrong-doing. In a murder mystery it would be called, "murder most foul."
I cannot speak directly to the cases Dr. Yeadon describes but Midazolam (Versed) plus Fentanyl are routinely used here in the US for colonoscopies etc. Not nearly as much as they used to be because of the advent of Propofol. Close monitoring obviously required in case oxygen levels drop. To give morphine to someone whose breathing is already compromised is pure folly to say the least
"Frauds, liars and cowards." That's the sum of it!
I worked as an RN for many years assisting with GI procedures. We used Midazolam/Versed to sedate patients. In most people it takes very low doses to cause sedation and it’s easy to cause a respiratory arrest by giving too much or when given with other medications that cause sedation. Excellent medication when used properly with caution. It also causes amnesia and is short acting. Upsetting to hear of the rampant evil in medicine today.
David Icke has been exposing this senicide component of PSYOP-19 since last year.
There seem to be an inordinate amount of pyshcopaths working in the medical field.
Same info from Sweden was presented by Dr Campbell 2 years ago It was an interview with a Swedish GP, Dr Tallinger.
Me, too. I thought it was just Sweden.
I think saw a British undertaker saying the same as Dr Yeadon, the elderly being sedated to death. I can't remember his name.
I just found a link to the undertaker.
A good friend's cousin - a nurse in Wellington - informed me that she had given this to Covid patients ending life. She said she felt badly about doing it - but from what I gathered she felt it was necessary because those put down were beyond saving.
Perhaps true as no doubt they were very old and riddled with disease... but perhaps not -- they could have been treated with Ivermectin and Hydroxy....
Whatever happened to “Right to Try”? I guess that went right out the window with HIPPA. (In the U.S.)
If I understand correctly the right to try is just relevant to new Pharma meds not the old off-patent ones. How convenient for them...