Oct 16, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

ive been communicating with some covidiots lately, i remember now why i gave up bothering. its really hard work, they just refuse to see they are being lied to.

'Yeah, far be it for me to get my information from articles by experts in their fields, which have been extensively peer reviewed and published in respected medical journals. I should instead rely on the veracity of self published twaddle from sensationalists and media whores'

it doesnt matter when you tell them they are financially corrupted, its me with the tin foil hat. at least my hat didnt give me myocarditis

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Well here’s a bit more gratitude! The small number of really committed individuals like you have done an enormous amount - you are the really good guys and it won’t be forgotten.

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Yes, Prof. Andrew Huberman points out that it is being on the receiving of gratitude which is so health giving, rather than being grateful per se https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVjfFN89qvQ - and observing someone else receiving gratitude can do the trick too!

I am grateful for your consistent standing up and speaking out.

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

I remember the disbelief that the country I loved and the people I respected, seeming overnight, collectively lost reason and proportion and went into full panic mode. This was then followed by suspicion and discrimination- and threats of loss of liberty and livelihood for anyone who dissented. We saw, elsewhere, internment camps, dismissals and police baton charges- and it was coming our way. I'm crying now, remembering how isolated and fearful I was- how far was I prepared to resist? Was I alone? Then, rays of bright sunshine and hope burst through as independent thinkers started to call out this madness, exposing the lies and manipulations and providing evidence. I was not alone-and I was getting better informed as well. Thank you Joel for being so incensed by the stupidity and fascism of the Covid tyrants- and, for standing up for the future of our children. I have followed your posts in John Dee and here ( a maths grad, so love the numbers) and we really do have the best of humanity on our side. Whilst Fauci, Vallance et al have got rich from their lies, you have worked tirelessly, and for little reward, to tell the truth and explain it clearly to others.

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Joel. You are one of the brightest lamps with your info keeping the flame of our sanity alight. 💕

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

From the beginning knowing things were ‘amiss’ has been so difficult .

Many times feeling totally isolating.

Friends and relatives not wanting to listen , as they believed ever word from MSM .

When the ‘vaccine’ was released things hit a new low .

Having you to follow Joel has made all the difference.

Many, many thanks , your work has given us hope and continues to do so .

Your commitment to the truth will never be forgotten .

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You and all the others who've stood up will forever have my gratitude. Sadly I've come to the conclusion that we've all placed our bets now and we just wait for the roulette wheel of life to slow and the ball to drop.

No amount of facts will change people's minds but as Mattias Desmet says it is important to keep bringing up issues. Cults follow certain pattern and shunning is usually second last. When people try to tell me that I'm in a cult I point out that "I'm not the one shunning people. You are".

I've always been one to question authority. Going all the way back to grade school. I've come to the conclusion that it's not a matter of intelligence but the ability to question authority. Sadly it appears less that 20% of the people have that.

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I too appreciate the work of JS. As a retired behavioural statistician, and cognitive psychologist, with 40 years experience journal editing within Educational Psychology, I have been appalled by what my profession has done to engender fear and spread misinformation within the public domain. Dr Greg Yates, Adelaide.

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For the past few days, I was wondering where you were. Youhave become a friend, a companion. I missed you. And then presto! There you were this morning. I can only say, thank you for your friendship, insight and kindness.

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I find it reassuring that I can read your stuff - you and all the other sane voices - because back at the start it was just me and my husband and kids howling in the wind. I tried to tell people not to fall for the madness but I gave that up long ago. After people who I thought were my friends told me I was a dangerous idiot who should be forced to participate. My only relative has sucked up every piece of official narrative and her whole family were fully masked and sanitised and are now fully jabbed with repeat bouts of covid. She bought the book by Dame Sara Gilbert on what a hero she was in saving mankind and still says she trusts that nice Mr Whitty. She also decided that, as we only have each other, we wouldn't talk about it. Sadly, I am simply conforming to the idea of me that she has (her mother used to tell me how she would complain about my wacky behaviour - things like eating organic, not giving my kids random jabs and medicines, not taking medicines for minor ailments, thinking free speech is a good idea!). I am surrounded by Invasion of the Body Snatchers type people - they seem normal but they're not. So you help keep me sane!

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Thank you Joel for all you do. I am thankful for your readers too, because that is the only tribe I have right now.

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Not sure it’s vanity. I believe we all need affirmation and try to fulfill our desire to be needed and make a difference. Even if it’s to our small circle of influence - but some other circles are bigger.

The world is a better place when folks like you share your gifts and passion for what is just and true. The evil must be balanced out. We know how this ends, we need not despair. In the mean time “just as Iron sharpens iron; people sharpen people!” 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻

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Thank you Joel Smalley!!

The willful blindness, judgement and stonewalling from society including friends and family has cast me as a stranger in an alien planet. Life on earth has been revealed as a dystopian nightmare. Unbearable except for the very few like yourself who have stepped up to unveil the truth with data

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Yes,Joel, people like you have kept people like me in the game.

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Joel Smalley

Please please don’t give up - opinions are changing albeit far too slowly - but we need you and people like you to keep this momentum alive - they must not be allowed to win (but with the latest chancellor we’ve we’ve already been sold down the Yangtze)

PS wish RAB was still around!!

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