Joel, are you aware of Interest of Justice’s Nuremberg trial in Costa Rica scheduled for today at 8:30 am Costa Rica time? I include a few links in this CTA, and you can find plenty more at IoJ’s Stack:
On another note, I wanted to thank you for standing up for Mike Yeadon when Robert Malone wrote that disrespectful tweet about playing tiddlywinks. I’ve just published my response and also linked to your post sharing Mike’s presentation at the Rofim event:
Here in the US widespread damage to health including a huge number of fatalities caused by mRNA COVID injections was evidenced early on by VAERS reports; which is exactly how the system was designed to function. The willful ignorance of politicians and government bureaucrats is bad enough but that of medical "professionals" is absolutely shameful. Now massive civil and, where appropriate, criminal liability MUST be suffered by those responsible.
Pfizer’s data in February 2021 showed 1,223 deaths and that’s just 3 months after people started getting jabbed. Add in all the thousands of injuries and it will clear that the jabs were not safe. The Pfizer jab should have been pulled right then. If we ever get to take Pfizer to court that is some damning evidence.
Everything you’ve said here is applicable in Australia, my country lost.
I never knew this before until Covid 2020. Our country has been screwed by the UN globalists and it started in earnest in the 1970s unbeknownst to me, a penal colony still like in 1788, revealing itself in real time during Covid 2020 like elsewhere in the western world.
My doctor who had put me on statins which I never liked back in 2018 and I’ve now been off them for 2 years after reading information about how poor the science was on them and high NNT figures.
I am also now an ExVaxxer after all the Covid BS and the poor EUA data on the dangerous mRNA genetic injections and after reading Turtles all the Way down and seeing movies Vaxxed and 1986 The Act et al. Everything I believed in before Covid has been ripped apart and now I question everything ie 9/11 and now know it was an inside job and now I even question the moon landing and I’m now convinced Neil Armstrong didn’t walk on the moon and it was a hoax just like my grandfather had told me back in 1972 when I argued and didn’t believe him. There was no way that flimsy lunar module could ever of landed on and then blasted off the moon to rejoin the Apollo spacecraft orbiting the moon and to do that within 7 years of the JFK announcement without first landing an unmanned lunar module on the moon to test the ability to land a man on the moon. Absolute hoax and we all believed it pre digital age. I’m still not convinced we can even travel through the Van Allen belt or how to do it safely because that would take about 45-60 mins travelling at 75K Km/hr.
Iraq WMD was a lie, 2.3 trillion$ was lost by the Pentagon as Rumsfeld announced a day before 9/11 and so this was never spoken of again.
So we should now question all history as it contains many lies because it was written by the victors, many of whom were psychopaths.
Look into the Titanic's (or whatever ship it was) insurance policy and how the federal reserve was created. This era has made me question things I accepted previously.
My long dead father in law had spondulitis something or other (calcification of the spine) and took a vast array of tablets. He had both hips replaced and a pacemaker fitted. He always maintained that he would die from the medications not the disease. I suspect he was right as he eventually developed cancer and faded away. My own father had low blood pressure all his life but his father had died of a heart attack in 1961 so, in old age, my father was put on blood pressure tablets. His father had been a chain smoker for about 50 years and was told the fags would kill him. My father never smoked. All absolute money-making rubbish - take a tablet for something you don't have and then take a tablet to counteract the first tablet then take a different tablet to balance out the second tablet.
But people have become scared of illness and terrified of death so they do as they are told in the hope of avoiding both. Funnily enough, it never works.
Yes, it's not like there are no vaccine injuries and deaths in Israel or the US where not one AZ injection was administered, is it? AZ was more dangerous in the short term, no doubt about it, but mRNA 'vaccines' are still lethal and may in fact be more harmful over the long term. As usual, the public are being played for fools and sadly many are.
Very well put. I see it the exact same way. Educated thoughtful and intelligent family and friends flat out denying obvious vaccine and other drug related injury and death. They claim I am a nut job and they are baffled - when you can actually get them to discuss the matter - they usually refuse and say they have "moved on "? When a person dies minutes after vaccination in the surgery floor they say "correlation is not causation'' ........................... it certainly is all very odd and set to get worse, I think. At some point this cognitive dam must burst. Then what?
My mum's exact words a couple of days ago!! "Covid in my view is old news now. It's been chewed over that it has become old hat." This in the context of all her friends dying of unexpected cancers... "Move on" all you like... But remain ignorant and see what happens?!
What baffles me is that anybody could be baffled by the glaringly obvious cause of many of their friends and family suddenly and unexpectedly getting badly sick and or dying since 21. One old school chum's wife sadly died in less than a year of run away cancer. She was not sixty and had always been a picture of health. When I mentioned it might .........I stress might ..... have been the vaccine and perhaps not a good idea to get a fourth shot I was, predictably, cancelled. Double sadness for me. Baffling. My mum assured me that the reason for her long life and the health of her five children was guessed it .... vaccines. We are dealing with a deeply entrenched illusion reinforced by a century of drug pusher's propaganda. Perhaps the good that can come of this disaster will be the slow realization that we have all been duped and consequent end of vaccination. I sincerely hope so. No member of my own family will ever take another and regret those we did ( largely by some form of coercion, of course ) . I was taught at school very little but they did not forget to teach me how brilliant Jenner and Pasteur were and what a boon vaccination was. No prizes for guessing why that was on the syllabus.
"Perhaps the good that can come of this disaster will be the slow realization that we have all been duped and consequent end of vaccination."
I think that is what’s happening finally. People are waking up to the fact that vaccines are harmful and that we don’t need them and especially now that we have antibiotics and other treatments that can keep us alive. Almost every pandemic was dying down before any vaccine came out and that includes the Rona one. Of course many (most?) people who died from it were actually killed (murdered?) by hospital protocols.
And it’s not only Covid that we have been lied to about. Saddam didn’t actually have WMDs? Gaddaffi wasn’t handing out viagra to his troops so they could rape women…ect. People are finally seeing that their government lies a lot.
Further to legal indemnity, Australian Senator Gerard Rennick argues with regulator Raj Bhula that the Covid injections are a gene therapy. He says this matters because the administration of a product that was not what it was sold as, to a population that is now running a 15% excess death rate as a result of “something” that happened in 2021-2022, is fraud. And fraud vitiates everything. It vitiates the contractual indemnities provided to and by the government. See
Rustler does a great job on Scottish Covid statistics. I first came across him via the sadly-missed Inform Scotland blog, accusatory swan-song here:
Any further news on the Police Angels Covid complaint submitted to Govan Police? I can no longer access their website to see their submission.
Further to care home and hospital “Covid” deaths, here is part of a comment I recently posted on another thread:
You could show how evil these people are by making a grisly analogy between Covid and Ukraine: the first so-called Covid wave petering out when they ran out of care home and hospital victims to put to iatrogenic death with maltreatments such as ventilators, midazolam, morphine, nil by mouth and DNR instructions, all under cover of lockdown; the second so-called Covid wave petering out when they ran out of infirm old people (the first to get the jabs) with impaired immune systems for whom the toxic jab caused almost immediate death (within days or a few weeks); then the war in Ukraine which petered out when they ran out of sacrificial Ukrainian soldiers, said by some to number around 500,000 dead.
The study will help all of us understand many aspects of what we are experiencing, including treatments that people have tried.
The study is a collaboration between React19 and the University of Maryland, Baltimore. We plan to publish the results in top research journals and through our platforms.
Many have already joined and interesting patterns have already started to come out.
However we need all your contributions to send a clear message through the scientific community! You can truly make the difference if you participate.
You do not have to take the survey in one sitting. You can start the survey and save your progress so that you can continue when you prefer.
Feel free to send us an email if you have any questions.
#Vaccinelnjuries #CovidVaccine
Thank you so much for helping to gather this knowledge!!!!
We have a congressman here in the US who killed his daughter with a covid vaxx injection--a beautiful young woman, still a teenager, I believe. He refuses to even consider the vaxx. Yep cuz teenagers drop dead from heart attacks all the time. Didn't you know?
I have always found it fascinating that with all the drugs we have on offer and are heavily pushed that we have, in essence, extraordinarily bad health.
It's a life style thing. There's a little bit of genetic luck, but it's down to eating well, exercising, sleeping well, lack of stress, and socialising with people. As in the world's 'blue zones'.
There's very often ways round medication. I'm glad antibiotics were developed; I'd probably have died from amoebic dysentery without them. I've only had them a very few times in my longish life. However, I've developed R.A. and through my own careful research, have found a way to stop my symptoms with natural digestive enzymes and supplements, and so I don't need medication. I live a normal and very active life because of that.
Vitamin C is pretty damn amazing too. See for more on using things other than medication to aid and cure illnesses.
I do tend to agree. Genetics play a large part, although it does depend on your susceptibility, this is especially seen in twins. Both have the same inheritance, both are individual, both will répond to ill health, mental, emotional and physical in their own way. Living well as you state is fundamental to health, although stress is subjective. One person’s stress is a walk in the park for someone else. The over use of medication is, in my humble opinion, quite appalling. People have been frightened in accepting medication, general practice is at an all time low. Do I blame the doctors? Not necessarily. Do I blame medical training? Hell, yes.
🤔🤔Wait until they find out about the contamination to humanity's genome.😐😐 Then wait until they find out that the shedding phenomenon from vaccinated to unvaccinated is ALSO real.😐😐🤐 #mistakeswereNOTmade #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforget #wewillnotforgive #getlocalised #conspiraciestrue
The world has been indoctrinated to love its drugs for all ailments. Honest courts? Good luck with that. Until we see big pharma and US government agency shrubs behind bars for a very long time or swinging from a gallows, nothing will change. The drug poisonings will continue en-mass. Death to billions is the end game. Get used to it.
I appreciate all of the medical professionals and journalists who are sounding the alarm and speaking out. As a collective, you have all put clarity to my questions. I am aware that we have been lied to by by the elite or ruling class through generations for their gain. The corruption runs deep and the people need to reverse course.
Schizer and Murderna's Absolute Rate Reduction were also around 1%. If trials were genuine, EUA, emergency use authorisation, would not have been granted for less than 50%.
Thanks Joel. Australians do not understand either. We even have to endure the theatre of Senators playing 'gotcha' with the TGA and 'pharma' in senate estimates. What a pantomine. My condolences for the death of your dad's wife.
Joel, are you aware of Interest of Justice’s Nuremberg trial in Costa Rica scheduled for today at 8:30 am Costa Rica time? I include a few links in this CTA, and you can find plenty more at IoJ’s Stack:
On another note, I wanted to thank you for standing up for Mike Yeadon when Robert Malone wrote that disrespectful tweet about playing tiddlywinks. I’ve just published my response and also linked to your post sharing Mike’s presentation at the Rofim event:
• “Letter to Robert Malone” (
Absolutely. I wouldn't miss Mike's testimony for the world.
Somehow I was no longer subscribing to you. I've missed so much! I will have to spend some time catching up...
Oh no—I'm glad you noticed! I have had a number of people tell me they were unsubbed without their awareness, which is very worrisome.
Thanks MAA … 📣💥and Joel . Peace ☮️🙏.
Here in the US widespread damage to health including a huge number of fatalities caused by mRNA COVID injections was evidenced early on by VAERS reports; which is exactly how the system was designed to function. The willful ignorance of politicians and government bureaucrats is bad enough but that of medical "professionals" is absolutely shameful. Now massive civil and, where appropriate, criminal liability MUST be suffered by those responsible.
Pfizer’s data in February 2021 showed 1,223 deaths and that’s just 3 months after people started getting jabbed. Add in all the thousands of injuries and it will clear that the jabs were not safe. The Pfizer jab should have been pulled right then. If we ever get to take Pfizer to court that is some damning evidence.
Everything you’ve said here is applicable in Australia, my country lost.
I never knew this before until Covid 2020. Our country has been screwed by the UN globalists and it started in earnest in the 1970s unbeknownst to me, a penal colony still like in 1788, revealing itself in real time during Covid 2020 like elsewhere in the western world.
My doctor who had put me on statins which I never liked back in 2018 and I’ve now been off them for 2 years after reading information about how poor the science was on them and high NNT figures.
I am also now an ExVaxxer after all the Covid BS and the poor EUA data on the dangerous mRNA genetic injections and after reading Turtles all the Way down and seeing movies Vaxxed and 1986 The Act et al. Everything I believed in before Covid has been ripped apart and now I question everything ie 9/11 and now know it was an inside job and now I even question the moon landing and I’m now convinced Neil Armstrong didn’t walk on the moon and it was a hoax just like my grandfather had told me back in 1972 when I argued and didn’t believe him. There was no way that flimsy lunar module could ever of landed on and then blasted off the moon to rejoin the Apollo spacecraft orbiting the moon and to do that within 7 years of the JFK announcement without first landing an unmanned lunar module on the moon to test the ability to land a man on the moon. Absolute hoax and we all believed it pre digital age. I’m still not convinced we can even travel through the Van Allen belt or how to do it safely because that would take about 45-60 mins travelling at 75K Km/hr.
Iraq WMD was a lie, 2.3 trillion$ was lost by the Pentagon as Rumsfeld announced a day before 9/11 and so this was never spoken of again.
So we should now question all history as it contains many lies because it was written by the victors, many of whom were psychopaths.
We tread the same path.
Look into the Titanic's (or whatever ship it was) insurance policy and how the federal reserve was created. This era has made me question things I accepted previously.
My long dead father in law had spondulitis something or other (calcification of the spine) and took a vast array of tablets. He had both hips replaced and a pacemaker fitted. He always maintained that he would die from the medications not the disease. I suspect he was right as he eventually developed cancer and faded away. My own father had low blood pressure all his life but his father had died of a heart attack in 1961 so, in old age, my father was put on blood pressure tablets. His father had been a chain smoker for about 50 years and was told the fags would kill him. My father never smoked. All absolute money-making rubbish - take a tablet for something you don't have and then take a tablet to counteract the first tablet then take a different tablet to balance out the second tablet.
But people have become scared of illness and terrified of death so they do as they are told in the hope of avoiding both. Funnily enough, it never works.
AZ is being set up as the fall guy. See the nonsense by Sarah Knapton in today’s Telegraph.
“In the end, the AstraZeneca vaccine just wasn’t as good as its rivals”
This is how BigPharma works. One company takes the rap for a failed drug in return for being granted first rights over the next “blockbuster”
Yep. The majority still believe this crap. No sympathy from me when they suffer the consequences.
That one guy caught on camera not standing up and clapping at Wimbledon a couple of years ago is now smiling, knowingly.
Like the guy not saluting amongst all those Nazis decades ago.
Yep, Nazis gonna Nazi. 80 years makes not much difference. They just get around more nowadays.
Yes, it's not like there are no vaccine injuries and deaths in Israel or the US where not one AZ injection was administered, is it? AZ was more dangerous in the short term, no doubt about it, but mRNA 'vaccines' are still lethal and may in fact be more harmful over the long term. As usual, the public are being played for fools and sadly many are.
Very well put. I see it the exact same way. Educated thoughtful and intelligent family and friends flat out denying obvious vaccine and other drug related injury and death. They claim I am a nut job and they are baffled - when you can actually get them to discuss the matter - they usually refuse and say they have "moved on "? When a person dies minutes after vaccination in the surgery floor they say "correlation is not causation'' ........................... it certainly is all very odd and set to get worse, I think. At some point this cognitive dam must burst. Then what?
My mum's exact words a couple of days ago!! "Covid in my view is old news now. It's been chewed over that it has become old hat." This in the context of all her friends dying of unexpected cancers... "Move on" all you like... But remain ignorant and see what happens?!
What baffles me is that anybody could be baffled by the glaringly obvious cause of many of their friends and family suddenly and unexpectedly getting badly sick and or dying since 21. One old school chum's wife sadly died in less than a year of run away cancer. She was not sixty and had always been a picture of health. When I mentioned it might .........I stress might ..... have been the vaccine and perhaps not a good idea to get a fourth shot I was, predictably, cancelled. Double sadness for me. Baffling. My mum assured me that the reason for her long life and the health of her five children was guessed it .... vaccines. We are dealing with a deeply entrenched illusion reinforced by a century of drug pusher's propaganda. Perhaps the good that can come of this disaster will be the slow realization that we have all been duped and consequent end of vaccination. I sincerely hope so. No member of my own family will ever take another and regret those we did ( largely by some form of coercion, of course ) . I was taught at school very little but they did not forget to teach me how brilliant Jenner and Pasteur were and what a boon vaccination was. No prizes for guessing why that was on the syllabus.
"Perhaps the good that can come of this disaster will be the slow realization that we have all been duped and consequent end of vaccination."
I think that is what’s happening finally. People are waking up to the fact that vaccines are harmful and that we don’t need them and especially now that we have antibiotics and other treatments that can keep us alive. Almost every pandemic was dying down before any vaccine came out and that includes the Rona one. Of course many (most?) people who died from it were actually killed (murdered?) by hospital protocols.
And it’s not only Covid that we have been lied to about. Saddam didn’t actually have WMDs? Gaddaffi wasn’t handing out viagra to his troops so they could rape women…ect. People are finally seeing that their government lies a lot.
Further to legal indemnity, Australian Senator Gerard Rennick argues with regulator Raj Bhula that the Covid injections are a gene therapy. He says this matters because the administration of a product that was not what it was sold as, to a population that is now running a 15% excess death rate as a result of “something” that happened in 2021-2022, is fraud. And fraud vitiates everything. It vitiates the contractual indemnities provided to and by the government. See
Did you know ?
In Scotland from 1 March and 31 May 2020-
'The majority (94%) of discharges to care homes in the period were admitted into hospital as an emergency'
Patients already with:
🚩Broken bones
With an avg discharge age of 81.
3,000 'COVID' deaths in care homes during this period.
Rustler does a great job on Scottish Covid statistics. I first came across him via the sadly-missed Inform Scotland blog, accusatory swan-song here:
Any further news on the homicide police investigation of Sturgeon?
Any further news on the Police Angels Covid complaint submitted to Govan Police? I can no longer access their website to see their submission.
Further to care home and hospital “Covid” deaths, here is part of a comment I recently posted on another thread:
You could show how evil these people are by making a grisly analogy between Covid and Ukraine: the first so-called Covid wave petering out when they ran out of care home and hospital victims to put to iatrogenic death with maltreatments such as ventilators, midazolam, morphine, nil by mouth and DNR instructions, all under cover of lockdown; the second so-called Covid wave petering out when they ran out of infirm old people (the first to get the jabs) with impaired immune systems for whom the toxic jab caused almost immediate death (within days or a few weeks); then the war in Ukraine which petered out when they ran out of sacrificial Ukrainian soldiers, said by some to number around 500,000 dead.
I heard Moira fell out with Police Scotland Angels and has been accused of wrecking the website ! No idea why or anything more than that.
Yes Rustler is doing a superb job !
Good to have the confirmation. They are proper psychopaths.
See new mental health report - click pandemic effects on children
Hi Everyone - REACT19 is a non-profit dedicated to helping the vaccine injured get treatment.
Recruitment is now OPEN for REACT’s patient-led research collaboration:
The study will help all of us understand many aspects of what we are experiencing, including treatments that people have tried.
The study is a collaboration between React19 and the University of Maryland, Baltimore. We plan to publish the results in top research journals and through our platforms.
Many have already joined and interesting patterns have already started to come out.
However we need all your contributions to send a clear message through the scientific community! You can truly make the difference if you participate.
You do not have to take the survey in one sitting. You can start the survey and save your progress so that you can continue when you prefer.
Feel free to send us an email if you have any questions.
#Vaccinelnjuries #CovidVaccine
Thank you so much for helping to gather this knowledge!!!!
Take good care of yourselves, and be well.
As Campbell states, only those with money in the UK (West in general) can afford justice... Pro bono notwithstanding.
We have a congressman here in the US who killed his daughter with a covid vaxx injection--a beautiful young woman, still a teenager, I believe. He refuses to even consider the vaxx. Yep cuz teenagers drop dead from heart attacks all the time. Didn't you know?
I have always found it fascinating that with all the drugs we have on offer and are heavily pushed that we have, in essence, extraordinarily bad health.
It's a life style thing. There's a little bit of genetic luck, but it's down to eating well, exercising, sleeping well, lack of stress, and socialising with people. As in the world's 'blue zones'.
There's very often ways round medication. I'm glad antibiotics were developed; I'd probably have died from amoebic dysentery without them. I've only had them a very few times in my longish life. However, I've developed R.A. and through my own careful research, have found a way to stop my symptoms with natural digestive enzymes and supplements, and so I don't need medication. I live a normal and very active life because of that.
Vitamin C is pretty damn amazing too. See for more on using things other than medication to aid and cure illnesses.
I do tend to agree. Genetics play a large part, although it does depend on your susceptibility, this is especially seen in twins. Both have the same inheritance, both are individual, both will répond to ill health, mental, emotional and physical in their own way. Living well as you state is fundamental to health, although stress is subjective. One person’s stress is a walk in the park for someone else. The over use of medication is, in my humble opinion, quite appalling. People have been frightened in accepting medication, general practice is at an all time low. Do I blame the doctors? Not necessarily. Do I blame medical training? Hell, yes.
🤔🤔Wait until they find out about the contamination to humanity's genome.😐😐 Then wait until they find out that the shedding phenomenon from vaccinated to unvaccinated is ALSO real.😐😐🤐 #mistakeswereNOTmade #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforget #wewillnotforgive #getlocalised #conspiraciestrue
The world has been indoctrinated to love its drugs for all ailments. Honest courts? Good luck with that. Until we see big pharma and US government agency shrubs behind bars for a very long time or swinging from a gallows, nothing will change. The drug poisonings will continue en-mass. Death to billions is the end game. Get used to it.
I appreciate all of the medical professionals and journalists who are sounding the alarm and speaking out. As a collective, you have all put clarity to my questions. I am aware that we have been lied to by by the elite or ruling class through generations for their gain. The corruption runs deep and the people need to reverse course.
Schizer and Murderna's Absolute Rate Reduction were also around 1%. If trials were genuine, EUA, emergency use authorisation, would not have been granted for less than 50%.
Thanks Joel. Australians do not understand either. We even have to endure the theatre of Senators playing 'gotcha' with the TGA and 'pharma' in senate estimates. What a pantomine. My condolences for the death of your dad's wife.
I recently wrote an article about the danger of 'placebo wins' which may resonate. Best wishes mate.