Of course, they knew of the terrible harm and deaths these jabs would bring about. The FDA wanted the data kept secret for 75 years....a 'wonderful way to end a 'pandemic'....the 'safe and effective' jabs. Surely they'd want that 'miracle of science' emblazoned for time immemorial. The payments/bribes distributed across the globe were/are colossal. The sacrificed have no meaningful redress, but these evil entities in governments and corporations must be hounded month on month, year on year, with the already amassed evidence, and more being produced on a daily basis (we likely all know of a relative, friend or neighbours who are victims).

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omurderneverso profitable

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.....'they' seem very comfortable with it, now and historically.

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I would say they knew by Spring, 2021 because by then VAERS was already off the charts. Surely they didn't just completely ignore VAERS or pretend it didn't exist. They KNEW early on, but they chose to ignore it.

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As others have said, the amount of loot being used to bribe not only the FDA, but the CDC cannot be described in any other way but "colossal." And yet, I have no doubt that no redress will be offered and no person responsible will be punished. The system is fully captured by the likes of Pfizer.

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Well done for getting the data. A friend had post menopausal bleeding early on but i know it wouldnt have been reported. They are still trying though ...nasal covid with potential cancerous side effects coming through the pipeline ....the whole thing has to stop. Https://geoffpain.substack.com/p/centreville-student-supervisors-make-GMO-live-Covid19-virus-tuned-to-replicate-in-humans

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Yep. They didn't want to create "hesitancy" by telling the truth. Seriously? They created way more "hesitancy" by lying. I truly believe if everything would have been on the up and up and they would have admitted to the public, "oopsie, we made a mistake!" and pulled these off the market, most people would still trust "vaccines". But, I don't know anyone anymore in my circle that will *ever* take another "vaccine" after this. A grade school aged child could have figured this out!

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Was the FDA ever going to tell Pig Pharma to go f**k themselves? No way. Not when the monster known a Pig Pharma is pulling your strings.

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Pfizer knew right out of the box with their trials, tried to keep that hidden for 75 years

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And this is just the tip of the iceberg. What about slower, long term effects? Turbo-cancers? Depression? My brilliant high school valedictorian 19 year old son who had ZERO need to get the "vaccine" was terrified into taking it anyway. Result? Worsening depression with each injection, ending in suicide. There must be accountability and justice for the monsters who inflicted this genocide on us.

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I am so sorry for your loss. Yes, there must be accountability both for your son and others, especially young people. Just devastating for you, I am sure.

All the very best to you and your family. Again, my heart goes out to you and yours.

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I look forward to seeing a comprehensive analysis of this data.

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The 80th anniversary of the start of water fluoridation in Grand Rapids, Michigan was a few days ago. As with the Pfizer jabs, the deep state oligarchy knew very quickly that it was causing harm. But they said to each other a phrase that will always always, always be repeated: "We've told them it's safe and effective, and we won't go back on that now."

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Its obvious FDA is a political and not a valid scientific organization. However, it is valuable to have this irrefutable proof.

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The FDA have been consistently admitting they didn't actually know if they would reduce transmission as promise by things like Fauxi.


Q: If a person has received the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine or Comirnaty, will the vaccine protect against transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from individuals who are infected despite vaccination?

A: Most vaccines that protect from viral illnesses also reduce transmission of the virus that causes the disease by those who are vaccinated. While it is hoped this will be the case, the scientific community does not yet know if the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine or Comirnaty will reduce such transmission.



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samein uk 2021

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Does Steve Cherry know about this?

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This data skews heavily against Janssen. I have doubts as to its fidelity re Moderna or Pfizer.

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The poor have no lawyers.

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