As a social scientist, I agree wholeheartedly with the following statement: "The biggest problem that all of this comes down to is the refusal of most people to believe that people in power wish them harm, actively want to do harm to them. This is the hardest thing for most people to accept". - Bob Moran Unfortunately, we don't wield enough power to stop this.
How can anyone with critical thinking skills think that those in power that are strangers to them and are greedy would ever care about them, the worthless eaters? How did humanity become so dumbed down? It is most easy to believe those in power do not give a fu** about us, this is clearly understood by what we witness everyday and the
known and advertised intentions of Gates, WEF and their agenda. This is NOT rocket science. Yes, we do have the power to stop this if we all stand together for we outnumber all of them. Do not comply, do not sell your Soul, listen to your gut instinct and dig in your heels. It will not be easy and there will be losses but to just lay down and accept is a travesty of the highest order.
Only with God's help & intervention do any of us not sell our souls to evil.. If we draw near to God, He will draw near to us. And if God be for us, who can be against us!
Jesus Christ is the answer to every sin. America has forgotten where our blessings originated. Repentance is key.
I have come to understand that my governments, local, state and national, are working in concert to kill me. The individual cogs in the machine are, like most cogs, ignorant of who's purpose they actually serve as they carry out their orders, their 'programs'. But this ignorance does not absolve them of their crimes. The realization that this is the case was very hard for me to accept, it quite literally caused me to feel like I was breaking, for months. It is a life or death type realization. Congrats to Bob Moran for putting it so clearly.
And now add AI and algorithms to all this further separating humanity from the very core of our needing one another as a basic life instinct and for well-being. What a bloody mess we have made of things.
Oh but how cleverly surreptitious Jean Pierre, the culling of us is!
The FACT that batches had DIFFERENT contents.... can't have us all dropping dead at once - or all being left debilitated, post-jab either, at once........ that would have been too obvious.
Evil at play. People with no conscience or moral yardstick hold the reins.
How terribly sad. Many of us would sooner consult a doctor who has been struck off for covid heresy, than the quacks who took the Big Pharma shilling and zipped their mouths to the detriment of their patients wellbeing. I think anyone in this situation should continue to practise in a different way, under a different label. The establishment's approval should be a warning, not a recommendation.
Amen. I’ve changed doctors for that very reason. Lost trust in them; since they pushed cv19 shots not knowing anything about safety or efficacy what else would they recommend or push that is unsafe or questionable?
You still have to be careful & vigilant with a new doc, who you think you can trust because they don’t follow the narrative per say. I go to a husband/wife practice who didn’t follow the covid narrative, but they still shill for big pharma on other things. They recommend Ozempic for weight loss! And other harmful meds. So I still have to have my own discernment & do my own research. It’s scary.
I'm 81 not jabbed never will be! I'm healthy do not take any drugs only for glaucoma !I have lots of pain from rotator cuff in one shoulder and the other isn't much better....left hip gets sore, some urinating slowness but the am not in any great hurry and
a brand new knee..sciatica is now gone....the less you do I find the more pain you'll get when you need to move around! stay mobile as long as possible!
Bless you Jean for good health and the sense for no jabs. There is new interest on DMSO for much of what you are talking about except glaucoma. Please read Substack articles from Dr. Pierre Kory on this. He literally just yesterday wrote an article on the wonders of DMSO. Of course big pharma and FDA have booed DMSO so we know it is effective since they tear it down and try to ban it.
Confront and ditch them. I am on prostate cancer treatment. UK NHS Radiotherapy but no hormones. Been clear I am on Fenbendazole, Ivermectin and Soursop Leaf tea alongside other supplements. Told them no trust in NHS. Still jabbing and handing out statins, PPIs and SSRIs like sweets. All harmful "standard of care" nonsense
Damn right on that. First thing I ask when I see any MD in any discipline is do you believe in the covid jabs, are you a person of faith and what have you done to stop the narrative surrounding covid and the jabs. Most are rendered speechless and so I give them a few moments. When still acting mute, I politely tell them they are cowards, ill informed, sleepwalking and leave.
So I watched this interview several times and I can't see any evidence that Dr Stone was close to suicide, can you? Many people have found themselves at the place of not knowing where they will be in five years' time, at a loss about how to counter this coup, with longstanding careers gone, court cases, etc - why do people take this interview as clear evidence that she took her own life? Has there been an independent investigation of the circumstances of her death? Several resistance figures have been disappeared under questionable circumstances. Obviously if people close to Dr Stone are convinced beyond doubt, that is fine.
I don’t think anyone is saying the interview is evidence that she took her life, but it is clear she feels at a loss for solutions in the face of such overwhelming power.
I had the same thought as you that she was suicided and reached out to a close friend of hers who confirmed she did indeed do it herself 😭 It is safe to say she was driven to it, though, and she certainly would have never done so if she hadn’t been subjected to such a brutal assault on everything she held dear for four years straight.
Jackie had just lost her job after organising the Victoria Falls Health Summit with Dr Martin Wucher, signing the Hope Accord and appointed FLCCC Integrative Medicine Fellow. Jackie thought there was some Big Pharma influence in losing her job.
And, Zim Medical Licensing Regulator still suspending Jackie’s Medical Licence so she could not work as Dr GP in Zim or elsewhere as she needed a letter of Good Standing from the Zim Regulator to be able to work in another Country, and court cases vs Regulator still ongoing and expensive, and she could not work as a Dr to earn income and put food on the table.
I sent Jackie a Tweet of Efrat Fenigson’s showing that El Salvador 🇸🇻 was looking to recruit Medical Freedom Drs and Healthcare workers, and suggested to Jackie she should apply and for sure given ES’s lateral minded view on Bitcoin as a nationally accepted currency, I’m sure ES Medical Regulator would have reviewed Jackie’s case, seen the falsehoods and jumped-up charges in it, and the ES medical licensing agency could give Jackie their own ES licence to practice as a Dr again. I suggested to Jackie this week that she could go for a couple of weeks or a month to see how it is, and then perhaps do two weeks on in ES, two weeks off back in Zim and doing telemedicine, and that Jackie should call Efrat to follow up as Efrat has connections with Drs in ES 🇸🇻
I did not get a response back from Jackie this week, which is not normal. She would have called me immediately to discuss normally.
Thursday afternoon she was gone… 😢
All too much for her.
So sad 😢 Tragic. A dear Friend and a great caring lateral thinking Dr (and Bio Engineer) who wanted to help wherever she could. ❤️🙏 RIP Jackie X
Thank you so much for sharing those additional details, Sean. You are blessed with knowing you did absolutely everything you could have to help her. It is doubly tragic that she did not pursue your wonderful advice, but the context you provided helps illuminate the rationale behind her irreversible decision.
Thank you for the update. Heart rendering indeed. I am grateful she was appointed by Dr. Varone et al to be an FLCCC Fellow and wish she had pursued telemed perhaps with Dr. Kory with his new Leading Edge clinic. I hope she knew how many of us around the world, albeit strangers, held her in the highest esteem for her knowledge, love of the patient and her courage.
I find it deeply tragic & hard to believe that Jackie would end her life after all she has had to face and achieved. I wish we had known of her predicament. Thank you for what you arranged. Jackie is the Peoples Heroin and one of the strongest, most courageous, ethical, deeply caring, problem solving Doctor I had the privilege to meet. A real Truth Warrior, Stoic, Viking! Jackie's life and death will not be in vain. Her memory and legacy must live on in us. The battle is not over. It has merely begun. We need to be a living reminder to those responsible for her and other colleagues tragic and suspicious deaths, that they have innocent blood on their hands and their day of reckoning is SURE. May Jackie rest peacefully. She ran her earthly race exceptionally well and graduated with Honours. United We Stand. Divided We Fall.
Medical Licensing for Drs has clearly become weaponised…. See Mary TB, Peter McCullough, Pierre Kory, Paul Marik, Sam White, Ahmad Malik, Aseem Malhotra, Tina Peers..
💯 This is why I've been saying for years that we need to develop a parallel system to render the old one obsolete, and it sounds like that was part of the discussion at the Victoria Falls event.
Several audits in 2010/12 in the UK showed that annually between 40 to 60 Dr under GMC investigation die due to loss of credit lines, property, family life, self esteem & mental health. The GMC' at that time CEO response was ' Dr.s have to be as tough as soldiers in Afghanistan. Indicating that the med-regulation is associated with the military and marshal court.
a New Zealand Dr. once disclosed that all medical regulators are regulated by one private organization. Alas they all act or punish similar.
Yes Doc, something that should be considered. It could be homicide using drugs that are very difficult to detect in tissue and blood and using a paid off medical examiner. In this day and age, anything is possible.
In that interview July 2024, her eyes said it all. They had lost the spark necessary to maintain life. Rather, that spark had been extinguished by repeated attempts by the corrupt establishment to demean and demoralise her. Nobody noticed that the spark was gone. Three months later, the body followed the lost soul and the verdict is now: murder by persecution. Add that indictment to the millions murdered by the deliberate, malign corruption of medical science and ethics.
Seems like she had internally given up the spark to live . Those demons took over . Such a genuine soul doing the right thing for humanity had to go thru this torture… it is so so evil and tragic. But yes I do feel from that July video that she had internally checked out after all the harassment she went thru … she was” driven to suicide “. I can only pray that she has found glory and her soul finds everlasting peace and exit from this dirty corrupt system.
There’s something wrong when someone is made to feel bad about saving so many lives. I consider her a Hero and lover of life. An honorable woman in a backwards country.
As progressive as Americans claim to be, as compassionate as they want to be seen, the ruling parties, organized or parasitic, have done, and continue to operate exactly like Zimbabwe. Ask Dr. Jay, Dr. Pierre Kory, and the pathologist who merely reported what was before his eyes on slides in the lab. America is not one bit different from Zimbabwe.
Exactly. Dr. Cole is an amazing pathologist and his talks are so informative about the abnormal clots found post mortem in those jabbed. Long, white and thick clots. Funeral directors and embalmers have noted this too.
Most of the countries are backward, including the US. The AMA and ABIM are nasty sobs that try to ruin those who were truly called to their professions. I rest with the peace knowing that what awaits them comes from a Higher Power.
So, to ask the obvious question, is everyone close to Dr Stone satisfied that she did indeed take her own life? One never can assume anything these days.
I was a patient of hers in Adelaide. I'm shocked she is gone. Not shocked she took on the system. She was unhappy I didn't vaccinate my son for whooping cough. Said it put elderly at risk. But that was ten years ago. I cannot imagine discovering a system you have believed in for thirty years is this flawed. It must have been really hard for her. Like a paradigm shift. Huge!! I'm sorry she struggled alone. Fancy thinking you were helping people only to find out you were hurting them with vaccines etc. Brave brave woman. RIP 🙏
The medical societies are hopelessly corrupt. Like all evil they seduce good people to join by promising some benefits and conveniences. We all have to wake up and stop joining their ranks, or we all end up murdered or suicidal.
I was speaking to an oncologist the other day and mentioned the surge in cancers... he agreed but was unwilling to attribute this to the Rat Juice injections... I mentioned a couple of previously fit friends with myocarditis after the shots...
No empathy - or anger --- his response: how older are they --- they should get signed up on a list for heart transplants.
I do enjoy when medical professionals get maimed and die from the shots... f789 all of them
I get it FE, I really do. I have many friends who now have heart disease after the 2/3rd jabs and were perfectly fit beforehand. I am aware of several within my circle who have passed and am aware of a lot more of those who did not make it by following Substacks, listening to enlightened MDs like Dr. Kory and Dr. Cole and hearing from strangers and acquaintances. I remember in 2021 a woman told me I should die bc I had not gotten the jab and was causing harm to others. I begged others to reconsider the jab for at least awhile to see what happens in the populace. I asked them to think critically as once it is in, you cannot get it out. I do not know of one person who listened to me. I am enraged everyday at the travesty that has been beset upon us and that the world has been defiled in such a way. I can't comprehend the evil that exists in the likes of the WEF/Gates/Fauci/Medical Industrial Complex/Big Pharma/Gain of Function scientists and the list goes on. While I can't comprehend, I have accepted what is right in front of me. I never thought I would live to see such days. I have accepted an Old Testament mentality as far as the "players" someday getting what they deserve and more for the atrocities perpetrated. What you have heard out of the mouths of MDs is appalling and I do believe they know exactly what is going on but have no backbone/balls to stand up with the rest of us. We all try to get through this however we can to survive mentally, physically and spiritually. It is not pretty but we carry on. One day at a time, one foot in front of the other. Peace out Fast Eddy.
Here I must agree to disagree most emphatically that this is unfortunately necessary. Genocide is never necessary; not for any reason. Now, I say this being a person of Faith. Humans would survive this, they always have. We do have brilliant minds and can find a way that is not heinous. Just tell the masses the truth-we can handle it and form policies where more work at home, ration travel and road tripping, those who have property can start homesteading and we utilize small family farms so travel is not so far for truckers. We would all have to sacrifice our easy existence for the greater good but it can be done. This is a start, not a happy and convenient one but I have no doubt it can be done if we work together. With due respect, I pray you are wrong FE as your scenario is worse than the Book of Revelation. I for one must keep looking up and will be steadfast in prayer for in my humble opinion, there is only ONE who can change this trajectory and I place my faith and all that I have in Him. Peace Eddy, Peace.
Perhaps The Men Who Run the World ... who are advised by the best minds on the planet... have determined nobody survives this.... and that failing to act will result in mass murder, rape and cannibalism...
Therefore after much deliberation ... they decided to pre-empt the collapse into an epic nightmare... by exterminating us.
The Men Who Run the World are like Spock... they do not operate off of hope and prayers.... they are most definitely atheists...
Name a time when God intervened to stop a famine ... a war... a rape... never
And he most certainly did not answer my prayers when I asked for a date with Farrah Fawcett back in the day
I understand how she feels. It is imperative to find validation outside one's calling, or find a new one, because the power structure will bury you until you bury yourself.
So sad. I am reminded of another brave GP, Dr Shankara Chetty of South Africa, who gave evidence of how he defied his medical authorities to successfully treated Covid using protocols including hydroxychloroquine in the Reiner Fuellmich 2022 Covid-19 Crimes Against Humanity model trial:
She saved thousands of lives and in the end, due to being criminalized, she was stripped of her credentials and charged 27 times! This is madness! So sad. Humanity lost a hero.
As a social scientist, I agree wholeheartedly with the following statement: "The biggest problem that all of this comes down to is the refusal of most people to believe that people in power wish them harm, actively want to do harm to them. This is the hardest thing for most people to accept". - Bob Moran Unfortunately, we don't wield enough power to stop this.
How can anyone with critical thinking skills think that those in power that are strangers to them and are greedy would ever care about them, the worthless eaters? How did humanity become so dumbed down? It is most easy to believe those in power do not give a fu** about us, this is clearly understood by what we witness everyday and the
known and advertised intentions of Gates, WEF and their agenda. This is NOT rocket science. Yes, we do have the power to stop this if we all stand together for we outnumber all of them. Do not comply, do not sell your Soul, listen to your gut instinct and dig in your heels. It will not be easy and there will be losses but to just lay down and accept is a travesty of the highest order.
Only with God's help & intervention do any of us not sell our souls to evil.. If we draw near to God, He will draw near to us. And if God be for us, who can be against us!
Jesus Christ is the answer to every sin. America has forgotten where our blessings originated. Repentance is key.
God will have the last word.
Yes, He always does and this knowledge provides peace.
I couldn’t agree more.
thanks Lori, agreed, best from Oregon
I have come to understand that my governments, local, state and national, are working in concert to kill me. The individual cogs in the machine are, like most cogs, ignorant of who's purpose they actually serve as they carry out their orders, their 'programs'. But this ignorance does not absolve them of their crimes. The realization that this is the case was very hard for me to accept, it quite literally caused me to feel like I was breaking, for months. It is a life or death type realization. Congrats to Bob Moran for putting it so clearly.
And now add AI and algorithms to all this further separating humanity from the very core of our needing one another as a basic life instinct and for well-being. What a bloody mess we have made of things.
Funny how we allow them to kill us willie nillie.....this needs to be turned around....
Oh but how cleverly surreptitious Jean Pierre, the culling of us is!
The FACT that batches had DIFFERENT contents.... can't have us all dropping dead at once - or all being left debilitated, post-jab either, at once........ that would have been too obvious.
Evil at play. People with no conscience or moral yardstick hold the reins.
Is this comment from the now famous UK artist, Bob Moran?
How terribly sad. Many of us would sooner consult a doctor who has been struck off for covid heresy, than the quacks who took the Big Pharma shilling and zipped their mouths to the detriment of their patients wellbeing. I think anyone in this situation should continue to practise in a different way, under a different label. The establishment's approval should be a warning, not a recommendation.
Amen. I’ve changed doctors for that very reason. Lost trust in them; since they pushed cv19 shots not knowing anything about safety or efficacy what else would they recommend or push that is unsafe or questionable?
You still have to be careful & vigilant with a new doc, who you think you can trust because they don’t follow the narrative per say. I go to a husband/wife practice who didn’t follow the covid narrative, but they still shill for big pharma on other things. They recommend Ozempic for weight loss! And other harmful meds. So I still have to have my own discernment & do my own research. It’s scary.
I'm 81 not jabbed never will be! I'm healthy do not take any drugs only for glaucoma !I have lots of pain from rotator cuff in one shoulder and the other isn't much better....left hip gets sore, some urinating slowness but the am not in any great hurry and
a brand new knee..sciatica is now gone....the less you do I find the more pain you'll get when you need to move around! stay mobile as long as possible!
Bless you Jean for good health and the sense for no jabs. There is new interest on DMSO for much of what you are talking about except glaucoma. Please read Substack articles from Dr. Pierre Kory on this. He literally just yesterday wrote an article on the wonders of DMSO. Of course big pharma and FDA have booed DMSO so we know it is effective since they tear it down and try to ban it.
Confront and ditch them. I am on prostate cancer treatment. UK NHS Radiotherapy but no hormones. Been clear I am on Fenbendazole, Ivermectin and Soursop Leaf tea alongside other supplements. Told them no trust in NHS. Still jabbing and handing out statins, PPIs and SSRIs like sweets. All harmful "standard of care" nonsense
Excellent point.
My way of thinking exactly.
Live in Canada TV in waiting room still pushing patients to get jabbed!!!????
same in US. You should see the Pfizer commercials using kids to try to get everyone jabbed.
Besides opioids?
Yes, they are fired!
Damn right on that. First thing I ask when I see any MD in any discipline is do you believe in the covid jabs, are you a person of faith and what have you done to stop the narrative surrounding covid and the jabs. Most are rendered speechless and so I give them a few moments. When still acting mute, I politely tell them they are cowards, ill informed, sleepwalking and leave.
So admire you BIG kahunas!
Thank you for sharing Dr. Rapiti’s poignant personal reflection on the heroic life and tragic passing of a brilliant warrior for humanity, Joel.
Everyone who reads this, please take six minutes to watch and share this moving excerpt from Dr. Stone’s final interview:
RIP, dear Jackie. We will carry on the fight in your name 🙌
So I watched this interview several times and I can't see any evidence that Dr Stone was close to suicide, can you? Many people have found themselves at the place of not knowing where they will be in five years' time, at a loss about how to counter this coup, with longstanding careers gone, court cases, etc - why do people take this interview as clear evidence that she took her own life? Has there been an independent investigation of the circumstances of her death? Several resistance figures have been disappeared under questionable circumstances. Obviously if people close to Dr Stone are convinced beyond doubt, that is fine.
I don’t think anyone is saying the interview is evidence that she took her life, but it is clear she feels at a loss for solutions in the face of such overwhelming power.
I had the same thought as you that she was suicided and reached out to a close friend of hers who confirmed she did indeed do it herself 😭 It is safe to say she was driven to it, though, and she certainly would have never done so if she hadn’t been subjected to such a brutal assault on everything she held dear for four years straight.
Dear Rosemary and Margaret,
Jackie and I had a video call catch up last week.
Jackie had just lost her job after organising the Victoria Falls Health Summit with Dr Martin Wucher, signing the Hope Accord and appointed FLCCC Integrative Medicine Fellow. Jackie thought there was some Big Pharma influence in losing her job.
And, Zim Medical Licensing Regulator still suspending Jackie’s Medical Licence so she could not work as Dr GP in Zim or elsewhere as she needed a letter of Good Standing from the Zim Regulator to be able to work in another Country, and court cases vs Regulator still ongoing and expensive, and she could not work as a Dr to earn income and put food on the table.
I sent Jackie a Tweet of Efrat Fenigson’s showing that El Salvador 🇸🇻 was looking to recruit Medical Freedom Drs and Healthcare workers, and suggested to Jackie she should apply and for sure given ES’s lateral minded view on Bitcoin as a nationally accepted currency, I’m sure ES Medical Regulator would have reviewed Jackie’s case, seen the falsehoods and jumped-up charges in it, and the ES medical licensing agency could give Jackie their own ES licence to practice as a Dr again. I suggested to Jackie this week that she could go for a couple of weeks or a month to see how it is, and then perhaps do two weeks on in ES, two weeks off back in Zim and doing telemedicine, and that Jackie should call Efrat to follow up as Efrat has connections with Drs in ES 🇸🇻
I did not get a response back from Jackie this week, which is not normal. She would have called me immediately to discuss normally.
Thursday afternoon she was gone… 😢
All too much for her.
So sad 😢 Tragic. A dear Friend and a great caring lateral thinking Dr (and Bio Engineer) who wanted to help wherever she could. ❤️🙏 RIP Jackie X
Thank you so much for sharing those additional details, Sean. You are blessed with knowing you did absolutely everything you could have to help her. It is doubly tragic that she did not pursue your wonderful advice, but the context you provided helps illuminate the rationale behind her irreversible decision.
Thank you Sean for being there for Jackie while most of us was too busy with our own survival struggles.
Thank you Sean. It's easy to be suspicious from a distance.
Thank you for the update. Heart rendering indeed. I am grateful she was appointed by Dr. Varone et al to be an FLCCC Fellow and wish she had pursued telemed perhaps with Dr. Kory with his new Leading Edge clinic. I hope she knew how many of us around the world, albeit strangers, held her in the highest esteem for her knowledge, love of the patient and her courage.
Perhaps her life was taken from her by those who wanted to silence her?
I find it deeply tragic & hard to believe that Jackie would end her life after all she has had to face and achieved. I wish we had known of her predicament. Thank you for what you arranged. Jackie is the Peoples Heroin and one of the strongest, most courageous, ethical, deeply caring, problem solving Doctor I had the privilege to meet. A real Truth Warrior, Stoic, Viking! Jackie's life and death will not be in vain. Her memory and legacy must live on in us. The battle is not over. It has merely begun. We need to be a living reminder to those responsible for her and other colleagues tragic and suspicious deaths, that they have innocent blood on their hands and their day of reckoning is SURE. May Jackie rest peacefully. She ran her earthly race exceptionally well and graduated with Honours. United We Stand. Divided We Fall.
Medical Licensing for Drs has clearly become weaponised…. See Mary TB, Peter McCullough, Pierre Kory, Paul Marik, Sam White, Ahmad Malik, Aseem Malhotra, Tina Peers..
💯 This is why I've been saying for years that we need to develop a parallel system to render the old one obsolete, and it sounds like that was part of the discussion at the Victoria Falls event.
...and every province in Canada.
Several audits in 2010/12 in the UK showed that annually between 40 to 60 Dr under GMC investigation die due to loss of credit lines, property, family life, self esteem & mental health. The GMC' at that time CEO response was ' Dr.s have to be as tough as soldiers in Afghanistan. Indicating that the med-regulation is associated with the military and marshal court.
a New Zealand Dr. once disclosed that all medical regulators are regulated by one private organization. Alas they all act or punish similar.
Thanks, Margaret. So sad. The brutes are relentless. The community must band together to support those who are bearing the brunt, such as CJ.
Yes Doc, something that should be considered. It could be homicide using drugs that are very difficult to detect in tissue and blood and using a paid off medical examiner. In this day and age, anything is possible.
Yes we will Margaret. This is a travesty of the highest order.
In that interview July 2024, her eyes said it all. They had lost the spark necessary to maintain life. Rather, that spark had been extinguished by repeated attempts by the corrupt establishment to demean and demoralise her. Nobody noticed that the spark was gone. Three months later, the body followed the lost soul and the verdict is now: murder by persecution. Add that indictment to the millions murdered by the deliberate, malign corruption of medical science and ethics.
Seems like she had internally given up the spark to live . Those demons took over . Such a genuine soul doing the right thing for humanity had to go thru this torture… it is so so evil and tragic. But yes I do feel from that July video that she had internally checked out after all the harassment she went thru … she was” driven to suicide “. I can only pray that she has found glory and her soul finds everlasting peace and exit from this dirty corrupt system.
There’s something wrong when someone is made to feel bad about saving so many lives. I consider her a Hero and lover of life. An honorable woman in a backwards country.
As progressive as Americans claim to be, as compassionate as they want to be seen, the ruling parties, organized or parasitic, have done, and continue to operate exactly like Zimbabwe. Ask Dr. Jay, Dr. Pierre Kory, and the pathologist who merely reported what was before his eyes on slides in the lab. America is not one bit different from Zimbabwe.
Exactly. Dr. Cole is an amazing pathologist and his talks are so informative about the abnormal clots found post mortem in those jabbed. Long, white and thick clots. Funeral directors and embalmers have noted this too.
Most of the countries are backward, including the US. The AMA and ABIM are nasty sobs that try to ruin those who were truly called to their professions. I rest with the peace knowing that what awaits them comes from a Higher Power.
Amen. Their Judgement is going to be very harsh but also deserved. Eternal damnation and flames in Hell!
So, to ask the obvious question, is everyone close to Dr Stone satisfied that she did indeed take her own life? One never can assume anything these days.
We cannot assume anything. I find it hard to believe.
The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie. "One word of truth outweighs the world”.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Such was Dr Stone.
I was a patient of hers in Adelaide. I'm shocked she is gone. Not shocked she took on the system. She was unhappy I didn't vaccinate my son for whooping cough. Said it put elderly at risk. But that was ten years ago. I cannot imagine discovering a system you have believed in for thirty years is this flawed. It must have been really hard for her. Like a paradigm shift. Huge!! I'm sorry she struggled alone. Fancy thinking you were helping people only to find out you were hurting them with vaccines etc. Brave brave woman. RIP 🙏
Thankful for her and praying for her family and for justice for her posthumously! So very sad!
The medical societies are hopelessly corrupt. Like all evil they seduce good people to join by promising some benefits and conveniences. We all have to wake up and stop joining their ranks, or we all end up murdered or suicidal.
Thank you for sharing Joel.
Important and beautiful ❤️ words from Robert. RIP 🙏 Jackie
If it was me... I'd take some of them with me... but she isn't me.
Not to worry FE, they will get what they deserve. It is coming.
I am now here on the spectrum of empathy for the f789ing MORONS
Indulge in Schadenfreude (SCHAD)
And remember, they would have laughed if you had died.
I was speaking to an oncologist the other day and mentioned the surge in cancers... he agreed but was unwilling to attribute this to the Rat Juice injections... I mentioned a couple of previously fit friends with myocarditis after the shots...
No empathy - or anger --- his response: how older are they --- they should get signed up on a list for heart transplants.
I do enjoy when medical professionals get maimed and die from the shots... f789 all of them
I get it FE, I really do. I have many friends who now have heart disease after the 2/3rd jabs and were perfectly fit beforehand. I am aware of several within my circle who have passed and am aware of a lot more of those who did not make it by following Substacks, listening to enlightened MDs like Dr. Kory and Dr. Cole and hearing from strangers and acquaintances. I remember in 2021 a woman told me I should die bc I had not gotten the jab and was causing harm to others. I begged others to reconsider the jab for at least awhile to see what happens in the populace. I asked them to think critically as once it is in, you cannot get it out. I do not know of one person who listened to me. I am enraged everyday at the travesty that has been beset upon us and that the world has been defiled in such a way. I can't comprehend the evil that exists in the likes of the WEF/Gates/Fauci/Medical Industrial Complex/Big Pharma/Gain of Function scientists and the list goes on. While I can't comprehend, I have accepted what is right in front of me. I never thought I would live to see such days. I have accepted an Old Testament mentality as far as the "players" someday getting what they deserve and more for the atrocities perpetrated. What you have heard out of the mouths of MDs is appalling and I do believe they know exactly what is going on but have no backbone/balls to stand up with the rest of us. We all try to get through this however we can to survive mentally, physically and spiritually. It is not pretty but we carry on. One day at a time, one foot in front of the other. Peace out Fast Eddy.
Yes to all that ... but end of the day... what they are doing ... is unfortunately ... necessary ...
Here I must agree to disagree most emphatically that this is unfortunately necessary. Genocide is never necessary; not for any reason. Now, I say this being a person of Faith. Humans would survive this, they always have. We do have brilliant minds and can find a way that is not heinous. Just tell the masses the truth-we can handle it and form policies where more work at home, ration travel and road tripping, those who have property can start homesteading and we utilize small family farms so travel is not so far for truckers. We would all have to sacrifice our easy existence for the greater good but it can be done. This is a start, not a happy and convenient one but I have no doubt it can be done if we work together. With due respect, I pray you are wrong FE as your scenario is worse than the Book of Revelation. I for one must keep looking up and will be steadfast in prayer for in my humble opinion, there is only ONE who can change this trajectory and I place my faith and all that I have in Him. Peace Eddy, Peace.
Perhaps The Men Who Run the World ... who are advised by the best minds on the planet... have determined nobody survives this.... and that failing to act will result in mass murder, rape and cannibalism...
Therefore after much deliberation ... they decided to pre-empt the collapse into an epic nightmare... by exterminating us.
The Men Who Run the World are like Spock... they do not operate off of hope and prayers.... they are most definitely atheists...
Name a time when God intervened to stop a famine ... a war... a rape... never
And he most certainly did not answer my prayers when I asked for a date with Farrah Fawcett back in the day
I understand how she feels. It is imperative to find validation outside one's calling, or find a new one, because the power structure will bury you until you bury yourself.
Vale Dr Stone.
You ok mate?
It's been a very rough year.
You need a hand in some manner?
So sad. I am reminded of another brave GP, Dr Shankara Chetty of South Africa, who gave evidence of how he defied his medical authorities to successfully treated Covid using protocols including hydroxychloroquine in the Reiner Fuellmich 2022 Covid-19 Crimes Against Humanity model trial:
A quick google search reveals that in 2023 Dr Chetty was found guilty by his medical authorities of using “unscientific” Covid-19 treatments:
Untrue MSM news,dr Shankarra Chetty was not found guilty yet!!
His case is still on record and being postponed by his Council.
She saved thousands of lives and in the end, due to being criminalized, she was stripped of her credentials and charged 27 times! This is madness! So sad. Humanity lost a hero.