Thank you for sharing Mike’s perspective, Joel. One of the (many!) things I love about Mike is his courageous humility. He is a truth-seeker of the highest order. He does not attempt to mold the world to fit a theoretical model but rather adapts his understanding as he becomes exposed to new information.

As for you and Jikkyleaks winding down, I understand the need to take a restorative break, so do whatever you need for your mental health. BUT please do come back rejuvenated (Jikkyleaks, too) as you are both world-class data analysts, and we NEED you both in this fight.

Thanks in part to Jikkyleaks (https://twitter.com/Jikkyleaks/status/1637389267864551424), Tess Lawrie’s cataclysmically powerful reading of my poem has reached millions, and “Mistakes Were NOT Made” has been trending on Twitter for three days in a row:

• “Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice (Video)” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem-57a)

The tide is turning in a mighty way, and we need truth warriors like you on the battlefront to keep paddling and getting the message out to the people that #MistakesWereNOTMade. The more millions who hear and understand the implications of that message, the closer we are to achieving victory over the perpetrators of the Great Democide of the 2020s.

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Jab Injuries Australia played your anthem with Tess Laurie and it was very moving. Thanks.

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Thank you so much for letting me know! Do you have a link you could share for that?

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You bet. It was on Phillip Altman's substack - he is running for a seat in parliament and had a meet and greet and they played your video as part of showing injuries and what the Australian doctors uncovered about the TGA hiding the deaths of people during the jab rollout. I didn't go - just relaying what I read on his stack.


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Just letting you know that nothing much phases me at this point, but when the Australian doctor presented her evidence and the audience reacted, then Tess read your words, I was weeping. The evil is just so overwhelming.

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That is very touching to hear, ExcessDeathsAU.

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I find your anthem so powerful, thank you.

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But JOEL. you can’t let them silence you- sounds like you are voluntarily silencing yourself!! Please. NO! Keep moving forward. We need every voice ! I told Jikkyleaks also. I would support each and everyone of you but have no stream of income to allow me to do that. My husband got a treatment of remdesivir and now has cancer! He is in the fight for his life. And all of the lives lost before us, please don’t lose focus - keep your eyes on the goal! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻. We need you!

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We are not self-censoring but we are just providing the same evidence (in different ways and different datasets) to the same audience who are increasingly becoming less engaged, not more. I am the same with the Substack accounts that I follow. I read 10% of what I used to because there's simply no new material and they are preaching to the converted.

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The initial round of questioning has run its logical course and interest is naturally waning and fatigue is setting in. What we need now is an energetic, evolving synthesis of Covid and related scams, a re-evaluation of the main issues, plus a Reckoning. There's a long way still to go.

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Appreciate your comment.. Stay Energized.. We have to continue to find ways of being more effective.. discover and share best practices.. it seems a glacial pace but we are Turning the Tide.. find the crucial contact today.. persistence Rules in the End

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I get it, it was a lot of cross posting. But put the posts up so we can share and have the ammo! I refer to it often and or share it in my own private discussions with the others on the edge.

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I could not agree more with your assessment that we are an echo chamber. However, we are still a knowledge repository, and that is invaluable. FWIW, I took two weeks to go build a barn with my son...No internet, almost No phone, and in the North Georgia mountains. I have come back ready for battle...🐶

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Don't divide people in converted or not. Not that simple.

A lot of readers here are or have been on the verge to comply. Because all the info they get from the other side or due to mandates or whatever. And your info has prevented that from happening.

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I agree that if we keep posting we need be finding new angles and new insights. Not just the same old ‘gotcha’ because actually the people in charge done care if we got ‘em, they are carrying on regardless.

So it has to be more that just posting about how yet another conspiracy theory has been proven true.

I think there is heaps more work to be done in this space. I have the advantage of only having been at this for just under a year. I love what you’re doing Joel with the educational side of things, and if you feel rejuvenated after some time out, I will look forward to reading whatever insights you have to offer. You have certainly helped to grow my understanding of the world!

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'They' will not stop until they are physically stopped and arrested. That's an awful lot of knowing and unknowingly complicit people indeed.

Reiteration of the same old, is akin to circling the drain.

A time for action is nearing? I sense a spark could ignite it; that might be a scintilla more of over-reach, another unnecessary death, another draconian measure, more media silence. The red flags, and opportunities, abound.

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And yes! THANK YOU SIR! Love and respect to each and everyone of you in this fight for our freedoms.

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Hi Joel, I understand why you are stepping back - you and others have reached those who still have thinking minds. Those who have stopped thinking cannot be helped. However, I, for one, will miss reading your rational & calm thoughts - you have helped me keep my calm in such frustratingly irrational times.

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That is just not true. Life is pressing in from all sides and I can’t read all I want to, but I’m still constantly learning from you guys. The foia information and the information coming out in the MO v. Biden lawsuit is impenetrable to me, so I rely on you guys to help me Engishify it.

I’m sorry I can’t pay for a subscription right now, but I’m unemployed and caring for my mother on her retirement income, so 💵 is unavailable, but someday that will change.

I understand if you want to cut way back on writing, but keep watching and when you see something notable, please let us know. I appreciate you very much.

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Agreed... but don't let it go completely. The ones behind it certainly aren't. That should be our focus (IMHO)... exposing their future plans for even more of this crap. Thanks so much for your tireless work.

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"My husband got a treatment of remdesivir and now has cancer!"

There were 2 studies done on remdesivir years previous. They knew it was deadly. This is the second time Fraudci has done this. He was also responsible for the HIV scamdemic.

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Mr Mazzucco has done great work compiling cancer cures

I'd also highly recommend the books " tripping over the truth" by Christofferson and " the cancer industry" by Mark Sloan

Both should be completely free at Anna's archive

Best of luck and best wishes

Be safe and be well

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Thank you so much for everything you have done over the past 3 years Joel. I can say, that your analysis truly woke me up to the scam (data never lies - unless you want it to). Whatever you decide to do in the future, I wish you the very best.

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Joel, you have brought rational thinking to a table filled with fear, lies, brainwashing, data manipulation, all performed by the “people” we were meant to trust. The last three years were like taking all the courses for a university degree. Many of us have learned a great deal thanks to your diligence. Thank you for being our guide, tutor, friend.

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I've always loved Mike. He's so quintessentially English: polite, down to earth, straight talking and brutally honest. He was at the vanguard of the fight against lockdowns and the 'vaccines', promoted as the 'solution' to our social, economic and medical ills.

But I just can't agree with him that there was no virus at all in circulation. The evidence suggests that there was, albeit nowhere near as lethal as was pretended. If there was no engineered furin cleavage site - presumably comprising part of a novel virus - responsible for the unique clinical manifestation of severe Covid-19 and the same clinical manifestations of patients injected with mRNA coding for that engineered foreign protein, then how do you explain what we have observed? Peter McCullough and others are convinced that there was a novel virus with a novel pathogenic spike protein. In order to claim that there was not, you have to forensically explain the clinical data we are seeing on Covid disease and vaccine injuries. Mike doesn't do this in TCW article.

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There is no evidence whatsoever.

Neither epidemiological (see Dennis Rancourt work) or biological (Chrstine Massey, Mark Bailey, Lanka).

McCullough's circular reasoning is a bad joke.


Covid is nothing but legalised murder


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There is no evidence whatsoever is a bold claim. I presume you are claiming there is no evidence whatsoever that SARS-CoV-2 exists. Your second link doesn't demonstrate that; it only purports to demonstrate that there was no respiratory virus pandemic in Italy, most of the excess deaths being iatrogenic. I wouldn't disagree with this, but it does not definitely rule out the existence of SARS-CoV-2. I'm not qualified to say whether or not SARS-CoV-2 (or any other virus) has been isolated and identified. But the question remains: is the viral spike protein real and responsible for many of the clinically unique adverse effects of severe Covid and 'vaccination'? If not, then what is? If the viral spike protein is real and identifiable in vaccine and Covid victims, then why is the virus not real?

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The Italy link only adds to the evidence and it's common sense. When you have a deadly virus doing the rounds you don't need to come up with protocols to murder people and create a body count.

If there is no virus, and there is no proof of true purification or isolation, how can there be severe covid?

There is no scientific proof this virus exists. None. Why is this so hard to understand?

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A novel, deadly virus with an infection fatality rate similar to seasonal 'flu, but which does not affect younger people and is skewed heavily towards the very old, CAN exist, yet NOT be responsible for a significant rise in excess mortality. It is not common sense to conclude that a virus does not exist when fairly unique and clearly identifiable clinical manifestations of disease related to infection are demonstrable and where the evidence for claiming that a virus does not exist is not conclusive, but debatable. Why is that so hard to understand?

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The elderly were killed by "health protocols" that included vents, propofol, midazolam, fentanyl and other respirastory inhibitors and abandonment which resulted in dehydration and starvation.

Without the fear-mongering propaganda campaign no one would’ve noticed anything unusual about the last two flu seasons because there was nothing unusual, except for the criminal, murderous, and utterly unscientific lockdown policies and "health protocols" in response to the non- existent threat.

"Covid-19" deaths follow the same age/risk stratification and seasonal curve of flu/pneumonia at the same time that flu inexplicably vanished from the face of the earth while all pneumonia deaths were suddenly called “Covid” using mass death certification fraud.

What happened in 2020 was simply that the flu was re-branded and repurposed- the term "Covid-19" was invented to turn the seasonal virus into the equivalent of the mythical “Al-Qaeda” meaning to terrorize the population with the false construct of a boogeyman.

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Covid-19 respiratory failure is distinct from ARDS associated with 'flu and pneumonia:

"When compared with typical ARDS, in addition to the typical diffuse alveolar injury, COVID-19 has unique pathological and pathophysiological features, such as endothelial injury, extensive microthrombus, and pulmonary capillary hyperplasia."


A lot of deaths attributed to Covid may indeed have been 'flu and pneumonia, but not all.

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Nonsense! Covid did not respond to Symmetrel. If anything, excess mortality was due to choking when peppermint and steroid inhalants weren't used.

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It could. Only there's no proof it does. Again, read Rancourt's work. There's no sign of it. Not even epidemiological. We've known since 2020.

As for "fairly unique and clearly identifiable clinical manifestations of disease ", that's laughable. This so-called "infection" has been linked to every symptom under the sun, including having no symptoms.

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"When compared with typical ARDS, in addition to the typical diffuse alveolar injury, COVID-19 has unique pathological and pathophysiological features, such as endothelial injury, extensive microthrombus, and pulmonary capillary hyperplasia."

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What sickened me, and why did peppermint oil help? Coronavirus has been considered infectious bronchitis disease (viruses not yet having been discovered; just filtratable agents) since 1930.

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What do you mean by "Covid victims? If you're referring to people who got positive PCR result, it doesn't count. PCR is totally a fraud. That's why it's called PCR-pandemic.

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I'm talking about severely ill people, with specific, unusual and identifiable syndromic conditions, very similar to those who have been vaccine injured. The test alone proves nothing.

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I didn't get a PCR, I didn't get a CT scan, but I got sick and suffered choking spasms. Just what are you going on about?

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I don't know the context, but how did you know what it really was? A doctor told you so? It could be a bad flu, couldn't it? You know what, many hospitals were rewarded based on the number of "COVID patients".

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Call me a liar for saying I had choking bronchial spasms. I didn't know how it spread, and still don't, so why would I go out when sick? You think I have gene sequencers and electron microscopes at home?

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With respect, we will have to agree to disagree.

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100% correct. And we can't let them get away with developing and releasing it by saying it never existed!

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As for no evidence of the existence of the "Covid virus" - I had one and I know people that had one. I have had experience with many flu illnesses in my lifetime, and I can testify that this one was very different in the way if went for the lungs and the smell, in my case. Just as described by thousands upon thousands of first-hand testimonies around the globe. Adding that on top of all plentiful evidence of an engineered virus (https://live2fightanotherday.substack.com/p/new-evidence-of-synthetic-origin), and the coordinated efforts over decades to engineer one, as explained by Dr. David Martin (https://live2fightanotherday.substack.com/p/murder-investigation-not-debate-about).

Everyone is entitled to their beliefs though.

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I had something weird too and lost my sense of smell and taste for months.

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I’ve not only lost those but have experienced weird phantom smells and tastes that cannot be explained. Since losing taste and smell over two years ago now, I’ve lost a spark of joy in my life from this for sure.

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That's what I mean, I see many people including conservative unvaxed public figures saying it's not like a flu and knocked them out for a few days until they had certain remedies different to flu treatment. It's like people like Mike H saying it's all in your head, 90% of freedom fighters are part of the problem lol, they sound exactly like another cult.

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if you believe a new virus named covid exists you are the problem

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lol, see, a parody of himself, jumping straight into the label, just another cult like big pharma.

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lol the other posters already responded, it's stats, not scientific proof of whatever people were having is different to the virus sequence given, in which you have none. We're talking biology, petri dish studies lol.

Repost the same irrelevant article won't convince anyone, in fact you're the problem dividing the freedom camp repeating the same non-scientific article and calling freedom fighters part of the problem

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I'm tempted to be rude to you but I won't. Explain the link I posted. You cannot. Dr. Yeadon is right.

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You should not be allowed around communication devices, pal.

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What did he say? He never explained his premise. Fine, stay with your mass psychosomatic delusion and the madness of crowds.

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Absolutely. Belief is one thing, scientific evidence is another though. And a million patents is not scientific evidence, no matter how elaborate. Neither is a computer-generated sequence.

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My point exactly, thanks!

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It's amusing how many observers and commentators in the West forget that the West is not the world. Hello! Imagine: There are countries outside of the West with relevant experiences over the past three years which cannot be explained with remdesivir poisoning, execution by ventilator or midazolam, or by the newfangled genetic slurries which were forced onto the Western public.

To cite the example of China, both rem-death-is-near and the mRNA/DNA-based concoctions are banned. Remdesivir was banned in the early summer of 2020 for being ineffective and toxic, and the Western gene-based so-called vaccines never received an import license. China abandoned the use of ventilators as treatment in the spring of 2020. And yet... 1 billion+ Chinese -- vaxxed and unvaxxed alike -- were infected over the past few months with something which was extremely contagious for all and very unpleasant for many. Moreover, these infections were highly correlated with positive tests for two Covid-specific genetic snippets and responded very well to treatment with ivermectin and/or hydroxychloroquine + zinc. Just try to convince a random sampling of those billion people that they were just imagining things.

We wrote about some of the lessons learned here:


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Yup my unvaxed grandpa in China was diagnosed with it and died 2 weeks later, probably from bad treatment, who knows. There was a huge wave at the end of 2022 and 90% of people have similar symptoms, when was the last time a flu gave 90% of people you know the same symptoms? Vaccine side effects just come in the same wave a year after? Dr Li just got a flu and died by being treated with normal flu/pneumonia protocols in early 2020? And again people claiming it doesn't exist really need to just do an actual science study to prove the stuff in sick people are different to the sequence given, it's not that hard.

Again there are people dying of this and most are not in the freedom camp, showing no direct science proof will really get hammered by the establishment and their sheep.

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There is a need to prove infection/contagion, and disprove a legion of other potential environmental causes that may lead to cell death, and the subsequent release of exosomes, virions, viruses, or whatever one wants to label the degradation products of cellular breakdown.

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I don't think the article is clearly written. I posted above. It seems he's saying the virus is not novel, but it exists. Agree with you. It's almost like Mike didn't write this or was emotional. It's not scientific and precise.

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That is Yeadon's opinion. If you don't believe it explain this.


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That's interesting. It does seem disjointed. The headline really draws you in but I don't think the text justifies the boldness of the headline.

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Rather than using the method widely used by virologists for claiming isolation and pathogenicity through inducing CPEs, Fan Wu et al., the first inventors of the SARS- CoV-2 genome, sent the sample extracted from the patient’s lung fluid straight to sequencing for two de novo assembly platforms to search for short genetic fragments or “reads”.

It is important to note that the samples sent for sequencing were not physically isolated viruses but crude samples containing millions of unique genetic fragments from the patient himself, innumerable microbes, even from the air the patient had breathed on the way to the hospital.

Over 56.5 million reads were produced from this genetic “soup” and pieced together to create 384,096 contigs (long genetic sequences) on Megahit, and 1.32 million contigs on Trinity.

Perhaps with a predisposition to prove their unproven canard that there is “the ongoing ability of viral spill-over from animal to cause severe disease in humans”, Fan Wu et al. chose the longest (30,474 nucleotides), which, they claimed, had a nucleotide identity of 89.1% with the in silico bat coronavirus genome (SL-CoVZC45) invented in 2018.

Thus, a “genome” that was as close genetically as a human is to an Abyssinian house cat became the template used for primer design for the RT-PCR method to supposedly detect a virus that had not been shown to exist.

Subsequently, it was decided that the genome needed a cut and paste, perhaps to make it look even closer to the 29,802 nucleotides of the bat model SL-CoVZC45 and it was reduced to 29,875 nucleotides in the next version on GenBank.

But the artists weren’t finished with their creation and a third and final model was drawn with a completely different terminal sequence featuring 23 consecutive adenine bases, which, hey presto, looked more like the bat model that featured 26 consecutive adenine bases on its tail.

It is unclear how virologists knew which “genome” to choose when all of the options were hypothetical computer constructs. It thus quickly becomes apparent that the anti-science of virology and the perversion of the word “isolation” is not only delusional but also highly misleading and no basis for anything, let alone the health and well-being of whole populations.

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You're a cryptology expert? Whodathunkit!

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To prove virus doesn’t exist they need to test a bunch of Covid positive people and check if the sequence match or not, I haven’t seen any studies like this yet, mostly people just say they asked a govt which said they didn’t isolate it (Taiwan claimed they isolated it in 2020 so now what?), or numbers showing no excess in some countries, like the links given above, again using numbers to say cuz a b and c therefore there is no virus. I would like to see Luc Montagnier study or any scientist who put their neck out saying it’s engineered in 2020 debunked, or explain why Dr Zelenko and co found using different protocols than flu helped people, are they scamming? and what was those waves of unvaxed getting sick around the world at the same time with similar symptoms, is it all in their heads? It’s just a s***load more people getting headache and sore bodies than your usual flu season in my circle, it’s not just asymptomatic positive case, they were all sick, I have seen some invaded saying it’s not the flu and it’s nasty, we should tell them it’s in their head? Climate change? now people can say it’s the vaccines spreading but again, prove it with science like we proved vaccines suck.

Even Mike’s article still don’t show any science evidence, it’s like quite easy, test and sequence a hundred patient and see what happens

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and what do you compare the sequences to? There is no "novel virus" to compare it to. No one has isolated the alleged virus. They've only taken a soup of genetic material and called it an isolate. Saying there are more sick people does not mean there is any new virus. It means there are more sick people. I have seen many lawns around my neighborhood with bad spots on them, therefore there must be elves moving from home to home destroying their lawns. That can be the only answer.

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Lol there's literally the covid 19 sequence to compare it to. No virus camp just say it's from the lab, it's not in society.

You isolate whatever a covid positive person has and compare it to the covid 19 sequence that the "virus don't exist" camp say "it's a sequence from the lab therefore it's not actually out there"

If nobody matches then you've proven your theory, if someone matches then it's debunked. Yet nobody did a simple test like this lol. Again your argument is another roundabout way without any objective evidence.

Explain to me how Dr Zelenko etc found HCQ/IVM was helping his patients then, explain why Nobel Prize winner who discovered HIV and said vaccine is terrible, studied it and said it's engineered? These just matches my experience around me so don't take my words out of context and start fluffing around with elves.

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No one has isolated any particles from a allegedly covid infected patient. So what do you isolate? Virologists do not ever isolate any viruses. Never. They take snot from a patient, mix it with monkey kidneys cells, fetal calf serum, antibiotics and other ingredients and say this is an isolated virus culture. It's nothing of the sort. So you can do this with a healthy person and an "infected" person and you'll get the same results because you are looking at a soup of genetic debris mixed with other toxic chemicals and foreign animal proteins. Stephan Lanka proved this by running a culture with NO material from any patient and got the same results as the alleged infected person. The nobel prize winner who "discovered" HIV also made it up. That's right, he never found any virus, only pointed to some antibodies and said, "see, that's proof of HIV." He never isolated anything, again. All made up. The tests for HIV are the same bogus tests for Covid. All just made up garbage. The HIV test was looking for certain proteins that everyone has. Some more than others. They had to dilute the blood 400X before performing the test because otherwise they would identify everyone as HIV infected. So what if Montagnier says it's engineered. He was wrong once and he's wrong again. Many things help people with flu, pneumonia, colds, coughs. Why some benefited from HCQ? Unknown. Perhaps they also had parasites and this lessened the load on their already poor health. But to say HCQ or IVM helps that guy therefore there must be a virus is quite a stretch. Some people stayed home, drank plenty of water and took some extra vitamin C and had good results. Some did nothing and also got better. You are creating a story just like the folks that tell us masking, distancing, taking Remdesivir all are beneficial for the same alleged virus.

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HCQ/IVM helped a lot of people, not just that guy, basically you are saying Dr Zelenko was a liar too.

So when you mentioned flu, since you also said no virologist ever isolate any viruses, therefore flu does not exist as well?

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Flu exists as does covid and pneumonia. All the same-- toxic exposure, poor nutrition and poor sanitation. Toxic exposure takes many forms- toxic water, food, emfs like 5G, toxic air, toxic thoughts, stress, fear. Your body tries to clear out a toxic condition which creates flu, covid, colds, etc which are all the same. Wuhan has some of the worse air pollution in the world and had been an early adopter of 5G with full saturation in the city. Any wonder someone got pneumonia? Your body tries to return to a healthy non toxic state by dumping snot, coughing up mucous, burning out poisons with fever, diarrhea... As stated, if people had benefits from HCQ/IVM, it wasnt because it was killing any viruses. You ask me why did they get better as if the only answer can be killing some virus no one has ever found. I suggest you go to the site viroliegy.com where youll find a wealth of information on the lack of proof of any viruses let alone covid. Also note that flu virtually vanished while covid was suddenly everywhere. Washington state even declared that they had no flu deaths the first year of covid! Could it be that everything was now labeled covid to create panic and because there was a financial incentive to find covid? A bogus PCR test also added to the hype. When did people ever run to be tested when they felt fine and then told they were infected when they were perfectly healthy? All to create more fear, have people submit to draconian rules, take drugs like HCQ and IVM, remdesivir get more tests and create false case counts. Blame it on something you never saw other than computer graphic pictures of scary looking spikey balls that some expert tells you is the cause. No better than showing me a computer graphic of a leprechaun and saying he's making you sick.

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This is where the bogus death statistics for "covid virus" came from. It was buried in the CDC website the whole time. The whole narrative about a lab engineered virus is a fable of belief. The perps don't care WHY we believe in a virus, they just need us to believe it exists.


If people figure out the virus does not exist everything else the criminals do as a "response to a viral threat" will be hollow. Those criminals are too selfish to release a pathogen that would also wipe out them and their family and friends.

They minted several hundred new billionaires from this scam.

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Have you seen this, with Mike, Dr Paul Alexander and JJ Couey..? It starts around 14:45


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Alexander talks non-novel virus but a virus nonetheless, Yeadon talks no virus. And they totally agree with each other... It seems like when you go deep down into the rabbit hole, you start loosing touch with reality.

To keep in touch with reality, here's the account of what actually has happened, as a memory refresher:


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Thank you ~ Ive just found this.

I could definitely do with a little assistance with keeping in touch with reality 🙃

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You’re a legend Joel! Do what you need to do for yourself and those close to you but never say never as you have been one of a handful of voices that I have had the pleasure of listening to since the nonsense began and have been a source of strength for me and continue to be. Respect and love to you x

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I will miss your articles but I don't blame you for wanting/needing to step back into some sort of normality. There is only so much shouting into an echo chamber a person can do!

Interestingly, my husband has just told me his ex-Goldman Sachs high-flying in-with-in-crowd boss met Andrew Bridgen and Karol Sikora yesterday and the scales have fallen from his eyes in a big way. He is now busy telling all his other w*nker-banker friends they have all been conned. He fully expects Boris and Midazolam Matt to be arrested as well as Biden to fall. He started off cynical, became a true believer, got jabbed to enable travelling, had positive PCR colds non-stop and NOW he's seen the light. Hallejulah!! Better late than never? It's going to be people like him who start talking and are too rich/influential/connected to be shut up that are really going to start any major narrative change. Because we have all been shouting for years and nobody but us have been listening!

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Thank you Mr Smalley for each and every sacrifice you have made to deliver truth. Thank you for being prepared to analyse the data, no doubt into the early hours of the morning, to inform and educate the rest of us, to shine a light on incredible incompetence, idiocy and the pervasive ilk of deception. Best wishes for whatever, wherever you are headed, I have greatly appreciated your ability to convey a sense of reality, to know we weren't all wrong, we had reasonable concerns and questions - of which you answered - especially life saving when we found ourselves swimming in the swamp of mandates. Hopefully you can still use substack to continue to repost important research and credible data to assist those of us not so mathematically literate. Thank you.

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Joel, sincere thanks for all you do.

I hope you’ll keep going at least a little bit!

As for Yeadon, what a closer:

“To those who sense that all is not well but are unwilling to make the psychological leap to the diabolical world I believe we’re now living in, I point out the asymmetry of risk. If you follow the official narrative and I’m right, you and your children will lose all your freedoms and probably your lives. If you believe what I’m saying and I’m wrong, you’ll be laughed at. These options aren’t faintly balanced. A rational actor should cease believing what we’re being told. It’s not a safe position, keeping your counsel and your head down. It’s the most dangerous thing you could do.”

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Entirely possible I suppose, it's odd that doctors didn't notice there was nothing novel about it. I've come to think of doctors as the clever kids who were good at spelling competitions and who could remember great long lists of latiny words.

It's clear that doctors are morally no different to the Sopranos, and on the whole they don't do big picture thinking.

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In his PBS episode going door to door with DC Mayor Bowzer. He said it himself virtually none died from flu in 2020.


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Fauci’s, in the same PBS propaganda piece, said that ‘Republicans don’t like being told what to do, we must break them’ and it has been completely ignored by most media.

So much for Fauci being non partisan.....

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I love that guy schooling him from his front porch. More of that, please.

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Notice how he had to wrack his brain to remember the lie. The answer to "if no new virus, then what" IS the "Burden of influenza" as they call it. And giving the "Burden of Influenza" the costume of CoV2 was the crux of the scam.

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It was 100% a psy op and the biggest crime against humanity EVER without the mass injection campaign ! There's no retiring from this fight for me. Climate crisis and war and more scamdemics incoming !


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Thank you so, so much for all the thorough research and information that you have shared Joel, it has all contributed to saving my sanity at such an insane time in history. I am very grateful and wish you all the very best. Blessings, Ruthy xx

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Bilderberg June 2019

Bohemian Grove July 2019

G7 Meeting August 19

Jackson Hole Finance Meeting August 19

Bank Repos Sept 2019

Milken Institute Seminar Oct 2019

Event 201 October 2019

Wuhan Games October 2019

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Everything about the pandemic from late 2019 has been a 100% lie. There is no other rational, plausible explanation. You can blow holes in the entire narrative and all the pandemic procedures.

The only thing real about the last 38 months has been the fear and panic factor. Most people believe big pharma and the medical mafia can keep them from dying...it is just the opposite...they are working hard to murder you in plain sight and without you thinking they are.

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Hi Joel I have so much respect for all you and others have done... I can understand pulling back we do have so many other threats.. financial collapse..war inflation

The only thing being that I don’t see Gates and his crew stopping this charade, yet I tend to disagree with Michael Yeadon in that it makes a lot of sense they have manufactured this and have more to come.. it’s clearly a massive money spinner and moreover a control system... so they won’t stop and knowing there is such a lot of resistance the next may well be quite lethal... yet who knows they may invent something beneficial....still you no doubt need a well deserved rest.. thanks your my most read Substack I rarely overlook yours but it’s a major job to keep up .. with the volume.. keep well

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