ive been communicating with some covidiots lately, i remember now why i gave up bothering. its really hard work, they just refuse to see they are being lied to.

'Yeah, far be it for me to get my information from articles by experts in their fields, which have been extensively peer reviewed and published in respected medical journals. I should instead rely on the veracity of self published twaddle from sensationalists and media whores'

it doesnt matter when you tell them they are financially corrupted, its me with the tin foil hat. at least my hat didnt give me myocarditis

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The irony is there are plenty (1000s now) of good peer reviewed studies in respected medical journals which support or perspective, but if you show them these, they still won't read or consider them - so that is just an excuse.

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Yes, most people are little dutiful children that wouldn't dream of doing anything/thinking anything that would risk the pat on their head by authoritarian daddy/mommy/government.

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They have not reviewed the peer reviewed studies that support what they believe either ...

Rather... they have been told what to think by the MSM... so that is what they think.... of course they won't admit that.

They are stupid -- and lazy.

And they will pay the ultimate price.

Take comfort in that

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But it's not a comfort when the "true believers" include your spouse, all your siblings, most of your cousins and friends, and half your kids...

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I’ve come to realise that after buying into the false narrative, most people we debate aren’t debating the issue. They’re focused on trying to beat us, so no evidence will ever persuade them. This is especially true with people we’ve known for a long time, their judgements are based on how they see us.

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Late last month, a 55-minute video film called “Safe and Effective – A Second Opinion” was released in the U.K. that exposes the tragic results of what has been going on in that country in the aftermath of rollout of the injectable products. The film was very professionally produced. If anyone here has not seen it, the following link will take you there: https://www.oraclefilms.com/safeandeffective

Last week I emailed the video link to 14 friends & relatives together with a short note of recommendation - carefully avoiding any ‘heavy’ statement. Eleven did not reply, which probably indicates rejection, or they may not have bothered to watch it. One replied with an open mind and we had a fruitful discussion about it – but he was already up to his 2nd booster and one of his relatives had suffered an adverse event – so it was too late. Another asked why I felt the need to keep sending ‘these emails’ to her.

The last respondent (a friend), sent me a long email stating that he had ‘watched the video out of courtesy’, and then effectively stated that the opinions of the British cardiologist interviewed in the video must be discounted as the cardiologist was obviously biased because he was reacting to his father’s death following the vax!! (I am not making this up!). He then went on to lecture me on the psychological need for some people to ‘belong to an in-group’, and that ‘the anti-vaxxers’ were one such group. I was astonished to learn that he had relegated me to a group that he obviously considered to be amongst the Untermenschen. He then went on to politely suggest that perhaps I should seek professional psychological help! He was an old school friend from half a century ago – so that friendship has now obviously come to an end.

My point in telling you this sad tale is simply to illustrate what is probably obvious to the readers here - that the underlying problem is not a matter of simply providing factual information – no matter how professionally presented. The real issue is how to break through the psychological conditioning of people who really believe that the talking heads they watch every night on the TV News reading off their teleprompters, are actually presenting reality. What this must mean is that at least half of society are living their lives within an artificial psychological construct that has been created for them - unable to join up the dots - and they don’t realise it. It is the classic ‘Matrix’ metaphor. The depth of this entrenched psychological problem is the big lesson that I have learnt from the events of the last two and a half years.

I should have recognised the extent of this psychological blindness phenomenon earlier. It parallels the way the fraud of the “Global Warming” > “Climate Change” > “Climate Emergency” juggernaut has been rolled out over the last 30 years - so much so that Western countries are now sacrificing their children’s futures by denying them access to affordable & reliable energy, all in order to satisfy the High Priests who serve the insatiable Climate-Alarmist Moloch - and in so doing, those High Priests and their political handmaidens are able to conveniently transfer the meagre assets of the poor to their own back pockets.

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I worked in a campaign office and got a call from a constituent arguing about the candidate, basically repeating what the campaign commercials from the opponent stated. He kept spouting off and not listening to reason. At the end, he shouted, “but the tv said so!” and hung up. That spoke volumes.

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LOL. That is too funny.

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That’s an interesting example, Lemmincakes. I don’t know about elsewhere, but ever since television was first introduced to my country (Australia) in 1956, many companies have commonly used the line “As seen on TV” when advertising a product – especially a gimmicky one. The practice always annoyed me, but a significant part of the market must be influenced enough to get people to hand over their money. Its longevity as a marketing technique is probably helped by the ‘authority’ of the usually faceless voice blasting out from behind the screen, which must flick a switch in peoples brains to seal the message with an aura of (fake) credibility. One concludes that the perception of reality for many (or most) people can thus be manipulated with relative ease.

With regard to both the Covid threat and its cousin, the fake ‘Climate Emergency’ psychological construct, the manipulators have deliberately and persistently used ‘fear, fear, fear’ in the messaging as the key enabling trigger.

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The thing is ...

The best PR Team ever assembled is aligned against you. They have Don Drapers .. psychologists.. and a supporting cast who are the best of the best...

They also have the Ministry of Truth - which controls the MSM... and most people trust the MSM to tell them the truth...

You have about as much chance of turning a CovIDIOT as you do beating the world chess champ in a match.

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I recommend that you forward this link and follow to table 9.

This will show the vaccination status of deaths. Self explanatory.


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You speak well and true; Ditto

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Like many other people, I have been wondering, "What the hell is going on?"

I have no evidence, no new data, but I have slowly come to believe the people driving this are very wealthy idiots, like Gates, who believe in the Global Warming Hysteria and Overpopulation and are out to save the world by reducing the population to reduce Global Warming. "We only have five more years to Act!"

They are religious fanatics. Psychotics, no different than the Aztecs cutting the hearts out of their captives in order to please their gods. When you see a picture of Gates, see the shadow of the high priest behind him holding up the quivering heart of the sacrificed.

Their priests are the biologists playing with Gain of Function while they sit on their thrones plotting more genocide. The foot soldiers are the middle managers, coaches telling the people and children under them, they must be jabbed.

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They are playing you -- it's not possible to reduce the population without collapsing the supply chains...

Everyone left alive would starve

This is all about extinction

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Oct 16, 2022
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The thing is ...

Whenever the opposition comes up with a strategy that might damage the Matrix... the PR Team immediately responds and stops the attempt to damage their narrative. It will not be allowed. Generally they use censorship and ridicule to quash the dissent.

One strategy that has not been tried is to have an organized social media assault --- by that I mean let's say Kirsch through some cash at this (that $$$ he saves when nobody debates him) and hired a PR Team tasked with bombarding social media with counter narrative data.

For example - the PR Team along with thousands of volunteers -- targets FB pages that mention the deaths or injuries involving famous people. And they create posts that they hand to their legions of volunteers who post them over and over and over e.g. So sad to see Celine Dion has been damaged by the shots...

If enough people would agree to assist a small PR Team... this could damage the Matrix.

I wonder what the Ministry of Truth would do about that?

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At least a greater percentage of people are holding back from the boosters and getting their kids jabbed.

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Absolutely! I’m still that crack pot who has used homeopathy since the 80’s, and didn’t vax my kids, and homeschooled (at least my last kid.)

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Let us not forget the axiom about arguing with fools....

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Seems like just yesterday, when WE were the so-called Covidiots. That was back when there was still maybe, just maybe a shred of doubt about the level of duplicity and evil We The People were facing. Seems almost nostalgic now. Those were the days.

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i was one of the earliest doubters cos i had been reading about viruses for over 20 years, but i was still astonished at the level of evil we experienced and still do

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A closed mind will never let any good ideas in.

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no i dont believe that


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Well here’s a bit more gratitude! The small number of really committed individuals like you have done an enormous amount - you are the really good guys and it won’t be forgotten.

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Yes, Prof. Andrew Huberman points out that it is being on the receiving of gratitude which is so health giving, rather than being grateful per se https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVjfFN89qvQ - and observing someone else receiving gratitude can do the trick too!

I am grateful for your consistent standing up and speaking out.

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Good to know! Thank you.

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I would be willing to debate that viewpoint. The having a grateful attitude is about internal stress levels - the attitude of gratitude for anything positive, is helping the body not get into inflammatory levels of stress. Dwelling on negatives or what isn't done yet is keeping the body in a more negative stress state. Helping others should provide a positive benefit for your health even if the person doesn't thank you - if you are doing it because it needs to be done and you want to do it rather than are only doing it in order to be thanked. The feeling good is from doing good, not being thanked for it - though that is certainly nice too and would increase dopamine and oxytocin/vasopressin. Mothers are not thanked for changing diapers yet they still do it. Hopefully the baby is responsive and thanking with smiles and coos, but a few babies can't.

The US/West is very unusual in the way fundraising is made into a social pressure thing - I helped Badge! I am so Great Badge! In Asian cultures helping is done discretely and would never be highlighted in a social media style "I donated! Badge" - doing good, is for the purpose of having done good, not for getting social acclaim. Other cultures looking at the US think we are weird - they may be correct.

Addition- I'm listening to the video - his definition of "gratitude practice" seems to be focused on the writing a gratitude list strategy. That is only one strategy and it has helped people shift their thinking patterns. What is not good thinking - stinking thinking in AA talk - is seeing the negative in everything and some people grew up in families that only see and talk about the negatives. That is the attitude that needs to be substituted with more positive internal talk. The sun is shining - oh joy! The rain is falling, the plants need it - oh joy! I am at a fun event - oh joy! I am at home in peace and quiet - oh joy!

I recommend a mindfulness approach as described by Jon Kabat-Zinn in "Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness", excerpted in this post: https://www.peace-is-happy.org/post/peace-may-take-practice

If we make "gratitude" benefits be about being thanked, then you are always in a validation trap - seeking external validation instead of appreciating yourself. What if the person doesn't thank you? Maybe they didn't want your help or maybe they don't see the same need or have the same priorities as you, or don't think that the solution you are offering really is helpful (CoV jabs for example).

To me gratitude attitude is simply about seeing and appreciating what is good in life, even when bad things are happening too. A Ram Dass video in my yesterday post is very helpful: https://www.peace-is-happy.org/post/peace-is-accepting-duality-ram-dass-video

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I [and Huberman would agree that mindset is also important https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFR_wFN23ZY :-) ]

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Thanks! I added it to a new post about this topic. I had to think about it more.


I would agree that "having to write a Gratitude List" is likely to backfire, versus joining a community gardening club that revamps flowerbeds for elderly people. Do good and it feels good, and it is part of something larger.

I am still concerned that suggesting gratitude is about being thanked is an unhealthy mindset - not a good way to look at the value of trying to build a better sense of appreciation in general. *If you are doing something to get the thanks, then you are likely to feel resentful when you don't get thanked, or it doesn't seem like a big enough thanks - it is seeking external validation.

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I would agree that [perhaps my over-simplified version of that] message may have potential pitfalls - and will have to go back and look at the details of the study Huberman cites. But I think the second clause, that you can get the same effect by observing authentic gratitude being given to someone else should not be overlooked either. Surround your self with people who are able to grateful.... [oh I see you also covered this in your article].

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Thanks, I paid attention to the video, wanting to not be biased and he does clearly restate a similar phrase as you used - gratitude studies show that getting thanks is the thing or observing thanks - which may be true in amount of brain scan electrical activity - it might be a larger change. It does feel great to be truly appreciated, thanked with heart - but it doesn't always happen as expected and you can't always just leave toxic people. You have to adjust your mindset to try to ignore the negative and keep trying to stick to your own values.

My family taught me to pick up litter and care for the environment and yet now as older people they don't seem to value volunteerism as much - but I still do, and I won't stop picking up litter because someone else has other things on their mind and are physically limited.

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Thanks for the clarification to my off-the cuff original comment. I see you are a fellow traveller - dystonia?

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“The purposes of a person’s heart are deep waters, but one who has insight draws them out.”

‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭20‬:‭5‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Yes! Thank you Joel

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I remember the disbelief that the country I loved and the people I respected, seeming overnight, collectively lost reason and proportion and went into full panic mode. This was then followed by suspicion and discrimination- and threats of loss of liberty and livelihood for anyone who dissented. We saw, elsewhere, internment camps, dismissals and police baton charges- and it was coming our way. I'm crying now, remembering how isolated and fearful I was- how far was I prepared to resist? Was I alone? Then, rays of bright sunshine and hope burst through as independent thinkers started to call out this madness, exposing the lies and manipulations and providing evidence. I was not alone-and I was getting better informed as well. Thank you Joel for being so incensed by the stupidity and fascism of the Covid tyrants- and, for standing up for the future of our children. I have followed your posts in John Dee and here ( a maths grad, so love the numbers) and we really do have the best of humanity on our side. Whilst Fauci, Vallance et al have got rich from their lies, you have worked tirelessly, and for little reward, to tell the truth and explain it clearly to others.

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I am truly humbled by your kind words. I'm so glad to do my little bit. Every word of thanks fills me with such emotion.

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Very well said. You speak for many of us, I’m sure.

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Joel. You are one of the brightest lamps with your info keeping the flame of our sanity alight. 💕

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From the beginning knowing things were ‘amiss’ has been so difficult .

Many times feeling totally isolating.

Friends and relatives not wanting to listen , as they believed ever word from MSM .

When the ‘vaccine’ was released things hit a new low .

Having you to follow Joel has made all the difference.

Many, many thanks , your work has given us hope and continues to do so .

Your commitment to the truth will never be forgotten .

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You and all the others who've stood up will forever have my gratitude. Sadly I've come to the conclusion that we've all placed our bets now and we just wait for the roulette wheel of life to slow and the ball to drop.

No amount of facts will change people's minds but as Mattias Desmet says it is important to keep bringing up issues. Cults follow certain pattern and shunning is usually second last. When people try to tell me that I'm in a cult I point out that "I'm not the one shunning people. You are".

I've always been one to question authority. Going all the way back to grade school. I've come to the conclusion that it's not a matter of intelligence but the ability to question authority. Sadly it appears less that 20% of the people have that.

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I too appreciate the work of JS. As a retired behavioural statistician, and cognitive psychologist, with 40 years experience journal editing within Educational Psychology, I have been appalled by what my profession has done to engender fear and spread misinformation within the public domain. Dr Greg Yates, Adelaide.

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For the past few days, I was wondering where you were. Youhave become a friend, a companion. I missed you. And then presto! There you were this morning. I can only say, thank you for your friendship, insight and kindness.

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I'm in Zanzibar at the moment so a combination of not being at my workstation where I can analyse data and simply being in the pool, topping up my Vit D naturally!!

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I find it reassuring that I can read your stuff - you and all the other sane voices - because back at the start it was just me and my husband and kids howling in the wind. I tried to tell people not to fall for the madness but I gave that up long ago. After people who I thought were my friends told me I was a dangerous idiot who should be forced to participate. My only relative has sucked up every piece of official narrative and her whole family were fully masked and sanitised and are now fully jabbed with repeat bouts of covid. She bought the book by Dame Sara Gilbert on what a hero she was in saving mankind and still says she trusts that nice Mr Whitty. She also decided that, as we only have each other, we wouldn't talk about it. Sadly, I am simply conforming to the idea of me that she has (her mother used to tell me how she would complain about my wacky behaviour - things like eating organic, not giving my kids random jabs and medicines, not taking medicines for minor ailments, thinking free speech is a good idea!). I am surrounded by Invasion of the Body Snatchers type people - they seem normal but they're not. So you help keep me sane!

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Thank you Joel for all you do. I am thankful for your readers too, because that is the only tribe I have right now.

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Yes, well put

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Not sure it’s vanity. I believe we all need affirmation and try to fulfill our desire to be needed and make a difference. Even if it’s to our small circle of influence - but some other circles are bigger.

The world is a better place when folks like you share your gifts and passion for what is just and true. The evil must be balanced out. We know how this ends, we need not despair. In the mean time “just as Iron sharpens iron; people sharpen people!” 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻

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Thank you Joel Smalley!!

The willful blindness, judgement and stonewalling from society including friends and family has cast me as a stranger in an alien planet. Life on earth has been revealed as a dystopian nightmare. Unbearable except for the very few like yourself who have stepped up to unveil the truth with data

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Thank Max. Well put. My feelings exactly!! God is still on the throne my friend, we know how this ends, none of this surprises GOD- cling to HIM in this eleventh hour.

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Yes,Joel, people like you have kept people like me in the game.

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Joel Smalley

Please please don’t give up - opinions are changing albeit far too slowly - but we need you and people like you to keep this momentum alive - they must not be allowed to win (but with the latest chancellor we’ve we’ve already been sold down the Yangtze)

PS wish RAB was still around!!

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