It's a cover-up to distract from Midazolam Murders.
You can find evidence of Oakeshott (the so-called "leaker" of the WhatsApp messages) caught explicitly trashing Midazolam as supposedly having "no evidence" here:
The UK government are in absolutely full panic mode. This story is getting suppressed across the board as media outlets try to drive outdated drivel about 'botched' COVID-19 policies to distract from the fact THESE MURDERS WERE INTENTIONAL. Policy documents, prescription orderings, notices, dosages, the receipts are all there!
Yep, I stated the same on the Daily Mail ... got some decent upvotes until the comment was suddenly removed.
They did it to my Mum in hospital in Jan this year ... bstards. Responding well to treatment, then the doctors turned the treatment down to beyond any use, then told my idiot Dad and Sister that it was the best for my Mum, if she went on "End of life care" ... even after I had sent them details of exactly what they would do and use ... they just mocked me and called me a conspiracy theorist. I was not there as I live abroad and flight was booked 2 days later.
I try to avoid using "bombshell" because it is so overused as to have lost its impact, but the Midazolam Matt WhatsAppGate story is what "bombshell" was created for. Perhaps most astonishingly, even the BBC and The Guardian are covering this story.
Joel, since you dabbled in UK politics and may have some insights into how to proceed, can someone (e.g., Andrew Bridgen would be deliciously appropriate) call for his resignation and bring criminal charges against Hancock? This could be the crack that bursts the dam.
100% Sir - can you imagine Ben Bradlee falling for this garbage? Revelations are what they are should surprise no one given Hancock's own expose of his complete inability to live up to the job of Health Secretary given his post sacking activities - right out of Harry Sussex's playbook of grovelling sanctimonious bullshit, which has not paid as well as his "mentor".
Where is the 21st century Mark Felt - never been more needed imho.
Oh it's a joy to see some people are finally understanding the media's role these days. BUT I IMPLORE YOU ALL to watch this and see where all this is taking us and by WHOM it was planned and carried out. This is a US-based ex-Marine talking but it concerns the UK too because it's happened to you all as well.... the destruction of borders, migrants destroying your identity as countries, Woke agenda, LGBTXYZZZ agenda, destruction of the family, hyper-feminism, literal Nazis... all planned and proven to be planned by Russian GRU/KGB defector who wrote a freaking book warning us all what was being planned against our countries. Just watch it. Too much to write.
Oh, absolutely. The BBC starts by claiming his messages about when to release the variant were about “when to reveal the existence of the Kent variant” (, so it’s clear they’re spinning the story to minimize damage to the narrative and anyone outside the impact range of the designated scapegoat.
Come on! Far be it from me to defend the BBC but obviously release of information is what is being talked about here. You cannot genuinely be suggesting that Hancock would be responsible for determining when a particular virus is set loose on the public. 😂
Is it obvious? :-) They could have simply reported what Hancock said (“When do we deploy the new variant”) and let people interpret the meaning for themselves, but instead, the BBC contained the damage by presenting the most innocuous of several possible interpretations.
I’m not suggesting Hancock was responsible for determining when the variant was set loose on the public—that’s clear since he was asking, not telling ;-)
Who’s to say that particular variant even existed? It could have merely been a PR stunt on the fear-mongering checklist.
Or if it did exist, why is it so far-fetched to believe it was released intentionally when that is clearly what occurred with the original strain (“lab leak” being a limited hangout story to conceal the intentionality well-documented by the patent trail, DoD contracts, and evidence of pre-planning dating back decades (
Yes it’s ABSOLUTELY obvious. As you know, everyone uses shorthand in non-formal communications. Also as the article states the announcement of the ‘Kent variant’ was made the following day on 14/12/20.
It is therefore ridiculous to infer that “deploy the new variant” meant “release the variant” which had miraculously managed to spread, be detected and reported all within 24 hours!
I didn’t check who I was replying to and only noticed your name when I got the email notification of your reply. I’ve very much enjoyed your insightful posts and am gobsmacked that you’re be going down this route to be honest.
Thank you for your thoughtful comment, Martin. I am not committed to any specific interpretation, particularly since I’ve only had a chance to take a cursory glance at the evidence, but I don’t accept anything from the mainstream media at face value, especially when it comes to COVID. Every single advancement toward tyranny has been built on a lie, which was built on a lie, which was built on a lie, ad infinitum.
While I acknowledge that your interpretation is the most plausible, the spread/detection/reporting within 24 hours would still be possible if this were simply a PR stunt.
If you aren’t familiar with Sasha Latypova’s and Katherine Watt’s documentation of the premeditation, intentionality, and lengthy planning process that underpins the manufactured COVID crisis, I highly recommend checking out their Substacks:
All that said, I wouldn’t draw any conclusions without substantiating evidence. I just prefer to keep an open mind in the absence of definitive proof one way or the other.
That's why Police have been ordered to stand down.
Individual citizens must lay Private Informations against one corporate/government official each.
Violations of the Genetic Non-Discrimination Act of Canada is a federal charge so, you jump from the lower, provincial court into the higher, federal court.
Civil ( tort ) cases must wait to proceed UNTIL THE CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN RULED UPON.
( eg. OJ Simpson was successfully sued by Nicole Simpson's family after OJ was acquitted of murder charges in criminal court . )
His Lawyers had requested a few weeks ago that MH retract his statement within a set number of days or a defamation suit would follow - no word since then ??
Midazolam Matt is an arrogant little toad who is clearly guilty in part of murder but the butt stops and started with CccP Fauci Gates Tedros Schwab Trudeau WHO WEF all banks ... death to organgrinders required here not their monkeys
Joe Public basically has the attention span of a gnat, so this tactic works all the time when you want to take the heat off something else. But the bigger picture is there in plain sight. Hancock used Alpha as the excuse to ramp up the fear and accelerate the vaccination campaign. He also used deaths in care homes, caused by Midazolam in the first wave and 'vaccinations' in the second wave, to further promote the 'necessity' of mass vaccination in order to 'free us' from lockdowns. Mass murder was the order of the day in order to push forward the bio-medical security state and proceed onwards from there - to digital IDs, vaccine passports, digital currencies and all the rest of the Great Reset crap which they were, and still are, throwing at us.
Italy's elderly population was the highest in Europe, at nearly 22%, prior to "the pandemic" and #MidazolamMurders which culled a great many hospital and Care Home victims.
The DT editors sell out to the globalists from all quarters; just as the Dame Hallett enquiry starts many miles from the scamdemic "Marathon" start tape, they have finally - in plain sight - surrendered any semblance of journalistic integrity by not addressing any of the issues Monkey Boy and the clown Doctor juxtapose. The rolling pyroclastic flow of data about these jabs is a laser red pointer on the ppt of DT's scam of an expose - who the f******g hell are they trying to kid?
Mr Bridgen has to persuade his whistleblower (s?) to go public immediately - name names , publish redacted copies of the NDA's he says were forced on BHF staff and use it to scupper Sunak, Starmer, and all the 2019 " cohort" who wanted "more" of those brilliant anti CV19/SARS COV2 policy measures which have killed millions; Tories are dead in the water anyway, Starmer is guilty of political opportunism (being very very kind), Drakeford and Sturgeon have been show for the disasters they are - so what greater harm can be done - that has been inflicted already as is crystal clear for all of an independent mind.
"Its a reset Klaus, but not as you know it" - Mr Bridgen, depart for the Lupercal and go to "bury" these enemies of humanity - please.
You might think though that in considering ALL of our political and institutional consort inept, hastens a WHO/globalist takeover...for public 'safety'
I think the two are inextricably linked, in train to some degree, and the "public safety" mention is very reminiscient of Sagan's "I, Robot" as portrayed by TSR new bots.......Detective Spooner sorted that with the help of "Lanning" prescient?
I get your point - there are "those" who have refused to buy in but few in umber (sic); somehow there has to be a total volte face by a big enough media beast other than Musk to sink the "machine"....enough of film metaphors...
I contemplated the truth of the matter, early days.
I conducted an investigation into the "mass Covid deaths" in Canada, during my own forced lockdown in March and April of 2020.
Canadian LTC facilities, the legacy news reported, were being hit hardest by "Covid"...
Massive "Covid deaths" occurred during "the first wave of the pandemic". (Trudeau's Canada wide lockdowns began in mid March of 2020.)
I had nothing better to do during this period of time since my small business was forced to close. (I subsequently lost all my contracts, and my livelihood.)
My conclusions: LTC facilities were killing fields due to staff shortages, neglect, and deliberate "Covid protocols" and "End of Life Pathways".
Canada's "useless eaters" were deliberately culled. No coroner's reports. No autopsies.
"... at Sainte-Dorothée, an LTC home north of Montreal where more than 100 residents died during the first wave of the pandemic last year... “they made us put them all on the respiratory-distress protocol."
"Revera was in the news as a paramedic whistleblower revealed insufficient staffing, multiple deaths, and widespread dehydration and hunger among residents at one home, where 8 residents died over the course of a weekend."
So, the Canadian government investigated itself, just as the Canadian government investigated itself during the recent 6 week inquiry into the (illegal and unnecessary) invocation of The Emergencies Act.
"The inquiry's goal is not to determine guilt, but to come up with recommendations to prevent future crises."
Trudeau's Liberal Government will NEVER properly investigate itself!
What happened in this country during Covid is absolutely vile and shocking.
If more Canadians REALLY understood what was afoot in this country during "the Covid pandemic", our Freedom Convoy protest on Parliament Hill in January and February of 2022 may have numbered in the millions, not the thousands.
Doctor Dr: (reading off a cue card) Aren't you LUCKY you had the jab the day before your heart attack? And after your wife died & your kid seized up from the jabs. Coulda been worse. Lucky jab. Look over there, is that the climate changing? (MFers got a plandemic distraction for every crime.)
Keep the wakey-wakey jokes coming, Doctor Honker Man w/that smarty Talking-Miracle-Monkey Boy!
I'm with you Dr Honk, love this guy too > Neil Oliver @thecoastguy 4h
When a mess looks too big to have been caused by just one lying bastard on the make, it's often because it was the work of lots of lying bastards on the make at the same time.
(And thanks for posting Dr Honk, Joel, as I was booted off Twitmo in Dec 2020 so didn't know of him.)
One of the good Doctor's best, the sideways glance at monkey boy when the doctor is claiming something a bit "unlikely" really gets me every time. Great stuff
I think the MSM have known about all this for a long time, but had beencomplicit in all of it - pushing lockdown, pushing masks and vaccines and shaming those who wouldn't comply, etc. And getting paid for it.
So they couldn't start talking about it until they could find someone else to blame. Now they have that person - watch them all point the finger at Matt while they quietly slither across to the other side of the debate. "Ah well now you can see we were just following orders" will be the cry.
Yes a controlled release. I'm not at all sure that this actually works as a 'limited hangout' though. Limited hangouts tend to work when they offer a closure of some sort, this 'leak' simply adds confirmation of disdain for the public and nefarious decision making to growing list of questions that the general public are now asking.
I'm actually sceptical enough of these pathetic chancers to consider that Hancock's resignation event was quite possibly stage managed to get him out of the hot seat.
Just what the Dr ordered... deep belly laughs to brilliantly hilarious & truth-telling sketch satire!
Doctor Dr McHonk-Honk @TheEyes2022 Mar 1
This popped up on my Facebook feed in the 'One Year Ago Today' feature! No recollection of even making it! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I used to freestyle Lenny a lot before the doctor and monkey were even an idea! I love him as a character! A massive, gullible idiot!
Nobody uses WhatsApp if they need secure messaging. UK security services use Signal for that, and I expect that is where any references to midazolam will be found, if they can be extracted.
Who says WhatsApp is "secure"? - during WWII enigma "secure" encryption was ramped up from 3 to 5 reels - but that was broken ( for at least some of the time ) over time and increasingly more quickly; "Fish" traffic from "Lorenz" encryption was broken - at least partially - after Tommy Flowers and the GPO invented the first computer (Colossus). Developments in AI, supercomputers and eavesdropping techniques might just scupper "secure" messaging for the masses?
It's a cover-up to distract from Midazolam Murders.
You can find evidence of Oakeshott (the so-called "leaker" of the WhatsApp messages) caught explicitly trashing Midazolam as supposedly having "no evidence" here:
You can find the overwhelming evidence of the Midazolam Murders here:
The UK government are in absolutely full panic mode. This story is getting suppressed across the board as media outlets try to drive outdated drivel about 'botched' COVID-19 policies to distract from the fact THESE MURDERS WERE INTENTIONAL. Policy documents, prescription orderings, notices, dosages, the receipts are all there!
Yep, I stated the same on the Daily Mail ... got some decent upvotes until the comment was suddenly removed.
They did it to my Mum in hospital in Jan this year ... bstards. Responding well to treatment, then the doctors turned the treatment down to beyond any use, then told my idiot Dad and Sister that it was the best for my Mum, if she went on "End of life care" ... even after I had sent them details of exactly what they would do and use ... they just mocked me and called me a conspiracy theorist. I was not there as I live abroad and flight was booked 2 days later.
Assume you have seen this ?:
A good death (GREEK - Euthanasia) =',-1&text=An%20astrologer%20from%20the%20second,wine%2C%20intercourse%20or%20apoplexy'.
I had not seen that video but I will take a copy, thank you!
I try to avoid using "bombshell" because it is so overused as to have lost its impact, but the Midazolam Matt WhatsAppGate story is what "bombshell" was created for. Perhaps most astonishingly, even the BBC and The Guardian are covering this story.
Joel, since you dabbled in UK politics and may have some insights into how to proceed, can someone (e.g., Andrew Bridgen would be deliciously appropriate) call for his resignation and bring criminal charges against Hancock? This could be the crack that bursts the dam.
If tHE BBC and the Grauniad are reporting, then it’s a set-up, a distraction and damage limitation manoeuvres.
100% Sir - can you imagine Ben Bradlee falling for this garbage? Revelations are what they are should surprise no one given Hancock's own expose of his complete inability to live up to the job of Health Secretary given his post sacking activities - right out of Harry Sussex's playbook of grovelling sanctimonious bullshit, which has not paid as well as his "mentor".
Where is the 21st century Mark Felt - never been more needed imho.
Absolutely. He is being used as a scapegoat or this is their latest distraction (from something else); maybe the skyrocketing excess deaths ?.
Oh it's a joy to see some people are finally understanding the media's role these days. BUT I IMPLORE YOU ALL to watch this and see where all this is taking us and by WHOM it was planned and carried out. This is a US-based ex-Marine talking but it concerns the UK too because it's happened to you all as well.... the destruction of borders, migrants destroying your identity as countries, Woke agenda, LGBTXYZZZ agenda, destruction of the family, hyper-feminism, literal Nazis... all planned and proven to be planned by Russian GRU/KGB defector who wrote a freaking book warning us all what was being planned against our countries. Just watch it. Too much to write.
Oh, absolutely. The BBC starts by claiming his messages about when to release the variant were about “when to reveal the existence of the Kent variant” (, so it’s clear they’re spinning the story to minimize damage to the narrative and anyone outside the impact range of the designated scapegoat.
Come on! Far be it from me to defend the BBC but obviously release of information is what is being talked about here. You cannot genuinely be suggesting that Hancock would be responsible for determining when a particular virus is set loose on the public. 😂
Is it obvious? :-) They could have simply reported what Hancock said (“When do we deploy the new variant”) and let people interpret the meaning for themselves, but instead, the BBC contained the damage by presenting the most innocuous of several possible interpretations.
I’m not suggesting Hancock was responsible for determining when the variant was set loose on the public—that’s clear since he was asking, not telling ;-)
Who’s to say that particular variant even existed? It could have merely been a PR stunt on the fear-mongering checklist.
Or if it did exist, why is it so far-fetched to believe it was released intentionally when that is clearly what occurred with the original strain (“lab leak” being a limited hangout story to conceal the intentionality well-documented by the patent trail, DoD contracts, and evidence of pre-planning dating back decades (
Yes it’s ABSOLUTELY obvious. As you know, everyone uses shorthand in non-formal communications. Also as the article states the announcement of the ‘Kent variant’ was made the following day on 14/12/20.
It is therefore ridiculous to infer that “deploy the new variant” meant “release the variant” which had miraculously managed to spread, be detected and reported all within 24 hours!
I didn’t check who I was replying to and only noticed your name when I got the email notification of your reply. I’ve very much enjoyed your insightful posts and am gobsmacked that you’re be going down this route to be honest.
Thank you for your thoughtful comment, Martin. I am not committed to any specific interpretation, particularly since I’ve only had a chance to take a cursory glance at the evidence, but I don’t accept anything from the mainstream media at face value, especially when it comes to COVID. Every single advancement toward tyranny has been built on a lie, which was built on a lie, which was built on a lie, ad infinitum.
While I acknowledge that your interpretation is the most plausible, the spread/detection/reporting within 24 hours would still be possible if this were simply a PR stunt.
If you aren’t familiar with Sasha Latypova’s and Katherine Watt’s documentation of the premeditation, intentionality, and lengthy planning process that underpins the manufactured COVID crisis, I highly recommend checking out their Substacks:
This article touches on the limited hangout “lab leak” framing now suddenly gaining acceptance in mainstream circles:
All that said, I wouldn’t draw any conclusions without substantiating evidence. I just prefer to keep an open mind in the absence of definitive proof one way or the other.
Last I heard, AB was suing MH?
Criminal charges are the way to go.
That's why Police have been ordered to stand down.
Individual citizens must lay Private Informations against one corporate/government official each.
Violations of the Genetic Non-Discrimination Act of Canada is a federal charge so, you jump from the lower, provincial court into the higher, federal court.
Civil ( tort ) cases must wait to proceed UNTIL THE CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN RULED UPON.
( eg. OJ Simpson was successfully sued by Nicole Simpson's family after OJ was acquitted of murder charges in criminal court . )
I believe it when I see it. There’s lots of bluster flying around. Will he actually go through with it?
His Lawyers had requested a few weeks ago that MH retract his statement within a set number of days or a defamation suit would follow - no word since then ??
In Canada, criminal charges have been laid against Jen Gall, the Director of Mail Operations ( Canada Post ) for the City of Vancouver.
Proof of those 7 criminal charges can be verified in CIRB FILE # 035709-C.
CIRB is the Canadian Industrial Relations Board.
This is an active file.
Good 👏 👏
I prefer the phrase 'Smoking Gun'.
Midazolam Matt is an arrogant little toad who is clearly guilty in part of murder but the butt stops and started with CccP Fauci Gates Tedros Schwab Trudeau WHO WEF all banks ... death to organgrinders required here not their monkeys
Joe Public basically has the attention span of a gnat, so this tactic works all the time when you want to take the heat off something else. But the bigger picture is there in plain sight. Hancock used Alpha as the excuse to ramp up the fear and accelerate the vaccination campaign. He also used deaths in care homes, caused by Midazolam in the first wave and 'vaccinations' in the second wave, to further promote the 'necessity' of mass vaccination in order to 'free us' from lockdowns. Mass murder was the order of the day in order to push forward the bio-medical security state and proceed onwards from there - to digital IDs, vaccine passports, digital currencies and all the rest of the Great Reset crap which they were, and still are, throwing at us.
I’m in complete agreement with everything you state Jamie
Except they left out the banal bit about saving on pensions and NHS care for the elderly as an equally plausible motive
Same thing happened in Canada and Italy.
Italy's elderly population was the highest in Europe, at nearly 22%, prior to "the pandemic" and #MidazolamMurders which culled a great many hospital and Care Home victims.
#AccountabilityNotAmnesty 💲💉☠💔
Someone has to be the fall guy, and Hancock fits the bill. Beware distraction, though!
The DT editors sell out to the globalists from all quarters; just as the Dame Hallett enquiry starts many miles from the scamdemic "Marathon" start tape, they have finally - in plain sight - surrendered any semblance of journalistic integrity by not addressing any of the issues Monkey Boy and the clown Doctor juxtapose. The rolling pyroclastic flow of data about these jabs is a laser red pointer on the ppt of DT's scam of an expose - who the f******g hell are they trying to kid?
Mr Bridgen has to persuade his whistleblower (s?) to go public immediately - name names , publish redacted copies of the NDA's he says were forced on BHF staff and use it to scupper Sunak, Starmer, and all the 2019 " cohort" who wanted "more" of those brilliant anti CV19/SARS COV2 policy measures which have killed millions; Tories are dead in the water anyway, Starmer is guilty of political opportunism (being very very kind), Drakeford and Sturgeon have been show for the disasters they are - so what greater harm can be done - that has been inflicted already as is crystal clear for all of an independent mind.
"Its a reset Klaus, but not as you know it" - Mr Bridgen, depart for the Lupercal and go to "bury" these enemies of humanity - please.
You might think though that in considering ALL of our political and institutional consort inept, hastens a WHO/globalist takeover...for public 'safety'
I think the two are inextricably linked, in train to some degree, and the "public safety" mention is very reminiscient of Sagan's "I, Robot" as portrayed by TSR new bots.......Detective Spooner sorted that with the help of "Lanning" prescient?
I get your point - there are "those" who have refused to buy in but few in umber (sic); somehow there has to be a total volte face by a big enough media beast other than Musk to sink the "machine"....enough of film metaphors...
They’re working on it...
The truth is too awful for people to contemplate
I contemplated the truth of the matter, early days.
I conducted an investigation into the "mass Covid deaths" in Canada, during my own forced lockdown in March and April of 2020.
Canadian LTC facilities, the legacy news reported, were being hit hardest by "Covid"...
Massive "Covid deaths" occurred during "the first wave of the pandemic". (Trudeau's Canada wide lockdowns began in mid March of 2020.)
I had nothing better to do during this period of time since my small business was forced to close. (I subsequently lost all my contracts, and my livelihood.)
My conclusions: LTC facilities were killing fields due to staff shortages, neglect, and deliberate "Covid protocols" and "End of Life Pathways".
Canada's "useless eaters" were deliberately culled. No coroner's reports. No autopsies.
"... at Sainte-Dorothée, an LTC home north of Montreal where more than 100 residents died during the first wave of the pandemic last year... “they made us put them all on the respiratory-distress protocol."
This scathing investigative report was written after a government "inquest" was conducted:
I discovered another little factoid during my initial investigation:
Many of these LTC facilities are owned and operated by "for profit" companies, like Revera.
Revera is a "Crown Corporation". (Owned by the Canadian Government...)
"Revera was in the news as a paramedic whistleblower revealed insufficient staffing, multiple deaths, and widespread dehydration and hunger among residents at one home, where 8 residents died over the course of a weekend."
So, the Canadian government investigated itself, just as the Canadian government investigated itself during the recent 6 week inquiry into the (illegal and unnecessary) invocation of The Emergencies Act.
As we see, in both cases:
"The inquiry's goal is not to determine guilt, but to come up with recommendations to prevent future crises."
Trudeau's Liberal Government will NEVER properly investigate itself!
What happened in this country during Covid is absolutely vile and shocking.
If more Canadians REALLY understood what was afoot in this country during "the Covid pandemic", our Freedom Convoy protest on Parliament Hill in January and February of 2022 may have numbered in the millions, not the thousands.
#AccountabilityNotAmnesty 💲💉☠💔
Terrifying .....
Trail of breadcrumbs being laid down to lead us off the true path down a cul de sac.
Doctor Dr: (reading off a cue card) Aren't you LUCKY you had the jab the day before your heart attack? And after your wife died & your kid seized up from the jabs. Coulda been worse. Lucky jab. Look over there, is that the climate changing? (MFers got a plandemic distraction for every crime.)
Keep the wakey-wakey jokes coming, Doctor Honker Man w/that smarty Talking-Miracle-Monkey Boy!
I'm with you Dr Honk, love this guy too > Neil Oliver @thecoastguy 4h
When a mess looks too big to have been caused by just one lying bastard on the make, it's often because it was the work of lots of lying bastards on the make at the same time.
(And thanks for posting Dr Honk, Joel, as I was booted off Twitmo in Dec 2020 so didn't know of him.)
One of the good Doctor's best, the sideways glance at monkey boy when the doctor is claiming something a bit "unlikely" really gets me every time. Great stuff
Dang Joel, Monkey-Boy is one black pilled simian. I like him!
I think the MSM have known about all this for a long time, but had beencomplicit in all of it - pushing lockdown, pushing masks and vaccines and shaming those who wouldn't comply, etc. And getting paid for it.
So they couldn't start talking about it until they could find someone else to blame. Now they have that person - watch them all point the finger at Matt while they quietly slither across to the other side of the debate. "Ah well now you can see we were just following orders" will be the cry.
Yes a controlled release. I'm not at all sure that this actually works as a 'limited hangout' though. Limited hangouts tend to work when they offer a closure of some sort, this 'leak' simply adds confirmation of disdain for the public and nefarious decision making to growing list of questions that the general public are now asking.
I'm actually sceptical enough of these pathetic chancers to consider that Hancock's resignation event was quite possibly stage managed to get him out of the hot seat.
Limited Hangout!
As Monkey Boy said.
This is to distract from the real questions.
It's working isn't it?
Just what the Dr ordered... deep belly laughs to brilliantly hilarious & truth-telling sketch satire!
Doctor Dr McHonk-Honk @TheEyes2022 Mar 1
This popped up on my Facebook feed in the 'One Year Ago Today' feature! No recollection of even making it! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I used to freestyle Lenny a lot before the doctor and monkey were even an idea! I love him as a character! A massive, gullible idiot!
(Sadly still too many Lennys out there. Bless their completely oblivious & trusting lil simpleton hearts.)
Brilliant observation in the video.
Nobody uses WhatsApp if they need secure messaging. UK security services use Signal for that, and I expect that is where any references to midazolam will be found, if they can be extracted.
Who says WhatsApp is "secure"? - during WWII enigma "secure" encryption was ramped up from 3 to 5 reels - but that was broken ( for at least some of the time ) over time and increasingly more quickly; "Fish" traffic from "Lorenz" encryption was broken - at least partially - after Tommy Flowers and the GPO invented the first computer (Colossus). Developments in AI, supercomputers and eavesdropping techniques might just scupper "secure" messaging for the masses?