Agreed, not the MSM and also most politicians. It’s all part of the WEF plan to cull the elderly.

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Then why cannot we start with Schwab?

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And kissinger! Definitely a useless old eater, a xo old eater!

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Kissinger has been saying all his career- useless old eaters. And we can’t talk about that 😢

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First peak: 'Midazolam'

Second peak: 'Vaccines'

Third peak: 'Meh, whatever'

Maybe if they get rid of all the old folk in 'care' homes, the owners will then feel free to take government handouts to convert their buildings into accommodation for 'refugees'.

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Thank you Joel.

Then there's this to add to the care home deaths in UK.


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I never thought i'd understand what it must have been to be like Einstein but the last 3 years i have.

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Care home deaths

Hospital iatrogenic deaths

"Collateral damage" deaths

These equal millions of excess deaths world-wide .... and this was before "vaccine deaths."

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Yes the frail elderly pushed to the front of the queue for covid bivalent and flu shot in the other arm seemed to do the trick🥲🥲

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In Puerto Rico, the news finally published an article about excess deaths. In the over 85 group, excess deaths in 2022 were 59% higher than expected. (Depending on how they handled the numbers, the excess death might be higher.) The only mention of the injections came at the end when the minion assistant to the death--I mean, health--minister said we should all get our corona vaccines.

Interestingly enough, the reporter actually brought up the reports of vaccine injury to the lying minion. She hid behind agency recommendations and said that if the agencies say the vaccines are safe, the vaccines are safe!

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Who cares, indeed. Us pro-life nut cases have been asking for years, wondering if we're made in the image of the good God, or just random marauders who dress differently than Attila the Hun. We've hollered about murdering the unborn, using them for experiments, selling their body parts, making vaccines with them. We've hollered about DNR (DNAR) exit treatments, hospice. And even about phony "brain death" allowing organ harvesting from the living for $$ transplants.

The death cult has been around a long time. Most folks subscribe. It's now more out in the open. Folks realize they're in a death cult, shrug their shoulders, and do what the govt says.

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Nobody who has a relative in a care home sees that person's death as "excess". People are not really aware of "excess death". Most people have no idea how many people generally die every day. Or of what they die from. Or how old they are or where they are. People only know personally about their own relations and friends and, once they enter a care home, it's only a matter of time before they die. So why would they think it was an "excess death" and not just an old person death? Nobody survives a care home anyway. It's a sad world on all fronts.

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And yet they used those deaths to lockdown society outside of the care homes. And still, the normies didn't bat an eyelid.

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Indeed but I think the public entered into the lockdown mentality because they thought *they* might die - they were happy to leave old folks banged up in care homes and children locked out of schools whilst forced to wear masks. People had been so terrified that they believed they would die if they caught a cold, the numbers being read out on the news confirmed everyone was dying so they wickedly left the vunerable to their fate. Whilst pretending they were somehow protecting and shielding them. Fear and stupidity are great bedfellows in a crisis (not).

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very clear. Even in the first peak, there seems to be a lot more excess death than just from covid? What are they putting this down to?

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They admitted this in summer 2020 and said it was necessary collateral for the half million lives they saved. Seriously. It's in the Parliament notes, in black and white.

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Wow, ........x x x x x x

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Well, there were all those false Covid diagnosis where they put people with other breathing issues on ventilators and Midazolam (Remdesivir in America). Happened to a friend of my wife who fell and hit her head. Had two negative covid tests but some "senior" doctor put her on a ventilator and remdesivir. Killed her.

I forgot to mention the doctor looked at her chart and declared she had Covid pneumonia. Her pissed off daughter got another doctor for a second opinion after her death and the 2nd doctor said all she needed was oxygen.

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So sorry to hear this. But weren't all these murders also counted for as "covid deaths", so there is still is the gap between covid and non-covid deaths not accounted for?

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I expect she was counted as a false "covid death" like many others. When the government is paying for all hospitalization costs and death benefits for Covid patients, it encourages dishonesty amoungst medical professionals.

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I have tried to inform the public with many forms and postings about covid, or any virus transmitted in the air media. While a cough or sneeze does eject particulate's out into the air they are heavy and dont stay suspended for long. because it takes an exposure of several minuted or repeated exposures it becomes the lesser ways to become exposed to the virus. So what is? it is the air handling system . furnace or air conditioning. the filter may as well be none-existent for a one micron virus. the best filters filter out particles down to five microns. we cycle the air around our homes or office completely every few minutes. Any virus has a relative short life outside the body. taking the output from everyone and pushing it around extends the exposure even to weakened virus just so many more of them. The answer is filtration. not the type that goes on your face. Again the best face masks can filter down to five microns. A filter that acts two ways is best. a water filter that will stop the smallest particle and the temperature of the water must be cold. Virus must have a warm temp to survive. Air that passes through a water bath with small bubbles in several stages remove the majority of all contaminants. So why are we wasting research on the jab that has so many side effects when we have ways of reducing our exposures with a means where we have no side effects? I am no engineer and cant have an answer that will work. I propose it because I installed power for an HVAC that was needed for a man who needed air that was free from all particles. His doctor explained his needs to me because I had to seal off any possible way air could enter the room. this included the pipes that would feed power to the unit. We provided a positive pressure in his room to force any partial out as the doors were opened. If this was the system that protected this man then it should also work for the average man at home or work. I would think the research would be less costly and less dangerous to make. reducing exposure should kill the virus quickly. So how about it you people that have the answers. I am too old to want money for any invention you make. some small recognition would be nice so my grandkids could see I helped save some lives. With more days that are behind me than lay ahead I would like to know I helped keep my great grandkids safe. Thanks.----- I, Grampa

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No-one apart from us covid deniers.

Amnesty never pushed their own report after they published it:



but it’s one big failing is not really highlighting the use of Midazolam in care homes that had ZERO ventilators to put the people who had been given Midazolam combined with morphine on after receiving the drug cocktail and who were then subsequently ignored

I first became aware of this report as I was wondering how many people the NHS had called - as they did Mrs Awkward as she is classifies as vulnerable by their standards - saying they would put a DNR onto her records “just in case she got covid and had to be hospitalised unless she objected”.

She objected and refused in a very short sentence.

From that moment on, not withstanding her vulnerable “ status, there was not one call, one letter, not one contact made by the NHS, the local GP, social services or any other Government agency to see how she was getting on, did she need help etc etc.

And of course being “vulnerable” during the worst pandemic ever with the population falling dead everywhere and just being breathed on in the open air could cause death

It’s amazing she is still alive considering she’s:

never unsocially distanced

never shielded

never followed the arrows

never wore a face covering anywhere including hospitals and clinics

never took a PCR test

never took a LFT

never had a covid jab

still visited the few friends how didn’t shun her for being an unbeliever or unjabbed

came out with me in the van (and I’ve never did [done?] any of the above nonsense either) and I was in and out of hospitals (in areas the public and most staff don’t see), operating theatre receptions, mortuaries, pathology labs, undertakers, medical clinics, GPs, dentists, pharmacies etc etc, you get the idea

Since being ill in late-December 2019 she has been ill twice with a bad cold with a bit of a phlegmy cough twice - Christmas 2021 and Christmas 2022.

Notice she never got ill the “year of the Great Pandemic”?

Any ideas why not that year?

Amazing she’s still alive isn’t it if you believed the MSM and official narrative at the time.

Maybe she’s just allergic to Christmas?

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Poor old buggers.

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The truth is that we will never know exactly who died from what. Everyone would need to be autopsied for that. Hopefully, the mainstream media will die...it will if you refuse to acknowledge it...and never be autopsied. Just buried, deep, deep ,deep.

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