We have record flu now in Scotland despite massive increases in flu jab uptake since 2020 due to CONVID hysteria. This means it works right ? https://ibb.co/ByfX8K2

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Yep, unfortunately that means it works as intended.

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sad but true, you now have to question ''the flu'' narrative, is this literally the result of people being poisoned by these jabs aswell ? My edlerly father never had a flu jab never had flu.

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Convid is the perfect description!

I hope you don't mind me reusing that.

Their bioweapon was not what they hoped for, so they introduced the real bioweapon. DNA manipulation, along with some surveillance as well.

Try a little investigation next time you go to the store. Turn your Bluetooth on in discovery mode in the grocery store next time you go. Does the average grocery store have hundreds of Bluetooth devices? Do they move around in the store? I've recorded 300 unique IDs in a single grocery store. Many of them are valid ids, but many are not.

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I can believe it !! Bluetooth. Internet of things is what they want. An augmented race of beings like the Borg is Star Trek.

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Well, given that they have promoted side effects as proof of 'immune stimulation' it seems so...

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Yes that means it works. When you die you won't get COVID any more. :|

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I wish you would call it a bioweapon instead of a vaccine. You still rock though.

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Had to tone this one down for ResearchGate!

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Whackscene was my go to last year, now I just say 'the Covid Injections'. My obstinant defiant disorder and habit of procrastining saved my life, in any case I have avoided them thus far, but I am taking a D-dimer test soon, as I live with a 2x vaxxed person. I have to assume their body is still pumping out spikes and or mystery stuff, forever. It means dissolving the household but I feel cohabitating with them is damaging. Thanks again Joel.

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I love hearing the "WHOOSH" of things going well over people's heads. This article is implying that the vaccines WEREN'T tested for safety.

Raise your hands if you think that there are No Laws Whatever preventing absolutely ANYONE from even accidentally exposing the public to POTENTIAL health risks.

Raise your hand again if you think that the framers of any nation's constitution or laws gave any exemptions to any laws to any politicians.

Raise your hand if you think that it's legal under ANY circumstances to (listen carefully now) to mandate, force or coerce that anyone take any products not fully tested for safety.

We have the ability to end these mandates legally & non-violently if enough of the public signs on to such an effort. Gee, if only there were some way of communicating with the masses of people claiming to know that the jabs are even only potentially dangerous & get those signatures? Like the one we're using now.

Now all I need is to find anyone with a sack enough to join such a movement, even One Other Person who cared more about the safety of children more than they feared receiving one constipated-looking Scowl Of Disapproval from Mitch or Nancy... ah, there's the problem, see? This requires any of you to have even some courage.

Go on. Continue waiting for Approval To Protect Your Children from these people here http://allaregreen.us/ since their approval is the only thing that would ever cause you to TRY & protect your children.

NOT the well-being of your children.

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Once again, likes for a comment pointing out that we have legal recourse & can end the harmful policies immediately, legally, without any need for violence. Once again not one person here would act to save a single child's life if it meant angering One Divine Politician.

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Once again, lead the way, instead of pontificating on here and blaming everyone else.

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Whuzzat? You CONTINUE TO REFUSE to lift a finger to save a single life yourself & shift the blame onto OTHERS for not doing so?

I am SO shocked. No, really. You absolutely HAVE to wait for someone else. Because... Also, wtf do you think this IS? I ALREADY took the lead! I outlined what WE could DO! Do you think I can force the people in power to arrest themselves WITHOUT mass public support? & here you are saying "go ahead. I SAID I won't do it without someone else leading while also pretending that I didn't also refuse to do it WITH someone else leading. "

You're like a twelve-year-old: you didn't ADMIT it, so you're not refusing?

You're not joining.

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You're the one blaming everyone else.


Just chill the fuck out.

Absolute non compliance is the only way.

The media is captured.

The military is captured.

The police are captured.

The judiciary are captured.

The politicians are captured.

Refuse to comply and maybe others will take your lead.

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Children are being killed & injured by an illegal mandate. First you tell me to solve the problem as I suggested myself, then when I point out that it requires your support, you tell me to chill out & allow it to continue.

... because that's what cowards always do, right? Side-step the issue, foist responsibility everywhere else, then deny that there's even a problem. "Chill out."

How tf does YOUR chilling out &/or non-compliance prevent CHILDREN from (listen carefully now) MANDATED policies?

NOTHING you say is about the problems. EVERYTHING you say is to AVOID DISCUSSING the problems. Did the people at Waco comply or not? Did it save them? Would 'chilling out' have prevented them from burning to death?

Wtf kind of brain damage do you have? They're MANDATING that your children get the jab if they want to travel, go to school or receive medical care. Walk me though how chilling out causes them to remove those mandates.

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Over Here, Professor Norman Fenton might be interested! And Doctor John Campbell!

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And Steve Kirsch

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Clown Campbell finally left the party 2 years too late. I applaud his awakening but ditched watching him years ago. As mandated clinician (out of practice) in New Zealand, by November 2021, the consequences of injections were abundantly self-evident from the basic science, let alone the hospital data (vaxx v unvaxx), VAERS, EudraVigilance, and epidemiology, all cause excess mortality.

More recently Profs Norman Fenton and Martin Neil at Queens ~ The Devil's Advocate: An Exploratory Analysis of 2022 Excess Mortality


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The Office for National Statistics figures are suspect for a number of reasons, but maybe the threat of a rival study will make then start publishing the appropriate datasets again, something which they stopped doing over six months ago.


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This is a truly frightening article... and if I send it to a CovIDIOT they would not thank me... rather they'd unhinge on me https://dailysceptic.org/2023/01/06/top-cancer-expert-aggressive-cancers-appearing-after-vaccine-boosters-not-a-coincidence/

If you check the comments there is no pushback -- and almost all the votes are likes...

This indicates that the people reading this are already red-pilled.

The problem is it's almost impossible to get someone who is not red pilled to read this ... the author is one of the most experienced oncologists in the UK... but I guess if you are boosted you won't read past the headline cuz that's an invitation to nightmares and stress.

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Before the vaccine roll out 1010 people died of/with* the first covid strain in Australia. Since vaccination 16,000 + people have died.

*the government still conflates these figures.

It’s interesting to note that of the 1010 deaths without vaccines, 850 were recorded in Victoria (pop. 6.6 million) and 60 deaths were recorded in NSW (pop. 8.1 million) The Victorian government violently enforced long lockdowns and compliance and was recently re-elected.

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Let’s do this! I’m willing to find it and I’m sure many would!!! We need to get the proof. Although I think the data that is put really is enough proof but whatever it takes to get the masses to see it must be done or they are going to do this again!!! And soon.

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The hospitals in New Zealand provide "interesting" but telling data. The concordance in the ratio between death in vaxx and unvaxxed is perfect, but the positive confounding of being vaxxed means the vaxxed are dying at > x12 the rate of the unvaxxed (July 2022).

nb. excess weekly mortality in New Zealand > 30% above the mean in 2 weeks, wk12 & wk31, of 2022 and annual average of >15% week.



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This is the first time I've seen the NZ data, thank you. I've posted a question on your article. Have you got a link to the source data?

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Oh how very interesting Joel. Thanks. I will re-read it once my brain has coalesced.

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Is there a way to tell if you were vaxxinated against your will? Is there any Test that proves you are vaxxinated? I had an operation and after it I had a mark on my left shoulder that raised like a volcano and oozed yellow puss. I asked my doctor and he said it was just an IV mark? I am unvaxxinated and what to stay that way. But I want to know if they vaxxed me against my will in the Operating Room?

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Exactly. My daughter was having surgery last month in CA. Some guy in scrubs came in her room and started moving stuff around while the nurse was getting her ready. He starts asking her about her vaccination status. She answers yes she is. Then he wants to know are you boosted. I shut him down. I was like. What business is it if yours?? Then he gets nervous. And says. Oh you know. Just wondering it u got 3-4 or 5. I was shocked. Never saw him in the room after that. I worried they boosted her!! I’m still worried.

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The same thing happened for me on an operation I had in October 2022, a girl in scrubs came into the pre-op and had a clip board, asked me questions, asked my vaxx status, asked me to sign a wad of paperwork... I told her I DO NOT want to be vaxxed while I am under sedation, it would be against my will, she got snarky, I was told I had to sign, so I signed and hand wrote that I was 'NOT to be vaccinated', on the paperwork. Not sure if that helped? That's why I want to know if there is any other identifier, blood or otherwise, to prove my vaxx vs unvaxx status, other than a piece of government documentation? So far the best indicator I am seeing regarding vaxx status, is that you will die prematurely when vaxxed.

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If someone vaxxed me without my consent ... and I found out.... I'd find their kids... and I'd do something unspeakable to them. Then I'd end myself.

We're all doomed anyway so may as well leave some grieving MORE-ONS in your wake.

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I can't condone actions against children, after all, they are usually innocent in all this.

However. I would exact justice in some other way.

In todays world, all you would need to do would be to smear the doctor as a pro life, Christian, conservative, anti vaxxer and "the mob" would do the rest.

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IIRC, there is a difference in the spike protein elicited by the toxic brew and that from natural infection.

If that can indeed be identified, then it would hopefully prove that you remain a pureblood.

It may be that the FLCCC can provide a better answer.

Good luck.

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I would have thought they'd know if you are jabbed or not --- I went to a doctor to try to get some Hydroxy -- she checked my file on her computer and said I see you are not jabbed ... do you need a Covid Jab?

Ya ... like I need a f789ing hole in my head. No I do not need a covid jab. I told you what I need.

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Is it in the deltoid muscle? The one where they like to claim there is almost no chance a vessel can be hit by vaccination (that's supposed to go into a muscle)?

Then it would kind of defeat the purpose of "IV", if that means intravenous.

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Surely this Diabolical Plan has a method of proving who has been vaxxed? BTW, I am sure that there are many World Leaders like Justin Trudeau, who knowingly go a #placebeau!

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I intentionally did not get vaxxed, I saw the evil in this plan, I had 2 operations over covid. The first had this weird injection point, the second time I wrote on the paperwork that I was not to be injected/vaxxinated.

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That really sounds like they lied to you. IVs don't go in your shoulder as far as I know. I know that people have been tested to see how long mRNA stays in the body, so a test exists. I just don't know if that is available to someone outside of a study.

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I just had a blood test done, what should I look for in the results, that may show if I am unvaxxed, or if I was vaxxed against my will?

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You would need to be tested for Antibody to Spike protein (Covid anti-S).

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The presence of Covid anti-Nucleocapsid Antibody would demonstrate past Covid infection. Neither test (anti-Spike or anti-Nucleocapsid Antibodies) is offered routinely but does exist.

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If you had a past Covid infection then you would now have both antibodies, even without any vaccination.

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I'm not even a pretend doctor , so I hope someone else will have something more solid.

But, although it's probably not in your standard blood test, measuring the D-dimers could at least tell you if there's any clotting going on, from what ever cause that may be.

There is also a test for SARS-CoV-2 antibody presence by some US company that costs arounc 120 bucks or so - I do not know whether that one tests for the vax-induced spike proteins or other parts of the virus. But if you look for some of those vax praising studies and look for the time interval until you're supposed to have a good number of antibodies, e.g. 2..3 weeks or so, and then do such a test... maybe.

If such a test finds nothing, it could still mean you got one of those duds that may still be harmful in some way.

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Yes the best Proof that you are vaxxinated, is your early Death!

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It just means it's working.

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Thanks, Joel.....miss you on GETTR......can you post this there... :)

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I don't think the authorities want to know the truth. If they did, they just need to add on every death certificate a box to check if the person was vaxxed and if so how many times. That in itself would tell us if a disproportionate amount of the people "dying suddenly" under 60 are vaxxed compared to the general population.

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Indeed. This is the excuse the ONS uses for not providing the data. They get information from the death certificate which has no record of vaccination status. Instead, you have go to another system where there is a record and check whether the person is marked as deceased in that system. alas, that system is incomplete, i.e. it does not have all the deaths, just a biased subset, wherein lies the root problem of why all their analyses are subsequently unreliable. Garbage in, garbage out.

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Thank You. Good to hear of your interest. Just the corrupt media to break now!

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Thanks Joel I think I love U but I really love what U Do to teach US

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Thank you, Trond! Love you too, mate! Thanks for the support!!

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Okay, if it would only take a survey of .1% of the population, how much do you think that would cost? Who could run it? Can we start a gofundme to raise money for it?

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Nothing at all to actually run it if you can just find 25,000 people to do it.

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Social and Health Research doesn't work like that Joel: trust me: this is my bread and butter job. The work would be pointless unless it is subject to incredibly tough protocols.

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Do you know how to run this type of study? If not, do you know someone who does?

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Rasmussen should run the study. They just did that one posted on substack

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When the numbers for August to Dec. 2022 come in it will be interesting to see if they go up or down.

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