The superimposition of those like data curves...if that doesn't convince you ..then take my jabs for me, you can have them.

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How the mind of a CovIDIOT MORE-ON works:

1. The MSM informs them that correlation does not = causation. They look at the above and like parrots state 'but correlation does not = causation'

2. The MSM informs them that there are few vax injuries happening by they are rare and are offset massively by the 20 millions lives the vaccines have saved. They look at the above and like parrots state 'vaccine injuries are rare - the vaccines saved 20 millions people'

Most people are 100% controlled by the MSM.

I would argue that most who have worked out that the Covid Vax thing is a complete scam are still controlled.

The Ministry of Truth - the PR Team - and the MSM are feeding out all sorts of ridiculous counter theories for the injections that including -- we are being chipped and will be controlled by 5G (we are already controlled... no need for that)... WEF and the Great Reset --- they even dressed Klaus up in a villain outfit!

And most people are buying these other narratives... fed to them by the same people who sold the Safe and Effective narrative.

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I just wrote the same before reading your comment.

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On the most basic of base levels, it should be blindingly obvious that where you have 2 x the number of unexpected deaths AFTER the introduction of a pharmaceutical product which we're told is "safe and effective", something smells a bit off 🤨

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Well done ( Once again) Joel.👏🏻👏🏻 Succinct Analysis,Powerful Message.Thank You from UK,A true Warrior.😄

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Ditto the truth will be known soon the corruption lies and cover up. I can’t believe people at work for number 5. I believe one of the lawyers I look after is vaccine damage. She’s now got eyes issues that may need surgery, she’s also got high blood pressure and might have diabetes. But she’s going for number 4. Another beautiful young lawyer told me she was so ill with covid even though she had all vaccines. She’s also had palpitations and heart issues. The firm is American so they pushed hard in London for everyone to take it, there are around 7 unvaccinated out of 250. Sad I hope they have a law suit against them and they go bust

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The five-month statistical relationship between Covid vaccinations and deaths was recently reported by The Exposé: https://expose-news.com/2022/09/30/5-months-to-kill-covid-vaccination/?cmid=64faa21f-94ea-49d3-a985-485789e4a618

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So, at least if you made the mistake and made it past the 5 month mark, if you're not stupid enough to subject yourself to the experiment all over again, it looks like your survival odds dramatically improve?

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I’m seeing vaccine injuries in people at work 9 months after

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Knew I'd heard that somewhere before! :-)

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I live in Houston, and unfortunately Dr. Peter Hotez is often on the local news, misinterpreting data and spreading fear porn. Especially whenever the “Covid numbers” have dipped too low and people are getting too complacent.

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Choice, everybody should have without need for any discussion, the problem comes when coercion lies and force starts to blur the lines, ultimately surely the time for fire to fight fire (which sometimes and unfortunately turns out to be the only way) must be drawing somewhere near.

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Or is the case " ah well somebody cocked up put down to experience and we just move on" - not from my viewpoint it wouldn't be.

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They say there are always at least three sides to a story.

1. The scamdemic viruganda narrative.

IsoLa, lockdown masked suicide.

2. The Harmacide death clot shot.

3. What will the good Lord Almighty do to help us Arrogant Womanity from utter ruin?

$4. $$$$$ the love of money and murder

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Dr. Harvey Risch video. You have to love this man. He has never veered out of his lane.💕💕


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Risch is a gem of a man.

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Wow! That is amazing the rate of vaccination and the rate of excess mortality. Not hard to pick out a pattern there. How long will people be completely and utterly stupid?

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Thank you, Joel!! I am adding a link to your article to the philosophical story I posted last night. The carnage is so tragic!!!!


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Along side your very commendable work time and the effort you are obviously putting into this coupled with ever more evidence from other reputable sources I would have thought the writing is pretty much already on the wall with little or no reasonable doubt left, it begs the question why does it appear very little is being done, is it not time to go and buy the rope yet ?

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There's always two sides. The pro-narrative is nowhere near compelling enough for mandates and discrimination. Never has been. And the hurdle should be much, much higher for them. That really should be enough to put an end to all this. For those who want to submit themselves voluntarily, they should still have that choice. Darwin will do the rest.

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Agreed - and yet this week the CDC voted unanimously to add the covid jabs to the childhood vaccine schedule in the USA. Evil.

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Dr Prasad's YouTube vid on subclinical myocarditis says it all. A few countries studies are showing troponins in blood post Cvax vs zero in healthy non vaccinated. Concluded all have post ❤ damage. Steve Kirsch posted:


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Perhaps Prasad is taking an incremental approach in order to persuade. That's a less controversial approach than perhaps Kirsch takes. Prasad may actually be where we are already, but keeping his position secret in order to more effectively persuade colleagues.

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Perhaps...re read. Dots connected in Switzerland study. Over 700 tested post booster blood samples found troponins in blood found only after ❤ damage. (Troponins are proteins that assist heart muscle function and only found in blood samples following cardiac event)Zero found in non vaccinated.

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The vaccine narrative still holds sway but the dam is beginning to crack thanks to analyses like yours. At the moment the media are having a feeding frenzy over prime ministers, ex-presidents and mid-terms so the public's interest has shifted. I don't think it will be as charitable to the narrative when it comes back with a cooler head. The dam will burst on this issue as it has on lab-leaks, lockdowns and masks and then there will be much wringing of hands and weeping and wailing. Not much else will happen, history will be revised, lessons will go unlearned and the guilty will go unpunished. Business as usual.

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There is a marked increase in the slope in 3Q2021, which aligns with the SOA death data brought forth by Ed Dowd.



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Just looking at CDC mortality data and comparing working age mortality between 2019 and 2021 is horrendous.

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Didn't Steve Kirsch say that it was taking 5 months from jab to death for those it was going to kill?

There is so much evidence floating around that any "public figure" who still maintains the jabs save lives or are safe or are effective at stopping transmission or any of the other rubbish the office narrative has insisted on should be arrested for inciting genocide.

For the silly man on the street who can't be fagged with weirdos on the internet and prefers The Guardian, The New York Times or the BBC, this information is still hidden from them. They will still be thinking how tragic it is when they hear of a young person suddenly dying. Unless the MSM join the dots for them they will stay ignorant. (Not that you're a weirdo, Joel!!!)

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Have a gander at this.


What picture is the CDC trying to paint?

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