Dr Tess Lawrie for sure.

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Dr. Naomi Wolf

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PhD in English Lit. Love Wolf, but not for FDA.

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Does one have to be a medical doctor to head FDA?

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Dr. Meryl Nass

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She went through a lot 'Licensing agency says Meryl Nass must undergo neuropsych exam for her claims about COVID vaccine'

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honoured to be one of your three, Joel.

How about Ewa Kopacz, the Polish Health Minister who advised against buying Pandemrix in 2009? She also was vilified at the time but turned out to be right, when it was withdrawn the following after at leat 100 children developed narcolpesy.

Or South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem who bucked the trend on lockdowns?

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Your position is thoroughly deserved, Ros (in no particular order!!).

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typo 1000 cases of narcolepsy, sounds trivial now after Covid

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You will find your comments here time and time again--do plz feel you are able to sign up


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Simone Gold

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Unfortunately Dr Kelsey is now a registered Democrat and staunch supporter of Brandon’s mandates.

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Ha ha ha!

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Ha! That was clever, it took me a second to understand.

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Stephanie Seneff

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Fantastic article, Joel. Says it all. Agree with your suggested 'hats'. Thanks.

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With regards to frances kelsey: It’s not a good thing that the FDA has to prove that a drug is safe and effective. This is not a “strengthening“ of standards.

The FDA is an unconstitutional organization. There is no justification morally or legally in the United States Constitution for the existence of any medical research payment or regulatory body. The framers of the constitution would have understood that to allow the federal government to be involved in medical care or medicine would be an Unseemly and dangerous politicization of medicine And would have objected.

So the fact that the FDA exists is not good thing or a victory for the people.

The market in privAte medicine would do a much better job at vetting the safety and efficacy of drugs.

If the FDA simply stuck to demonstrating that a drug was safe then the medical establishment can determine if it were effective

If you somehow disagree with this or don’t understand why the FDA should not exist at all, then you don’t understand history or basic economics or politics. It’s the very existence of the FDA and the CDC and the NIH they have led us into the situation that we’re in now. Had these bodies never existed they would not have been a power center in Washington for Dr. Fauci and the pharmaceutical companies to corrupt in the first place

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the NIAID was just one little office; Cheney made Fauci the head of 27, including all their funding

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Thats right. The answer to every problem NOT is more top down administrative bureaucratic control. Not everything is a federal case . Not everything needs a “law ”

Anytime there’s a crisis groups of Miss guided but possibly well-intentioned crusading do-gooders argue for more top down bureaucratic planning and control. Every time there’s a crisis nefarious power crazed sociopaths argue for more top down bureaucratic planning and control

There was this idea of the Baptists and the bootleggers back in the day of alcohol .prohibition. The Baptist wanted alcohol banned for moral reasons. The Baptist where the crusading do

Gooders Completely convinced of the righteousness of their cause and blind to the massive negative consequences of their program

The bootleggers were pragmatist who just wanted to make a buck and exploit the situation for their own gain

But both of these groups actually had their interest in alignment that is To ban the sale of alcohol in the US

Dr. Fauci might be one of the crusading do-gooders who thinks he’s going to win a Nobel prize saving the world and his oblivious because he’s on a moral crusade and he is ideologically blinded by a sense of his own superiority and righteousness

And then there are all the other nefarious types of profit from selling masks and shots and PCR tests

The existence of the bureaucratic administrative state makes this all possible

The founding fathers of this country particularly people like Jefferson and James Madison understood this principle. You could distill it down to the word corruption

And that’s why the United States was designed the way it was with a limited decentralized government in a federalized system

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unfortunately the administrative state has metastasized into the deep state borg, full of civil servants who are overpaid and can't be fired. When I was a kid we had half a dozen intelligence agencies, now we have 18

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That’s exactly right. There was an economist named Ludwig Mises From the Austrian school of economics. And he wrote the masterpiece book called “bureaucracy” which goes over all of this in detail

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You are a torrent of good info, and I appreciate it! I’ve just saved this book which I just found on Scribd. Thanks!

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While your at it blame Baptist for the public school system.

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To a great extent you are in entirely correct. The modern government school system didn’t really exist until the late 1800s and early 1900s and it was a reaction by mostly protestant groups to what they perceived as a “invasion“ of educated poor Catholic immigrants like Irish and Italians

The public school system was modeled after the Prussian system and it’s very much like a prison or military institution

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To a great extent you are entirely correct.

Before public schools, school were predominantly catholic. The Baptist did not want the catholic religious doctrines pushed on thier children. I think public school should still be like a military institution.

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I agree

People need to wake up and smell the meat.

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U.S. Army Lt. Col. Theresa Long, aviation safety officer and Army flight surgeon - C19 vaccine whistleblower.

Dr. Tess Lawrie

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Julie Curwin MD, Christina Parks PhD, Heather Gessling MD, May Hindmarsh MD, Tracy Beth Hoeg MD PhD, Suzanne Humphries MD, Stella Emmanuel MD, Mollie James DO, Patricia Lee MD, Janci Lindsay PhD, Theresa Long MD, Shira Miller MD, Eileen Natuzzi MD, Monique Robles MD, Molly Rutherford MD, Linda Wastila PhD

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The modern day Frances Kelsey doesn’t have to be a woman. Just someone of integrity. I don’t see any at any of the regulators or national policy makers - maybe Norway or Denmark? They seem more transparent & on the ball than most, but they are still jabbing away in the older people so maybe not.

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Dr Mary Bowden

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Christiane Northrop

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If you want to read about a woman doctor with some balls here :


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Thalidomide has been taken to a whole new level of criminality since 1998 by Celgene. They only had an indication for erythema nodosum leprousum which affects about 50 patients a year in the United States and they hired 5000 sales reps and marketed illegally with 100,000 hematologist and oncologists visits before getting any cancer indications in 2006.

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Celgene wrote the book that Pfizer, Moderna and the others perfected with the Covid vaccine

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