I get it FE, I really do. I have many friends who now have heart disease after the 2/3rd jabs and were perfectly fit beforehand. I am aware of several within my circle who have passed and am aware of a lot more of those who did not make it by following Substacks, listening to enlightened MDs like Dr. Kory and Dr. Cole and hearing from st…
I get it FE, I really do. I have many friends who now have heart disease after the 2/3rd jabs and were perfectly fit beforehand. I am aware of several within my circle who have passed and am aware of a lot more of those who did not make it by following Substacks, listening to enlightened MDs like Dr. Kory and Dr. Cole and hearing from strangers and acquaintances. I remember in 2021 a woman told me I should die bc I had not gotten the jab and was causing harm to others. I begged others to reconsider the jab for at least awhile to see what happens in the populace. I asked them to think critically as once it is in, you cannot get it out. I do not know of one person who listened to me. I am enraged everyday at the travesty that has been beset upon us and that the world has been defiled in such a way. I can't comprehend the evil that exists in the likes of the WEF/Gates/Fauci/Medical Industrial Complex/Big Pharma/Gain of Function scientists and the list goes on. While I can't comprehend, I have accepted what is right in front of me. I never thought I would live to see such days. I have accepted an Old Testament mentality as far as the "players" someday getting what they deserve and more for the atrocities perpetrated. What you have heard out of the mouths of MDs is appalling and I do believe they know exactly what is going on but have no backbone/balls to stand up with the rest of us. We all try to get through this however we can to survive mentally, physically and spiritually. It is not pretty but we carry on. One day at a time, one foot in front of the other. Peace out Fast Eddy.
Here I must agree to disagree most emphatically that this is unfortunately necessary. Genocide is never necessary; not for any reason. Now, I say this being a person of Faith. Humans would survive this, they always have. We do have brilliant minds and can find a way that is not heinous. Just tell the masses the truth-we can handle it and form policies where more work at home, ration travel and road tripping, those who have property can start homesteading and we utilize small family farms so travel is not so far for truckers. We would all have to sacrifice our easy existence for the greater good but it can be done. This is a start, not a happy and convenient one but I have no doubt it can be done if we work together. With due respect, I pray you are wrong FE as your scenario is worse than the Book of Revelation. I for one must keep looking up and will be steadfast in prayer for in my humble opinion, there is only ONE who can change this trajectory and I place my faith and all that I have in Him. Peace Eddy, Peace.
Perhaps The Men Who Run the World ... who are advised by the best minds on the planet... have determined nobody survives this.... and that failing to act will result in mass murder, rape and cannibalism...
Therefore after much deliberation ... they decided to pre-empt the collapse into an epic nightmare... by exterminating us.
The Men Who Run the World are like Spock... they do not operate off of hope and prayers.... they are most definitely atheists...
Name a time when God intervened to stop a famine ... a war... a rape... never
And he most certainly did not answer my prayers when I asked for a date with Farrah Fawcett back in the day
The Men Who Run the World have no power over God and will not succeed ultimately. They may win a few battles but they have no idea the horrors that await them and I revel in this knowledge. Of this I have no doubt. Of course they are heathens with no care but for themselves-subhuman parasites that do no real good in the world. I have seen many miracles in life which are God performed and healings by the power of prayer. Faith is cemented even stronger when you are a recipient of such a miracle or witness what cannot be explained using logic and "science". We were given free will (look how that has worked out for mankind) and we succumb to what man has wrongly chosen to celebrate and pay the price for human hedonism. As it should be. There are many examples of people surviving things that on every account they should not have so again, I must agree to disagree that God has not intervened. I do appreciate your humor as many back in the day wanted a date with FF! Rest her Soul. Keep your heart full, the mind enlightenment engaged and the Hope for mankind burning as a torch in the night!
Where there is evil, there is good as well. God is good; at least for me. We all have our own paths and beliefs which is what is interesting-we are not clones! I do have to say humans generally speaking are a disappointment in so many aspects and I include myself in this. I always mention to God, He should have stopped on the 5th day; He would have had less headaches and heartaches! I also have lots of pets which helps keep me balanced steering toward good as they are Angels with fur, fins and feathers! I appreciate your point of view as it truly gives me food for thought and knowing that there are others that clearly see the evil that men do emphasizes that many are awake and see the carcinogenic core of all this insidiousness. Thank you Eddy.
I get it FE, I really do. I have many friends who now have heart disease after the 2/3rd jabs and were perfectly fit beforehand. I am aware of several within my circle who have passed and am aware of a lot more of those who did not make it by following Substacks, listening to enlightened MDs like Dr. Kory and Dr. Cole and hearing from strangers and acquaintances. I remember in 2021 a woman told me I should die bc I had not gotten the jab and was causing harm to others. I begged others to reconsider the jab for at least awhile to see what happens in the populace. I asked them to think critically as once it is in, you cannot get it out. I do not know of one person who listened to me. I am enraged everyday at the travesty that has been beset upon us and that the world has been defiled in such a way. I can't comprehend the evil that exists in the likes of the WEF/Gates/Fauci/Medical Industrial Complex/Big Pharma/Gain of Function scientists and the list goes on. While I can't comprehend, I have accepted what is right in front of me. I never thought I would live to see such days. I have accepted an Old Testament mentality as far as the "players" someday getting what they deserve and more for the atrocities perpetrated. What you have heard out of the mouths of MDs is appalling and I do believe they know exactly what is going on but have no backbone/balls to stand up with the rest of us. We all try to get through this however we can to survive mentally, physically and spiritually. It is not pretty but we carry on. One day at a time, one foot in front of the other. Peace out Fast Eddy.
Yes to all that ... but end of the day... what they are doing ... is unfortunately ... necessary ... https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/the-ultimate-extinction-plan-uep
Here I must agree to disagree most emphatically that this is unfortunately necessary. Genocide is never necessary; not for any reason. Now, I say this being a person of Faith. Humans would survive this, they always have. We do have brilliant minds and can find a way that is not heinous. Just tell the masses the truth-we can handle it and form policies where more work at home, ration travel and road tripping, those who have property can start homesteading and we utilize small family farms so travel is not so far for truckers. We would all have to sacrifice our easy existence for the greater good but it can be done. This is a start, not a happy and convenient one but I have no doubt it can be done if we work together. With due respect, I pray you are wrong FE as your scenario is worse than the Book of Revelation. I for one must keep looking up and will be steadfast in prayer for in my humble opinion, there is only ONE who can change this trajectory and I place my faith and all that I have in Him. Peace Eddy, Peace.
Perhaps The Men Who Run the World ... who are advised by the best minds on the planet... have determined nobody survives this.... and that failing to act will result in mass murder, rape and cannibalism...
Therefore after much deliberation ... they decided to pre-empt the collapse into an epic nightmare... by exterminating us.
The Men Who Run the World are like Spock... they do not operate off of hope and prayers.... they are most definitely atheists...
Name a time when God intervened to stop a famine ... a war... a rape... never
And he most certainly did not answer my prayers when I asked for a date with Farrah Fawcett back in the day
The Men Who Run the World have no power over God and will not succeed ultimately. They may win a few battles but they have no idea the horrors that await them and I revel in this knowledge. Of this I have no doubt. Of course they are heathens with no care but for themselves-subhuman parasites that do no real good in the world. I have seen many miracles in life which are God performed and healings by the power of prayer. Faith is cemented even stronger when you are a recipient of such a miracle or witness what cannot be explained using logic and "science". We were given free will (look how that has worked out for mankind) and we succumb to what man has wrongly chosen to celebrate and pay the price for human hedonism. As it should be. There are many examples of people surviving things that on every account they should not have so again, I must agree to disagree that God has not intervened. I do appreciate your humor as many back in the day wanted a date with FF! Rest her Soul. Keep your heart full, the mind enlightenment engaged and the Hope for mankind burning as a torch in the night!
Unfortunately ... I see no evidence for the existence of god...
I do see plenty of evidence that supports the existence of a devil...
In fact I see humans as the devil's work... nothing comes even remotely close to us in terms of committing evil....
Where there is evil, there is good as well. God is good; at least for me. We all have our own paths and beliefs which is what is interesting-we are not clones! I do have to say humans generally speaking are a disappointment in so many aspects and I include myself in this. I always mention to God, He should have stopped on the 5th day; He would have had less headaches and heartaches! I also have lots of pets which helps keep me balanced steering toward good as they are Angels with fur, fins and feathers! I appreciate your point of view as it truly gives me food for thought and knowing that there are others that clearly see the evil that men do emphasizes that many are awake and see the carcinogenic core of all this insidiousness. Thank you Eddy.