Thank you. Here is what I wrote in July 2020 in my Letter to Establishment Intellectuals:


"This letter is a word of warning for my people—the city intellectuals—who haven’t somehow noticed that Reason at their altar has been long replaced by an effigy made from scraps of establishment garbage. What’s passing for reason is a mix of appearance-only #science and deranged corporatchik mumbo jumbo. Have you got no eyes?'"

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Wish I'd found you in July 2020!

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Thinking THE very same thing!!

ThAnk you, Tessa, for sharing - I'll be checking out your work!! Aaand... Thank yoU, Mr. Joel, for youR work, dedication, and insightful sharing during this madness.!.

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I am glad we have fixed it now!! :) I have been reading you for a looooong time, for which I thank you from my heart. it's been much needed in this crazy, crazy world.

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The thing is ...

None of this is new -- and nothing is going to change.

We have absolute evidence that the lone gunman theory re JFK is utter nonsense - we have film of the shooting -- and most people do not believe the official line.

But does the investigation re-open? Every administration since that shooting have had the opportunity to reopen that Pandora's box... but they don't.

More recently we had the WMD lie - and the war crimes committed based on the lie. What did Obama Mr hope and change do when he was elected --- he said we need to move forward -- there would be no show trials for Bush Cheney Rummy... then Obama was asked to do more of the same...

There are a number of reasons why the people choose to ignore what is right in front of their faces.

What can they do about any of this? If they accept that there are people who are willing to murder their president... and get away with it... how do you stand against that? And who exactly do you stand against - who are 'they'..... they remain in the shadows... nobody knows who they are...

They are not the deep state --- in fact they had PBS make a documentary informing Americans that the deep state runs the show ... why would they do that if it is was true? Of course - to make Americans believe the deep state is 'they'... brilliant stuff https://www.huffpost.com/entry/watch-the-deep-state-hidi_b_4848282

So there is all of that... but more fundamentally -- to acknowledge 'they' even exists is to turn you world upside down. What about democracy and the constitution? Don't the people have the power?

Remember GFC -- does anyone recall a vote re the hundreds of billions that went to bail out the economy? I don't. Ya there was Tarp but that really was a tarp - covering the real bail out. Pretence.

Did I mention 'they' are clever? Brilliant?

Consider this - 'they' hide behind the cloak of democracy ... democracy is a very useful tool --- when something goes wrong e.g. wars in Iraq and Vietnam--- the people get upset --- the steam builds... how do you relieve the pressure? You replace the bad guys. You 'vote' them out. In comes the new guys --- this time the new guys will make things right! I am sure this time -- if not - we'll vote them out and next time... rinse repeat endlessly.

This convinces the masses that they have the power --- that even though there is overwhelming evidence that some other entity has the power ... (remember Zapruder ... and WMD! - how quickly we forget...) they insist the people are running the show...

The people do not want the truth - that's why they forget Zapruder and WMD - or at least ignore these truths.... better to buy into the lie -- easier... no need to put your life on the line revolting...

Something similar is playing out right now --- how do you fight 'them'... even if you were to acknowledge the CovCON.

Antivaxxers are taking to SS - some are marching around banging on pots and pans etc... almost no violence... 'they' are watching ... and laughing ... drinking expensive whisky in oak panelled rooms...

And 'they' are ready in the event that anti-vaxxers turn violent ... they've got anti-terrorism units standing by... they've got a PR campaign read 'Is your neighbour a terrorist? call 555 to report him now! stay safe'..... they've kept the fangs sheathed because they do not need to flash teeth... let alone bite.

The masses can do nothing -- so they will do nothing

'They' know that -- 'they' even allowed Oliver Stone to make a movie about the JFK thing... which was no doubt very accurate in what it depicted... this is 'they' spitting in our faces --- we are mocked with the truth -- watchagonna do about it? Nuthin. Absolutely nuthin.

And we lower our heads ... and resume munching grass.

“Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” ― Woodrow Wilson

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.” – Edward Bernays – Propaganda

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Excellent overview. Thanks. While ‘Munching grass’ over the years, to survive, I’ve been intrigued by the word ‘governance’ To me it’s a A nonsense word. But I think it fits neatly with the ethos of those who manipulate and with Edward Bernays idea of ‘propoganda’.

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“When you are on your death bed, it’s not the number of your publications or retweets that will matter but your loyalty to truth and your impact on your children. “

Amen Tessa. Profound article. Thank you.

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Thank you Laura!!

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Beautifully stated.

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Synchronously, I was just writing about my concept of "Anti-Knowledge" - I think it applies in buckets here, and may have explanatory power of what you are describing, so copying my fb post: "ANTI-KNOWLEDGE

This is when scientists come up with conclusions which are not just in error, but also are 100% diametrically opposite to the truth, yet the dogma and indoctrination is so enshrined, that it is impossible to provide any amount of evidence which will change minds of those captured by anti-knowledge. This is why, indeed, science advances one funeral at a time.

I first encountered this concept while an academic scientist myself, first in my own field, then I started to see it everywhere. One could take just about any field and start questing the assumptions, and the whole thing would unravel. I then saw it in the real world in a major industry which was operating on total anti-knowledge, thus demonstrably highly inefficient, and unsafe (costing lives), but no-one would listen, and I think not being herd about this was part of my descent into disease. Like Semmelweiz went mad, trying to convince doctors of the time that washing their hands would save lives.

We have seen it again in overdrive over the past couple of years.

Perhaps the simplest way to describe anti-knowledge is: when a theory doesn't match, explain or predict the real world observations, the real life world is taken as being wrong, and the theory is upheld!!!

Here is another example, Allan Savory's real world results demonstrate the very thing the powers that be seem to blaming a lot of climate change on - livestock - is actually the very thing we need for health of the planet, properly managed. Shutting down the farms and putting limits on livestock has the potential for catastrophy! Well worth a watch, for this specific case, and as an illustrative example of anti-knowledge. https://www.ted.com/talks/allan_savory_how_to_fight_desertification_and_reverse_climate_change

Also worth checking out Steve Patterson's "Our Present Dark Age" article."

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It turns out that gargling and nasal cleansing after possible exposure and early days of a respiratory illness is highly effective. We've known it before the C19 event, reconfirmed in the last two years worldwide But boring and cheap. It is the new version of Semmelweiz's research and revelations about handwashing and illness.

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Yes, I have followed the nasal spray story from early on - obvious solution. When the politicians and scientists ignored it totally, I knew something was very wrong. It wasn't like ivermectin or hydoquroqine, there wasn't any pushback, just total radio silence.

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“Nasal spray…obvious solution “. Salient point and good pun. 😄

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gargling and nasal cleansing after possible exposure, taught in the late 1940s by my grandmother

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And in journals for respiratory illnesses for decades too.

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I read about nasal cleansing very early on from a virologist. I thought, well that’s quite logical.

So I repeated it to everyone who would listen. Almost everyone gave me the fluoride stare and changed the subject to staying home and wearing a mask. The only things the tv says works.

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"Here is another example, Allan Savory's real world results demonstrate the very thing the powers that be seem to blaming a lot of climate change on - livestock - is actually the very thing we need for health of the planet, properly managed. "

Gary, two thoughts:

1. Paul in Romans 1 describes a causation pattern of how morally overt evil and rebellious men are transformed from one sinful set of behaviours into others far worse. It is a linear progression. It says that people that are given over to significant theological heresy and immoral behaviour at some point in time are given over to them. They fully believe at some point in time that their actions are virtuous and good t becomes part of their psyche and becomes delusional enslavement.

2. The things we are seeing instituted by the elite are not mistakes. These are intentional acts. TPTB know that climate change is a bunch of hokum...its a socialist pretext used to transfer wealth to others and in the process to destroy huge swathes of mankind. The reality is the climate is always in change and in flux--because of solar output and volcanic activity, etc. TPTB are seeking to kill off the global useless eaters. It is satanic. They are hooked in to a set of Satanic lies--Jesus said the devil comes to steal, kill destroy.

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Yes, I agree some peoples opinions of themselves are also diametricaly opposed to reality -think they are doing good, when in fact they are serving evil. I also agree that many know what they are knowing, An example of this is a video Prince (now King) Charles talking about Allan Savory's work, and saying he is fan of it. So members of the wef etc are fully informed of Allan's work, but are still instigating the dead opposite of it.

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'Science advances one funeral at a time'. In the case of Covid science and immunology, it's taken millions of funerals to even nudge it forward just one notch, i.e. it's now generally accepted by the 'experts' that the 'vaccines' do not stop transmission and lockdowns and other restrictions are much worse than useless. In the case of climate 'science', the science hasn't advanced in 40 years, shows little sign of doing so ever (because it is basically so wrong it can never be reformed, just consigned to the waste bin of the history of very bad ideas) and its cheerleaders are getting ready to impose net zero agendas on numerous countries which will likely result in the loss of billions of lives globally.

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These people were way too easy to buy out. They were bad eggs waiting to hatch. I have been in clinical research for 40 years. I still think critically. However, I genuinely want to help people. The greedy ah's who are now infecting our industry have no such desire. They are in it for themselves. Add to that we have entire generations of narcissist kids coming up ... the future does not look good.

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Yes, no doubt there are still good people working on the inside to try to help. I just saw many of these worn down or corrupted, or just forced out, by the system. You are doing well to have withstood it for 40 years.

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Sadly, I can only agree - maybe it has even gone backwards... to the point of barbarism...

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I think we're on the conveyor belt of the Unenlightenment.

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I worked for years for GSK, and a legacy company of Pfizer. I had thousands of dollars a quarter with which to buy physicians. We owned the physicians, the teaching, and research institutions, and their residency programs. Big Pharma owns Congress, the FDA, and all the presstitute bordellos. It owns the AMA, the medical journals, and the state medical societies. Healthcare is a subsidiary of Big Pharma. Big Pharma is run by sleazy people. It's a disgusting industry of criminality.

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Jibes with everything I've read and seen. And recalls this Atlantic piece from 2006:


as well as the writings of Marcia Angell, former chief editor of the NEJM:


I wish I could get you to sit down with my highly intelligent longtime friend who just took a job with Moderna and accuses me of getting my "misinformation" from right-wing conspiracy theorists.

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Moderna is strictly a criminal scam op run by totally skeevey scumbags. It doesn't make any legit meds. At least GSK had some meds that actually helped people even if it did knowingly criminally kill 400,000 people with its billion dollar a year deadly diabetes blockbuster Avandia.

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Figures they are building a ‘celebrated’ factory in Australia…

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Written by a woman named Katherine Wu, no less, who may be on the payroll of the NIAID, and/or the CCP. The CCP has assets at nearly every major university in the U.S. through its Thousand Talents Program which should be named Thousand Talons. The goal is to steal intellectual property since Mao, and his Ashkenazim handlers, beat, and bred out any talent or original thinking from the Chinese population. The CCP has also, with the help of the Ashkenazim socio-psychopaths on the left, infiltrated Hollywood, the presstitute media, and politics through whores that appeal to low life white trash like Conresstrash Eric Swalwell.

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So demoralizing. I knew the Atlantic had been captured, but that piece is vile propaganda, especially in June 2022.

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Not only do they not see the elephants, they don't hear the elephants and, they don't smell the elephants.

The elephants are there but they just close their eyes.

Go on about their business and tell themselves some lies.

Then they'll call you strange and much, much more,

If you speak about the elephants you saw.

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Denial is a powerful form of protection. Because sometimes it's too much to face a reality you don't want to see.

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My older sister has stopped communicating to me totally and states I am a criminal for not getting vxxd. She said this twice--I am a criminal. This is exactly the same insanity that gripped the nation with TDS--Trump Derangement Syndrome for 4 years. I have a friend who basically refused to leave his residence for over a year during the height of scaredemic and then only left to get vxxd. Another relative who I am begging to visit and they just keep making up reasons not to have coffee with me--it seems like much of this is an unspoken fear of the unvxxed. These all shows anacdotally the world is in a total state of delusion and mass hypnosis.

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She still thinks you are a criminal even though MSM has told everyone that the jab doesn’t prevent you from getting or spreading CV?

This has caused so much distress in families!

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Same with us. Friends of 25 years told us 'we can't be seen with you' back in 2021 when they found we weren't jabbed. Year later, for no reason, they just came back to us to visit. I asked them 'will you take shots every year for anything the gov tells you?' All said 'yes - we do our part'. 'Even if they aren't vaccines but rather gene therapies?' 'That's just your opinion.'

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i thought it was common knowledge virus's dont last more than 2 weeks. its like we have descended to the 1500s...a total lack of scientific understanding ...more akin to superstition

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Yup...exActly what my entire jab'd family (including extended) severely suffers from. I share and share and the return - dead deafening Silence. They're too afraid to talk about it as then, I have to assume... it becomes real. Heartbreaking.

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"Call her Cleopatra because she's queen of de nile."

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im baffled as to why anyone would trust a doctor at this point

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This is no longer a problem in the UK as we don't actually ever get to see a doctor.

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i wouldnt know as i havnt contacted mine in 6 years

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I have written comments about this psychological phenomenon, which mostly affects the professional/academic class. They have a sunk cost in the "safe and effective" narrative and won't consider alternatives until a few brave souls talk about it in government propaganda media after the government has a plan to extricate itself from this mess.

For now, the professional/academic class is kept at bay with the threat of being called "conspiracy theorists."

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I can corroborate. I work for MIT, you know, where Bob Langer, prof of nanoparticle fame, made a $billion on his Moderna stock. I'm surrounded by PhDs, phuds, educated beyond their natural intelligence. I'm one, too, but some of us escape. They laughed at me for listening to John Ioannidis.

Well, 96% of the highly educated professional/academics rushed to get the jab. We don't know the death toll yet, but they had 3 profs die "unexpectedly" last year.

I like this old Stevie Wonder song:


When you believe in things that you don't understand,

Then you suffer,

Superstition ain't the way

Very superstitious, wash your face and hands,

Rid me of the problem, do all that you can, ...

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Well said (or sung).

Do you listen to WMBR, my favorite radio station in the world? They have been breaking my heart with their appalling "vaccine" marketing PSAs. They continue to run them every day, usually with a twee valley-girlish voice making easily falsifiable claims about the Safe and Effective™ injections, and in a particularly annoying, bitchy-defensive manner.

I'm a longtime donor to the station. I have written to the management a few times to inform them of their error, and to remind them to stick to music. No response.

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No, Eric, I'm not on campus. I had to look up the station!

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Excellent music programming.

Disturbing, infuriating "public health" propaganda.

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"It’s like there’s an elephant in every room of your house."

Soon to add: an elephant in your prison cell!

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Ignored elephants = continued mass murder. As long as the elephant is not acknowledged, the syringe filled with the poison is easier to plunge into the arms of the ignorant victims and the money received for each shot isn't viewed as the blood money it really is.

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“They” knew mRNA cocktails did not work in animal studies & either damaged or killed them. W/ zero long or even short term studies, they injected millions - if not billions - of people anyway, including children, pregnant women & adults of reproductive age. I can agree that there is a severe lack of reason & common sense in today’s world, but the massive scale of this “experiment” is diabolical, not blind adherence to an ideology, IMHO. To apologize - much less admit it - is a death sentence

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They can’t think outside their walled-in paradigm with a dearth of critical thinking.

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So perplexing 😳!

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I think Mattias Desmet has been the most eloquent in expressing what many of us have been trying to comprehend and articulate. Quite simply, it is a mass psychosis, a hypnosis of sorts, that only approximately 5% of the population resists. And it is up to this small group to continue speaking out until the masses snap out of it. Absolutely frustrating, yet essential, else things will get much, much worse, before they get better.

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Fantastic article. Thank you.

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Yes, they are that bad at their jobs. Most have shown their true colors. They are in this for the money and not to help people. It is an insult to used car salesmen to compare them with "medical professionals".

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I have one brother who'd take a bullet in the back of the head before he'd take a Covid injection ... I have another brother who feels like he's won the lottery every time he boosts (along with his kids...)

I made one final effort to convince the one brother to stop - when it got back to me that he'd injected his young kids... I was told not to discuss this topic again - we are boosted and we are fine...

This is also a very touchy subject with friends who are punching their free donut vouchers with every shot... so I completely avoid.

So I have no idea what the CovIDIOTS are thinking as the MSM rolls out these endless stories of SADS - often involving high profile people --- I cannot ask them 'what do you think happened to The Beeber and his wife? - do you think it's the vax?' oh no - that would be bad form - impolite... rude... worse than ripping a massive fart at a funeral and exclaiming -- how good was that!!!

I did have lunch with some CovIDIOTS recently --- I am trying to limit my interaction with these sort of people due to concerns over shedding ... but my wife insists that I not become a total hermit --- she won't allow me to grow a shaggy beard either... so I am forced to risk my life from time to time ...

Anyhow --- one of them who used to work in finance in Singapore mentioned that one of her former colleagues who is a good friend ... early 40's... no health problems ... just dropped dead at home.

Wow I said - I wonder what caused that.... hoping they might suggest ... the injection ... nope... oh well he did like to take a drink... yes of course ... 40 year old's who 'like to take a drink' drop dead all the time... and that was that... as I shifted my chair back another 6 inches ... hoping to avoid the shedding that was coming out their mouths as they breathed....

As for doctors --- I try to have zero contact with this demographic ... but I dropped a filling a couple of months ago so went to my Hyper CovIDIOT dentist... at one point he wouldn't let me in the waiting room unless I scanned in using the Stay Safe app thingy.... I had not installed it on my phone .. and told his staff I didn't know how (he knows I run a tech business -- yet I didn't know how .. tee hee...) Anyway they helped me as if I was an 8 yr old slow learner.. showing me how to do it ... and I feigned delight when we finally got it working!!!!

In we go --- quick chat --- we touch on The Sickness (apparently NZ has 7x more people calling sick that BC - before covid)... restaurants closed --- hospital ED has a 6 hour wait ... he tells me he has a patient who is a nurse at the hospital ... she told him 20% of the staff have quit...

Now I have been told by someone else that a lot of the people who have quit did so because they remain under mandate to get the latest greatest boosters... and they are seeing a LOT of maimed people come through the doors courtesy Pfizer... lots of previously healthy fit young people ... and they are afraid to take more shots.

I ask Dr Hyper Covidiot dentist why they are quitting ... oh I am not sure --- probably due to overwork and they've had enough.... the last thing I want to do is offend a quite who is about to stick a drill inside my head so I agree -- ya I've heard they are overwhelmed with very sick people... the flu is very bad this winter....

I was percolating this afterwards and thinking ... no doubt not all of the staff who quit did so because they fear the jabs... some might want to move on because the hospitals are overwhelmed... so this would indicate that less than 20% are 'woke'

If you were woke -- and you acknowledged the dangers of the injections ... surely you'd walk out the door the second you were scheduled for the next booster.... unless you are the type who likes to live on the edge... and playing vaccine roulette provides you with the excitement that climbing rock walls without any safety gear does not....

But the reality is -- you are looking at some epic suffering in those ED's ... young people with serious damage -- the cognitive dissonance involved to not live in fear of the jab is incredible....

I am surprised that at this point there's not been a massive rejection of the jabs in countries where they remain mandated for doctors nurses and the support staff....

All it would take is for another 10 or 20% to walk off the job and the entire health care system would implode her in NZ ... they have enormous leverage...

But nope... they just soldier on ...

BTW - we've got a surgeon living nearby --- I've heard that he's suddenly got heart issues --- he'll be fully boosted (I've spoken to him and he's like the Jim Breuer cockatoo spewing MSM catch phrases)... he's put it down to overindulging in drink one evening (I wasn't aware hang overs caused heart damage but hey - I'm not a doctor so what do I know) ... so he's not drinking now ... I wonder if he'll get the next booster.

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Also in NZ. Mandates for health workers dropped from 26 sept but most employers are keeping them as part of health and safety policy. Huge shortages of staff while the ones who refused the jab still can't work.

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My employer in the US doesn't require jabs, they are one of the few that don't. We still can't get enough people to work. We have to use a lot of temps. It's like many people have given up on life, or don't want an entry level job, or putting papers in a box is too much hard work for them.

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Many have certainly given up on the idea of working to support themselves and their families. We get told that if employers can't pay high wages they are bad business managers so deserve to go out of business

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