Operation paperclip moved tens of thousands of Nazis from Germany to the United States. The Nuremberg trials were a show trial. The Nazis were the victors in World War II. They took over the United States.

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Actually, the corporations that built the Nazi party won. Those same corporations replicated their German success in the US with a few modifications; they gained control of the political class - they did not do that in Germany.

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And they made sure to get into the historical record as many fabrications, half truths and blatant lies as possible, so that subsequent generations of tyrant, psychotic spawn would have manufactured historical precedent, overblown human disaster and contrived problem, reaction, solution with which to brainwash, manipulate and enslave the masses.

Here’s Tom with the weather...!

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Excellent. My library (and reading list) is already substantial and just got a little more so. This is one of the rays of light: that the gaslighting can be countered in real time by countervailing narratives that fight furiously for their rightful place in the historical record via distributed platforms and principled thinkers, creating an epistemological and alethiological bulwark against the totalitarian replacement of ideas with ideology, facts with falsehoods, intellect with iniquity. I suspect t’were ever thus, and we are each the unwitting product of these momentous tugs of war, except today’s generation is probably more aware of this legacy, and more capable of challenging the dominant narratives, than any generation before.

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I understood that reference.gif

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After reading Annie Jacobsen’s book, β€œOperation Paperclip, The Secret Intelligence Program That Brought Nazi Scientists to America”, wow! It’s an amazing and very well written book. I highly recommend it!

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They went eastwards as well, please do not forget, after similar coercive acts of persuasion no doubt.

And the rump of the NSDAP members in and connected with the military also took over large parts of German command and control classes. The ODESSA file is emphatically not fiction.

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The Nazis did not take over the United States. The Jews and Freemasons did that and long before WW2. If Nazis were in charge of the United States the people who went to the Capital buildings on the 6th of January would be considered to be tourists and good citizens by the new government instead of deplorables and insurrectionists and Joe Biden would be wearing a National Socialist arm band and having Jews, queers and communists sent to the gas chambers and then the crematoriums. Nazi government ended May 1945. The real problem is anti-nazi government, the globalists and PC special interest groups.

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Nazis and β€œJews” are both Khazarian Mafia operatives. Is it odd that Ashkenazi from the Khazaria lands contains the word Nazi? The post that got Ye banned from twitter, a swastika embed in the Zionist Star of David, displays the tangled, incestuous, relationship between Nazi-Zionist. The global, satanic, Fake Jew cabal is a beast to behold. Biggest monster ever seen on earth.

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Rubbish, 'Nazis' are a complete fiction, they are a Jewish Wall Street-controlled Russian communist and Jewish-led 'Allied' invention, seen everyday in hypnotic Jewish Hollywood movies.

National Socialism as actually intended and as was practiced is nothing like the Jew propaganda 'Nazism'.

So, with you having said that so-called 'fake' Jews are the biggest monster to ever walk the Earth, how can you look at Deuteronomy 20:16 that comes undoubtedly from the 'real' demonic Jews and their demonic 'god' (remember Jesus said he had not come to oppose or deny these laws), and tell anyone that that is anything other than a total demon from hell?

Rabbi Yisrael Ariel today wants NATO armies under Israeli control to march from city to city around the world once the Judaic NWO one world government is officially imposed and kill all Christians and Muslims for instance, imposing the Noahide Laws, which are already officially approved by the Jewish-controlled UN for future implementation under the intended future Chabad Lubavitcher Rothschild NWO one world government.

Do you think that 'real Jews' as you may relate them to us are therefore OK? Jesus, of course, is a mere fiction anyway, and all Jews are real Jews, there are no fake Jews; fake Jews is a dodge. Even the mention of fake Jews by the fictional Jesus, himself a Jewish psy-op invention by the Jewish Piso family is an earlier similar dodge.

Read The Diegesis by Rev Robert Taylor, 1829, downloadable for free in pdf and other forms.

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I’ll read it. Thx. I don’t interact much with Jews anymore. Can’t say I’ve known any good ones. Still I want to believe there are good Jews practicing good acts. But maybe you’re right. None of them should be trusted. Any one of them can do serious harm. Goodnight chief.

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How many eyes have you and your fellow monocled poster between you? I applaud free speech but the sort of hackneyed prejudice you two spout does tend to suggest to me you both need to take a rain check on the prepping and get out more. Did members of the failed NSDAP from the mid 1930's onwards take over the US post 1945......if your life/s depended on convincing a panel of sceptics of that , I suggest you ensure your Wills are up to date.

What pre-eminence have Freemasons got over a host of other fraternal and sorority groups as far as a cunning plan to achieve global domination? Would you be so litigiously scathing about the Catholic Church, or the Mormons, or Mennonites for that matter? What would you do about local Chambers of Commerce, Rotarians, Buffaloes? Would your ignorant bile be ejected towards The Priory of Sion or ancient Livery Companies? I don't know many of the above organisations apart from one; are its members perfect? Assuredly not, being human ( I understand there was One who was considered perfect but even He admitted his failings); but these people do provide help, expertise and raise massive sums for others as well as the families of their "own". If you both can say the same that, you have a right to criticise but only from your own knowledge - if not, as an Englishman I respectfully suggest you both stick to being career Troglodytes ( what I wanted to put has a ton of *; being an Englishman, I thought twice )

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You’re on fire son. You are the heat that is going to get us through this long cold winter with no oil. How much ashkenazi blood do u have? You wouldn’t be part of the King Charles line from vlad the impaler?

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Hopefully more of us are aware of the size of the battle we are up against and get ahead of it. The writer makes a

point but perhaps this will be different. There's enough lust for revenge this time out, I believe some justice will be meted out. I really believe we have a chance to rectify much that has been done wrong to us. Its OUR lives against theirs and we have everything to lose but so do they. I fantasize about it several times a day in lieu of "prayer"....my thoughts are my prayers. I don't need an intermediary to intercede on my behalf...my thoughts are real

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The Man in the High Castle

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So Jews instigated WWI and WWII against Germany and then handed victory to the Germans after they completely destroyed Germany and killed millions of her people both during and after WWI and during and after WWII. Do you have any more 'true' stories?

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I would not be surprised to read from either that , apparently, Stalin retired to a convent and took up crochet.

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Let’s get the Facebook fact checkers on this. Right away.

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When you say Jew what do you hear?

The kindness of Jesus,

Or Khazaria’s fear?

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To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.

Libbre David 37

A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our books contain anything against them.

Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book of Jore Dia 17

Do not save Goyim in danger of death.

Show no mercy to the Goyim.

Hilkkoth Akum X1

All Israelites will have a part in the future world... The Goyim, at the end of the world will be handed over to the angel Duma and sent down to hell.

Zohar, Shemoth, Toldoth Noah, Lekh-Lekha

Kill the Goyim by any means possible.

Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

Everyone who sheds the blood of the impious [non-Jews] is as acceptable to God as he who offers a sacrifice to God.

Yalkut 245c

Extermination of the Christians is a necessary sacrifice.

Zohar, Shemoth

Tob shebbe goyyim harog - Even the best of the Goyim (Gentiles) should be killed.

Soferim 15, Rule 10

Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night.

Midrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L

Happy will be the lost of Israel, whom the Holy One, blessed be He, has chosen from amongst the Goyim, of whom the Scriptures say: "Their work is but vanity, it is an illusion at which we must laugh; they will all perish when God visits them in His wrath." At the moment when the Holy One, blessed be He, will exterminate all the Goyim of the world, Israel alone will subsist, even as it is written: "The Lord alone will appear great on that day!...

Zohar, Vayshlah 177b

That is what I hear when I hear mention of the word Jew.

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I agree with other commenters here. The Nuremberg trials were largely performative. They were needed at the time to show the people that 'justice must be done' - the people expected it and they were happy with the ritualised performance whereby the villains were ostensibly held to account. A moral ethical medical code was born of the Nuremberg trials, which shone brightly on paper but which was promptly ignored by all governments in 2020. At Nuremberg, the powers that be fried the smaller fish generally. The bigger fish set up shop elsewhere and started planning the next stage of the Third Reich - the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

We no longer expect justice to be done because we have been conditioned not to expect it. But we have not been so conditioned that we, the people, will not DEMAND it and ensure that it is done, by ourselves if necessary, rather than by our feckless, corrupt, complicit leaders. It just takes enough people willing to stand up and say: "We want REAL Nuremberg trials this time, not show-pieces".

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No nobody will be punished because the small group of men who own the Fed and run the world... want this.

And nobody dares push back on them

"I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, ... The man that controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply." Nathan Rothschild https://twitter.com/KirbySommers/status/1567945974537936897

β€œOnce a nation parts with the control of its currency and credit, it matters not who makes the nation’s laws. … Until the control of the issue of currency and credit is restored to government and recognized as its most sacred responsibility, all talk of the sovereignty of parliament and of democracy is idle and futile.” β€” Mackenzie King, Canadian Prime Minister 1935-1948.

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men." - Woodrow Wilson, after signing the Federal Reserve into existence

β€œSome of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” ― Woodrow Wilson

β€œThe conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.” – Edward Bernays – Propaganda

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"No nobody will be punished because the small group of men who own the Fed and run the world... want this"

That is their Achilles heel as with all despots - name me a despot in history who retired graciously with a fulsome send off from those who were oppressed...? Whether they pissed off Roman Legionaries with spears or piss off ex military types with weapons training or stealth drone expertise - they cannot protect themselves 24/7, 365....just thinking out loud.

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These guys are smart... they never come out from behind the curtain ... they have politicians (actors) pretend to have the power... and they have 'democracy' so the actors can be changed when the mob gets upset about something ... and the next batch of actors offer hope and change and the mob calms down.

Truly brilliant stuff... most people would think you were insane if you suggested a small group of men with the help of their well paid Deep State minions --- run the world.

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I saw a clip of Andrew Tate that was interesting. I think he said there are about 1800 people who are ruling this world and running it into the ground. He then observed that there are 8 billion of us and when we find out what they have done to us, they will have to find a place to hide --- or something to that effect.

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Now if W Wilson is right, should we not ask the question which power has openly stated to be above kings and presidents in the past? Look at history. There is only one such power to make such preposterous claims.

It is the same today, having the same aims and intentions as back then.

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I am even so sure of what happened to Nuremberg now. I am not so sure of anything. Did they just throw a few under the bus to appease the masses ?

So many questions about history having lived through all the lies now.

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I've heard a lot of the Nazis scientists were absorbed into the US.

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And...their families.

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And the worst of the Ukrainian SS leaders.

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Yes operation paperclip.

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Unfortunately, I agree with you. As the experience of Renier Fuellmich and other lawyers has shown, the International Criminal Court is completely compromised. There is nobody watching the watchmen.


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Very much the conclusion that was abundantly clear to me back in April.

Too many villains and all of them are under the employ of the global nodes of power.

(Sorry for the spam, Joel)


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I disagree.

Russia can and will conduct justice when she is ready

We abide by law

And Russia decidedly ain't Germany, she won't lose

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Far too simplistic; Russia has been a rogue state since 1917, their despotic leaders have embarked on forcing Marxist Leninist ideological control freakery on everyone else with all but a few brief blips, still do so, their soldiers did exactly what the SS did and raped their way westwards to Berlin ( always wondered if "FindmyPast" is popular east of Frankfurt am Main ) - and they stole massive chunks of the continent of Europe - just did not call it Lebensraum. They have ( and yes , similar to the US, just far more so and more subtly ) fomented revolution across the globe for 100+ years. It took US military incompetence in sigint and diplomacy to be dragged into WII - in the face of a large groundswell in favour of fascism and no desire to be involved in "other people wars" throughout the entire US - still very divided after the Civil War of the 1860's.

There will be a reckoning and it won't be from any compromised government in power since at least 2019 setting up a useless toothless enquiry. Push back is happening at levels unforeseeable in 2019/20 - might lead nowhere but more and more people in the know are doing what they can to expose this scam in all its facets as set out in massive detail:


Difficult to see how the Pharma/WEF/Tech/WHO criminals can keep the lid on this for much longer and given the craven suggestion of amnesty from some of them, as well as elections in the next couple of years, they have failed? They know "we know" - it is in our hands what happens next.

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Jacquelyn Sauriol,

Your link & its main graphic provide excellent perspective. Thank you for sharing. So few realize the relative sizes of countries.

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World War 2 never ended and Nuremberg was a show trial. We may get another show trial.

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There will be a Nuremberg- just in 50 years, when the public conspirators are too old or dead to be prosecuted and/or the new world order is in operation. It can't be now because there is no clear cut "villian". Every single person believed to be responsible can deny knowledge of certain parts. None, but the witnesses (us), have the full scope view. This will become "the great terrible". Something that will be bogeymanned, or parable for next generations. Like the great flood.

The fallout is incalculable and is/will be too mch to bear for a great portion of humanity but humanity will continue, mother nature does not do annihilation. She breaks down to rebuold, recreate. We are part of that cycle. We always have been.

So live, love, learn and build local. You'llbe surprised at how many of "you" there are around.πŸ€—πŸ™

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TL;DR: The Nazis weren't gonna Nuremburg themselves.

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That's excellent insight about the toxic hope cycle, how we need the resilience, patience and energy to endure over time. A lot of people are in denial right now, acting like nothing happened and perhaps thinking things are back to normal. On the other side, it can be tempting to hope that the next truth bomb is going to be what finally wakes people up and ends the abuse with justice. It looks like we are in for the long ride. There won't be true healing until the recovery after it's over. For now, we can only mitigate the damages and set the boundaries that protect ourselves as much as possible. Connecting with like-minded allies is also important for staying strong and sane.

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Well said.

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Agreed, emphasizing both physical and psychological self care are endurance imperatives.

Frustration breeds a propensity for petulance and recklessness which will only embolden the oppressor and enable their tyranny.

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There is no β€œleader” or politician coming to save you. It’s up to us. Period.

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Mmm. I heard Nuremberg described in recent months as a local kangaroo court.....

The scale is the problem.

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I like your visual tiger ride analogy..

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And this is why I believe revolution is coming. In the absence of Nuremberg the people will revolt. Revolutions always occur when corruption in government and public services reaches a certain point. And we are at that point so it’s a matter of more and more anger building until it is triggered

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With modern technology and pronouncements made by would be revoltees, like yourself, publically or in private but government tracked conversations, the day of revolutions being possible are quickly coming to an end. The 0.5 percent that are outspoken embers can be round up in literally a week by most police swat departments and disposed off for a few pennies. If you fight back, you just look more dangerous and guilty to the sheep bystanders

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There’s not much I can do with my health. It’s pretty hard to revolt when you have to spend most of your time lying down. The days of revolution are certainly not over. There have been many colour revolutions round the world in the last few decades. History shows us that when corruption in government and public service get too extreme it always ends in revolution. Someone steps forward and says they will do something about it and the public who are sick of the corruption support them. Ukraine is a good example. Corruption 10 years ago was out of control. One of the most prominent nazi leaders in the world formed a political party and said he would do something about the corruption. He only got a few percent votes but it was enough. The USA government also stepped in before the maiden. They offered to educate Ukrainian citizens in computers and technology. The yanukovich government agreed. So the USA started a program in Ukraine called tech camp. But after a while the yanukovich govt got suspicious and the secret service covertly investigated. They discovered the USA was actually teaching Ukrainian citizens how to bring down the government using social media. It was then announced in the next televised parliament session what the USA govt were up to. The government was in an uproar. The next day the color revolution kicked off in maidan square. This is why western governments are trying to shut down free speech on social media. Don’t be fooled and think that the internet is necessary for a revolution though. If the public realise they’ve been poisoned by the government by mandate you may find soldiers in the armed forces decide to revolt. Revolutions are always possible. All it takes is something bad enough to kick it off and all the widespread vaccine harm and deaths may just be the thing to do it. Especially due to the widespread neurological injuries it’s caused. In New Zealand crime is through the roof. Has been since March. Ram raids galore and multiple ram raids round the country on many nights. An awful lot of random stabbings have been occurring and a lot of theft. We’ve even had a surgeon do a home invasion armed with 6 pistols. He’s up on attempted murder charges too. And another dr is up on charges of killing her 3 young kids. We live in crazy times. Next year half of all mortgage holders face a huge interest rate rise. The official cash rate was recently raised higher in one go than its ever been raised and the reserve bank has said to prepare for recession. My mortgage rate will triple in July. A proportion of those mortgage holders will lose their homes and we don’t have the rental housing stock to take them. We already have people living in cars and many are put up in motels by the government. If the NZ govt mandate another vaccine I believe we will see riots in NZ. There is a lot of anger and mistrust of government and people are sick of the propaganda and corruption

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Hmm, while I respect the thought you put into your reply, I still somewhat disagree. The issue there was the government was not watching what was happening on social media, which in turn, allowed an uprising to be organized via social media. Likewise, in some less-technologically advanced countries and historically pre-social media, in places were we've seen revolts in the past ten years, it was possible to organize via telephone, mail, in person, messengers, etc that were pretty much untraceable. So you'd have mobs form and that would be that.

However, now, we have very very militarized police forces due to the "war" on "drugs". When mobs happened in the past, it was more akin to .... people with swords versus people with clubs or 2-by-4s.... almost an even match if you have the numbers. Its very hard, for yourself or your neighbor in good health, to use his store-bought pistol or rifle to take on a swat-team in body armor and an armored vehicle, sniper rifles and literal machine guns. Even if there's 3 people with handguns, 20 S.W.A.T officers are going to win. Even 100 handgun-wielding individuals, the S.W.A.T probably wins. If you reach an incredible amount like 1,000 in one place, at one time, sure.

However, we already know social media has been colluding with the Biden administration. So there is little to no way, Biden won't be able to identify those 1,000 people and the swat teams one-by-one pick off them 1 at a time, 20 vs 1. 5 a day, every day, till they are gone within 4 years. That's assuming, that say in a city of 200,000, there's 1 swat team and "1,000" extremely brave, armed people willing to stand up. In reality, there's probably 3-4 swat teams and yeah about 0.5%. Those 0.5% can probably encourage 20% who would participate but never start on their own, to take part via mob mentality. However, if you eliminate those 0.5%....the 20% will never rise up out of fear of being the first or only one.

The other factor is discomfort versus comfort. You'd be surprised, how many people do not want to rock the boat if they get a brand new HALO or Call of Duty game, every six months and a new evolutionary leap in graphics on their latest console/pc gaming system, plus netflix, plus hulu, plus amazon prime releasing continuous new tv shows and movies, plus pizza 3 times week, chinese food 2 times a week and regular-doses of soda, to enjoy in their 6 hours of free time, 5 days a week and 16 hours of free time, 2 days a week. The cage the lower-class live is has never been so well equipped with entertainment to dull the mind and desire to revolt. An apartment box for many of them is seemingly all they strive for, not a "house" so the unaffordability of a "house" is no big deal. They weren't planning to have families; just "hookup culture" engagements.

The mortgage crisis, I agree, is a potential keg of gunpowder. However, it depends on where it explodes or who it explodes on. I think governments are planning to claim, "the explosion is the result of capitalism/free markets/investors trying to get investment properties to put on Air BnB and greedy people trying to take on housing debt they couldn't afford, aren't even at fault, but the RECKLESS banks willing to lend to them!" "But don't worry, we'll take out those capitalists, take control of the banks, take control of all the money, throw out your worthless paper dollars and bring in its place the new glorious digital dollars, universal basic income and put in communism/socialism so this never happens again.... " may be the spin/narrative presented.

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Revolutions don’t have to be organised on social media or on the telephone. They can just spontaneously kick off. Being mandated another death shot and losing your job if you don’t is a life or death choice. People may want the next new video game but if that is going to cost immune damage or a heart attack they may find themselves in a spot where they feel they have no other choice but to do something drastic. I also think neurotoxicity caused by the vaccine is going to play a very big role in civil unrest. It already is. I’ve had bad reactions to vaccines when younger and they can certainly make you think and act like a different person. Bigger extremes. In New Zealand at this point in time I don’t see it as a big possibility. My forecast is based on government mandating more vaccines and maybe another lockdown. If they do that the possibility is very high for mass civil unrest

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But most people have kids. You have to protect and provide somehow for your kids. That makes people more likely to comply with anything that keeps them from losing their livelihood, and less likely to do anything such as joining a revolution that could get them imprisoned or killed.

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Yes but when civilised societies collapse most people still go to work and school everyday. It only takes 10% of the population for a revolution to be successful. And our govts are worried as evidenced by their totalitarian crackdown on free speech

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Thanks for sharing der Vogelmensch, I dont do any of the 'usual' platforms so would have missed...best

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