Increasing sunshine is very healthy, healthier than taking ANY big pharma drug poisons. Bring it on. As far as the global warming freaks go, they can go suck on a chemtrail.

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hysterical crix

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Don't suck on a chemtrail; you probably get too much aluminum, and perhaps barium, already.

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Yes vitamin D from sunshine is very good. Though of course due to the hole in the ozone it can contribute to skin damage and cancer, as well as global warming.

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There is no doubt that the earth experience changes in climate in cycles every few hundred years or so…

How else would explain frozen mammoths in Yukon northern Canada?

What people need to get through their thick skulls is that we have nothing to do with those climate changes and can’t do anything about it…

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Exactly right Thomas!.. Pull out ANY old old maps that show where water was then,..is Land Now,..Where land was Then , water now!!!.. Don’t have to have but a few Brain cells to figure that out!.The earth is is the earth ,,.constantly changes as Nature Does, constantly since begging for time. Only thing that is different now is all the Brainiac Polluting Scientists with the minds of Hitler Regime wanting to destroy and kill everything for the name of Bull crap made up science

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Adaptation is the key...Dr. William Kellogg of the Aspen Institute

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Crustal shift? Impact event?

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I don’t think anybody knows…

If you look at the fundamental laws of physics; thermodynamics and quantum mechanics etc. it’s mind boggling…

Let’s not forget the amazing resilience in nature…

Scientists are clueless…

The earth is now 5% greener than 20 years ago… Nobody can experimentally prove it why… But they will take funding if there is a someone naive to pay..

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What you say is correct, we can't do anything about these cycles! That is not to say that what we do doesn't affect the climate.

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Gave a talk on The Greenhouse Effect in the early 1990's. I showed that with reasoned housing envelope work, energy use could be reduced by up to 50%. No crisis. In fact back then I showed that such energy savings could possibly allow us to shutter every nuclear power plant in the US.

Didn't make me popular with the nukers from Los Alamos and Sandia Labs who were pushing new nuclear power plant construction as the "solution". Hasn't really changed with the insane new EV only vehicles overloading the grid.

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Very good ideas, Stephen.

Too had people are rarely interested in common sense solutions that contradict their biases and financial interests.

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Unless it's geoengineering though right, then we do affect the climate?

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Yeah right, we are in the middle of an ice age. WEF your way out of that one globalist pig dogs!

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Globalist pig dog! I come here for a laugh. We're in the middle of an ice age?? Well actually we're in an interglacial period and should be heading back into an ice age- except that we're not, due to all the warming.

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We are only 65k years overdue, a raindrop of time... I like your comment though, I just can't like it for some reason. My likes are not good round here... I think Substack has been overtaken by the aforementioned G. pig dogs.

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But all the politicians want to tax you, regulate you, sell carbon shares to you, sponge every nickel from your bank account, force you to buy, and drive worthless, yet expensive ‘EV’s’

Force you to live in a fifteen minute town, go anywhere, as long as you’re back in fifteen minutes, or less!

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Yes they clearly are wanting to do this as politicians invest heavily in new fossil fuel pipelines and support animal ag to the tune of $billions.

You show how easily people on social media can be fooled. If you’re not careful you’ll fall for the fake threat of ‘globalists’ /’One World Government’/’Davos aligned forces’ wanting to force you to eat bugs and force you into 15 minute cities that was purposefully created by the anti-renewables, anti-regulation, free-market loving, Imperialist, powerful fossil fuel and animal ag/pharma industries owned by the 1% elites.


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CO2 is to climate as face masks were to covid.

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Indeed. There are a lot of similarities with the Covid scam. With the same people wishing to lock / control the population, whilst at the same time reducing it.

Their weapons are Covid, climate change and digital currency.

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And the science is just as shitty.

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The same people. Interesting. It was pharma for covid. The WEF had nothing to do with it.

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There is nothing that the left believes in that is factually true.

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You actually made me laugh out loud. There seems to be very political bias to your comment not a scientific debate.

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All good humor has an element of truth in it.

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The Sun is shining much stronger as there is a constant nonstop geoengineering in the Sky slowly erasing the ozone layer and hiding the Sun or blocking the Sun with heavy artificial cloud layer. So when the Sun is shining but is blocked then the heat rises up, sits there in one of the layers of the atmosphere and then once the heavy clouds are gone, it just is extremely warm and Sun is burning.

If you check the weather for any town in USA or the world , you will see : "Mostly cloudy" "party cloud", "rain, thunderstorms" 90% of the days and then 1-2 days of clear Sun. Or you can just look up at the Sky and see it all in front of your very eyes. Do not need to even read a single article!

Geoengineering has to be stopped if we want to continue living on this Planet. Yes, I agree Co2 is a hoax but we do need to talk about the real issue here!





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I remember times when there was one substantial hole in the ozone layer, around 1990, and it was a big news..

The biggest contribution was from cutting Amazon forest...for extensive farming. From that time onwards the exploatation is event bigger. So I believe that blocking of the sunrays, specialy in urban areas is used for maintainig the illusion that "everything is all right" as Long as possible. And continue to exploit

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I was lead to believe thatbthe ozone hole was caused by cfc's from old fridges etc

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But Joel, the climate scam is financing a LOT of research at this point and servicing a LOT of virtue signaling as well. As such, as this data and proof of which you speak is irrelevant. J/K

What I find even more shocking, even considering the bombshell you just dropped is this. CO2 is NOT a pollutant. It is a necessary substrate for plants to thrive. Trees, especially, benefit from CO2 levels rising. Take away all the CO2 and we are heading for the type of ELE that the climate scammers claim will happen if CO2 levels get too high. What the hell is wrong with people? (Or am I confused?)

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Geophys Res Lett. 2022 Jul 16; 49(13): e2022GL099381. 

Published online 2022 Jul 1. doi: 10.1029/2022GL099381

PMCID: PMC9285945

PMID: 35865735

The Hunga Tonga‐Hunga Ha'apai Hydration of the Stratosphere

L. Millán, 1 M. L. Santee, 1 A. Lambert, 1 N. J. Livesey, 1 F. Werner, 1 M. J. Schwartz, 1 H. C. Pumphrey, 2 G. L. Manney, 3 , 4 Y. Wang, 1 , 5 H. Su, 1 L. Wu, 1 W. G. Read, 1 and L. Froidevaux 1


Following the 15 January 2022 Hunga Tonga‐Hunga Ha'apai eruption, several trace gases measured by the Aura Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) displayed anomalous stratospheric values. Trajectories and radiance simulations confirm that the H2O, SO2, and HCl enhancements were injected by the eruption. In comparison with those from previous eruptions, the SO2 and HCl mass injections were unexceptional, although they reached higher altitudes. In contrast, the H2O injection was unprecedented in both magnitude (far exceeding any previous values in the 17‐year MLS record) and altitude (penetrating into the mesosphere). We estimate the mass of H2O injected into the stratosphere to be 146 ± 5 Tg, or ∼10% of the stratospheric burden. It may take several years for the H2O plume to dissipate. This eruption could impact climate not through surface cooling due to sulfate aerosols, but rather through surface warming due to the radiative forcing from the excess stratospheric H2O.




Water vapor in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS) plays an influential role in determining the Earth’s climate. Even small variations in the abundance of UTLS water vapor can significantly modulate the flux of outgoing long-wave radiation, prompting responsive changes in global surface temperatures. Solomon et al. [2010] demonstrated that the rapid 10% drop in UTLS water vapor near the end of 2000 [Randel et al., 2006] reduced the global surface warming from long-lived greenhouse gases and aerosols by 25% during 2000–2009. This sensitive connection with climate dictates that UTLS water vapor be closely monitored for changes, especially those that may result from our warming planet.

Historic and contemporary discrepancies between stratospheric water vapor measurements by a number of balloon-, aircraft-, and satellite-based instruments impede our ability to accurately quantify the radiative effects of variations in UTLS water vapor. Weinstock et al. [2009]

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Be careful, was it funded by Billy the butcher Gates?

This would be the sort of study he wants so he can block the sun

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Probably why they are going all out to geoengineer more cloud cover. 🤦🏻

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Could have this changes in cloudiness possibly be caused by an increase in chemtrails?

"there is no validated physical mechanism that led to the declining TOA shortwave emission and to the cloudiness change around the year 2000", the study says

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absolutely caused by chemtrails!

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Pollution (and chemtrails are part of this) do affect cloud formation as well as causing cooling themselves.

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The West Coast of Canada has had a cooler and dryer climate so far this year. Gardens are slow, and planting out has only barely become possible in the past week.

Anecdotal evidence is all I can offer. The Pacific Ocean surface temperatures in this region are quite "Normal" for this time of year in spite of changes to the atmospheric circulation changes. About 11 degrees Celsius .

There are no reliable weather or climate records more than 200 years old....! Only China and Japan kept records before that, and those people had no thermometers?

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The " study" this crap is based on is from "data" from NASA.. and if anyone at this stage of the game believes anything from NASA they have a lot of catching up to do.

Also, their are no coincidences in life.


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To summarise: the climate system is a dynamic, chaotic, non-linear system of interaction between multiple, natural, changing variables making it impossible to understand completely past changes or predict future ones, or for Mankind’s puny efforts to have any observable affect. D

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The grandest deception of the history of all mankind, from its inception.

Any working man could have told you, instead of girly man snake oil salesmen!

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We can only connect with nature/the universe (i.e. be in harmony with its vibrations), never will we be able to control it. Anyone who thinks they can will inevitably fail in their attempt to play God.

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I tripped over "climate change" during my plandemic research. I've kept a log of my finding just FYI!


Big elephants:

*14 is the new 15 degrees C

*IPCC ToR ONLY look for man-made climate change, ignoring eveything else

*scientists consensus !

* computer modelling

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Hmmm. It's always sunnier on days with less clouds. Therefore, more sun causes less clouds. Which makes as much sense as the rest of the climate nonsense.

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And don’t forget, wet pavements make rain.

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