Thanks for the analysis. The Quebec thing is quite interesting and really makes you go hmmm. This is a province that literally killed off their seniors in homes in the first year of the pandemic (if you showed any COVID symptoms they gave you a lethal dose of sedation). Why would their life year's improve? Maybe because they killed off all their vulnerable before the vaccine to make it look better after? Maybe they sent placebo vax lots to that province. I seriously would not put it past them.

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Quebec and to a lesser extent Ontario are slow to report deaths to Stats Can. Their 2021 death counts will probably increase with each monthly release. Stats Can calculates estimates to make up for the lags, but the “adjusted” numbers aren’t very reliable in estimating “excess” deaths. Alberta and British Columbia are much better at reporting and their data are more up-to-date. (Just a note that the jump in BC deaths in July 2021 were heatwave-related, although the official estimates are lower than the total excess deaths for the month from what I can see. Alberta also reported some heat-related deaths.)

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Ah, the good old inefficiency of officialdom!

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And the Quebec officialdom practices inefficiency pretty well. It may be a bit of “distinct society” spitefulness towards the federal machine, too!

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that's Canada i hate to say

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Both Quebec graphs seems to be the same... copy/paste mishap?

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Alberta’s Deena Hinshaw also reported there were no more suicides than any other year.

I live in Alberta I’ve never heard reports of deaths from the heat last year. My guess is heart attacks masked as heat stroke. You see in Alberta and probably Canada there are no autopsies unless the family request it which is not likely when the Doctor tells them it was their heart or some other lame diagnoses.

Last fall there was a “data leak” a NDP member hacked AHS data. The NDP tried to cover it up while the a Government was asking exactly what he got into. Then nothing not a word from either side.

Next Verna Yiu (AHS CAO) was fired with no explanation given. Keep in mind she had just been granted a renewal to her contract. How much did that cost Alberta? And why no release on what the documents were about, what are they all hiding?

In my local Senior Care Home after the residents were given their second shots 5 seniors had congestive heart failure, never an investigation on the cause . Old people die right? Our Hospital is small in a small community under 1000 people.

How many died in the rest of the homes? I’ve heard of workers saying there sure was a lot of deaths after each round of vaccine dose was given .

People are dying from these vaccines and Joel is proving it. The sooner we stop believing their BS excuses the sooner these murderers can be charged!

This winter Alberta had adds on TV about how the cold can cause heart attacks.

Hospitals were opening Paediatric Stroke Departments the 2 I know of for sure are Hamilton Ontario and Childrens Hospital in Calgary Alberta, how many strokes do children have!!!! Ambulance were told if a child has stroke symptoms off immediately to one of these “Paedeatric Stroke Departments”.

Deena Hinshaw was reporting how young athletes die from myiocarditis.

Yes but it’s very rare. There was a 12 year old athlete drop dead while running shortly after they had the go ahead to vaccinate children last summer. Another young man 26 had Covid recovered then AHS told him to get the shot ,3 days later he died of a massive heart attack. Another young boy 12 years old suddenly died in December 2021. He was a little soccer star. These were all in small communities within 100kl of me. My guess is no autopsies were performed the parents had have been distraught and they would have listened to the Doctor when he probably told them young athletes die from myiocarditis.

In Ponoka Alberta a local Doctor was interviewed by The Western Standard about one of his patients losing her baby very unexpected , apparently she had a really good check up a week before and everything was perfect . She miscarried her almost full term baby a week later. The Doctor contacted his superiors about having the placenta checked for spike protein. The Doctor had obviously looked at the Pfizer data actually he said he had. Since Canada had no such testing available he looked into a US Pathology lab, more difficulty but he pushed harder and finally was approved but he paid for the test himself. Since then I have heard nothing, hushed up and probably Doctor threatened.

A young man from Central Alberta posted that his buddy worked at a gas plant near Rocky Mountain House had gotten the shot then ended up with myiocarditis . He said this kid was offered “Hush money” to not go to the media. He had to sign a non disclosure .They would pay him full compensation for how ever long he was off work which could be months.

It’s all sick and we have got to stop giving these people a free ride!

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Yes, and after all the coverups, AHS has the audacity to come out and say they are concerned with the mental health crises in youth which they acknowledge was caused by the lockdowns. Lockdowns they pushed for. Lockdowns no doctor or nurse was allowed to question under pain of summary firing, public humiliation, and license revocation by AHS. They caused it, they knew it would happen, and now they are "concerned".

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I am born-and-raised in QC (Montreal) and could not help wondering about this weird Quebec thing too... you give very plausible explanations, in fact I think it not at all unlikely both are in play. Thanks, appreciate the insight! And thanks of course to Mr Smalley for the post and all his work.

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Jun 2, 2022
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"NY, MI, PA." How about AZ, WI, and one Carolina or the other?

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Jun 3, 2022
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The reason I asked about those other specific ones is because the 3 you named were 3 of the blue states with the voter fraud recorded in the film "2000 Mules."

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Exactly!! Every country I've looked at that I could get data for (and I am but grasshopper with data collation, compared to mighty Metatron!!) After the shots roll out they start having c19 waves off season and I don't understand why no one is going , "huh, that's totally weird!". Its a respiratory disease, they have always reflected seasonality. The excuse used, when I mention it- " but it's a novel virus, so of course it's doing weird things." 😐😐😑🙄

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Based on my experience with my father, I think a lot of people actually never accepted the fact of seasonality to begin with. Which I find weird.

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Actually I Grasshopper don't do collection, I know u didnt mean me but ha ha

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Lol, nice GK. I forgot your Substack handle might make my pop culture reference to 80s martial art series a bit confusing😂🤣🤪

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Actually my name...and in YouTube

Grasshopper Kaplan

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I thought of you right away, had to check the commenter's name again!

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We residents of kanadistan are thankful for this “Can-con”. Sad as it is....

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Do NOT comply!!!

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This is such valuable information. Thank you for pulling together this data!!

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Curiouser & Curiouser.

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BC had a heat wave end of June 2021 where many elderly died

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Yes thats what "they" said.

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From 2016 to 2020

Alberta highest deaths happen January, February, March and December.

Alberta lowest death rates are June through October 30th.

So I would say it's very unusual to have these high deaths rates during spring, summer and fall.

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Great data analysis! Getting curioser and curiouser! Is it the function of the degree of blatant data falsification rather than the geographic longitude?

Also, the jab enthusiasts should expect the trend to bend down and flatten, if not outright fall, rather than continue its linear upward trajectory, with 90+%% jabbed many times over???

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No data falsification as this is based on all-cause mortality but, yes the point is, at some point these curves should bend back down naturally and yet...

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OK, sorry, I misread the graph's Y axis, it's cumulative life years lost, so the straight line is OK, a parabola not OK. Although, considering elevated deaths in 2020-2021, we would expect to see the straight line bend down to a less steep incline. If jabs were a solution, then starting in the second half of 2021. If the opposite is true, then we expect what we see.

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Thank you, Joel! You are making important information accessible and understandable. I pass it on often, to my doctors, parents, others. Keep sheets of some graphs in my purse for illustration, like a conversation in a checkout line comes up sometimes and "Here, look at this, take it with you."

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Sharing, thank you.

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6/14+15 they will evaluate and authorize child sacrifice per the radio, then commence shooting 6/21

Not sure is that all of US of Arrogance child under 5 or only killafornia.

I think the former

Ashish Jah

Kpfa 4 pm news headlines

CDC Rochel wallenski gets to give final approval to child sacrifice for under 5 y o to get big Harma hacksxxxine shots.


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You're right. It's the whole USA. 😟😖

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We are doomed

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In Quebec, the obedient public are trying to wrap their heads around how we can have relatively good excess death numbers (lately touted by our government) while also having Canada’s worst corona death toll per population.

The excess deaths out west are typically attributed to the regional heat wave. It’s very jarring to most people that heat could cause more deaths out west than the dreaded virus, yet their excess deaths are more than double their Corona deaths last year. The numbers also indicate that Quebec overcounts Corona deaths, which is hardly something to be proud of.

So the waters are muddied as far as the west is concerned, but I would suggest that one reason for Quebec’s departure from what you see in US states could be a standardized and slower system of administering the shots. Here, people were getting shots on a fixed schedule with months between the first and second shot, generally in mass vaccination clinics with nurses that seemed well trained. Perhaps they were better at properly injecting the drug into the muscle rather than into the bloodstream? Compared to the thousand different providers offering shots in a US state, Quebec’s system would at least be more consistently good or bad.

The other big difference is that Quebec was unable to get as many “doses” as they would have liked early on, so we were behind schedule compared to the US. The booster campaign quickly petered out early this year as the uselessness of the shots was being demonstrated by higher than ever transmission rates. As you get into younger age groups, very people people had a 3rd shot and it wasn’t mandated anywhere, in stark contrast to US colleges. This was entirely because of the timeline though, and not any ethical principles. The vaccine narrative fell apart “just in time” to save us from 3rd dose coercion..

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A couple of thoughts.

First, the Canadian mortality season is winter, just like every other northern hemispheric country. (I was going to insert a plot from StatsCan showing all-cause mortality by year from 2010 - but cannot). It shows the trend - high in winter, low in summer. That means your assumption that spikes between June & Aug definitely anomalous. Second, Quebec is basically a self-governing country inside Canada. It benefits from all that Canada offers, especially money, but offers nothing except territorial continuity. They are ruled by nationalists whose main goal is the defense of Quebec and the Quebecois. That defense is absolute. There is no doubt their health officials saw the FDA documents in advance and almost certainly would not have agreed to using shots that kill people on Quebecers. The Trudeauites would likely have been ok with that as long as Quebec got on board with the pro-shot propaganda, shot everyone up with the placebos, and most importantly got everyone on the the compliance passports. One possible explanation is that Quebec insisted on placebo shots. That leaves the rest of the western provinces looking somewhat similar.

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I have the same thoughts wrt QC getting placebo shots. Almost everyone I know obediently got jabbed, and zero negative effects. Which does not seem likely given the vast amount of adverse events everywhere else, whether MSM reports on it or not. (I'm a born-and-raised Montrealer btw). I'm open to any explanations that make sense, this is definitely one.

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Yes, just one potential explanation. Contrast it to my experience. I am in Newfoundland, and during the summer of 2021, I saw several people collapsing on Water St. Why did they happen? I do not know, but I've never seen anyone collapse, except a few extremely drunk people. Meanwhile by brother and sister are both in Vancouver and both have severe affects after taking their boosters.

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yeah very weird stuff happening. Appreciate your input, always helpful to hear from others who have their eyes open, thx!

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Any analysis of NL, Newfoundland and Labrador.

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No unusual death patterns. Very few deaths.

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