"the burden of proof is on those who interfere with our lives. " is a great principle and who could disagree with it? However, the devil is in the word 'proof'. During Covid we were browbeaten with claims that these interventions were justified by 'the science'. The media went crazy about it and some 'scientists' were wheeled out to confirm it - which was enough 'proof' for most people. Our kids were excluded from education, our medical facilities shut down and a hundred other harms visited on us because so-called professionals bought into the hysteria. I fear we're doomed to repeat this.

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Consider the DOD is apparently behind this ... and they have injected the Rat Juice into their soldiers...

This does not bode well for the future for anyone ... children or otherwise

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Alas, the answer is: 'accountable democracy does not work' and it will not work until such time as we restore our democracies and restore accountability. This is a Herculean task because our democracies have been degraded over many years and are now functionally non-existent. Just re-building them in the old image will not restore them either; we have to re-invent democracy and democratic accountability for the 21st century.

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And this summary of the Brook Jackson whistle-blower lawsuit against Pfizer, et. al. demonstrates how our US Dept of "Defense," US Dept.of "Justice," US FDA, Pfizer, and others colluded, and conspired in genocide.


I recently got COVID19, as did a group of friends all at roughly the same time. I'm unpoisoned, they're all poisoned, and much younger than am I. I'm 60 they're all 28 to 45 or so, one is 74. I was quite a bit better by day 3, fully recovered by day 6. My friends, except for 1, were sicker, sick longer, and most have lingering symptoms. I have no lingering symptoms. This was a long-planned, decades in the making, well-coordinated genocide carried out by the U.S. Dept. Of Defense with multiple partners around the world in Big Pharma, Big Regulatory, Presstitute Bordellos, etc. Ready the gallows.

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There are many elephants in the room now. The newest elephant arrival - and arguably the largest - is the DOD elephant. That the sewer-media is absolutely ignoring the mountain size question of, Why the hell has a government military bureaucracy been directing a national health 'emergency' for three years, tells you everything. If you have any doubts, the DOD's business is killing people. Usually with bombs and bullets, but perhaps with syringes too. Have a nice day!

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Heartwarming that such people will not let this drop. I remember Dr Jay Bhattacharya highlighting the plight of poor kids during lockdown. That now famous viral photo of the kids sat outside a Taco Bell using their Wifi to do their homework. Just terrible, it can never happen again. https://www.dailydot.com/debug/taco-bell-wifi/

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Masking kids was driven by scared teachers. Shame on the teachers since the kids were never driving the pandemic.

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Even when we spoke out against the vaccines' we were ignored. The claims that they had "consensus" form doctors was false. they had consensus from their doctors that risked loosing funding if they spoke out against the studies. Consensus is not science. Government tries to push it as such. consensus on a mistake is still consensus. Then we had government censoring any doctor or scientist that spoke up. making medication illegal to use on covid to insure the profits of the drug companies. We were forced to comply with laws that were not laws but mandates. Mandates that were used by government to use in a crisis. the problem with mandates are they dont define crisis. Many imposed on us by companies and people that are un-elected. People that stand immune to laws and cant be held accountable. Tell me why government shouldnt be held accountable?. It is time for the people to take back control of government before they kill us. Oh wait they already have started.----- I, Grampa

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There was no unique viral pathogen, no medical emergency and nothing for any measures to be "effective" against.

The lockdowns, mandatory muzzles, anti-social distancing and the plethora of additional measures did nothing to protect or improve public health- they were never designed to do so.

The numerous mandates birthed by the onset of the Covid-19 Operation were all designed to deliberately break the global economy and crush small businesses as well as break people’s minds, will and the social fabric, in order to “build back a better society” that conforms to the dystopian visions of the psychopaths waging this class war.

There is no such thing as “Covid 19” except as a criminal conspiracy.

All discussions about "a pandemic", "were lockdowns necessary", "do masks work", "are the vaccines safe and effective" and on and on are pointless distractions that misdirect people from seeing what happened and what is happening.

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Thank you. I presume you have seen these . The two in the UK Column are part a four part series which gets into accountability. I send my material to the various education chiefs and keep up a dialogue with a couple. As you probably know I served as a Director on a couple of Boards, making 11 presentations to one of them. The one I am no longer on.

Harms, Policies, Accountability



Ofsted Report 16/04/2022




Global Impact


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Ah yes Money the root of all evil or savior. It can be both depending on who controls it. Their in lays my problem. dealing with facts that are all to often hidden. How does the average man that wants to be involved know who to trust? Too many leaders are now corrupt or corruptible as money becomes their goals not ideals. I do have some ideas that has come from your words Thanks.---------- I, Grampa

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Democracy has been reset as Kleptocracy. The demonic evil has become the norm.

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N 95 or better masks worn correctly and always inside in close company, eg medical consulting rooms, do work and they work when surgical masks in the same setting don't. That proposition wasn't tested in the Cochrane study. Otherwise, good article and excellent on risks to children.

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RemovedFeb 4, 2023·edited Feb 4, 2023
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