It is recommended that Vitamin K2 MK7 should be taken with the Vitamin D to avoid calcification of the arteries.

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Came here to say the same thing! I take drops that combine D3 and K2 in MCT oil.

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And lay off the calcium supplements that add to the calcification of arteries.

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Oh, good point, I completely missed this on the bottle on the left side. Agree: Do not take calcium supplements!

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We do this also.

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I'm un-jabbed. Simples. I eat no seed ('veg') oils (...4 years), loads of butter & ghee, lard, coconut oil, and stacks of red meat and sea food. I start the day with a boiled egg. I'm 71 and just about the fittest person in my golf club - so they say. My h'cap is 12. The same as it was 20 years ago! I also drink too much Guiness.

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My current favourite is goose fat. Butter has too low burning point and I couldn't be arsed making my own ghee the whole time. Coconut oil had too much flavour so I only use it for Thai curry.

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They now sell refined coconut oil in a lot of grocery stores. No flavor. It's great. Also, it breaks down to monolaurin in your system, providing some protection against covid.

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Commercial Geese eat a lot of grains. As I understand it that would be fat saturated high in Linoleic acid (Omega-6's). I buy tins of Ghee. Coconut oil is for my asian dishes. Store-bought Mayo is 70% Rapeseed (Omega-6)! I gather it can take 4-years to flush linoleic acid from your fat cells. Peter Dobromylskyj lives up your way. He is just about the best expert on fats. A top guy. Seemingly, you also only need about 5 grammes of carbs per day.

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In the UK you can buy ready-prepared ghee - I don't know which is the best quality. Also possible to get coconut oil that has been de-flavoured - I don't how this is done and whether it's a healthy process. You can raise the burn point of butter by adding some mild good quality olive oil.

A really interesting book on the topic is 'The Big Fat Suprise' by Nina Teicholtz. This is well-written and well-researched. It talks about tribes of people who eat mainly meat - but from free-range animals. They eat the offal and fatty cuts, feeding steak to their dogs. They don't suffer from cardiac problems. A lot of the book is about the U.S. and how the food industry ran trials about fats and cardiac problems, deliberately skewing the data, so they could produce over-processed cr4p - and probably causing the obesity problem we have today. They made people frightened of eating fat - we need to eat fat in our diet, but the right sorts... think there are parallels with another more recent trial..!

Btw - rapeseed oil is not so good and apparently it's also one of the most sprayed crops in the UK. It's really rare to find organic rapeseed oil.

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I also just found this article - also from the U.S. - must be tricky to eat there! Also, this is why the UK must not do food deals with them.

- https://lindaddahl.medium.com/corn-is-in-nearly-everything-we-eat-does-it-matter-d8ed0b383731

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Red Palm oil on occasion? Omega 3/6 ratio good, flavor is fantastic, great for meats. Smoke point like 220c.

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I lived and worked in Indonesia. Palm Oil is not good for Orangutans, or many other wildlife.

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From Ecuador, but I get your point.

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I thought about making ghee. Then I watched a couple how-to videos and said, nah. I hate making anything that requires standing over a stove for any length of time.

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Your regimen is laudable, thanks for sharing. I am gonna make some boiled eggs now. Best from Oregon.

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No - gently fry 'em in butter!

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Do you include rapeseed oil in the seed oils you avoid, or is it ok, do you think?

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I would avoid it. Only healthy oils are coconut, olive, avocado, ghee, butter, lard, suet, tallow or any other animal fat.

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From what I have read I strongly believe all seed oils are bad. The PR with rapeseed is quite incredible. Yes, Canola is not what it was, but rapeseed is rapeseed. The bloody stuff is everywhere. Check-out your food labels. The fields are full of it in the UK. There are some fantastic informative seed oil videos on Youtube. Basically, polyunsaturated have historically been a very minor part of our diet, which is not the case today! You need saturated fats to regulate your mitochondrial function/ATP production. The brain is made of saturated fat, or should be. Not plastic-like margarine etc, etc. Look after your mitochondria and all will be as well as you can expect it to be. Couple seed oils with sugar (...and carbs), and you then have the problem of obesity and poor health today. There is no such thing as junk-food. There is junk and then there is food. I put a link up to PeterD on Joels Substack. Peter is something of a genius, but a bit too high-brow for many.

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I stay away from it. Heavily sprayed and processed seed oil.

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Thanks, everyone, for your thoughts - v helpful.

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Your welcome.

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Just knowing how seed oils are processed should really turn everyone away from them. That also includes peanut and sesame oils, which folks don't equate with seed oils for some reason. Here's one article that explains the process. https://www.fairfaxtimes.com/articles/health_and_food/industrial-seed-oils---what-you-need-to-know/article_b1463246-fb97-11eb-b0e5-6f3b10e9a2cb.html

I love Dr. Berry. He explains the oils and why they're not good for human consumption. https://youtu.be/wPlHuXYI8v0

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We don't. From my searches, it doesn't look so great.

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I have most of these in my medicine cabinet.

I & my husband take D3 & Zinc & C & a multivitamin every day & we are around people every day that had/have Covid & we never got or if we did get it then we never had any symptoms.

I am a disabled cancer survivor with a compromised immune system & I’ve been fine.

I bought ivermectin early just as a precaution but thank Jesus our Healer we haven’t needed it.

I do want to get some magnesium.

God bless every one of you who are fighting for our Medical Freedom & all our Freedoms from the WEF, WHO, CDC, NWO Cabal.

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Magnesium Glycinate is what we find is best. No runny stools. Lol.

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magnesium chloride creams, lotions and oils are better through the skin. No matter how good the ingestible magnesium is, the gut cant take much at all and at most 40% is all you get. Mag Oxide will only give you 4%.

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Magnesium is great but Calcium is not really needed. Most peoples diets are high in calcium already. Weak bones are mainly from low magnesium, because the magnesium makes the bones more flexible.

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Thank you for sharing this with me because I did not know this.

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Pretty close to mine except I added Nigella sativa (taken with honey), niacin (Katz protocol) , hcq, iodine nasal spray, bromhexine and liposomal vitamin C. And 100mcg vitamin k to go with double amount (10k) vitamin D.


for bromhexine info..

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OK, lots of K2 in other people's cabinets but not mine. Think I had better take a look.

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Alternative to supplemental K2 is consuming eggs and butter that has been pasture-raised or grass-fed raised, the thinking being that those sources haven't been over-farmed down through the decades and therefore carry up to twice the K2 (and minerals in general) as the standard alternative. Difference was quite noticeable for me... that's what led me to discover K2 in the first place

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I agree. We do the same. Upside down food pyramid. Do the opposite. They want us sick and dependant. Or DEAD!

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I noticed several times taking K2 that my teeth get super smooth so I believe K2 is really important. I tried eating NATto as a source for k2 in the freezer section in Asian markets. I cannot figure out how to make natto taste good to me. But yes, grass-fed dairy is an source of K2. Weston a price foundation has a lot of information about nutrition

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During the 1930s, Dr. Weston Price (dentist) traveled the world and found that the healthiest people (with minimal tooth decay) ate unprocessed foods that was high in what he called ActivatorX. When he returned home, he performed a number of studies where he combined ActivatorX with cod liver oil. At the end of one study, he reversed severe tooth decay in a number of children. Years later, it was discovered that ActivatorX was K2.

My son has had two cavities. Both times the dentist wanted to fill them. I said I wanted to wait until the next appointment. I upped his K2 and at the next appointments he no longer had cavities in his x-rays. The most amazing part is both times the dentist shrugged it off instead of asking what I did.

This is probably more information than most people want about teeth but it is a great book on what causes decay and how to heal your teeth https://www.curetoothdecay.com

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I told my obgyn about mannose for UTIs and he brushed it off. Mannose binds ecoli bacteria on the bladder wall and they drain. I tell all my friends. One of my friends has a urologist friend who told her about mannose but he said he can't tell his patients. Imagine that hiding information from your patients.

Earthclinic.com has self reporting treatments for all kinds of aliments.

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I can't find it by typing in Mannose

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Wow. What is that? Is it something I can get myself? Thank you .

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Awesome!!! Link Apprecitaed!

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Interesting about the K2. My teeth are smoother and whiter too. No dentist or soecial toothpaste.

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Imagine your teeth represent your bones. I assume the effect is positive. K2 comes from microbes in ruminant digestion. Another reason to consume grass-fed animals besides being sources of complete amino acids..K2 vitamins kind of expensive.

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I noticed much the same, significantly less plaque. My joints felt ten years younger, fingernails and toenails are hard enough that clipping them is more difficult than it used to be.

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Yup and my nails grow faster than weeds.

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Dr been on YouTube has a video on the proper proportions of K, D and zinc, copper....

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Joel, just this morning Dr Mercola has run an article on Vit K. Lovely selection, and I see you also are a fan of Solgar 😉. Thank you so much for posting this!

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K2 helps your body to properly absorb Vitamin D.

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Actually, it helps to absorb calcium and direct it where it is needed. And because calcium and magnesium share the same delivery pathway, by extension it regulates absorption of magnesium too.

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You can get a D3K2 supplement.

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Good call. Nigella Sativa aka Black Seed Oil is an oft-overlooked little gem with a fascinating history. 😎

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It’s in the frontline doc protocol too. ❤️

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Sep 22, 2022Edited
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Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but citrus peels is NOT what hydroxychloroquin is made from. It is the synthetic version of choloroquin, which is made from the bark of the chinchona tree. Citrus peel drink may well provide vitamin C and lots of polyphenols, but it won't do what you are thinking it will. At best, it may approximate a weak form of quinine (tonic) water. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKRmuvni1jE -and- https://health-desk.org/articles/what-do-we-know-about-at-home-recipes-for-hydroxychloroquine-and-quinine

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Thanks! Great information! Saved

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Oh wow. I feel bad now. Anyways it seemed to help. People used quinine back in the old days.

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Deleted. I don't want to give folks the wrong info. Thanks😊

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How long will this keep in the fridge?

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Months! I made a fresh batch a couple months ago.

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I like to keep a balloon full of morphine for the days when things dont go as planned.

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I have most of the same, but have vitamin C tablets and Nigella Sativa.

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I am definitely NOT publishing a picture of MY medicine cabinet :-) ;-)

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Solgar is known in the supplement biz as a dirty brand. Their manufacturing facility is literally dirty.

You can consolidate several bottles of your inferior brand into this product which has other ingredients that would further benefit you: www.virex.health

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Thank you. Looks great but £30 shipping to the UK!!

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Have you looked at this company?


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I recommend to everyone to read up on ascorbic acid, and the best bioavailable form of zinc. I would also be very leery of turmeric supplements that don’t specifically indicate where they are from due to the concerning amount of lead being used in many, especially from certain origins. If this supplement fixed these problems, it might be worthwhile.

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Lab reports are 99.9%+ pure for all ingredients. Made in USA cGMP facility.

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I would add hydrogen peroxide for nasal washes and zinc to help those cells get rid of what ever.

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If you are sick especially. We nebulized.

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I put the hydrogen peroxide into my diffuser and add a few drops of eucalyptus, lavender, and chamomile essential oils. It helps with the breathing and calms things down a bit.

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I hadn't thought if that. My next move. Thank you.

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Blatantly went out and bought all this for the photo 🤣. Not a single pill missing. 😆

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The D3 is important if you don't get enough sunshine but it needs K2 which helps with absorption and metabolism of the D3

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Joel, you help so many people, so I would like to help you a little.

We take colostrum instead of antibiotic. Always works better than antibiotic. If you take a good probiotic ( one that suits you) with it, both will complement each other. For cold or scratchy throat, zinc lozenges work better. But don’t stop your other zinc supplement. So you may be taking more zinc for a few days. Calcium and magnesium should be taken separately. They compete with each other for absorption. K2 MK7 for D3 and mineral absorption. If you can add silica water ( volcanic water like Fiji), the mineral absorption is very good.

If you depend on sunlight for vitamin D, do not clean the sun exposed areas with soap. The vitamin D formed under the skin takes around 48 hours to get absorbed in the bloodstream. Washing skin with soap will remove the vitamin D formed under the skin.

A good vitamin C (preferably different forms of C) should be taken in divided doses at least three times a day. Sodium ascorbate is particularly good for lung infections. ( Dr. Suzanne Humphries’s protocol).

During illness, make sure you eat spleen friendly food.

If you use seed oils, use only cold pressed oils. Use coconut milk if you can. Use a good salt like Celtic salt or Real salt. Salt and oils make a vast difference in your respiratory epithelial performance.

Usually body takes a few weeks to learn to use the supplements. So start taking them when you are well.

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Thank you. I have a stock of magnesium citrate but thought I would try and save taking too many pills by getting the combined. Then, when it arrived, the dose says 3 pills! And I don't need the calcium so I'll revert to separate zinc and magnesium.

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Joel, usually supplementation means taking many tablets or capsules. Sorry about that! All the best!

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If available, get liquid or powder and throw it all into a shake

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That’s really interesting about not washing the vitamin D from your skin! I never knew that! I’m outside to get Vitamin D. I use no sunscreen. It’s weird. I don’t burn either, but get a healthy brown. We were always taught to wear sunscreen, growing up-I never did. Now I know it’s not good anyway!

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Lots of good information here: https://doorlesscarp953.substack.com/p/therapeutics-for-long-covid

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That's the third time this morning I've come across Resveratrol. Looking into it...

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Red wine has resveratrol. That’s my favorite way to supplement. 😉

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Red wine's resveratrol okay, drink 2 liters per every 24 hours.

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I'm not up to 2 liters a day yet, but if the trajectory of the world tanking at mach speed continues, I might just get there sooner rather than later.

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Ah yes, I have tons of red wine...and drink tons of it. Liver? What liver?

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You need a bottle of MMS or Chlorine Dioxide Solution. I was skeptic at first, but I healed my dad's non-healing foot ulcer and I also cured my tooth abscess with it. For newbies, the best way to dip your toes in, is to apply CDS 3000ppm on sandfly bites. Works a treat. Do your self a favour and watch "The Universal Antidote" on Rumble before they take it down.

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I’ve watched that! I think the Pharma Cartel knows natural cures WORK! If people found out, they’d lose A LOT of 💰!

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Absolutely, the other great thing about MMS/CDS is that the ingredients to make it are so innocuous that it will not be possible for big pharma or big government to ban it. Did I mention how cheap it is... It's almost like divine intervention.

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Thanks for info, but what is MMS and where do you get it and CD?

What dosage regimen do you use and is it external only or do you ingest it?

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The first thing you should do is watch "The Universal Antidote" on Rumble. It will answer many of your questions, after that join the "The Universal Antidote" telegram channel and plenty of people who use it can answer any remaining questions you have.

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Have it. Was afraid to use. Lol. How did you use it for your tooth abscess? Thank you.

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For my tooth abscess, I used CDS rather than MMS. I used it in two ways. I took CDS @ 20ppm orally at 100ml dose per hour for 5 hours. Avoid food and medicines an hour before and after taking it. I also used CDS @100ppm with three drops of DMSO as a mouthwash, once in the morning, afternoon and before bed. I did it everyday for as long as it took to get rid of my abscess. Within the first few days, I stopped the pain and inflammation from spreading to other parts of my jaw. By the end of the first week, the pain and inflammation reduced enough that I could start using the tooth for soft foods without hurting. By the end of the second week, no more pain or inflammation, but the abscess pocket was still visibly there. I continued to take it for another 2 weeks, and the abscess pocket slowly shrivelled up to nothing. If the CDS did not work, my plan B was to have my molar's removed, there was no way I was going to have a root canal, which was what my dentist wanted to do.

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Wow. Great news! Do you use it daily for maintained health? I know the site where all the info is. I find it a bit confusing.

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No, but plenty people say they do in the forums, especially people who have taken it to cure their cancers, which I can understand for obvious reasons. I've also read people using it as a way to assist in sports recovery - I've tried this myself a few times, it's subjective, but when I take it during exercise, I have reduced lactic acid build up and the next day I'm not as sore. CDS basically does what a hyperbaric chamber does but without the hyperbaric chamber. This pandemic has been a blessing in disguise for me, because if not for the lockdowns, I would not have stumbled onto CDS, DMSO, Ivermectin, fasting, carnivore diet, etc etc. I feel like I've broken free from the big pharma matrix and have full control of my own health. It's a feeling that's hard to describe. The only comparison would be the feeling people get by breaking free of the fiat matrix with bitcoin, but for health.

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Wow. Great answer and great for you. Thank you.

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Looks good. I take most but not all of those and also turmeric and black pepper capsules. Also can recommend white pine needle tea.

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I use the liquid white pine needle. From Etsy. 3 drops in juice or water. The tea has me peeing constantly. Just an idea.

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Thanx for this input my friend❣️

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