Yes, it's not like there are no vaccine injuries and deaths in Israel or the US where not one AZ injection was administered, is it? AZ was more dangerous in the short term, no doubt about it, but mRNA 'vaccines' are still lethal and may in fact be more harmful over the long term. As usual, the public are being played for fools and sadly many are.
AZ is being set up as the fall guy. See the nonsense by Sarah Knapton in today’s Telegraph.
“In the end, the AstraZeneca vaccine just wasn’t as good as its rivals”
This is how BigPharma works. One company takes the rap for a failed drug in return for being granted first rights over the next “blockbuster”
Yep. The majority still believe this crap. No sympathy from me when they suffer the consequences.
That one guy caught on camera not standing up and clapping at Wimbledon a couple of years ago is now smiling, knowingly.
Like the guy not saluting amongst all those Nazis decades ago.
Yep, Nazis gonna Nazi. 80 years makes not much difference. They just get around more nowadays.
Yes, it's not like there are no vaccine injuries and deaths in Israel or the US where not one AZ injection was administered, is it? AZ was more dangerous in the short term, no doubt about it, but mRNA 'vaccines' are still lethal and may in fact be more harmful over the long term. As usual, the public are being played for fools and sadly many are.