If we could get through very lonely 2020, we will certainly get through this, whether it takes months, years, or decades. No lie can last forever. Lies can last a long time but sooner or later, they self-combust under spiritual gravity.
I forward Tessa Lena articles to those I love and care about. Those in their 20’s respond with admiration for her. You resonate with the young people. That alone gives me hope for the future.
Wow, thank you Steshu!!! This makes me so happy. I write to create a little more clarity in this world and to bring the focus back to love, so I am just really so touched by what you said.
An exquisite summary of the last few years, with data and research to support each thought. Forwarded to as many friends and family as possible with the knowledge many will not be happy I sent it to them.
WOW JOEL 👏🏻👏🏻😁👍 EVERYTHING all IN ONE PLACE.How do you keep going? Thank You, for doubling down and giving us the whole jigsaw,not just the edges.No need to send my friends multiple links now.
THEY are also Doubling down…Andrew Bridgen , Jordan Peterson ,many other Scientists,Doctor, all victims of lies and persecution. UK Parliament coerced into submission,Médical Boards destroying honourable Doctors.
We Substackers must build communities and work even harder to red pill the fence sitters……
Wow from me too! This is such a brilliant summation of everything that is bad in our world at the moment. It's perfect for posting and forwarding - such a great piece of work - thank you.
The question is - what else can this community of like-minded souls do now? The growing frustration of it all for the little man seems hopeless...we must all resist and hold firm.
Hetty Bower - (an interesting woman - look her up) - said - 'We may not win by protesting. But if we don't protest we will lose. If we stand up to them, there is always a chance we will win.'
Anyone following in detail the climate Trojan horse (I wrote my first blog post my own website in 1997 or thereabouts) will understand the poignancy of your words, "The carbon “pollution” they want to reduce is us."
Not that we're talking about "carbon" per se, rather carbon dioxide, that trace 'green house' gas redefined as a pollutant, in exactly the same manner in which 'civil society' conflates 'civil' with civilised, or 'vaccination' is an mRNA/LNP shot, or 'immunisation' is a trivial degree of unpredictable, short lived protection (if you survive) against a phantom, or 'climate change' as distinct from 'climate variability' (the "natural" variation), being predicated on the direct and indirect anthropogenic influences upon atmospheric composition and land usage.
Thus a single breath of exhaled air, or a foot print in the mud, are now deliberately promoted as a dire planetary threat.
Couple this to a dumbing down of the populace, the strangulation of the Fourth Estate media with its elevation to Fifth Column status ensures that erasing the problem by reducing the population to the fictional and ideological 'carrying capacity' of Earth is the goal.
Thus far, the carrying capacity appears just barely adequate for the elite. It will be touch and go for them in very short order.
Now I just wonder how long it may take for a critical mass to awaken and give birth to an ideological Renaissance?
Control the language, you control the people (Alinsky).
To me there were a few moments that woke me up and I've questioned everything since:
1 - the anti-smoking legislation that was basically identical in every country that enacted it that suggested that every one of the Governments were following a pre-ordained script from higher up. I could see this was the beginning of the authoritarian things that followed.
2 - when my wife almost died after having her first 'flu jab on her GP's recommendation as she had asthma and she almost died and not one member of staff wanted to discuss the jab was the most likely cause
3 - she did not have asthma. She was actually having a reaction to the nebuliser and the more she used it (as recommended) the worse the asthma got. having breathing difficulties and asthma attacks are one of the listed side-effects of the nebulisers. She stopped using it and not had an "asthma attack" since.
4 - arguing with the son's school when I realised how piss poor education standards had dropped (he's 29 next week so you know how far back my questioning started)
"Thus far, the carrying capacity appears just barely adequate for the elite."
I've been thinking along these lines since I started to recognize the demonic "depopulation" (i.e., mass murder) agenda. From a purely practical POV, ignoring the monstrous moral implications, the "elite's" plan is so obviously destructive to all of humanity, including themselves. We live in a civilization where everything and everyone is so interconnected and so much expertise and experience is needed to make things work that killing off random people (ethics aside) can only lead to a general disaster.
The only way to understand these "people" (demons is more like it) is to assume that they are so arrogant that they actually think that they can put Humpty Dumpty back together after smash him to pieces. God help us all!
Exactly. My view too. Imagine the hubris and absolute pointlessness or existential meaningless of everything when for all intents and purposes one has infinite, inexhaustible wealth (and power). So, along comes a novel project actually bigger than all of that (except one's hubris), running (ruining) and "fixing" the imagined and purported problems of the World and setting oneself up as the deified saviour in the important business of Saving The Planet™.
Now that's something that brings meaning and a sense of usefulness, while it also underscores the old adage, 'Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely' ~ this seems unavoidable to the fallible human.
I did trust the science on climate change until covid (though the inorganic rise of Greta claiming a climate "emergency" did get me suspicious). Having a background in biology I could see through the covid lies reasonably early on, and saw they used all the same tactics with the climate scam. Unfalsifiable models as evidence. Only one side of the debate ever presented. Only one ridiculous solution ever presented. Labelling the other side "deniers" rather than actually debate them.
I also studied biology, and woke up to this methodology of non-debate on the subject of Darwinism (i.e., the dogma of undirected origin of life and its varieties by mutation and selection.)
Its the mainstream media. Like it or not thats where 90% of the people get their news from. On this issue we dont even have FOX, OAN or anyone else speaking the truth about this because they are in the bag for Pharma. Not only does the MSM not report the dangers--they push the “safe and effective” crap. Im frustrated and dont have any answers as for what to do. The facts are overwhelmingly on our side but substack and podcasts are our only voice.
The tsunami of death and sickness seems another very loud, persistent voice that will probably touch most eventually? We have to bear witness and be continually poised to maintain the obvious causal associations, until 'they' slowly and inevitably come to embrace the reality they created.
I dont know man. A congressman lost his daughter to the shots and he hasnt seen the light. Most loved ones of the people suddenly dying get offended if you bring up vaccines.
True. The conditioning is strong and the belief is stronger. I reflect on the local villages in Germany at the end of the WW2 when literally everyone was marched through nearby death camps to witness first hand and to assist where they might, what they either ignored or denied. Many remained resentful.
Plenty of people believe in convenient subjective realities that are comforting and secure, until they aren't.
We're heading into a dystopian sci fi novel😞The WHO if it gets its way will remove our right to bodily autonomy.The UK wants to bring in Digital ID this year.Where is this going , to use services etc you will have to get any shots they decide or you will get shut down🍾🥂Most people have no clue what's coming🙉
I recently saw that local council elections in the UK in May this year will be asking for photo IDs at the polling stations. This is outrageous! This is a thinly-veiled ploy by the Tories to stop the people voting who don't vote for them, as these people are less likely to have or get IDs. Apparently, they are saying it's to prevent voter fraud...in 2019, I think I'm right in saying, there was one conviction for this offence. It must be stopped!!!
If you know that you won’t be able to get to the polling station on polling day, you can vote by post.
You can apply for postal vote because you’re away on holiday or because your work schedule means you can't get to polling station. You can also choose to vote by post simply because it would be more convenient for you.
You will be a sent a postal vote ballot pack before the election.
We still need to work towards no photo id for voting though - it's totally out of order. This is just sidestepping the real issue, but it's important to vote of course.
In New Zealand, the national ethics advisory committee has already signed off on the ladder of intervention, aka. code for coercion, its sole focused purpose, "submit to and receive the killer injection."
Once passed bribery and fines, access to medical services and access to the supermarket are denied.
The aim appears to kill any which way.
Whatever the handful of elite may fantasise about, there will be billions that will not submit to their gallows.
I wonder how much the city of london has to do with all of this🤔 it's interesting that New Zealand ,Canada,Australia and the USA (X or current colony depending on view)
Have a lock step approach to the nasty little virus.Dominic Cummings wanted to set up a project with zero government oversite and visited Barnard castle during lockdown,where Glaxo planned to make 60 million doses and Sunak recently has signed a deal with moderna for 10 years along with similar deals for the colonies I suspect🍾🥂
Ironically . . it may not be will, but sheer apathy which derails the not so Great Reset . . 2 years of an easy life because of Convid & no one can be bothered to do anything these days. All this technical utopia withe the Internet of Things turns into a bit of a nonsense when you realise they can't even power the grid let alone your electric car . .
OAN tried for awhile. They are in the middle of being sued. They used to have commercials of the vax injured. They still have doctors on though discussing injuries.
Very difficult for people to consider that an entity that they have trusted for so many years could be lying to them and is willing to do them harm including killing them.
Very difficult to get people to believe that nurses and doctors have been killing people for money and it's been called "Covid" and that then this murder is being used to create hysteria in order to control people.
Very difficult to get people to think all of the rituals they have gone through the past three years, masks, injections, bashing pots and pans, staying home etc., were behavioral management ploys that were damaging to their lives and assisted in killing others.
Very difficult to get people believe that all facets of the pandemic were fraudulent and were orchestrated by mammoth financial interests in order to bankrupt the world and make everyone dependent of central bankers.
Very difficult to get people to consider that their government would intentionally poison them even though this has been happening for years.
Hard to even get many "skeptics" to believe these things- much easier to believe there was a "mismanaged pandemic"- otherwise one has to face up to something cataclysmic and challenge their entire belief system.
Why? Because the truth is so scary it is too difficult to address and admit. The realisation is going to hurt. I think people do know, but are, like doing the tax returns, pushing it aside... The longer one procrastinates the harder it gets. Unlike the tax returns there is no deadline, other than a dead line... and by then it is too late.
Thanks Joel, you are a star among many, Doug included. Brilliant writing. Thanks.
A tour-de-force of the COVID catastrophe and examination of the underlying elitist global forces moving mountains (and administrations) to take over the world. Thank you for this brilliant effort. We must all sound the alarm. There is a world at stake. And my husband and I are honored that you have included him on your list-- thank you. We hope that the early publication of our book: COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey, has helped open eyes, minds and hearts about the evil overtaking of democracies everywhere.
You and your husband are Heros!! Thank you for your lifetime of service to the most abused and overlooked, the mentally ill, and thank you for your tremendous support of both human freedom and dignity while you articulate the difference between the predators and genuine human beings with a conscience and the capacity for empathy and love for others.
It is important for people to realize that those running this operation are not fully functioning people, but are injured/disabled in the regions of the brain that govern love, compassion, conscience and empathy, our higher brain capabilities.
So much appreciation for all you do!! Blessings to you both!!
I was talking to my mum yesterday and realized she was completely unfamiliar with the term "spike protein". We need to realize that the community of informed criticism of the mRNA therapeutics has become a parallel society. Even mainstream criticism isn't intersecting with the discussions that we're having here.
I hope that line isn't crossed, but if it is, I hope you are correct. I see a lot of similarities with the decades of denial of Gulf War Syndrome injuries.
I was very honored to see Doug included me on this list. Joel, one little favor—could you please correct "Ann" to "Anna" in my name before this gets reproduced elsewhere? Thank you!
i would postulate it is more about population reduction of the entire planet whilst also subjugating all those who don't DIE from the jab, or don't freeze or starve to death.
Ironically . . it may not be will, but sheer apathy which derails the not so Great Reset . . 2 years of an easy life because of Convid & no one can be bothered to do anything these days. All this technical utopia withe the Internet of Things turns into a bit of a nonsense when you realise they can't even power the grid let alone your electric car . .
Sunak, Britain's unelected (by anyone including Tory Party members) Prime Minister...
Former Goldman Sachs;
Close ties with the World Economic Forum, unelected as Prime Minister he was installed to carry out their nefarious agenda;
Billionaire wife, richest woman in the UK, non-domiciled tax status;
Obtained a US Green Card during his time in office;
Father-in-law owns Infosys, the technology provider for Digital ID/CBDC/Social Credit system in India;
Sunak's father-in-law has a £900m-a-year joint venture with Amazon, big part of the Great Reset;
Sunak co-founded the hedge fund Theleme, which had an initial fund of £536m, registered in the Cayman Islands;
Major share holder in Moderna, Theleme was an early investor, the same time Moderna were patenting a genetic sequence remarkably the same as part of the genome of the SARS-COV-2 virus;
Sunak refused to disclose how much profit his investment in Moderna had made through CoVID vaccines;
When Sunak's own backbencher MP's demanded these "vaccines" be withdrawn from use, Sunak refused and replied with "The vaccines are safe and effective."
Slavery is the most profitable business model that ever existed. The Sociopaths have decided they have the tech now to herd us all into the chutes for tagging and total control. They will usurp your entire life's earnings, and you will die penniless at 65, just like Klaus likes.
No one left alive who remembers freedom, a golden retirement or health.....
For many people believing in the Covid vax is core to their identity. My best friend is a senior hospital exec. She is pro-vax. She refuses to talk about Covid with me and won’t look at any data - because if she did she’d have to question the system she’s worked in for 40 years. It’s existential for many people who work in government or the health industry. Admitting all the lies about Covid threatens everything they have done and who they are. I don’t know how you reach people with this issue - but facts don’t work.
I love JP Sears! He is so smart and so funny. I’ve given up trying to convert friends. If they haven’t figured it out after 3 years they clearly are too deep in the matrix for me to reach them. Something else might wake them up eventually but it won’t be me talking sense and logic to them and showing them impeccably sourced data and peer reviewed scientific studies.
I think a lot more people are speaking out now. Not enough but a lot more. You were out there early (hats off to you!!!)
It was certainly lonely when I spoke out in April 2020. https://tessa.substack.com/p/the-physical-world-is-the-only-world
And it was still lonely when I wrote Great Reset for Dummies in October 2020, out of sheer desperation https://tessa.substack.com/p/great-reset-dummies
If we could get through very lonely 2020, we will certainly get through this, whether it takes months, years, or decades. No lie can last forever. Lies can last a long time but sooner or later, they self-combust under spiritual gravity.
OMG, yes, I feel your pain! mid-2020 was certainly very lonely. I used to write a weekly publication called "COVID for Dummies". How funny!
Great minds :)) In all seriousness though, I am grateful to you for being an early voice in this madness. At the time, each voice really counted!!
I forward Tessa Lena articles to those I love and care about. Those in their 20’s respond with admiration for her. You resonate with the young people. That alone gives me hope for the future.
Wow, thank you Steshu!!! This makes me so happy. I write to create a little more clarity in this world and to bring the focus back to love, so I am just really so touched by what you said.
An exquisite summary of the last few years, with data and research to support each thought. Forwarded to as many friends and family as possible with the knowledge many will not be happy I sent it to them.
WOW JOEL 👏🏻👏🏻😁👍 EVERYTHING all IN ONE PLACE.How do you keep going? Thank You, for doubling down and giving us the whole jigsaw,not just the edges.No need to send my friends multiple links now.
THEY are also Doubling down…Andrew Bridgen , Jordan Peterson ,many other Scientists,Doctor, all victims of lies and persecution. UK Parliament coerced into submission,Médical Boards destroying honourable Doctors.
We Substackers must build communities and work even harder to red pill the fence sitters……
Wow from me too! This is such a brilliant summation of everything that is bad in our world at the moment. It's perfect for posting and forwarding - such a great piece of work - thank you.
The question is - what else can this community of like-minded souls do now? The growing frustration of it all for the little man seems hopeless...we must all resist and hold firm.
Hetty Bower - (an interesting woman - look her up) - said - 'We may not win by protesting. But if we don't protest we will lose. If we stand up to them, there is always a chance we will win.'
Anyone following in detail the climate Trojan horse (I wrote my first blog post my own website in 1997 or thereabouts) will understand the poignancy of your words, "The carbon “pollution” they want to reduce is us."
Not that we're talking about "carbon" per se, rather carbon dioxide, that trace 'green house' gas redefined as a pollutant, in exactly the same manner in which 'civil society' conflates 'civil' with civilised, or 'vaccination' is an mRNA/LNP shot, or 'immunisation' is a trivial degree of unpredictable, short lived protection (if you survive) against a phantom, or 'climate change' as distinct from 'climate variability' (the "natural" variation), being predicated on the direct and indirect anthropogenic influences upon atmospheric composition and land usage.
Thus a single breath of exhaled air, or a foot print in the mud, are now deliberately promoted as a dire planetary threat.
Couple this to a dumbing down of the populace, the strangulation of the Fourth Estate media with its elevation to Fifth Column status ensures that erasing the problem by reducing the population to the fictional and ideological 'carrying capacity' of Earth is the goal.
Thus far, the carrying capacity appears just barely adequate for the elite. It will be touch and go for them in very short order.
Now I just wonder how long it may take for a critical mass to awaken and give birth to an ideological Renaissance?
Control the language, you control the people (Alinsky).
To me there were a few moments that woke me up and I've questioned everything since:
1 - the anti-smoking legislation that was basically identical in every country that enacted it that suggested that every one of the Governments were following a pre-ordained script from higher up. I could see this was the beginning of the authoritarian things that followed.
2 - when my wife almost died after having her first 'flu jab on her GP's recommendation as she had asthma and she almost died and not one member of staff wanted to discuss the jab was the most likely cause
3 - she did not have asthma. She was actually having a reaction to the nebuliser and the more she used it (as recommended) the worse the asthma got. having breathing difficulties and asthma attacks are one of the listed side-effects of the nebulisers. She stopped using it and not had an "asthma attack" since.
4 - arguing with the son's school when I realised how piss poor education standards had dropped (he's 29 next week so you know how far back my questioning started)
"Thus far, the carrying capacity appears just barely adequate for the elite."
I've been thinking along these lines since I started to recognize the demonic "depopulation" (i.e., mass murder) agenda. From a purely practical POV, ignoring the monstrous moral implications, the "elite's" plan is so obviously destructive to all of humanity, including themselves. We live in a civilization where everything and everyone is so interconnected and so much expertise and experience is needed to make things work that killing off random people (ethics aside) can only lead to a general disaster.
The only way to understand these "people" (demons is more like it) is to assume that they are so arrogant that they actually think that they can put Humpty Dumpty back together after smash him to pieces. God help us all!
Exactly. My view too. Imagine the hubris and absolute pointlessness or existential meaningless of everything when for all intents and purposes one has infinite, inexhaustible wealth (and power). So, along comes a novel project actually bigger than all of that (except one's hubris), running (ruining) and "fixing" the imagined and purported problems of the World and setting oneself up as the deified saviour in the important business of Saving The Planet™.
Now that's something that brings meaning and a sense of usefulness, while it also underscores the old adage, 'Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely' ~ this seems unavoidable to the fallible human.
As you so rightly write, "God help us all."
I did trust the science on climate change until covid (though the inorganic rise of Greta claiming a climate "emergency" did get me suspicious). Having a background in biology I could see through the covid lies reasonably early on, and saw they used all the same tactics with the climate scam. Unfalsifiable models as evidence. Only one side of the debate ever presented. Only one ridiculous solution ever presented. Labelling the other side "deniers" rather than actually debate them.
I also studied biology, and woke up to this methodology of non-debate on the subject of Darwinism (i.e., the dogma of undirected origin of life and its varieties by mutation and selection.)
Its the mainstream media. Like it or not thats where 90% of the people get their news from. On this issue we dont even have FOX, OAN or anyone else speaking the truth about this because they are in the bag for Pharma. Not only does the MSM not report the dangers--they push the “safe and effective” crap. Im frustrated and dont have any answers as for what to do. The facts are overwhelmingly on our side but substack and podcasts are our only voice.
The tsunami of death and sickness seems another very loud, persistent voice that will probably touch most eventually? We have to bear witness and be continually poised to maintain the obvious causal associations, until 'they' slowly and inevitably come to embrace the reality they created.
I dont know man. A congressman lost his daughter to the shots and he hasnt seen the light. Most loved ones of the people suddenly dying get offended if you bring up vaccines.
They see people dying left and right but when they question it they have 10 different fact checkers or sources telling them its something else.
Confrontation won't work on most.
Sow seeds of doubt and let them work it out.
I also think that the time has long passed to stop being nice.
If someone has been injured or died, it's morally right to back off and sympathise, but maybe it should be,
There seems to be an awful lot of that happening.
Or if you're really not feeling the love
"I'm sorry, but what exactly did you expect"
True. The conditioning is strong and the belief is stronger. I reflect on the local villages in Germany at the end of the WW2 when literally everyone was marched through nearby death camps to witness first hand and to assist where they might, what they either ignored or denied. Many remained resentful.
Plenty of people believe in convenient subjective realities that are comforting and secure, until they aren't.
We're heading into a dystopian sci fi novel😞The WHO if it gets its way will remove our right to bodily autonomy.The UK wants to bring in Digital ID this year.Where is this going , to use services etc you will have to get any shots they decide or you will get shut down🍾🥂Most people have no clue what's coming🙉
I recently saw that local council elections in the UK in May this year will be asking for photo IDs at the polling stations. This is outrageous! This is a thinly-veiled ploy by the Tories to stop the people voting who don't vote for them, as these people are less likely to have or get IDs. Apparently, they are saying it's to prevent voter fraud...in 2019, I think I'm right in saying, there was one conviction for this offence. It must be stopped!!!
Just ask for a postal vote.
Good idea! Can anyone get a postal vote?
In the UK contact the local council office who can give the telephone number of those who run the elections.
This si what teh Electoral Commissions ays:
If you know that you won’t be able to get to the polling station on polling day, you can vote by post.
You can apply for postal vote because you’re away on holiday or because your work schedule means you can't get to polling station. You can also choose to vote by post simply because it would be more convenient for you.
You will be a sent a postal vote ballot pack before the election.
Thanks for that - very useful.
We still need to work towards no photo id for voting though - it's totally out of order. This is just sidestepping the real issue, but it's important to vote of course.
In New Zealand, the national ethics advisory committee has already signed off on the ladder of intervention, aka. code for coercion, its sole focused purpose, "submit to and receive the killer injection."
Once passed bribery and fines, access to medical services and access to the supermarket are denied.
The aim appears to kill any which way.
Whatever the handful of elite may fantasise about, there will be billions that will not submit to their gallows.
I wonder how much the city of london has to do with all of this🤔 it's interesting that New Zealand ,Canada,Australia and the USA (X or current colony depending on view)
Have a lock step approach to the nasty little virus.Dominic Cummings wanted to set up a project with zero government oversite and visited Barnard castle during lockdown,where Glaxo planned to make 60 million doses and Sunak recently has signed a deal with moderna for 10 years along with similar deals for the colonies I suspect🍾🥂
The stench of corruption and conflicts of interest is as obvious as it appears overwhelming.
Doubtless all the key political players are well rewarded.
What astonishing times in which to find oneself living.
Ironically . . it may not be will, but sheer apathy which derails the not so Great Reset . . 2 years of an easy life because of Convid & no one can be bothered to do anything these days. All this technical utopia withe the Internet of Things turns into a bit of a nonsense when you realise they can't even power the grid let alone your electric car . .
OAN tried for awhile. They are in the middle of being sued. They used to have commercials of the vax injured. They still have doctors on though discussing injuries.
Very difficult for people to consider that an entity that they have trusted for so many years could be lying to them and is willing to do them harm including killing them.
Very difficult to get people to believe that nurses and doctors have been killing people for money and it's been called "Covid" and that then this murder is being used to create hysteria in order to control people.
Very difficult to get people to think all of the rituals they have gone through the past three years, masks, injections, bashing pots and pans, staying home etc., were behavioral management ploys that were damaging to their lives and assisted in killing others.
Very difficult to get people believe that all facets of the pandemic were fraudulent and were orchestrated by mammoth financial interests in order to bankrupt the world and make everyone dependent of central bankers.
Very difficult to get people to consider that their government would intentionally poison them even though this has been happening for years.
Hard to even get many "skeptics" to believe these things- much easier to believe there was a "mismanaged pandemic"- otherwise one has to face up to something cataclysmic and challenge their entire belief system.
Listen to John O'Looney's testament (on the list of names) on healthcare workers who knew what was going on and tried to work against it.
Thank you- yes I've heard his accounts.
Here are some first hand testimonials:
Why? Because the truth is so scary it is too difficult to address and admit. The realisation is going to hurt. I think people do know, but are, like doing the tax returns, pushing it aside... The longer one procrastinates the harder it gets. Unlike the tax returns there is no deadline, other than a dead line... and by then it is too late.
Thanks Joel, you are a star among many, Doug included. Brilliant writing. Thanks.
A truly superb essay. Thanks.
A tour-de-force of the COVID catastrophe and examination of the underlying elitist global forces moving mountains (and administrations) to take over the world. Thank you for this brilliant effort. We must all sound the alarm. There is a world at stake. And my husband and I are honored that you have included him on your list-- thank you. We hope that the early publication of our book: COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey, has helped open eyes, minds and hearts about the evil overtaking of democracies everywhere.
You and your husband are Heros!! Thank you for your lifetime of service to the most abused and overlooked, the mentally ill, and thank you for your tremendous support of both human freedom and dignity while you articulate the difference between the predators and genuine human beings with a conscience and the capacity for empathy and love for others.
It is important for people to realize that those running this operation are not fully functioning people, but are injured/disabled in the regions of the brain that govern love, compassion, conscience and empathy, our higher brain capabilities.
So much appreciation for all you do!! Blessings to you both!!
Thank you Katherine!
Excellent presentation.
I was talking to my mum yesterday and realized she was completely unfamiliar with the term "spike protein". We need to realize that the community of informed criticism of the mRNA therapeutics has become a parallel society. Even mainstream criticism isn't intersecting with the discussions that we're having here.
The divide gets crossed when enough people die I'm afraid.
I hope that line isn't crossed, but if it is, I hope you are correct. I see a lot of similarities with the decades of denial of Gulf War Syndrome injuries.
I was very honored to see Doug included me on this list. Joel, one little favor—could you please correct "Ann" to "Anna" in my name before this gets reproduced elsewhere? Thank you!
Done. Sorry for the delay. Been busy!
No prob, same here 🙃 Thanks so much, Joel!
Get out while you can, where?The options are limited but go for low population, relatively undeveloped with a good climate.👍🥂
It's a resource war. Best guess.
i would postulate it is more about population reduction of the entire planet whilst also subjugating all those who don't DIE from the jab, or don't freeze or starve to death.
Good old Jesse Ventura and Alex Jones in 2008...
It is about that, but the reason is resources. It's a resource war between rich and poor.
i concur, thank you for affirming this macrocosmic viewpoint!
Ironically . . it may not be will, but sheer apathy which derails the not so Great Reset . . 2 years of an easy life because of Convid & no one can be bothered to do anything these days. All this technical utopia withe the Internet of Things turns into a bit of a nonsense when you realise they can't even power the grid let alone your electric car . .
CBDC is the greater threat now.
100% Maslows hierarchy of needs are all under direct threat.
Sunak. That man is true evil.
Plus this...
Plus this...
Sunak, Britain's unelected (by anyone including Tory Party members) Prime Minister...
Former Goldman Sachs;
Close ties with the World Economic Forum, unelected as Prime Minister he was installed to carry out their nefarious agenda;
Billionaire wife, richest woman in the UK, non-domiciled tax status;
Obtained a US Green Card during his time in office;
Father-in-law owns Infosys, the technology provider for Digital ID/CBDC/Social Credit system in India;
Sunak's father-in-law has a £900m-a-year joint venture with Amazon, big part of the Great Reset;
Sunak co-founded the hedge fund Theleme, which had an initial fund of £536m, registered in the Cayman Islands;
Major share holder in Moderna, Theleme was an early investor, the same time Moderna were patenting a genetic sequence remarkably the same as part of the genome of the SARS-COV-2 virus;
Sunak refused to disclose how much profit his investment in Moderna had made through CoVID vaccines;
When Sunak's own backbencher MP's demanded these "vaccines" be withdrawn from use, Sunak refused and replied with "The vaccines are safe and effective."
apathy or simply attrition. after nearly 3 years some people are likely growing exhausted.
Slavery is the most profitable business model that ever existed. The Sociopaths have decided they have the tech now to herd us all into the chutes for tagging and total control. They will usurp your entire life's earnings, and you will die penniless at 65, just like Klaus likes.
No one left alive who remembers freedom, a golden retirement or health.....
At least not any of the slaves anyway!
; ))
Austin-Fitts. I think I have it somewhere in my archive.
That's Glenn Beck's take: https://twitter.com/glennbeck/status/1613659585876828183?t=-OGc8AHY2GRIR6Ay18I01Q&s=19
For many people believing in the Covid vax is core to their identity. My best friend is a senior hospital exec. She is pro-vax. She refuses to talk about Covid with me and won’t look at any data - because if she did she’d have to question the system she’s worked in for 40 years. It’s existential for many people who work in government or the health industry. Admitting all the lies about Covid threatens everything they have done and who they are. I don’t know how you reach people with this issue - but facts don’t work.
"core to their identity". My "really seem to believe" JP Sears link is appropriate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Maq3uA4AcKU
I love JP Sears! He is so smart and so funny. I’ve given up trying to convert friends. If they haven’t figured it out after 3 years they clearly are too deep in the matrix for me to reach them. Something else might wake them up eventually but it won’t be me talking sense and logic to them and showing them impeccably sourced data and peer reviewed scientific studies.