FoI: NHS Dumfries and Galloway—Zero ‘COVID’ deaths under 50 in 2020
Remarkable Freedom of Information act data.
Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary is the main hospital in Dumfries and Galloway. The hospital serves the town of Dumfries and the catchment area of South West Scotland with a population of 150,000.
COVID ‘pandemic’ 2020 controversy
After ‘the first wave’ arrived in Scotland the suggestion was early as July 2020 that some NHS workers within Dumfries and Galloway healthboard had themselves broken the containment rules and allowed for the spread of ‘the virus’.
In relation to the subsequent outbreak National Clinical Director Jason Leitch said July 3rd on LIVE TV-
‘’This virus is hugely infectious and VERY dangerous.’’ (from 1min 40s)
Facts and perpsective matter
When that statement was made by Professor Leitch (July 3rd 2020) there had been ONE, yes ONE COVID-19 ‘RELATED’ death registered in a care home..within the whole of Scotland!!
Does that sound like a ‘very dangerous’ virus to you ?
There were also 154 other deaths that same day from NON COVID causes not reported by the media nor was a concern for Mr.Leitch.
The facts also show when the National Clinical Director made that statement there was also significantly less deaths occuring within hospitals and care homes than on average. The messaging however remained entirely focused on creating fear over ‘COVID’ when in reality no rationale existed throughout summer 2020. Essentially ‘the pandemic’ in Scotland was over. As can be seen here from official NRS data.
The bulk of any excess deaths occuring at this stage was due to NON COVID causes mainly occuring within the home.
‘’In week 26 there were 102 excess deaths at home or in non-institutional settings (35% above average), 32 fewer deaths in hospitals (6% below average) and 18 fewer deaths in care homes (8% below average) compared to the 2015-2019 average.’
-(National Records of Scotland)
Also the same week Mr.Leitch was lecturing the public on ‘the pandemic’ and the ‘very dangerous virus’ hospital admissions and a+e admissions within Dumfries and Galloway were well below normal.
Healthboard FOI disclosure-NO COVID deaths under 50 in 2020
In 2020 there were only 4 deaths where COVID-19 was listed as the sole cause of death on a death certificate within all hospitals in D+G health board and all deaths above 69 years of age. There were 46 deaths where the disease was mentioned on a death certificate all over 50 years old with pre-existing comorbidities.
Knowing this, were the government justified in closing schools and subsequently risking the health of future generations with fast tracked experimental gene based injections?
Dumfries and Galloway Teachers were not at increased risk of hospital admission or severe Covid-19 during 2020-2021
In a rare piece of positive ‘pandemic’ new from the Scottish mainstream media it was reported, based on data covering the period March, 2020, to July, 2021 that research led by the University of Glasgow showed the risk of hospital admission ‘with’ the coronavirus was around 50 per cent lower in teachers and their household members than in the general population.
NB: 10 of these 16 months was without any experimental COVID-19 ‘vaccines.’
A look at NON COVID mortality in comparison to ‘the virus’ 2020-2023
Of the 17 hospitals in the region remarkably only 4 reported any COVID deaths at all over 3 years with NON COVID causes making up the majority of all deaths that have ever occured during ‘the pandemic.’
No all cause mortality impact of the ‘very dangerous’ virus
There was no unusual all cause mortality impact within all 17 hospitals in NHS Dumfries and Galloway in 2020 from the COVID virus.
All deaths registered:
2019 = 1,063
2020 = 952
So in ‘the pandemic’ year deaths were below average.
Did the ‘vaccines’ save any lives ?
What one can see clearly from the data is that the overall death rate has increased after the rollout of the novel COVID injections in 2021 amongst the two main hospitals (GCH/DGRI). And this trend disturbingly continued well into 2022 with historical highs for that year.
Furthermore it was reported just 3 weeks into the mass ‘vaccination’ campaign in Scotland, Dumfries and Galloway was said to be:
‘’In the grip of its most serious coronavirus outbreak since the start of the pandemic.’’
Then 7 months into the mass ‘vaccination’ campaign the region had the highest coronavirus rate in Scotland.
NHS Dumfries and Galloway’s director of public health, Valerie White said:
“We’ve seen a very steep jump in the number of cases within the region, increasing by 65 per cent last week which on the face of it is highly concerning.’’
So increases in all cause mortality, PCR ‘positive’ cases and ‘infections’ after the vaccine rollout is apparently proof of a safe and effective medical product ?
Despite the above facts novel COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ commencing Dec 8th 2020 were made available to all. Mass experimental innocolations for a disease that killed no one under 50 in the region and no healthy people under 69.
Annan-based senior immunisation nurse Jane Naylor said-
‘’We worked quietly behind the scenes, vaccinating children, the elderly - you know - everything from the cradle to the grave.’’
‘’Everything else was put on hold until the first Covid vaccines came out in December that year.’’
That was before it "all kicked off" and the team was switched to carrying out Covid swab tests in April 2020.
"But we did, we came in and we saw some really poorly people driving up in cars, got them tested and away they went."
-A virus so dangerous people were allowed to and physically able to drive to a hospital, get tested, receive no treatment, drive home to recover ?
"We weren't quite sure what to expect from this Pfizer vaccine because we were told you can't move it once you have mixed it up.’’
"You felt as if you had like a ticking time bomb in your hands, thinking I'd better not move that as if it was going to explode or something."
2023 public health fallout
On social media August 2023 Dumfries and Galloway’s main hospital was urging patients not to attend A+E unless a serious emergency due to extremely high service demand. Hospitals are typically quietest during the summer months.
‘’It’s been incredibly busy treating a very large number of patients.’’
-Dr Pete Armstrong
However official data showed the hospital A+E department was not unusually busy.
Lockdown ‘collateral’
A union representing teachers in Dumfries and Galloway has warned that levels of pupil anxiety and depression have “greatly increased” since the Covid-19 pandemic.
Also one in five of cancer patients in Dumfries and Galloway weren’t able to start treatment within two months.
Conclusion-Funeral data-2020 historic low
The funeral numbers for the region released by the council shows that in 2020 burials were the lowest on record. So as per other healthboard data in Scotland it is now demonstrable crucial facts were being kept from the public in order to maintain a harmful and undemocratic campaign of fear.
Deaths involving coronavirus (COVID-19) in Scotland, Report (