I've been a faithful watcher of Dr. Campbell since Feb 2020. Watching his red-pilled transition has been... something. I feel for people like him, I really do. His whole life dedicated to medicine and now this?

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Yes, I watch occasionally so I would also be included as a subscriber who already knows. Further, I always peruse the comments to see who is awake to this horrid BS. Not all of his subscribers are asleep. All I can say is once you realize A you start to question the whole alphabet all the way to Z.

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Yes, I figured that would be the case which is why I only put 2 million+ in the title, i.e. 15%+ already awake. I don't follow him so what do you think the proportion was? And now is?

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My opinion is approximately 40% of the commenters appeared to understand the agenda beforehand and perhaps more. Many other YouTube channels mentioned his or showed clips of his as he woke and was being sly about the BS. Perusing current comments on his most recent release, it appears most are awake already. I noted one Covidiot comment re misinformation, lol.

What do the rest of his watchers/subscribers think who are also on Megatron’s SS?

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Sorry misspelled metatron. ;)

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LOL. Substack has edit! I only have 13k subscribers to his 2.43 million so I'm definitively not responsible!!

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I shared both your and Metatron's posts about the staggering increases in all-cause mortality. It reminds me of the Vietnam War. We can't deny all the death, the senseless carnage.

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He actually interviewed a case of myocarditis last year. Maybe around September? I think this was when many in his audience realised that there are risks. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=H7inaTiDKaU

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Agreed Moritz, he seemed to have realized a while back, yet due to the known Censortube surveillance and cancellation threat, he had to be a bit sly and foxy about it, not forthright and open.

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Exactly. Once you see the first lie, all the others become obvious. The big payoff is that you’re not likely to fall for the next. (I almost said you’ll “never” fall for another, but these are devious people, and you have to be vigilant.) My red pill moment was 9/11, and it’s been a trip ever since.

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Then why does everyone HERE believe that merely being woken causes policies to change? Do any of you woken folk GET TO vote on policy?

How come none of you are woke to the fact that you can't take Big Pharma's $ then vote against Big Pharma. You can't POSSIBLY not be woke to the fact of lobbying. Now, how is YOU being woke going to cause Nancy & Mitch to voluntarily decide to reject those millions of $? Thinking that anything you think, say or post to social media affects policy is a lie you all tell yourselves.

What % of you need to wake up to THAT before any of you will wake up to the fact that this means being woke the way you are now changes nothing?

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Like voting makes a difference. Its a rigged system... the whole facade we live in.... as it stands UK is leaderless in fact it has been for many years. As for being awake, I agree with your sentiment, it is not enough being merely aware or awake. But what to do when awake?

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1) Who said anything about voting? 2) "Voting" is an incomplete thought made to assuage the public. Getting to vote on who makes all decisions is obviously not the same as being able to vote on those decisions oneself.

3) Awake to what? Since you're talking about things I never said, for all I know you can be asking me about my favorite flavor of ice cream. What to do when one is awake TO WHAT?

Cripes, this is so easy, it CAN BE nothing but deliberate on everyone's part. If you believe that mass public pressure can force them to make changes, why are you here trying to join with others in BEGGING THEM to please make changes? How many people begging them to remain in power do they need to remain in power when no one is threatening that power?

The instant someone suggests standing up to political authority FIGURES (there's a clue) you all subconsciously revert to a familiar feeling. You all feel as if you're about to challenge your Own Daddy's Authority at age seven & are about to wet yourselves.

WHY though? Wtf is anyone here ACTUALLY afraid of? If you didn't suddenly feel ALONE in this, you'd realize that we HAVE TO stand up TO them, so get over the regressive feeling & grow tf UP already. If you never do that, then nothing else anyone says matters. You will continually beg them to govern you better which only allows them to govern as they choose.

Amazing isn't it? You're all here supposed;y TO amass the support needed for exactly this. But point that out, & you all suddenly get confused. "What do we do once we get that mass support?"

THAT is the EASY part. Wtf do you THINK you should do with people knowingly murdering children for Fun & Profit?

However, if you lack the balls to stand up to mere figureheads, well yeah, suddenly the obvious seems intimidating.

Shall I send Nancy Pelosi over to terrorize you personally? "We need to rally: but as soon as any of us contemplate it, we gets a-skeered!" Well cripes, what's your priority here? Saving lives, or remaining intimidated BY the POS who DO this?

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I missed the gist of your comment

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From the viewpoint of the 99%, the UK hasn't had an effective leader since 1979, more accurately not since about 1976. The ones since then have been put in place to serve certain interest groups.

Briefly, for the first part of my life, we had governments which succeeded in reducing inequality and tackling what seems to be the human tendency to re-create feudal systems. The 'bottom third' were better off in 1970-75 than they are now.

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Amazing how this gets likes, yet most people are afraid to engage. That's The Problem: you all KNOW what needs doing, but are afraid to do it.

Well? The people in charge aren't going to change UNLESS we act to force them to. Children will die while you wait.

So tell me: what excuses do you think you can use to justify to yourselves for allowing that to continue?

No more waiting for "someone" to "do something." We are ALL that someone.

WHO will be first to engage (now listen VERY carefully) AFTER having accepted that obvious basic fact. Because continuing to deny it = children dying. If THAT means less to you than continuing to revere the mere Offices Of your corrupt authority figures, by all means, continue allowing them to murder for Fun & Profit.

If anyone ACTUALLY wants to stop it, well... you have a funny way of allowing it to continue while lying to everyone, including yourselves.

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What a very wise comment - I thought I was the only person to think that … 🥲

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Sorry, but substack somehow made it uncertain who you're complimenting. It SAYS your reply is to the initial comment - but it SHOWS as a reply to me.


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I’ve lost the plot too - probable effects of triple vaxx - so so angry with myself for being such a sheep

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We're here to stop the jab mandates, right? 1) You don't stop an invading army by shouting about how bad bullets are, waiting for everyone to agree, then waiting for the bullets to get upset & run home crying do you? You have to stop the SOLDIERS CARRYING the guns & bullets.

2) Same here though everyone is in denial. The instant it becomes clear that you can't end the mandates without ending (or at least reducing) the power of Daddy-Government to make all your decisions for you, everyone becomes a child terrified of life without Daddy holding their hands & telling them what to think.

3) The ONLY PEOPLE who CAN mandate anything are your politicians. Not Fauci, not Gates, not the vaccines themselves, not their manufacturers. It's THESE people http://allaregreen.us/.

4) You CAN'T END the mandates WITHOUT removing their power to enforce those mandates. ONLY people who refuse to grow tf up & accept this don't know what to do or how to go about ending the mandates.

Until then, you'll blame media, Pfizer or maybe Kim Jong-un, but never the people actually responsible. Now tell me how you're going to have the mandates ended WITHOUT removing the power to place then enforce the mandates?

ARE you waiting for the jabs themselves to get upset & run home crying?

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Yes, and that is frankly, a painful process made worse the later it comes.

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He’s a bit like Dr Mobeen Syed. I used to watch both their videos mostly for the comments. Regardless of the video content it was always motivating to see the comments from those that are free, critical thinkers. They have both interviewed a jab injured person, which I thought would help open up more debate than it did. I do like Mobeen’s diagrams. But so many of Campbell’s videos had me screaming at him to wake up so I had to stop watching him. Glad at last to see him properly join us thinkers.

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Yes, his facial expressions reveal he is dismayed at what he has learned.

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Better late than never, I would say.

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You can see the tiredness and the feeling of betrayal creeping into his features.

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He seemed pretty shaken in the video. Definitely red-pilled now.

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I like Dr. Campbell. He seems like a no-nonsense, high integrity person with an open mind and relevant expertise. I had faith he'd eventually come around to the truth, though it took him a while.

I think the censorship and fraudulent "debunking" of ivermectin was his first red pill and he's been questioning the narrative ever more since.

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He had come so close to waking up on numerous occasions then rolls over and good back to sleep

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Note in the video he states/wonders why investigative reporters are not investigating. Translation: not my job, I’m just looking at the data…

He has no desire to dig further and he’ll be back to his blissfully ignorant slumber in his next video. Why? Follow the money. With that size audience, the number and length of his videos, he’s likely receiving a decent income from YouTube. You can see he is troubled by the harm being done but ultimately, he will not kill the goose that continues to lay his monthly golden eggs.

At some point, he has to reach the very unpleasant realization that he is part of the problem, just another enabler of the ongoing fraud. Until he stops taking money for what he’s doing, he’s just part of the corruption, albeit on a different scale.

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I watched Dr. John Campbell (wasn’t he a nurse?) from the very beginning. But when he started to promote the v I had to turn him off. At that time we could see all of the reactions, deaths, huge protests, protesting ourselves, outspoken Docs and nurses on telegram and signal. We watched people with horrible reactions all posting there. I was horrified and I believe someone had to have shown him what was going on. But his ego was too big by then. I wonder how he feels knowing his words, his videos sent people to their death. He is still not quite awake in this video. He wants to believe there has been only 10 deaths from the v in the UK. Yes, John, very strange. You think you were here to save people with your big ego, but instead what you have done is created a lot of karma that will be hard to live with. You are a snake oil salesman and I have mercy for those who followed you down to hell.

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I know lots of people who were persuaded to get the jab because of him.

If i was him i would be ashamed.

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I would too Mrs. S

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I never heard of him before today, but I did not get the impression that he was inclined to believe that the lowest number in the range was the correct one. I actually got the impression that he was inclined to believe it was closer to 20,000.

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I watched his new videos on Rumble from today. He said he will now on stay within the guidelines of the CDC when he reports and not say anything to get him kicked off of Youtube. Yes, I agree with you regarding him not staying with the ten count. But we all know that more than 10 people have died in the UK from being v. But he points to it with hope that what he is finding is wrong (yes, we all would love to stay in the fantasy that no one has died from the v, but the truth is just the opposite). We who have watched him over the years and trusted him at the beginning can see the tower that is coming down for him in his head. How can he want to know the truth but not have done any real research with all of these untested drugs from the beginning? Personally the death count is probably higher than the 20k since there is so much bias in claiming the v would do any harm what so ever.

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Jo Jo Razor - We Agree With You As We Can Remember How He Smugly Promoted The "CShot" In The Beginning Then Had To Change His Tune As More & More Injuries/Deaths Became Apparant. I Guess His Concience Will Prick Him For The Rest Of His Life.

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Aug 25, 2022
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There was no need. The lie was very big from the start. It was not for lack of time or availability. It was entirely due to the same self-deceptions and delusions that other zombies suffer.

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It was, wasn't it Joel! All right there for anyone to see. Strange, Dr. Campbell that you chose to ignore it. Yes, very strange. All of those people, every type of profession, losing their jobs because they knew what was going on. People died, were injured, became vicious. Friends turning their backs on anyone who didn't go along. Me turning from artist to activist because I thought my neighbors might drag me out of the house (one of them almost hit me but had to be pulled back by his wife). This is trauma with a capital T that I think will last for generations. People don't forget. He can't walk this back. He will forever be scared for what he did. And he is still doing it. Thank you Joel for giving us this platform to say what we need to say.

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And many of us were better served by our instincts to not buy the narrative he was selling.

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I only saw the first few minutes when he posted it. I knew where it was headed and I just didn't want to see him dismiss it by the end. Now I'm going to watch the whole thing. Gold old YT. At least they're predictable.

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He’s been so naive. A decent principled man & clearly really thinks the failure to investigate - by politicians & regulatory authorities & mainstream journalists- is (using his word) ‘strange’.

It’s not strange at all! Politicians just never admit mistakes. So as soon as any medicine is enforced through pressure and coercion - from the start in this case - it’s inevitable that regulatory authorities would rather eat their own grandmothers than monitor its safety. That’s just how incentives work.

I genuinely don’t understand how JC didn’t see this from the start.

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Because his generation grew up believing that the "authority" was benevolent. I have friends in a similar age bracket who literally believe whatever the BBC and the broadsheet legacy media publishes. Conversely the Millennials are paying a high price for the small crumbs of liberty they have received by poisoning themselves. A very perceptive subscriber by the name gdoc described these people as Morons. John fits the useful "idiot" label entirely. I imagine he is now fully aware of the magnitude of his corona astrology. On a personal level I know people who are already rolling their sleeves up for the next booster. Critical thinking is a skill that appears to be in very short supply.

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Exactly. He simply can’t conceive that the authorities would be intending to harm people. That’s how they get away with it.

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I wouldn’t hold my breath either. My colleague’s 30 year old daughter trying to get pregnant started having health problems after her second jab last summer. Otherwise perfectly fit and healthy, she suddenly suffered from tachycardia, dangerously high blood pressure, impossible fatigue and almost total hair loss. Still had it all a year later, but says improved because her hair has just started growing back— except it’s now bright white! She reports this was diagnosed as “long Covid” and of course it still is. She also said she never had Covid. “It must have been asymptomatic Covid.” So no covid, but life threatening illness called long Covid, symptoms occurring just after shot #2.

Incredible cognitive dissonance.

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You can almost see the slow realisation appear on his face as the sheer awfulness of what has happened and is happening hits him. However, his video showing the very high effectiveness of Ivermectin against SARS-CoV-2 and comparing it with that of Paxlovid also seemed to be a red-pill moment but he then just seemed to doze back off again into his 'reassuring lie' world.

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If John is reading this, the ONS vaccine deaths are listed every month so the FOI wasn't necessary. The latest figure is 49.


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I always wondered if he was faking, just keeping on the fence treading the fine line between informing the asleep without being labelled as misinformation

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I agree. He has been walking a tightrope for ages, presumably because he realises there are risks of censorship otherwise. Always extra careful to cite sources (including this time). He has interviewed a number of people who don’t swallow the narrative too, and I think often sailed close to the wind. This time he has fallen off the tightrope, despite a very careful reliance on official published (and FOI) data.

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Aug 25, 2022
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Across all platforms, I have been censored at least a dozen times and I have never strayed from evidence-based, data-driven, scientific analysis to support what I say. Challenging the narrative trumps all that.

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Racist 😉

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Many who have done likewise have suffered similar fates 🤔

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Two (or more) wrongs, of course, do not make a right; they merely pile up the wrongs.

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No, I can’t explain it. Only YouTube could clarify its (improper) decision. Which they ought to do.

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Never gonna happen unless some bigwig hauls them into an (uncaptured) court.

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It’s very simple. He says that the ‘vaccines’ are responsible for deaths according to official data. That is contra-narrative and therefore he must be silenced.

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When are they going to start increasing the insurance premiums of the vaxxed? They are clearly using more healthcare due to their ill advised choice. They wanted the unvaxxed to pay more, but it we aren’t the problem.

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Life, disability, auto insurers are likely to get to the point very quickly of denying coverage since the vaxxed volunteered to take an experimental medical product. According to one recent report, auto insurers are already denying coverage where a vaxxed person has some sort of medical episode (e.g., related to vax induced myocarditis, blood clots) that results in an accident. A group of 5 life insurers (as I recall) has joined forces in a class action suit against pharma. This is just the beginning — I expect medical coverage to be denied in cases of vax induced diseases from cancer to heart conditions using the same rational. And what do you think will happen when the status of people whose DNA has been altered by the vax is questioned — they are no longer, strictly speaking, human, but GMOs.

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In the United States, health insurance coverage cannot be denied for any pre-existing condition regardless of the cause or culpability of anybody. However, I do not think those regulations apply to life or disability insurance. They definitely don't apply to auto insurance.

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Definitely don't apply to life insurance. If the policy you want is high enough, they will run a blood test. You would think this would eventually show up in rates.

I'm not sure though, you never know what kind of back room deals are being made. Insurance companies/lobbies are extremely powerful. They might be getting some sort of subsidy from the govt. that we will never know about. Or they might just raise rates for everyone and pretend it's just the new normal.

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I tuned out from Campbell a long while ago, due to his pro vax stance. It drove me nuts.

It seems he has had an awakening of sorts and is clearly uncomfortable.

What next - will he call for the shots to be withdrawn? Which is exactly what he should do.

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I'm sorry if he's not an agent for tptb he's actually taken 2+ years to figure out what anybody can see by walking to the hospital and talking to a few ambulance staff on their breaks. People that think that real world data are only on spreadsheets need to turn off the internet for a week and exercise their f**king eyes.

Another point, even if he's real doctor, think this through - would you trust his judgement?

And he's on Rumble now: https://rumble.com/v1hajzp-john-joins-rumble.html Queue I'm a conspiracy nut Doctor now angle. I'll give it another 2 years and he'll start reading RFK's book on Fauci. Personally I think he's a plant.

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There is no honor in willful ignorance. Most of his followers follow him on YT. How would they know of this censored video? He’s not going to be abandoning YT and therefore he will not talk too much about this subject. Is he going to be talking a lot about the banned video? Is he going to risk being banned from YT? I suspect not. While he appears to many to be an honest person, my personal opinion is that he is not. He could have known much earlier but he chose not to. He is walking back a little to protect his own reputation. He directed people toward vaccines, many of whom got injured and died.

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To be fair, he has said on many occasions that medicines should be applied specifically for each patient, and therefore vax mandates were wrong.

He also hosted people who explained how the immune system works, which taught me why the mRNA vaccines were a bad idea, even if he’s said pro-vax things in the past 10 days.

On the negative side, he seems to be more pro-plant-based than true science indicates.

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Oh wow, thank you for pointing this out. I used to watch his videos, but abandoned him out of frustration because he wasnt waking up. This is good!

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