Why the puppets in Clown World Want an Amnesty
They want everyone to forget how stupid they were.
Do you remember this gem published in the British Medical Journal (no less!), ascribing the spike in COVID infections in the first couple of weeks after being jabbed to the "risky" antics of those old fogies?
Experts™ have called for stronger health warnings for people being vaccinated against covid-19 after observing a rise in infections shortly after vaccination, suggesting that many people are letting their guard down before the vaccine has taken effect.
Earlier this month a study led by Public Health England of vaccination in the over 70s found a “notable” rise in covid-19 infections in people immediately after they received the Pfizer-BioNTech or AstraZeneca vaccine.1 Similarly, a study of Israel’s vaccination programme, reported in February, found a similar spike in cases among people who had just been jabbed.2 It found that daily incidence approximately doubled after vaccination until about day 8.
A survey by the UK’s Office for National Statistics, looking at coronavirus and vaccine attitudes and behaviours in England in February,3 shows why these spikes may be happening. Among over 80s who had received their first dose of a vaccine in the previous three weeks, 41% reported having met up with someone other than a household member, care worker, or member of their support bubble indoors since vaccination, thereby breaking lockdown regulations.
A group of health psychologists from King’s College, London, University College London, and the University of East Anglia have written in The BMJ that the studies, taken together, indicate the need to ramp up health warnings.4
“Looking at both strands of research—from Israel and the UK—it’s reasonable to suggest people are letting their guard down after they have their first dose,” said James Rubin, professor of psychology of emerging health risks at King’s. “The research has shown that immediately after a first jab people are more likely to be flouting social distancing, meeting people outside their household or bubble—and meeting them indoors.”
Because all of those measures have been proven to be so effective all around the world, haven’t they?

And it couldn’t possibly have been all those healthcare workers getting infected and becoming super-spreaders amongst those immunocompromised seniors in their care, could it? Oh, no, no, no, no!
Hang on, I thought people remained unvaccinated officially until after day 28 post stabbing. Are they trying to have their cake and eat it?
They’re not getting any amnesty from me and that’s a fact