We were right! The UK ONS now admit that deaths in the vaccinated were categorised as unvaccinated in 2021
The ONS denied it then but admit it now.
ONS data - possibly more so than any other source of data in the world - was used to bolster the claim that the [COVID] "vaccines" were highly effective and safe.
However, as we have always argued, and which is now certain, any claims of efficacy and safety based on their data were completely illusionary and subject to the cheap trick of miscategorisation whereby even a placebo - or something even worse - could be ‘shown’ to be safe and effective.
They therefore lied and intentionally created and spread misinformation. We were accused of conspiracy thinking and our reputations were tarnished as a result. -
In 2021 when the UK ONS (Office for National statistics) started releasing its vaccine by mortality status reports we exposed that there were large spikes in the non-covid death rates in the 'unvaccinated'. These spikes in mortality coincided with the first main vaccine rollout and did so for each age group (see this report, for example).
Here is the cha…
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