Bollocks. This guy, whose committee voted 16-2 AGAINST boosters for people less than 50 in the U.S. well over 2 years ago, already knows the answer. The vaccines were never worth a large, shiny, softened-by-the-sun, turd. I don't know much about epitopes and such, but I know BS when I smell it.

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great use of language, my friend! and i concur

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Precisely. This guy is a turd.

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I’ve said it before. Offit is a malignant menace. This is pure theater and CYA in anticipation of what’s coming.

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Everyone who approved or mandated this toxic crap should be hanged because they committed mass murder for profit.

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And justice will never be served until every last bastard is hanging from a length of blue rope, but we all know that there is very little in the line of justice considering most of the justice system is bought and paid for by the very bastards behind this!

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Indeed, he has never met a jab he didn't like. And now he is rushing to do damage control, albeit too late, because he knows what is coming.

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With all of these high profile 180 switcharoos, look for one or more of the tells:

- they mostly blame MRNA jabs, adenovirus jabs never mentioned despite comparable harms

- they mostly blame Pfizer (chosen sacrificial pfall guy?), Moderna is rarely mentioned (Astra Zeneca and J&J are adenovirus/DNA so are ignored despite comparable harms)

- “traditional” vaccines still a safe and effective intervention generally

- “viruses and variants as pathogens” and germ theory orthodoxy is alive and well

- adverse reactions mostly rare

- COVID-19 illness also causes the outcomes purported to be jab-related

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The IgG4 tolerance problem specifically so far seems to be exclusive to the mRNA jabs only. But literally all of the other one stop shop of harms can be found in the adenovirus jabs as well. Those are in turn worse than the traditional vaccines, but that still doesn't mean the traditional ones are safe, just varying degrees of less dangerous. And so on. Turtles all the way down.

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Cool reference. I am reading it at the moment, it’s mindblowing. Who knew a whole medical intervention upon which so much industriousness depends could be so flagrantly Potemkin? This and various other sources now have me convinced that no vaccine has ever worked, and that all this “millions saved by COVID jabs” is flat out lies, gaslighting and totalitarian propaganda of the highest order.

Good outline of the AZ charlatanism here:


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Fantastic reference; in my stack at home for reading soon. One of the outcomes of "the great covid dumpster fire" is the realization by some--although still far too few--that "traditional" vaccines are based upon some shady feces too. It's kinda like realizing the water is hot AFTER you've been boiling for a minute or two.

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Indeed. The biggest blunder for the powers that be was turning up the heat too quickly, and now the frogs are jumping out.

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Indeed! And despite the fact that I shouldn't care, there remain a few, often vocal, virtue-signaling frogs, crying out, "Don't jump. This water feels great!" #ROFL

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It’s really impossible for me to believe this is anything other than a pivot to the next step in their overall plan to make us all slaves.

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Show me his vax status.

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How much you wanna bet he got the saline like the other elites?

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Just a Clown falling off the ‘ancestral perch’ in the proverbial research gold mine.

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Why did North London BBC, this morning, allow Dr Aseem Malhotra to discuss his concerns that the covid injections are causing cardiac adverse events. He was also allowed to disparage Chris whitty, by disagreeing with whitty on the use of statins. Was this intentional on behalf of the bbc or have they now lost one too many employees post vaxx and have turned a corner?

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My overall impression, in AM’s long rambling BBC interview, was that of carefully qualified slightly negative comments about the mRNA vaccines well buried in the middle, and then long discussion on statins that was nuanced and nothing new. BBC at its usual best.

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I agree, but assume the BBC would not run the comments under a suitable headline. This is a good development, which other news services can pick up. It’s a helpful deviation of editorial policy. Hope so.

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Let’s hope so. BBC editors, now relieved of any moral duty, can go back to story telling. Let’s hope there are other news services functioning independently enough to do this work. I shall not hold my breath.

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Dr Offit has been saying boosters are not necessary for everyone for the past year, this is not news. His point is that once you have either been vaccinated or have had COVID, it is no longer necessary for healthy people to get a booster because the incremental benefit is tiny.

Furthermore, he points out that the bivalent booster was only tested in eight mice and so there is no actual data to show they are effective in humans. He voted against the bivalent booster for this reason.

So no, his interview this week is not him changing his view.

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So, take the logic back a few steps and does the recommendation change before the first jab?

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Joel, I have an issue with the first paragraph from Dr. Offit. I think it could be read as meaning to cease inoculation, OR to continue inoculating...! Or is it me being thick...?

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The grammar is poor (poorly punctuated or arranged) but the context suggests he is NOT advocating that young people should keep getting jabbed.

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Ya think?

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When I first started warning folks that a vaccine for a rapidly shifting antigen like a coronavirus was a risky idea because in the time it takes to produce the vaccine a new variant will appear which might render the vaccines useless, friends tried to tell me I "didn't understand the science".

Right. Then when it became apparent that cases, hospitalisations & even fatalities were rising despite the widespread rollout & I contended that vaccine-related harm was being obfuscated as covid-related, the same people tried to tell me that this was not because the vaccines were dangerous but because the new variants were bypassing them.

Which is exactly as I warned before the vaccines even came out. But I don't think my friends saw much of their own hypocrisy.

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He went on z dog quite a while ago against the first booster for college-age kids. The university he works for gets a lot of money from vaccine research. Could he only stomach harming people with two shots but not three?

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Thank you for that clarification. It's on the right side, thank goodness!

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Well then...

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