I’ll bet there are certain people who wince each time a new analysis appears from Joel Smalley.

You see, it’s not possible to hide what they’ve done or been complicit in lying about.

Unless the authorities are lying about the number of dead people, the evidence of multiple crimes is in the data.

Some people point to certain datasets & exclaim “look, entirely consistent with the official narrative”, as if that dismisses any & all objections.

Sorry, it doesn’t.

ALL the data needs to be consistent with the narrative, with plausible, non-overwrought explanations for deviations.

And they just don’t fit.

Exactly what the truth is / was will be debated for ever.

But we can be absolutely certain that all the deaths are not consistent with a viral pandemic plus some unfortunate consequences of policy.

Many people were murdered. Medical protocols designed to kill. Things you’d never do we’re done to tens of thousands of innocent people in each country.

Some people were all but frightened to death then treated inappropriately or not at all.

What’s worse is that a large number of medical staff know full well what I’ve said is true, yet are still drawing their taxpayer funded salaries.

Where it comes to the “vaccines”, there’s no question that this was an irrational policy response. Even if they’d done a good job of design (they didn’t, it couldn’t have been worse); of non-clinical toxiciology (they simply missed out numerous packages); of clinical development (they committed trials fraud); of manufacturing (ha ha), they still couldn’t have saved lives.

Early multi drug treatment would have been the correct response, assuming there really was a novel virus (I don’t think there was).

So the “vaccines” are superfluous, ineffective & toxic.

Other than that, anyone who wishes to believe the official lies - about how people died & the role of the injections - is welcome to knock thrmselves out.

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100%. At the end of the day, the single most important thing is freedom of choice. Freedom of choice relies on full and transparent information which requires freedom of speech. These are the bedrocks of good society.

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And fair elections...

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I will be redundant here.

It’s imperative that everyone stop ceding ground to these fascists by reifying the Big Lie that "Covid" is a unique disease and that it is responsible for a global pandemic.

"Covid" the disease is pure fiction. All the rest of it (biolabs / batsoup / bioweapons / lableaks is all political theatre and bread and circuses. They gamed the system to code for "covid deaths."

Let’s put it this way. When it comes to this so-called pandemic, every base was covered. And I mean every base world-wide. The enormity of this operation cannot be overstated.

Covid response was carefully planned years in advance. Every possible scenario was boilerplated, marketing buzzwords created, medicine redefined, controlled and manipulated.

This has never had anything to with what is nothing more than a computer-generated genome falsely attributed to a novel pathogen. It is a global conspiracy by the worlds transnational ruling class which was planned out and war-gamed at the WEF, the central bankers summit in Jackson Hole, and at Event 201.

This event was carried out with military precision. And it ain’t over yet.

If you view this whole 'pandemic' situation through the lens of health, safety, science and saving lives, then most of it makes little sense. If you view it through the lens of money, power, control, and wealth transfer, then all of it makes perfect sense.

Covid is not an epidemiological story. Covid is a crime story. Covid-19 is the biggest money laundering scheme in the history of the world.

The lockdowns, mandatory muzzles, anti-social distancing and the other measures did nothing to protect or improve public health- they were never designed to do so. They were all designed to deliberately break the global economy (and crush competition, especially small businesses) as well as break people's minds, will and the social fabric, in order to “build back better”, according to the diabolical and dystopian visions of the psychopaths waging this class war, which is essentially a billionaires utopia, in which they own the planet like a techno-feudal fiefdom, and oversee the drastically reduced population of digitally branded humanity like cattle in a super-surveilled technocracy.

What we are in the midst of is a planned total economic collapse. Covid-19 is the smokescreen and operational plan to cover this up an usher in a new biomedical model. This economic collapse was inevitable, Western governments are putting the security infrastructure into place, trying to proactively control the inevitable social disorder which will result from this collapse. To be followed by a global financial reset, after a period of hyperinflation, which destroys both the value of debt and the corresponding paper claims.

There is not now nor has there ever been an epidemiological or viral emergency event of any sort anywhere in the world in the year 2020. The manufactured perception that there was such an event is an artifact of mass media manipulation, behavioral conditioning techniques and social engineering. All of this has been made possible through institutional programming and accelerated media messaging disallowing basic cognitive processes and eliminating critical thinking possibilities.

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Ooooh, Allen, you are going to LOVE my next piece!! I have the mortality data to support your hypothesis and more!

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If justice will not be served and revolution is what they expect then perhaps we should start our own clown troupes and variety shows to hound the ring-leaders and enlighten and entertain the rabble; to encourage non-metered, breakaway societies with mutual aid networks, food security initiatives and community protective associations. Daniel Quinn's suggestion is to not create more programs when moving beyond civilization. Why be miserable if the whole shit house is going up in flames? Maybe our merriment will take some pressure of their desperate search for a new source of cheap, on demand high caloric surplus energy and finally solve the cycles of debt and war.. the industrial capitalists will flee the planet for asteroid mining or suffer our version of Cointelpro 2.0.

If you haven't tried to start a broad social movement and then had to endure several decades of physical violence, amateurish street theatre and classical conditioning and responded by trolling the FBI and its informants then this post may be lost on you, lol.

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100 Bang on! Excellent detailed response Mike. Thank You.

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Canadian MSM reports that COVID-19 related deaths this year have surpassed all of 2021 yet doctors still say; “Fortunately the vaccine has protected many from severe outcomes".

How are more deaths not more severe outcomes?:):)

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Omicron is significantly less virulent than previous strains, the population has been mass/multiple jabbed, the health system had plenty of time to 'prepare', but the deaths have gone up. Meanwhile, health authorities, and politicians are patting themselves on the back for a job well done.

In answer to your question, death cures all other severe outcomes!

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The flu season is once a year for the unvaxed and every day for the vaxed.

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Joel, You are a diamond, you are good as gold, you are the silver lining, the player who wont fold.

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Well, at this stage, you could say I'm "all in"!

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Magnificent analysis. The tightness of the correlations and the XS death mean reversion to zero in the charts pre Feb 2020 is so clear and justifies your country groupings.

Just one question: Is the "GDP" per capita (I would have thought that's a better measure of wealth than raw GDP which is largely affected by population size)?

And one speculation: I wonder if lockdown-driven (excess) alcohol consumption has some of the explanatory power here as well. No idea if any data exists on that.

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You are absolutely correct. I have updated the article to include correlation with GDP per capita as well. Bravo!

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Well that looks a lot better than jab rates at explaining xs deaths, and 66% explanatory power is huge for something as complex as all cause (excess) mortality. Love your other new chart as well showing that the correlation is way smaller in the pre-jab era!

I wonder if a multiple regression would put the negative xs death - jab correlation in an even clearer light.

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The relationship is not linear though so I don't think a multivariate linear regression would verify this?

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Good point. Don't know if you could transform the variables to new linear variables based on the functional form you've used in the correlation charts. Either way, what you've already achieved in this article is an excellent contribution.

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Yes, I could do a log transform.

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Oh my god!! What amazing sets of stats. Thank you.

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I got an email in which you mentioned you think the vaccines make people more susceptible to disease.

I think you are right. The vaccines are disease enhancers. I've been spamming this all over the internet for months. Created the website, just so people could see, but it seems few are inclined to do so.

Differences in proportion of myocarditis for males 12-17 in VAERS reports:

+0.370% (1 Injection, no infection: https://pervaers.com/?v=C10&q=_myocarditis_)

+6.321% (1 Injection + infection: https://pervaers.com/?v=C11&q=_myocarditis_)

+11.718% (2 Injections, no infection: https://pervaers.com/?v=C20&q=_myocarditis_)

+15.476% (2 Injections + infection: https://pervaers.com/?v=C21&q=_myocarditis_)

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Write it up and I'll publish it?

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Shall I write my own substack article? Or should I send you a pdf?

I don't know the write way to approach this, since I've never published anything other than my website.

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Sorry about my reply this morning. I am severely bipolar, but I was lucky and ended up having a good day. Managed to write the article in a few hours. Yay. I never know if I can even get started doing anything, let alone keep focus.

I wasn't sure what you meant with "publish it", so I just wrote and published it myself now. Would've never done that if you hadn't made this offer, so I have to thank you for that.

I really enjoy reading your articles by the way. The only experience I had with math was analyzing daily derivatives emissions for signals. I dropped it all to learn the basics of pharmacovigilance analysis though, since I felt absolutely miserable about what was happening. My wife has left me because of it and I have lost almost all of my life-long friends, but at least I put my heart and soul into this.

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Yes, it seems the "vaccine" enhances both COVID and non COVID disease?

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Possibly. I cannot comment on that. There is no safety signal for RSV in the VAERS data for those not infected with SARS-COV-2.

However there is an increase in reported proportions for those who were infected. However for every 100 tests, there were only 7 positive test results. I think this is due to doctors not wanting to believe that their patients caught the virus they had been immunized against, so they start testing for other respiratory tract infections.

I think it is of utmost importance that the data is not diluted by these "breakthrough cases". The side effects profile differs fundamentally between vaccines on the foundation of those breakthrough case reports which are clearly disease/antigene specific.

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The vaccinated think the deaths and side effects are from the virus not the vaccine. If the rate is still climbing this fall then Dr. Zelenko's prediction has come true.

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Number 3 seems the most likely of your hypotheses.

What are the age profiles of these countries and does that correlate to excess deaths and vaccinations?

Were countries given different doses in their vaccines or different lots based on their GDP (i.e. getting rid of useless eaters if you believe in the depopulation theory)?

Why longitude and not latitude groupins/comparisons?

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Age profiles should have already been captured in the "self-controlled" baselines. Older population countries should have higher baselines because seasonal mortality always affects the elderly.

I cannot explain longitude rather than latitude, not my domain. All I can show you is that the stratification is longitudinal according to the data. If a subject matter expert is genuinely interested, I think this would be a good research project?

Of course, it could be spurious... But then someone needs to help me come up with a better explanation because otherwise Occam is my friend.

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Joel Thank you for the massive amount of hard work you're constantly putting out here.

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You’re absolutely brilliant!

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the effect of GDP correlates with Mathew Crawford's findings; he calls it the wealth and health effect, related to zip codes

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I have at least 2 neighbour (older women) who died after they took "inoculum"" called vaccine in Romania, but they are not count as older people who was inoculated and died. Romania haven't such a great intake of vaccine in population but have a low rate of associate the mortality with vaccine.

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Joel painting yet more Picasso’s with the Data... Thank You Joel. Great stuff. As Dr Mike Yeadon says above here, there will be no hiding from and of the Truth in the Data!

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Yes, I understand not thinking clearly. Lyme brain.

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Yes, I can only agree with Jacquelyn below !

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Got it! thanks. Michael

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