My wife and I got flack 25 years ago when we wouldn't jab our first child. We're more on guard than ever now. No shots. We'll take the concentration camps first. Our kids have kept away from the shot, too, Deo gratias.
Pray. A lot. But fight these murderous bastards with everything you have.
I have not seen an apology from any rabbi for the betreyal of the Torah, they have commited. Pfizer as a clearly corrupt entity should have never been concidered as trustful, save, effective. There is no just way for a rabbi to say there is any duty to take this poison.
I'm with you on this. I was incredibly disappointed to see so many synagogues turn into temples for worship of covid. For thousands of years, Jews risked their lives to worship. But our leaders shut down everything and threw it all away for fear and blind obedience? Appalling.
I am glad to see Jewish people expressing themselves in this way. It has been especially bewildering to me to behold the extent to which Israelis have obediently lined up to be injected with a dangerous experimental substance produced by a German pharmaceutical company. (Assuming that my info is correct that Israel's contract is with BioNTech, Pfizer's German partner in crime).
Do people not see the bitter irony? I don't mean to be inflammatory, but I imagine Josef Mengele and Josef Goebbels snickering in Hell as they watch this madness.
You're not being inflammatory. The Israeli government's policies have been a tremendous disappointment. If anyone should know better, it should have been them! And, as you're probably aware, the safety signals were flagged early and then covered up, just as they were in other countries.
The only silver lining - and it's a thin one - is that the people who blame Jews for all this misery have no explanation for why Israel would knowingly deathvaxx its own people.
My personal opinion is that Jews like Rochelle Walensky and Albert Bourla were deliberately appointed to prominent positions where they would become the Jewish face of the Covid response. In this way, they served as "useful idiots" for psychopathic gentiles like Bill Gates, Tony Fauci, and Klaus Schwab. As the truth comes out, people look for someone to blame, and the real puppet-masters can hide behind their Jewish fall guys.
Yes, as much as I try not to "go there", as the kids say, it's difficult to avoid at least considering the possibility that some truly perverse collaboration is in play.
My dear Jewish American friends, intelligent people (who were frantically impatient to get their little boys injected), are mortified that I haven't accepted the Safe and Effective™ injection, and they are instantly compelled to classify me into the predictable pejorative categories provided to them by the Ministry of Truth. I say the same thing to them that I say to my good German friends who comply with the Public Health™ Directives:
"Jews/'unvaccinated people' are unclean carriers of disease. Do not buy from them. Do not let your children play with their children." Then, in my best Chuch Lady voice: "Remind you of anything from your history lessons? 1930s Europe maybe??"
...Blank stares or "but, but..."; Then we change the subject.
Dr. McCullough, "Furthermore, he explained that the mRNA has “never been demonstrated to actually leave the body. They look like they’re permanent, as well as the spike protein that’s produced after them. This is very disturbing. This messenger RNA, it looks like it’s for keeps. Every shot is accumulating in the body with no ability for the body to get rid of it.”
A blood bank out of Switzerland has started with blood only from the un-vaccinated. Dating sites are forming only for the un-jabbed.
For you and your children's health, shun the jabbed.
Do You ask whether there are Jews that excepted a bribe? Of course there are. The whole state of Israel was built as a socialist state known exactly for the bug of corruption and there have been rather horrific scandals throughout history of modern state of Israel (as were in other states) like forced radiation for tinea capitis (approved even by the FDA up until 1978) and abduction of Yéménite children and more recently experimental vaccination of soldiers and Sci-Bi-Vac vaccine for children currently probably under gag order at the Israeli court. But what is happening now is truly extraordinary, because most of the people and especially rabbis are unaware this is still an experimental jab and the experiments show increasingly worrying signals and even established facts since the very beginning.
The Ashkenazim Zionists who founded the Zionist terrorist state of Israel are not Semites. They despise the Hebrews who trace their lineage back to the ancient Levant. The Hebrews largely opposed, and still do, oppose the creation of the present Zionist terrorist state of Israel. It's ironic the Ashkenazim built the world's largest outdoor prison in the illegally militarily occupied territories, and modeled it on the Warsaw Ghetto.
Agree 100 percent Erc M. Same. They did experiments on Jews in the camps....which led to the Nuremberg principles....and then they "volunteer" the entire country to be one big experiment? I got kicked off of twitter for repeating what Dr. Zev Zelenko said about why those in power did it. He said..."you offer them 500 million in a swiss bank account no one will ever know about if they cooperate...and if they don't, they threaten to kill your family". I personally beleive this is what happens to the non WEF heads of state...look what happened in 5 african countries and in Haiti.....
The thing is that even if a rabbi does die suddenly, since he and his family love G-d and see that sad experience as an opportunity to express that love to G-d, they are not exactly in the mood to blame the “safe and effective and approved” jab they have taken in their gullibility.
Thanks Schlomo, true. Am seeing same, folks becoming inure to sudden death IS happening/happened. But his family numbers few, the greater worshipping community would probs see it for what it is. We know we will, and we are many. Legion. (I like to wave my hands in front me me when I say 'legion', for effect. fyi). best from Poortland OR
Many people have never before experienced (to their awareness) an adverse event from a medical intervention, so they were very trusting in the "safe and effective" message. They were not given fully informed consent.
Many parents already had been trained that "loving parents" get their kids vaccinated.
During the period of "the carrot," in the first half of 2021, the massive risks were downplayed, while the social pressure was great. It was rolled out with perceived scarcity in obtaining it, "eligibility" with certain cohorts being elevated at the expense of others, as being in greater need of it. The lies that by taking this shot, you would be protecting others.... this messaging came at us from many angles, and many were susceptible to it. Then, "vaccine hesitant" people were ridiculed and shunned.
Some of us had already been wise to the design of coercive propaganda, and we were suspicious and asked questions. It was obvious enough to us. We were not afraid to be ostracized, even though we did not like it very much and maybe were not prepared for THAT.
Well said. The gaslighting was systematic, has been going on for generations, and many were led like sheep to the slaughter. I can understand how this 14 year old boy caved after he was shunned by his extended family. It is too bad that his mother didn't have the strength to help him overcome a difficult situation, which instead turned into a life threatening one.
Yes they should. Even if there hadn't been a vaccine injury. We aren't there yet, but I believe that before long many people will realize how wrongly they behaved.
If The Hell's Angels pressured you to get the jab but Your Government did not, would you have gotten it? Would you have legally been obligated to?
No? Then why do you think it is LEGAL FOR politicians to make you choose between the jab or anything else?
It isn't. It is ILLEGAL FOR ANYONE to mandate, force or coerce anyone else to take anything let alone untested products. So WHY didn't you all simply point this out until the illegal mandates were removed?
You PREFER to risk the lives of your own children than question your Gods in office? Now we ALL pay the price.
Stop blaming the gas-lighting, no amount of gas-lighting would get a single one of you to take this if Kim Jong-un AND NOT "Your Politicians" were insisting on it. You all decided that you'd RATHER risk your own lives & those of your children than question your authority figures when we could have banded together & get this stopped at any time in the past 2+ years. You're gas-lighting YOURSELVES.
I was forced to leave my career of 30 years because I refused. They even told me to think of the financial impact to my family as threat. I still refused and walked away. Was welcomed back after 6 months. No apologies by them. Policy had changed. Policy was supposedly to align with Biden demand that all get vaccinated or else. So I love your comment. I was in the minuscule group that refused to comply.
Try not to read too much harshness in my reply, but obviously this isn't a one-on-one fight individuals can win. If we want peaceful OR violent revolution, it will require more people than just us two.
That means organizing, having plan(s), etc. Knowing what you're up against, why people HAVEN'T already done this. When faced with unpleasant facts, you basically have three choices: refuse to acknowledge them, acknowledge them & give up (possibly after trying One Thing) or acknowledging them & continuing to fight despite everything.
Then there are other problems like personalities, but that's getting ahead of things. The Hell's Angels did not, COULD not have gotten a majority of people to pressure the rest of us to do this. The public ONLY react this way when Mommy & Daddy-Government tell them to.
They view politicians as Divine Representatives of their Protectors.
That would have to change in order to get the public to be able to stand up to them & their decisions. How to go about doing that? Believe it or not, I have ideas.
Politicians did not make them dump buckets of ice over their heads, eat Tide pods, or wear a pink Nike swoosh for cancer. An extremely powerful need to virtue signal is driving the corporate sheep, and the elite masses of coddled soccer moms and effeminate technology boys are leading the narrative. Your mommy and daddy politicians are following. They will flip when the progressive narrative flips. So please, lead to change the narrative to a God-given human rights are inviolate narrative and we can all have a better life.
I literally could not have said it better myself. I'm terrible at trying to put the right words to things. This is EXACTLY what I intend to do.
People: MOST people feel a Great Need to put blind faith in something. If wee cannot shut this need down, then we need to give them something to shift it onto. Why they cannot do this themselves, see a child harmed by the jabs & shift themselves immediately I do not know. The fact is that they don't.
We have to deal with facts, not wishes, correct?
My best ideas almost HAVE to take place in the U.S.A. & I live in Canada. But as we see the necessity for the same goal for the same reasons, we should continue this. if you would feel more comfortable there than this public a forum. Yes, the narrative has to change. But it needs to appear to have 'official sanction' from an Authority Figure for people to go along with it without hesitation. My best idea was to have one person dressed to look like a local TV reporter, with others carrying real cameras & to have the 'reporter' approach people in any outdoor public space, anywhere U.S.A. & ask people "Excuse me: did YOU vote to allow corporations to spray cancer-causing chemicals onto your (children's) food?"
Because it appears to be a reporter, someone representing media asking this open-ended question and leaving time for people to answer it, there will be a few minor shocks delivered to everyone's subconscious expectations. People cannot sustain too many such things at once. It will not cause ALL people to respond the way I would wish, but we don't need everyone.
We only need enough people to make a viral video of ordinary people speaking out against corporate power & influence. Seeing that, others will also forget that they too used to fear speaking aloud about such things.
Break them softly.
Both the reporter & the viral videos would have links to where people can join a MOVEMENT that they will subconsciously shift SOME of the loyalty they normally only give to government onto. Then the amount of people signed on are used to come to newsletters such as this & ask them to join, as well as all anti-corporate social media sites.
We may not get their leadership. But if this grows, not joining will spell doom for THEIR movements. After a certain amount of time, either we ask the members what other aspects of corporate influence they wish to add, or if it grows large enough, we go ahead and add them. It is VERY IMPORTANT to NOT GO faster than they can sustain. We cannot change things without MASS public support & pushing too hard shall lose that.
But eventually the goal would be for so many people to have so much faith in the movement that any politician wishing to speak against it will be seen as the one speaking against the public's faith. & when THAT happens, once people have enough faith shifted away from the concept of 'Government' that they can question politicians, that is when we can push to make real changes. But we can't do this without carefully amassing public support, in a way that goes unnoticed until we had it.
I don't suppose you live in or have connections there? Or maybe you can think of ways to make it work where YOU live? The details do not matter: the overall concept, to get the public to believe in better quality of individual lives can likely be achieved other ways. But to break their Blind Faith in 'Government' this way, softly seems like The Best Way I can come up with that doesn't require anything illegal, violent, or even for anyone to stupidly go out & protest.
> It isn't. It is ILLEGAL FOR ANYONE to mandate, force or coerce anyone else to take anything let alone untested products. So WHY didn't you all simply point this out until the illegal mandates were removed?
It's actually legal for a pharma company to do their clinical study on the general public per a law Obama passed in the US. This is how the bad guys will cover their butt.
Source: One of the recent, relevant amendments to the 1997 EUA law was passed by Congress and signed by President Obama on Dec. 13, 2016, during the Obama lame duck period. The 2016 Cures Act authorized FDA committees to use 'real world evidence' instead of traditional clinical trials, in making regulatory decisions. That means the FDA can use experimental vaccines on the population legally.
EDIT: That also means that law might violate the US constitution. But in the end it doesn't matter if no one stands up and makes a court case about it.
Dude: the entire point of constitutional law is to make it impossible for anyone or any small group of to "call it" & make themselves or anyone else exempt from laws. It's the only way to ensure that tyranny is illegal.
As the articles of impeachment against Trump pointed out, it IS STILL 100% illegal to use one's public office for personal profit. That's despite Citizens United supposedly being passed. They CAN'T call such laws null & void simply be carefully wording rules. We aren't ten years old. The old laws they think they circumvented still exist & are prosecutable.
They can't go into an office, declare themselves capable of ignoring safety regulations just because they wrote so down on paper. That too is illegal for obvious reasons. Politicians do not get to vote themselves exempt from laws.
Grow tf up: if it SHOULD BE illegal because it would be dangerous to allow Kim Jong-un or The Hell's Angels to do it, it IS illegal to declare oneself exempt FROM doing it. Now: when did We The People give special dispensation for politicians to declare themselves exempt from any laws? This is just more of the same "we're terrified of standing up to our Authority Figures so they can do anything they want" cowardice. It's pure BS.
WE can declare them breathing is illegal if we decide to. WE are supposed to make the laws they either vote in or risk losing the next election & their ONLY job is supposed to be TO vote what we want in & make sure the things we need are properly organized.
NOT those things their cronies want. NO ONE has that power under constitutional law. Obviously.
I agree with you. But none of that matters as long as people don't stand up to enforce their constitutional rights. My post above was to illustrate how the bad guys make these laws, in violation of the US constitution, and still get away with it because people do nothing.
> Politicians do not get to vote themselves exempt from laws.
They already have. Congress is exempt from the Social Security system (they get a pension), from Obamacare, and from a few other laws which I cannot recall.
It never fails: the instant the discussion turns to ACTUAL SOLUTIONS WE can make work, everything goes silent. It's SO consistent.
Good luck waiting for these people to voluntarily decide to stop receiving millions of $. I'm sure they'll do so any millennium. Soon.
Gotcha. I wrote a LONG reply to Steshu Dostoevsky on this same stream that includes a strategy to, if not get people to lose their blind faith in politicians, then at least shift it onto a movement designed to reduce their power, gradually. Or quickly. I can't predict how it might go.
But at least it's a practical idea, if a little more roundabout than I would prefer. It IS human nature to want there to be SOMETHING they can just hang some Blind Faith onto. So it's an idea that works within that restriction. I ain't happy about it, but hey, if you can tweak it better, please give it a look & do so. I'm only One Person. I doubt that the plan in its current form is perfect.
You would be surprised how many people can be arrested because they attempted to exert their constitutional rights in the face of the authorities. Authorities have infinitely greater lethal force at their disposal. Sad but true.
When people go solo against the strength of an organized corrupt government they lose? Wow: if only there were some way for citizens to communicate with each other & organize. What with them having greater numbers & all, they might be able to DO something about all that.
What's that? Oh you're all too cowardly to ever risk getting one constipated-looking scowl of discontent from Daddy Nancy Pelosi or Mommy Mitch McConnell? You would never risk earning their scorn or losing their imaginary love?
Well then by all means, continue sacrificing both your health & future & that of your children to their God of greed
Referring to two old sock puppets demonstrates an extremely naive understanding of who is calling the shots. By all means, feel free to lead the resistance.
Had I been offered the vax in early 2021, I might have taken, it, but it was mid summer before it got around to "my turn". I am actually glad of that, because by then the pathetic tactics of bribes, threats and coercion made it crystal clear that not taking that shit was the right thing too do.
This is a sad story, but it illustrates what has been a consistent and massive human failing since these jabs were rolled out at the end of 2020. Firstly, the failure to heed gut instincts. Many, many people must have at least been a little bit wary with regard to this unprecedented global campaign to inject billions of people, especially after the absurdity of lockdowns. Their basic human instinct would have been telling them: 'proceed with extreme caution'. In that case, it was their responsibility to heed that warning and inform themselves, acquire as much knowledge, from as many sources as possible, and use their own rational judgement as to whether to accept what their government was telling them. They failed to do this, or even when they did, as in the case of this father, they buckled under social pressure and knowingly took what they considered to be a substantial health risk for what was essentially a social benefit; in this case, the father risked his own health AND that of his son. I'm finding it very hard to feel sympathy here. That kid is now damaged for life and his life expectancy may indeed be much shorter than it was.
Evolution has gifted us with powerful survival instincts and a large brain in order to make better sense of the world around us and to respond rationally and effectively to our more primitive instincts. So few did. Why? I'm not really buying the 'everyone was labouring under a mass delusion' answer. Yes, it was a powerful spell, but human instinct is just as powerful, if not more so. We cast that gift aside in our haste to become model citizens or conform to social norms, even newly imposed and utterly bizarre social norms.
It is truly despicable the way that applied behavioural psychology has been and continues to be used to coerce vast numbers to participate in this huge experiment.
I cant see these people as victims. Nothing is more valuable than my health. I wont trade it for nothing, and I dont trust anybody but my own judgement with it. These people traded their health just to avoid some short term risk or inconvenience. They trusted journalists and politicians of all people! It is hard to get more idiotic.
Also, if a strong enough minority had resisted those in power would not have gotten away with the coercion and intimidation tactics.
In life, you need balls and brains to have a future.
Any time I hear someone say "get vaccinated" I hear "get medically raped". 100% of the covid nightmare has been medical rape, and these people have consented to it. In order to travel, you have to agree to be medically raped? Don't travel. Agreement to medical rape as a condition of employment? Walk away from that job, and certainly do not give a single penny to any business that demands this. Force your kids to get medically raped on a daily basis in order to ride a schoolbus and go to a public indoctrination center....rather than take responsibility to educate them yourself? What does that say about you??
- I struggle with anger and judgement every single day and just have to walk away from live conversations like this, otherwise I project it all over the place. I know this is my issue, and that I have to learn to deal with it and to somehow find compassion and balance. Some days are better than others.
I am right behind you! I’m so infuriated by the whole thing. I can barely sleep, depressed beyond belief, but every day I have to remind myself- I didn’t take this poison. Unfortunately due to “shedding “ of vaxxed individuals to the unvaccinated- that is what eats at my soul daily. God help us all.
It's a sign that the vaccine is working, silly! I wonder how many parents would have continued to shoot their kids up with the polio shots if the media was parroting " your kid may become paralyzed from the shot, but just think how much worse it would be if they didn't take it!". Probably none, pre 2020 before the average collective IQ dropped below 70.
- We are living out Idiocracy 2.0. The only thing that people forget to say is how they need to rush home to catch the latest episode of "Ow, My Balls!". Meh.
I keep telling myself that we will soon be geniuses and able to write our own tickets to whatever we want, as the rest of the population will have devolved to pre Neanderthol...or hopelessly disabled. It's cold comfort.
Agreed. That medical rape as a condition of participation in any part of society has somehow become acceptable is so, so incredibly not acceptable at all. Even many angry people who didn't want to agree but felt so coerced that they caved in are not seeing it for exactly what it is.
Although I do feel terribly sorry for this family, you are absolutely right. When a Covid vaccine was first talked about, I thought: Well no one in their right mind is gonna take a "warp speed " vaccine, unless they are extremely vulnerable. I could not have been more wrong.
There are videos out there of Biden and Kamla saying how they don't trust Trump's warp speed vaccine and they wouldn't be taking it. How things changed.
I know people who were like "over my dead body" ... until summer 2021. Suddenly it was "it's the only way, and why dont you take the shot as well, it's so easy and quick."
I wonder if it would have gone the same way if Trump had won the 2020 elections.
I don't think it would have made much difference if Trump was in the WH. Of course we will never know. I feel like people were literally brainwashed. When my 26 year old son told me he'd been vaccinated, it killed me. I will never get over it. I'm in Canada, so we've got the tyrant Justin Trudeau to contend with!
None of the willing participants realize what horrible experimentation they are being used for. I've seen video of Bill Gates telling our DoD that they have"vaccines" that remove "fanaticism" from people (years ago). What do peole think is really going on? Research has demonstrated for many, many years that these mRNA vaccines are ineffective for such things as Coronavirus. This created virus and "vaccine" was just Pandora's door they opened to gin up fear in people so they can start pushing these augmentative technologies into the bodies of the people. It will be interesting to see how compliant people become over the next few years, especially the multiple jabbed. Hopefully these experiments also fail and instead of an army of "yes" men and women, they create the ultimate resistance.
What is even more disturbing than the family caving to family peer pressure is his story of the doctors taking him aside and saying, "yeah, we're seeing a lot of this but we're not allowed to say anything." What the F?
There is a science to persuasion. For eight decades, researchers have studied how to convince people to do things. All of that research and knowledge was brought to bear on promoting these poisonous products. I've written about it here.
I watched, liked the content, and clicked off. I returned to comment after all that the Jews went through during WW2 you'd think they would have been the first, as a group, to point out this corrupted fascist deal.
The people who broke their oath to ‘First do no harm’, those that coerced doctors, those that led this effort and suppressed facts deserve to be in the worst circle of hell.
I am a physician in Los Angeles. I received an Email from UCLA at the beginning of the Plandemic that was meant only for UCLA's staff physicians, i.e., salaried "providers." It had to be completed by all of them to continue their employment at UCLA. Each doctor was told the the case fatality rate of this novel virus was over 3% and that they had to accept responsibility that they may spread this virus to their colleagues and their patients. and that the only way out of this public health crisis was a vaccine.
When they realized I received this email in error, I was asked to delete it by the UCLA medical staff office.
Doctors put their paycheck, their mortgage, their children's private school tuition ahead of science and their patient's best interest.
If you still trust your doctor implicitly, then you need to have your head examined!
I'm still waiting for science or medical profession to isolate, purify and identify this "imaginary virus".
Does anyone else find it suspicious that we never hear anything about the entire virus or entire virus genome, only the novel spike protein, and injection synthetic spike protein genomes which are identical computer constructs? And if they have the entire genome of the isolated, purified and identified virus as claimed, why do they concentrate only on stopping the virus by attacking the spike protein, why not attempt stopping the virus by attacking the replication of the body of the virus?
The answer is easy, because there is no virus, but there is both a manmade bioweapon novel and synthetic spike protein being used to eliminate the human race, one death at time.
I am a liberal progressive and life-long Democrat and the Groupthink that was the real virus among my fellow progressives was ingeniously linked with anti-Trump propaganda.
The same people who protested the Vietnam War, sickened by Watergate, incensed by Iran Contra and backers of the Civil Rights Movement, were captured hook, line and sinker by the same government that has lied to them their entire life.
My wife and I got flack 25 years ago when we wouldn't jab our first child. We're more on guard than ever now. No shots. We'll take the concentration camps first. Our kids have kept away from the shot, too, Deo gratias.
Pray. A lot. But fight these murderous bastards with everything you have.
Know that there are MANY of us standing beside you. We are in the fight of our lifetime for sure. God Bless.
I have not seen an apology from any rabbi for the betreyal of the Torah, they have commited. Pfizer as a clearly corrupt entity should have never been concidered as trustful, save, effective. There is no just way for a rabbi to say there is any duty to take this poison.
I'm with you on this. I was incredibly disappointed to see so many synagogues turn into temples for worship of covid. For thousands of years, Jews risked their lives to worship. But our leaders shut down everything and threw it all away for fear and blind obedience? Appalling.
I am glad to see Jewish people expressing themselves in this way. It has been especially bewildering to me to behold the extent to which Israelis have obediently lined up to be injected with a dangerous experimental substance produced by a German pharmaceutical company. (Assuming that my info is correct that Israel's contract is with BioNTech, Pfizer's German partner in crime).
Do people not see the bitter irony? I don't mean to be inflammatory, but I imagine Josef Mengele and Josef Goebbels snickering in Hell as they watch this madness.
You're not being inflammatory. The Israeli government's policies have been a tremendous disappointment. If anyone should know better, it should have been them! And, as you're probably aware, the safety signals were flagged early and then covered up, just as they were in other countries.
The only silver lining - and it's a thin one - is that the people who blame Jews for all this misery have no explanation for why Israel would knowingly deathvaxx its own people.
My personal opinion is that Jews like Rochelle Walensky and Albert Bourla were deliberately appointed to prominent positions where they would become the Jewish face of the Covid response. In this way, they served as "useful idiots" for psychopathic gentiles like Bill Gates, Tony Fauci, and Klaus Schwab. As the truth comes out, people look for someone to blame, and the real puppet-masters can hide behind their Jewish fall guys.
Yes, as much as I try not to "go there", as the kids say, it's difficult to avoid at least considering the possibility that some truly perverse collaboration is in play.
My dear Jewish American friends, intelligent people (who were frantically impatient to get their little boys injected), are mortified that I haven't accepted the Safe and Effective™ injection, and they are instantly compelled to classify me into the predictable pejorative categories provided to them by the Ministry of Truth. I say the same thing to them that I say to my good German friends who comply with the Public Health™ Directives:
"Jews/'unvaccinated people' are unclean carriers of disease. Do not buy from them. Do not let your children play with their children." Then, in my best Chuch Lady voice: "Remind you of anything from your history lessons? 1930s Europe maybe??"
...Blank stares or "but, but..."; Then we change the subject.
At this point in time, the tides are reversing.
Dr. McCullough, "Furthermore, he explained that the mRNA has “never been demonstrated to actually leave the body. They look like they’re permanent, as well as the spike protein that’s produced after them. This is very disturbing. This messenger RNA, it looks like it’s for keeps. Every shot is accumulating in the body with no ability for the body to get rid of it.”
A blood bank out of Switzerland has started with blood only from the un-vaccinated. Dating sites are forming only for the un-jabbed.
For you and your children's health, shun the jabbed.
Do You ask whether there are Jews that excepted a bribe? Of course there are. The whole state of Israel was built as a socialist state known exactly for the bug of corruption and there have been rather horrific scandals throughout history of modern state of Israel (as were in other states) like forced radiation for tinea capitis (approved even by the FDA up until 1978) and abduction of Yéménite children and more recently experimental vaccination of soldiers and Sci-Bi-Vac vaccine for children currently probably under gag order at the Israeli court. But what is happening now is truly extraordinary, because most of the people and especially rabbis are unaware this is still an experimental jab and the experiments show increasingly worrying signals and even established facts since the very beginning.
Very well put! I especially love the references to The Science™.
The Ashkenazim Zionists who founded the Zionist terrorist state of Israel are not Semites. They despise the Hebrews who trace their lineage back to the ancient Levant. The Hebrews largely opposed, and still do, oppose the creation of the present Zionist terrorist state of Israel. It's ironic the Ashkenazim built the world's largest outdoor prison in the illegally militarily occupied territories, and modeled it on the Warsaw Ghetto.
Exactly what Prof. Bhakdi has been saying in that regard. He is now standing trial for it.
Agree 100 percent Erc M. Same. They did experiments on Jews in the camps....which led to the Nuremberg principles....and then they "volunteer" the entire country to be one big experiment? I got kicked off of twitter for repeating what Dr. Zev Zelenko said about why those in power did it. He said..."you offer them 500 million in a swiss bank account no one will ever know about if they cooperate...and if they don't, they threaten to kill your family". I personally beleive this is what happens to the non WEF heads of state...look what happened in 5 african countries and in Haiti.....
If the rabbi dies suddenly.....if the rabbi doesn't die suddenly? Not sure which is worse.
The thing is that even if a rabbi does die suddenly, since he and his family love G-d and see that sad experience as an opportunity to express that love to G-d, they are not exactly in the mood to blame the “safe and effective and approved” jab they have taken in their gullibility.
Thanks Schlomo, true. Am seeing same, folks becoming inure to sudden death IS happening/happened. But his family numbers few, the greater worshipping community would probs see it for what it is. We know we will, and we are many. Legion. (I like to wave my hands in front me me when I say 'legion', for effect. fyi). best from Poortland OR
Many people have never before experienced (to their awareness) an adverse event from a medical intervention, so they were very trusting in the "safe and effective" message. They were not given fully informed consent.
Many parents already had been trained that "loving parents" get their kids vaccinated.
During the period of "the carrot," in the first half of 2021, the massive risks were downplayed, while the social pressure was great. It was rolled out with perceived scarcity in obtaining it, "eligibility" with certain cohorts being elevated at the expense of others, as being in greater need of it. The lies that by taking this shot, you would be protecting others.... this messaging came at us from many angles, and many were susceptible to it. Then, "vaccine hesitant" people were ridiculed and shunned.
Some of us had already been wise to the design of coercive propaganda, and we were suspicious and asked questions. It was obvious enough to us. We were not afraid to be ostracized, even though we did not like it very much and maybe were not prepared for THAT.
Well said. The gaslighting was systematic, has been going on for generations, and many were led like sheep to the slaughter. I can understand how this 14 year old boy caved after he was shunned by his extended family. It is too bad that his mother didn't have the strength to help him overcome a difficult situation, which instead turned into a life threatening one.
Shouldn't the family who did this feel guilt? I bet they don't.
Yes they should. Even if there hadn't been a vaccine injury. We aren't there yet, but I believe that before long many people will realize how wrongly they behaved.
I hope you are right. I am not seeing it anywhere...but my family lives far apart so getting together was not an issue.
If The Hell's Angels pressured you to get the jab but Your Government did not, would you have gotten it? Would you have legally been obligated to?
No? Then why do you think it is LEGAL FOR politicians to make you choose between the jab or anything else?
It isn't. It is ILLEGAL FOR ANYONE to mandate, force or coerce anyone else to take anything let alone untested products. So WHY didn't you all simply point this out until the illegal mandates were removed?
You PREFER to risk the lives of your own children than question your Gods in office? Now we ALL pay the price.
Stop blaming the gas-lighting, no amount of gas-lighting would get a single one of you to take this if Kim Jong-un AND NOT "Your Politicians" were insisting on it. You all decided that you'd RATHER risk your own lives & those of your children than question your authority figures when we could have banded together & get this stopped at any time in the past 2+ years. You're gas-lighting YOURSELVES.
I was forced to leave my career of 30 years because I refused. They even told me to think of the financial impact to my family as threat. I still refused and walked away. Was welcomed back after 6 months. No apologies by them. Policy had changed. Policy was supposedly to align with Biden demand that all get vaccinated or else. So I love your comment. I was in the minuscule group that refused to comply.
Try not to read too much harshness in my reply, but obviously this isn't a one-on-one fight individuals can win. If we want peaceful OR violent revolution, it will require more people than just us two.
That means organizing, having plan(s), etc. Knowing what you're up against, why people HAVEN'T already done this. When faced with unpleasant facts, you basically have three choices: refuse to acknowledge them, acknowledge them & give up (possibly after trying One Thing) or acknowledging them & continuing to fight despite everything.
Then there are other problems like personalities, but that's getting ahead of things. The Hell's Angels did not, COULD not have gotten a majority of people to pressure the rest of us to do this. The public ONLY react this way when Mommy & Daddy-Government tell them to.
They view politicians as Divine Representatives of their Protectors.
That would have to change in order to get the public to be able to stand up to them & their decisions. How to go about doing that? Believe it or not, I have ideas.
But no support. Care to continue?
Politicians did not make them dump buckets of ice over their heads, eat Tide pods, or wear a pink Nike swoosh for cancer. An extremely powerful need to virtue signal is driving the corporate sheep, and the elite masses of coddled soccer moms and effeminate technology boys are leading the narrative. Your mommy and daddy politicians are following. They will flip when the progressive narrative flips. So please, lead to change the narrative to a God-given human rights are inviolate narrative and we can all have a better life.
I literally could not have said it better myself. I'm terrible at trying to put the right words to things. This is EXACTLY what I intend to do.
People: MOST people feel a Great Need to put blind faith in something. If wee cannot shut this need down, then we need to give them something to shift it onto. Why they cannot do this themselves, see a child harmed by the jabs & shift themselves immediately I do not know. The fact is that they don't.
We have to deal with facts, not wishes, correct?
My best ideas almost HAVE to take place in the U.S.A. & I live in Canada. But as we see the necessity for the same goal for the same reasons, we should continue this. if you would feel more comfortable there than this public a forum. Yes, the narrative has to change. But it needs to appear to have 'official sanction' from an Authority Figure for people to go along with it without hesitation. My best idea was to have one person dressed to look like a local TV reporter, with others carrying real cameras & to have the 'reporter' approach people in any outdoor public space, anywhere U.S.A. & ask people "Excuse me: did YOU vote to allow corporations to spray cancer-causing chemicals onto your (children's) food?"
Because it appears to be a reporter, someone representing media asking this open-ended question and leaving time for people to answer it, there will be a few minor shocks delivered to everyone's subconscious expectations. People cannot sustain too many such things at once. It will not cause ALL people to respond the way I would wish, but we don't need everyone.
We only need enough people to make a viral video of ordinary people speaking out against corporate power & influence. Seeing that, others will also forget that they too used to fear speaking aloud about such things.
Break them softly.
Both the reporter & the viral videos would have links to where people can join a MOVEMENT that they will subconsciously shift SOME of the loyalty they normally only give to government onto. Then the amount of people signed on are used to come to newsletters such as this & ask them to join, as well as all anti-corporate social media sites.
We may not get their leadership. But if this grows, not joining will spell doom for THEIR movements. After a certain amount of time, either we ask the members what other aspects of corporate influence they wish to add, or if it grows large enough, we go ahead and add them. It is VERY IMPORTANT to NOT GO faster than they can sustain. We cannot change things without MASS public support & pushing too hard shall lose that.
But eventually the goal would be for so many people to have so much faith in the movement that any politician wishing to speak against it will be seen as the one speaking against the public's faith. & when THAT happens, once people have enough faith shifted away from the concept of 'Government' that they can question politicians, that is when we can push to make real changes. But we can't do this without carefully amassing public support, in a way that goes unnoticed until we had it.
I don't suppose you live in or have connections there? Or maybe you can think of ways to make it work where YOU live? The details do not matter: the overall concept, to get the public to believe in better quality of individual lives can likely be achieved other ways. But to break their Blind Faith in 'Government' this way, softly seems like The Best Way I can come up with that doesn't require anything illegal, violent, or even for anyone to stupidly go out & protest.
I'd like to hear your thoughts on this. ; )
> It isn't. It is ILLEGAL FOR ANYONE to mandate, force or coerce anyone else to take anything let alone untested products. So WHY didn't you all simply point this out until the illegal mandates were removed?
It's actually legal for a pharma company to do their clinical study on the general public per a law Obama passed in the US. This is how the bad guys will cover their butt.
Source: One of the recent, relevant amendments to the 1997 EUA law was passed by Congress and signed by President Obama on Dec. 13, 2016, during the Obama lame duck period. The 2016 Cures Act authorized FDA committees to use 'real world evidence' instead of traditional clinical trials, in making regulatory decisions. That means the FDA can use experimental vaccines on the population legally.
EDIT: That also means that law might violate the US constitution. But in the end it doesn't matter if no one stands up and makes a court case about it.
Dude: the entire point of constitutional law is to make it impossible for anyone or any small group of to "call it" & make themselves or anyone else exempt from laws. It's the only way to ensure that tyranny is illegal.
As the articles of impeachment against Trump pointed out, it IS STILL 100% illegal to use one's public office for personal profit. That's despite Citizens United supposedly being passed. They CAN'T call such laws null & void simply be carefully wording rules. We aren't ten years old. The old laws they think they circumvented still exist & are prosecutable.
They can't go into an office, declare themselves capable of ignoring safety regulations just because they wrote so down on paper. That too is illegal for obvious reasons. Politicians do not get to vote themselves exempt from laws.
Grow tf up: if it SHOULD BE illegal because it would be dangerous to allow Kim Jong-un or The Hell's Angels to do it, it IS illegal to declare oneself exempt FROM doing it. Now: when did We The People give special dispensation for politicians to declare themselves exempt from any laws? This is just more of the same "we're terrified of standing up to our Authority Figures so they can do anything they want" cowardice. It's pure BS.
WE can declare them breathing is illegal if we decide to. WE are supposed to make the laws they either vote in or risk losing the next election & their ONLY job is supposed to be TO vote what we want in & make sure the things we need are properly organized.
NOT those things their cronies want. NO ONE has that power under constitutional law. Obviously.
I agree with you. But none of that matters as long as people don't stand up to enforce their constitutional rights. My post above was to illustrate how the bad guys make these laws, in violation of the US constitution, and still get away with it because people do nothing.
> Politicians do not get to vote themselves exempt from laws.
They already have. Congress is exempt from the Social Security system (they get a pension), from Obamacare, and from a few other laws which I cannot recall.
It never fails: the instant the discussion turns to ACTUAL SOLUTIONS WE can make work, everything goes silent. It's SO consistent.
Good luck waiting for these people to voluntarily decide to stop receiving millions of $. I'm sure they'll do so any millennium. Soon.
Gotcha. I wrote a LONG reply to Steshu Dostoevsky on this same stream that includes a strategy to, if not get people to lose their blind faith in politicians, then at least shift it onto a movement designed to reduce their power, gradually. Or quickly. I can't predict how it might go.
But at least it's a practical idea, if a little more roundabout than I would prefer. It IS human nature to want there to be SOMETHING they can just hang some Blind Faith onto. So it's an idea that works within that restriction. I ain't happy about it, but hey, if you can tweak it better, please give it a look & do so. I'm only One Person. I doubt that the plan in its current form is perfect.
You would be surprised how many people can be arrested because they attempted to exert their constitutional rights in the face of the authorities. Authorities have infinitely greater lethal force at their disposal. Sad but true.
When people go solo against the strength of an organized corrupt government they lose? Wow: if only there were some way for citizens to communicate with each other & organize. What with them having greater numbers & all, they might be able to DO something about all that.
What's that? Oh you're all too cowardly to ever risk getting one constipated-looking scowl of discontent from Daddy Nancy Pelosi or Mommy Mitch McConnell? You would never risk earning their scorn or losing their imaginary love?
Well then by all means, continue sacrificing both your health & future & that of your children to their God of greed
Referring to two old sock puppets demonstrates an extremely naive understanding of who is calling the shots. By all means, feel free to lead the resistance.
Had I been offered the vax in early 2021, I might have taken, it, but it was mid summer before it got around to "my turn". I am actually glad of that, because by then the pathetic tactics of bribes, threats and coercion made it crystal clear that not taking that shit was the right thing too do.
This is a sad story, but it illustrates what has been a consistent and massive human failing since these jabs were rolled out at the end of 2020. Firstly, the failure to heed gut instincts. Many, many people must have at least been a little bit wary with regard to this unprecedented global campaign to inject billions of people, especially after the absurdity of lockdowns. Their basic human instinct would have been telling them: 'proceed with extreme caution'. In that case, it was their responsibility to heed that warning and inform themselves, acquire as much knowledge, from as many sources as possible, and use their own rational judgement as to whether to accept what their government was telling them. They failed to do this, or even when they did, as in the case of this father, they buckled under social pressure and knowingly took what they considered to be a substantial health risk for what was essentially a social benefit; in this case, the father risked his own health AND that of his son. I'm finding it very hard to feel sympathy here. That kid is now damaged for life and his life expectancy may indeed be much shorter than it was.
Evolution has gifted us with powerful survival instincts and a large brain in order to make better sense of the world around us and to respond rationally and effectively to our more primitive instincts. So few did. Why? I'm not really buying the 'everyone was labouring under a mass delusion' answer. Yes, it was a powerful spell, but human instinct is just as powerful, if not more so. We cast that gift aside in our haste to become model citizens or conform to social norms, even newly imposed and utterly bizarre social norms.
It is truly despicable the way that applied behavioural psychology has been and continues to be used to coerce vast numbers to participate in this huge experiment.
I cant see these people as victims. Nothing is more valuable than my health. I wont trade it for nothing, and I dont trust anybody but my own judgement with it. These people traded their health just to avoid some short term risk or inconvenience. They trusted journalists and politicians of all people! It is hard to get more idiotic.
Also, if a strong enough minority had resisted those in power would not have gotten away with the coercion and intimidation tactics.
In life, you need balls and brains to have a future.
Any time I hear someone say "get vaccinated" I hear "get medically raped". 100% of the covid nightmare has been medical rape, and these people have consented to it. In order to travel, you have to agree to be medically raped? Don't travel. Agreement to medical rape as a condition of employment? Walk away from that job, and certainly do not give a single penny to any business that demands this. Force your kids to get medically raped on a daily basis in order to ride a schoolbus and go to a public indoctrination center....rather than take responsibility to educate them yourself? What does that say about you??
- I struggle with anger and judgement every single day and just have to walk away from live conversations like this, otherwise I project it all over the place. I know this is my issue, and that I have to learn to deal with it and to somehow find compassion and balance. Some days are better than others.
I am right behind you! I’m so infuriated by the whole thing. I can barely sleep, depressed beyond belief, but every day I have to remind myself- I didn’t take this poison. Unfortunately due to “shedding “ of vaxxed individuals to the unvaccinated- that is what eats at my soul daily. God help us all.
Yup. Very true. While waiting for our loved ones to drop dead....or find out that they've got a fast-moving and aggressive cancer.
You are not the only one with anger issues. Mine can be explosive.
I too walk away. I cannot beleive people are still taking these shots.
My friend got her mouse booster friday, and she ran a 104 temp last night.
Thinks it is normal. I'm beside myself.
It's a sign that the vaccine is working, silly! I wonder how many parents would have continued to shoot their kids up with the polio shots if the media was parroting " your kid may become paralyzed from the shot, but just think how much worse it would be if they didn't take it!". Probably none, pre 2020 before the average collective IQ dropped below 70.
- We are living out Idiocracy 2.0. The only thing that people forget to say is how they need to rush home to catch the latest episode of "Ow, My Balls!". Meh.
I keep telling myself that we will soon be geniuses and able to write our own tickets to whatever we want, as the rest of the population will have devolved to pre Neanderthol...or hopelessly disabled. It's cold comfort.
Okay I admit I giggled. that is EXACTLY what they have been brainwashed to beleive!
Thank you for that! It is all so depressing isn't it?
I have to keep reminding myself that if the average IQ is 70...then half the population is below that...
Nothing wrong with declaring yourself. Nothing wrong with anger or judgment of those who rape. Speak your peace without attachment and move on.
Agreed. That medical rape as a condition of participation in any part of society has somehow become acceptable is so, so incredibly not acceptable at all. Even many angry people who didn't want to agree but felt so coerced that they caved in are not seeing it for exactly what it is.
Although I do feel terribly sorry for this family, you are absolutely right. When a Covid vaccine was first talked about, I thought: Well no one in their right mind is gonna take a "warp speed " vaccine, unless they are extremely vulnerable. I could not have been more wrong.
You and me both. I still wonder at people...I mean, what part of Experimental do they not get?
There are videos out there of Biden and Kamla saying how they don't trust Trump's warp speed vaccine and they wouldn't be taking it. How things changed.
I know people who were like "over my dead body" ... until summer 2021. Suddenly it was "it's the only way, and why dont you take the shot as well, it's so easy and quick."
I wonder if it would have gone the same way if Trump had won the 2020 elections.
I don't think it would have made much difference if Trump was in the WH. Of course we will never know. I feel like people were literally brainwashed. When my 26 year old son told me he'd been vaccinated, it killed me. I will never get over it. I'm in Canada, so we've got the tyrant Justin Trudeau to contend with!
None of the willing participants realize what horrible experimentation they are being used for. I've seen video of Bill Gates telling our DoD that they have"vaccines" that remove "fanaticism" from people (years ago). What do peole think is really going on? Research has demonstrated for many, many years that these mRNA vaccines are ineffective for such things as Coronavirus. This created virus and "vaccine" was just Pandora's door they opened to gin up fear in people so they can start pushing these augmentative technologies into the bodies of the people. It will be interesting to see how compliant people become over the next few years, especially the multiple jabbed. Hopefully these experiments also fail and instead of an army of "yes" men and women, they create the ultimate resistance.
. Gene depetion of fronal lobe!
What is even more disturbing than the family caving to family peer pressure is his story of the doctors taking him aside and saying, "yeah, we're seeing a lot of this but we're not allowed to say anything." What the F?
Unsurprising. It really exposed people for what they are. Mostly cowards.
There is a science to persuasion. For eight decades, researchers have studied how to convince people to do things. All of that research and knowledge was brought to bear on promoting these poisonous products. I've written about it here.
I watched, liked the content, and clicked off. I returned to comment after all that the Jews went through during WW2 you'd think they would have been the first, as a group, to point out this corrupted fascist deal.
Nothing new under the sun I suppose fits.
I thought the same thing. My Jewish family members and friends were all heavily, some even angrily, pro-jab.
A sorry state of affairs. Now comes the weeping and gnashing of teeth I suppose. Thanks for sharing.
The people who broke their oath to ‘First do no harm’, those that coerced doctors, those that led this effort and suppressed facts deserve to be in the worst circle of hell.
If it were a stranger ABUSING you the way a family member is, would you still allow it?
I hope not!
Family are still JUST PEOPLE & I have found their abuse even worse than a strangers when that is going on.
Unfortunate yes, Common, YES.
Abuse is abuse no matter who the abuser is.
My heart aches for all in that position as my husband & I are living through this as well. Much love for us all.
I am a physician in Los Angeles. I received an Email from UCLA at the beginning of the Plandemic that was meant only for UCLA's staff physicians, i.e., salaried "providers." It had to be completed by all of them to continue their employment at UCLA. Each doctor was told the the case fatality rate of this novel virus was over 3% and that they had to accept responsibility that they may spread this virus to their colleagues and their patients. and that the only way out of this public health crisis was a vaccine.
When they realized I received this email in error, I was asked to delete it by the UCLA medical staff office.
Doctors put their paycheck, their mortgage, their children's private school tuition ahead of science and their patient's best interest.
If you still trust your doctor implicitly, then you need to have your head examined!
Who would be examining the head?
Another anti-science doctor. lol.
That was my subtle attempt at irony!
Why do people take part in the mRNA…"Ignorant Bliss"!
I'm still waiting for science or medical profession to isolate, purify and identify this "imaginary virus".
Does anyone else find it suspicious that we never hear anything about the entire virus or entire virus genome, only the novel spike protein, and injection synthetic spike protein genomes which are identical computer constructs? And if they have the entire genome of the isolated, purified and identified virus as claimed, why do they concentrate only on stopping the virus by attacking the spike protein, why not attempt stopping the virus by attacking the replication of the body of the virus?
The answer is easy, because there is no virus, but there is both a manmade bioweapon novel and synthetic spike protein being used to eliminate the human race, one death at time.
I am a liberal progressive and life-long Democrat and the Groupthink that was the real virus among my fellow progressives was ingeniously linked with anti-Trump propaganda.
The same people who protested the Vietnam War, sickened by Watergate, incensed by Iran Contra and backers of the Civil Rights Movement, were captured hook, line and sinker by the same government that has lied to them their entire life.
Ari needs new in-laws!