Well done again Doug. They're not listening. They can't listen. They're too wrapped up in their own anti-science fantasies to realise the absurdity of the claim that all warming of the planet since 1850 has been caused by the accumulation of man-made emissions of CO2 and other gases and that nature has played no significant role whatsoever. They just suck up the pseudoscientific nonsense being plied by the BBC for instance on behalf of fraudulent outfits like World Weather Attribution (based at Imperial College London), the latest of which is that the California wildfires were made 35% more likely because industrial greenhouse gas 'pollution' since 1850 has driven all of the 1.2C rise in global mean surface temperature since then! It's absurdity built upon sheer nonsense, but they fall for it every time.
It's the Sun of course - that great big ball of thermonuclear power (yes, nuclear fusion IS real!) on earth's doorstep - which drives virtually all climate and weather related activity on the planet, with the possible exception of some internal heat from the core. Its influence is mediated of course by the vastly complex ocean-atmosphere system, which nobody understands except Just Stop Oil protestors and politicians!
Thanks again for posting Joel. I’m not sure can keep this up for much longer! I’ve said it all a dozen times before but still things keep going from bad to worse.
What a wrecking ball of an email Douglas!! 5 stars!! Criticism of our MPs overlords who are really calling the shots will NOT be tolerated in Scotland.
It's said that the darkest hour is just before dawn. I'm fairly sure your MSP will dismiss your letter out of hand as you are a weel-kent member of a 'merry band of online contrarians' (as someone once called me for sharing my non-approved views).
Please keep up the good work - the dam will burst eventually.
Hi Douglas … for what it’s worth, your letters/emails or just general contribution to the battle against overwhelming global tyranny and climate bullshittery are more valuable than you may think, in much the same way as memes and humour have worked over the past few years to beat back the tide of wokeism and other leftist cultural vandalism.
For those of us in the fight to some small extent, the information that you and others like Jaime provide with your ‘stacks is indispensable … as here in Australia where we’re similarly beset by a dastardly uni party hellbent on selling the energy and economic future of this country down the shitter under the guise of appeasing their WEF and UN overlords’ net zero clown show. The only thing that’s going to wake people up is real, defensible information that matches what they refuse to see with their own eyes and you’re in the vanguard of that movement. Excelsior.
Splendid. The rainbow brigade here in the Netherlands has declared the center of Amsterdam a zero emission zone as of Jan 1st this year. The craftsmen, plumbers, electricians etc. need to swap their tools to a handcart at the edge of town. This has been seriously proposed by the completely deranged council of Amsterdam. So glad I moved out to the countryside.
Similar rules were introduced in Eindhoven. The towns' website proudly mentions that Eindhoven is targeted to be a 15 minutes city.
I kid you not.
And we have an 'extreme rightwing' government according to some.
Of course his MP hasn't replied. In my experience they never do reply or they simply get the intern to reply by cutting and pasting some press release which states you are wrong!
MPs in safe seats have no incentive to reply because they know they will keep their seat at the next election come what may. MPs in unsafe seats have no incentive to reply because they know it might make them seem like a rebel if they get involved in a "controversial" subject.
Maybe we should all be writing to the head of BP or Shell, suggesting they might like to grow a pair, man up and shout down the climate nonsense? The heads of industry need to be dining with politicians and pointing out the damage Net Zero is actually doing and I really don't understand why they aren't.
Because more fossil fuels are being used to build the so called green agenda which they know can't work. As it states in the email, even with all renewables, fossil fuel usage remains at same levels.
Naively I sort of hoped BP might remember the B in its name stands for British and Shell might remember the British part of its organisation! Fossil fuel usage remains the same around the world but we don't use coal do we? We don't have any proper heavy industry any more do we? We have simply moved it all offshore.
That paper has more holes than a cheese grater. I worked in aviation in this country in a compliance role. The ex Brig General, claiming a QANTAS jet is spraying. He is supposed to be an airlift and airworthiness expert and a consultant on compliance to Boeing. In Australia, you can't engineer parts to an aircraft unless signed off by a number of engineers and tested for airworthiness to meet CASA requirements. If it is not part of the original design, the manufacturer gets a final say for warranty and insurance. The makers of aircraft are not dumb, they won't approve anything that is outside of the design spec. The General produces no evidence the QANTAS plane has been kitted out to spray anything. There are a dozen other claims easily refuted because the authors failed to research and obtain evidence to prove their claims. The reviewers also failed in their due diligence by not checking the claims against available evidence. Of which there is plenty. Ask yourself this, would a company like Transdyme allow an employee to put this out potentially damaging its reputation and business contracts with the US Government, DOD and airline industry partners? Not a chance in hell, this paper reeks.
C19 was more than a scam, that is well evidenced. I heard POTUS's comments about resettling the arabs from Palestine, no Arab country wants them, the same countries that POTUS is trying to palm them off on refused to open the borders when the war broke out, simply because every time they let them in, they did what they are doing in the place they are supposed to call home. That deal is dead before it even hit the airwaves. Nothing will change their unless Hamas and their backers neutered.
Bovaer, that is being put in dairy milk in most G20 countries by the mass producers. In Australia, the big chains were forced to back pedal on their selling it. All the smaller producers quickly went viral telling punters they could buy their milk and other produce knowing its not in them. Not seen the Rand report, got a link for that please. Yea the Ecomarxist globalist mafia is the gift that keeps on giving. Yep, on it goes.
The Rand report "over extending Russia was widely available online, it's basically a playbook of the last two years of Russia and Ukraine, it's a complex puzzle but I think part of the agenda was to decouple the EU from Russian fixed tariff energy and collapse the EU economy (that's happening) and the USA is making a killing out of selling expensive LNG to the EU (that's happening) and using Ukraine as a means to over extend and collapse Russia (regime change) and asset strip both (Ukraine will be and Russia is not there yet)🤝
Careful! Even some of my subscribers might accuse you of being a tin-foil hat wearing, conspiracy theorist!! But, you're probably right on all accounts, apart from the first, but I'm speculating.
The first one is the Big Truth Bomba! I study and worked in physics; I shied away from nuclear bomb research -- I smelled a rat -- wasn't until I was 60 when I saw the rat! Nuclear bomb hoax is a great case study, the trillions of dollars spent, the hundreds of thousands who worked on the "bomb", the tight secrecy and the scripting of the global media, the fear, the intimidation.
The formula is the same - tell a worldwide scary story then "spend" trillions of dollars to 'fix" the "problem". How do you give a worldwide fiat currency value? you back it with worldwide lies.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were fire bombed for months before the supposed drop of the atomic bomb. Those two cities were burned to ashes by napalm dropped from thousands of bombers. 60 cities in Japan were burned to the ground by fire bombing during World War II. The damage done to Nagasaki and Hiroshima is exactly the same as the damage done to other cities burned to the ground by fire bombing. people complain about censorship on X, Facebook, YouTube. But they don’t know what censorship is. For the entire 20th century, the mainstream media was absolutely totally controlled. The 20th century was a century of extremely brainwashed sick people. I pray to God that we never go back to that again, and I don’t think we will at this point. God bless you all. I love you all.
Some of us have been involved with nuclear power & others have been unfortunate enough to know people who got seriously injured or killed while working with plutonium or assembling thermonuclear bomb cores incorrectly for example. Even China & India have been putting hardware on the moon recently.
Great letter! Keep punching away. Eventually enough of your fellow citizens will wake up to the idiocy of UK leadership and join forces to vote in a “Make Britain Great Again” party. We will be watching and praying.
Agreed, Canadian here, I think we're maybe a step or behind the UK in this ridiculousness. Not sure the other half of our Uniparty will change anything, or enough, but I do hope we get to find out sooner than later.
It is pointless to convince MPs, they are a public relations front for the truly powerful.
A convenient scapegoat to channel the anger of the populace into a bottleneck where it will achieve nothing.
The actual solution to this issue is to ride on the wave of incompetence.
Nationwide Blackouts?
Start a business selling methods to achieve energy independence.
Sell the idea that reliance on the national grid is a weakness that greedy corporations can exploit to raise energy prices.
There is then no need for politicians to be convinced, they will be forced to accept that the public are abandoning ship on them, and will change course to save their corporate sponsors.
It becomes very scary at about 30 min. We must prepare for a healthcare system run by AI, resembling a Minority Report-style healthcare based on what an AI-driven robot doctor determines our mental state predicts. And there seems not much we can do to stop this dreaded thing! https://tomrenz.substack.com/p/ai-healthcare-and-the-end-of-freedom?
The problem with these moron MPs is they don't care what we say and how much we say it. None of them. Yes they can be voted out only to be replaced with another useful (useless) idiot.
Brilliant letter however and your sarcasm Doug is top notch.
My MP is one of the 72 LibDems that support the CAN Bill. I wrote to her challenging her views on CAN Bill and on Climate Change generally. She wrote back saying 'My support for this bill is driven by the urgent need to tackle climate change, which I, along with my Liberal Democrat colleagues, consider to be an existential threat.'
I'm convinced she believes this extreme nonsense. We are ruled by idiots, grifters and superstitious morons.
I told him the science wasn't settled and asked him not to support the lunatic Climate and Nature Bill. This was his reply. Might as well have not bothered.
"Good afternoon,
Thank you for contacting me about the Climate and Nature Bill.
I fully recognise the scale and urgency of the climate and nature crisis. Last year was the hottest on record, the first to pass 1.5°C above the pre-industrial average. We have seen, both at home and abroad, numerous instances of extreme weather that has been exacerbated by climate change. We also face the threat of biodiversity loss, with one million species facing extinction and wildlife populations having fallen 69% since 1970.
I therefore appreciate the spirit and aims of the Climate and Nature Bill and pay tribute to Zero Hour and those who have campaigned for the Bill.
It is important that we integrate climate and nature objectives. At the same time, I believe it is important to recognise the legally binding targets we already have in place under the Climate Change and Environment Acts and to focus on delivering these, rather than unnecessary additional legislation.
I welcome that since coming to office, the current Government has already introduced a world-leading agenda on climate and nature action, making rapid progress and overturning the legacy of the previous Government, which left the country as the Climate Change Committee confirmed last July, off track to meet our climate goals.
I welcome, for example, the Government’s ambitious mission to make Britain a clean energy superpower – delivering clean power by 2030 and accelerating to net zero across the economy. I also support the commitments it has made toward our natural environment, including halting the decline of British species by 2030 and developing a new, statutory plan to protect and restore our natural environment, with delivery to meet each of our Environment Act targets.
As you may know, the Climate and Nature Bill was not pushed to a vote on 24 January. I am pleased that instead the Government and the Bill’s sponsors were able to come to agreement on taking forward the spirit and substance of the Bill, including strengthening action on nature; having an annual climate and nature statement to Parliament and the country; and having greater public participation on these issues.
I welcome that the Government continue to engage so we can make a real and meaningful difference to climate and nature in this country.
Thank you once again for contacting me about this crucial issue.
Well done Jaime for trying, and for demonstrating that if they reply at all, they just fob you off with utter BS. I’ve had so many replies just like that over the years, before I started accusing them of treason and crimes against humanity when they clammed up completely.
Look how glibly they trot out the line “Last year was the hottest on record” after all our efforts (especially yours) to debunk the false propaganda that this was due to man-made CO2. Search for “Hunga Tonga” in https://jaimejessop.substack.com/ to pick out your many posts on the subject.
At least your MP (Labour) didn’t publicly support the Climate and Nature Bill. I believe Starmer ordered his MPs not to vote for it because he didn’t want to “scare the horses” too much.
I assert in my post that MPs who support the Net Zero agenda are knowingly or unknowingly behaving treasonably. Ben Rubin of UK Column has just (too late for my post) published a very good post on how the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals are a public/private fascist scam to accrue power and wealth to the global top 1%, primarily through weaponising “climate change”. So their treason is to use Net Zero to ruin the 99% of the global general public for the benefit of the global top 1%: https://riseuk.substack.com/p/the-sustainable-development-scam.
Will Donald Trump’s evisceration of the climate change hoax in the USA be enough to stop them in their tracks?
Well done again Doug. They're not listening. They can't listen. They're too wrapped up in their own anti-science fantasies to realise the absurdity of the claim that all warming of the planet since 1850 has been caused by the accumulation of man-made emissions of CO2 and other gases and that nature has played no significant role whatsoever. They just suck up the pseudoscientific nonsense being plied by the BBC for instance on behalf of fraudulent outfits like World Weather Attribution (based at Imperial College London), the latest of which is that the California wildfires were made 35% more likely because industrial greenhouse gas 'pollution' since 1850 has driven all of the 1.2C rise in global mean surface temperature since then! It's absurdity built upon sheer nonsense, but they fall for it every time.
It's the Sun of course - that great big ball of thermonuclear power (yes, nuclear fusion IS real!) on earth's doorstep - which drives virtually all climate and weather related activity on the planet, with the possible exception of some internal heat from the core. Its influence is mediated of course by the vastly complex ocean-atmosphere system, which nobody understands except Just Stop Oil protestors and politicians!
Thanks again for posting Joel. I’m not sure can keep this up for much longer! I’ve said it all a dozen times before but still things keep going from bad to worse.
The only glimpse of hope on the horizon is Trump’s dramatic dismantling of the deep state: https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/baptism-of-fire-tuesday-january-28.
What a wrecking ball of an email Douglas!! 5 stars!! Criticism of our MPs overlords who are really calling the shots will NOT be tolerated in Scotland.
Also see- https://substack.com/@scottishcovidinquiry/note/c-86931935
The real conspiracy theorists of our time?
It's said that the darkest hour is just before dawn. I'm fairly sure your MSP will dismiss your letter out of hand as you are a weel-kent member of a 'merry band of online contrarians' (as someone once called me for sharing my non-approved views).
Please keep up the good work - the dam will burst eventually.
Hi Douglas … for what it’s worth, your letters/emails or just general contribution to the battle against overwhelming global tyranny and climate bullshittery are more valuable than you may think, in much the same way as memes and humour have worked over the past few years to beat back the tide of wokeism and other leftist cultural vandalism.
For those of us in the fight to some small extent, the information that you and others like Jaime provide with your ‘stacks is indispensable … as here in Australia where we’re similarly beset by a dastardly uni party hellbent on selling the energy and economic future of this country down the shitter under the guise of appeasing their WEF and UN overlords’ net zero clown show. The only thing that’s going to wake people up is real, defensible information that matches what they refuse to see with their own eyes and you’re in the vanguard of that movement. Excelsior.
I hope you don't really believe in Trump or any politician. They are simply another layer of BS for people to waste their time writing letters etc.
But I'm pretty sure you already know that.
Splendid. The rainbow brigade here in the Netherlands has declared the center of Amsterdam a zero emission zone as of Jan 1st this year. The craftsmen, plumbers, electricians etc. need to swap their tools to a handcart at the edge of town. This has been seriously proposed by the completely deranged council of Amsterdam. So glad I moved out to the countryside.
Similar rules were introduced in Eindhoven. The towns' website proudly mentions that Eindhoven is targeted to be a 15 minutes city.
I kid you not.
And we have an 'extreme rightwing' government according to some.
Another excellent rant there from Mr Brodie!
Of course his MP hasn't replied. In my experience they never do reply or they simply get the intern to reply by cutting and pasting some press release which states you are wrong!
MPs in safe seats have no incentive to reply because they know they will keep their seat at the next election come what may. MPs in unsafe seats have no incentive to reply because they know it might make them seem like a rebel if they get involved in a "controversial" subject.
Maybe we should all be writing to the head of BP or Shell, suggesting they might like to grow a pair, man up and shout down the climate nonsense? The heads of industry need to be dining with politicians and pointing out the damage Net Zero is actually doing and I really don't understand why they aren't.
Because more fossil fuels are being used to build the so called green agenda which they know can't work. As it states in the email, even with all renewables, fossil fuel usage remains at same levels.
Naively I sort of hoped BP might remember the B in its name stands for British and Shell might remember the British part of its organisation! Fossil fuel usage remains the same around the world but we don't use coal do we? We don't have any proper heavy industry any more do we? We have simply moved it all offshore.
Interesting paper: California wildfires: role of undisclosed atmospheric manipulation and geoengineering JGEESI.44148
LA is in the pipeline to be a smart city and the Olympics are being held there and a whole bunch of it conveniently burnt to the ground🤔
In the UK older homes will be made valueless if they cannot be bought up to the required EPC standard once it's fully rolled out.
We are being asset stripped and fuked over on a truly grand scale🍻🏁
That paper has more holes than a cheese grater. I worked in aviation in this country in a compliance role. The ex Brig General, claiming a QANTAS jet is spraying. He is supposed to be an airlift and airworthiness expert and a consultant on compliance to Boeing. In Australia, you can't engineer parts to an aircraft unless signed off by a number of engineers and tested for airworthiness to meet CASA requirements. If it is not part of the original design, the manufacturer gets a final say for warranty and insurance. The makers of aircraft are not dumb, they won't approve anything that is outside of the design spec. The General produces no evidence the QANTAS plane has been kitted out to spray anything. There are a dozen other claims easily refuted because the authors failed to research and obtain evidence to prove their claims. The reviewers also failed in their due diligence by not checking the claims against available evidence. Of which there is plenty. Ask yourself this, would a company like Transdyme allow an employee to put this out potentially damaging its reputation and business contracts with the US Government, DOD and airline industry partners? Not a chance in hell, this paper reeks.
The paper as you say may be suspect but so is everything else.
C19 was a scam and I doubt the narrative on "wild fires" being the main cause in LA and Lahaina.
Trump has said that all Palestinians should be resettled and not in Palestine which is convenient for his backers.
In the UK they have come up with "Bovaer" which oddly coincides with a projected 50% decrease in dairy and meat consumption.
Then there is the "Rand report: over extending Russia" which is regime change by publication.
And on it goes🚀🤝
C19 was more than a scam, that is well evidenced. I heard POTUS's comments about resettling the arabs from Palestine, no Arab country wants them, the same countries that POTUS is trying to palm them off on refused to open the borders when the war broke out, simply because every time they let them in, they did what they are doing in the place they are supposed to call home. That deal is dead before it even hit the airwaves. Nothing will change their unless Hamas and their backers neutered.
Bovaer, that is being put in dairy milk in most G20 countries by the mass producers. In Australia, the big chains were forced to back pedal on their selling it. All the smaller producers quickly went viral telling punters they could buy their milk and other produce knowing its not in them. Not seen the Rand report, got a link for that please. Yea the Ecomarxist globalist mafia is the gift that keeps on giving. Yep, on it goes.
The Rand report "over extending Russia was widely available online, it's basically a playbook of the last two years of Russia and Ukraine, it's a complex puzzle but I think part of the agenda was to decouple the EU from Russian fixed tariff energy and collapse the EU economy (that's happening) and the USA is making a killing out of selling expensive LNG to the EU (that's happening) and using Ukraine as a means to over extend and collapse Russia (regime change) and asset strip both (Ukraine will be and Russia is not there yet)🤝
I am so F*CKING tired of trillion dollar junk science. An incomplete list, in chronological order :
Atomic bombs - total fu!!ing lie, nuclear explosions have never happened and never will;
Moon landing - utter nonsense and everyone fucking knows it;
C02 driven climate change - bullshit and more people are seeing through the utter nonsense;
Viruses - DNA/RNA never extracted from sick, injected into healthy to transfer the illness;
vaccines - cannot work against fake viruses, just filled with toxins to make man sick;
Science is not the study of nature; it's just gay money Magik, nothing more, nothing less.
Careful! Even some of my subscribers might accuse you of being a tin-foil hat wearing, conspiracy theorist!! But, you're probably right on all accounts, apart from the first, but I'm speculating.
The first one is the Big Truth Bomba! I study and worked in physics; I shied away from nuclear bomb research -- I smelled a rat -- wasn't until I was 60 when I saw the rat! Nuclear bomb hoax is a great case study, the trillions of dollars spent, the hundreds of thousands who worked on the "bomb", the tight secrecy and the scripting of the global media, the fear, the intimidation.
The formula is the same - tell a worldwide scary story then "spend" trillions of dollars to 'fix" the "problem". How do you give a worldwide fiat currency value? you back it with worldwide lies.
So what exploded in Hiroshima then?
Hiroshima is the big tell, no different to any mass fire bombings.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were fire bombed for months before the supposed drop of the atomic bomb. Those two cities were burned to ashes by napalm dropped from thousands of bombers. 60 cities in Japan were burned to the ground by fire bombing during World War II. The damage done to Nagasaki and Hiroshima is exactly the same as the damage done to other cities burned to the ground by fire bombing. people complain about censorship on X, Facebook, YouTube. But they don’t know what censorship is. For the entire 20th century, the mainstream media was absolutely totally controlled. The 20th century was a century of extremely brainwashed sick people. I pray to God that we never go back to that again, and I don’t think we will at this point. God bless you all. I love you all.
Some of us have been involved with nuclear power & others have been unfortunate enough to know people who got seriously injured or killed while working with plutonium or assembling thermonuclear bomb cores incorrectly for example. Even China & India have been putting hardware on the moon recently.
Nuclear power is real. Radioactivity is real. Explosive nuclear reactions are fake. It is impossible to make radioactive material explode.
Bravo this👍👍👍👍👍
Great letter! Keep punching away. Eventually enough of your fellow citizens will wake up to the idiocy of UK leadership and join forces to vote in a “Make Britain Great Again” party. We will be watching and praying.
A well reasoned and written wake up call to the UniParty supporting public, globally. Thank you!
Agreed, Canadian here, I think we're maybe a step or behind the UK in this ridiculousness. Not sure the other half of our Uniparty will change anything, or enough, but I do hope we get to find out sooner than later.
Climate change is REAL! About as real as Unicorns, Mermaids, Leprechauns and Honest Politicians!
It is pointless to convince MPs, they are a public relations front for the truly powerful.
A convenient scapegoat to channel the anger of the populace into a bottleneck where it will achieve nothing.
The actual solution to this issue is to ride on the wave of incompetence.
Nationwide Blackouts?
Start a business selling methods to achieve energy independence.
Sell the idea that reliance on the national grid is a weakness that greedy corporations can exploit to raise energy prices.
There is then no need for politicians to be convinced, they will be forced to accept that the public are abandoning ship on them, and will change course to save their corporate sponsors.
It becomes very scary at about 30 min. We must prepare for a healthcare system run by AI, resembling a Minority Report-style healthcare based on what an AI-driven robot doctor determines our mental state predicts. And there seems not much we can do to stop this dreaded thing! https://tomrenz.substack.com/p/ai-healthcare-and-the-end-of-freedom?
Posting here in the USA! Thank you! 1-28-25 Scotland: 🏴 “Dead Man Talking: Climate Change and the Corruption of Science” https://open.substack.com/pub/metatron/p/climate-change-and-the-corruption-494
The problem with these moron MPs is they don't care what we say and how much we say it. None of them. Yes they can be voted out only to be replaced with another useful (useless) idiot.
Brilliant letter however and your sarcasm Doug is top notch.
My MP is one of the 72 LibDems that support the CAN Bill. I wrote to her challenging her views on CAN Bill and on Climate Change generally. She wrote back saying 'My support for this bill is driven by the urgent need to tackle climate change, which I, along with my Liberal Democrat colleagues, consider to be an existential threat.'
I'm convinced she believes this extreme nonsense. We are ruled by idiots, grifters and superstitious morons.
They are impervious to reasoned argument. They all need to be swept away.
Well I got a reply from my MP!
I told him the science wasn't settled and asked him not to support the lunatic Climate and Nature Bill. This was his reply. Might as well have not bothered.
"Good afternoon,
Thank you for contacting me about the Climate and Nature Bill.
I fully recognise the scale and urgency of the climate and nature crisis. Last year was the hottest on record, the first to pass 1.5°C above the pre-industrial average. We have seen, both at home and abroad, numerous instances of extreme weather that has been exacerbated by climate change. We also face the threat of biodiversity loss, with one million species facing extinction and wildlife populations having fallen 69% since 1970.
I therefore appreciate the spirit and aims of the Climate and Nature Bill and pay tribute to Zero Hour and those who have campaigned for the Bill.
It is important that we integrate climate and nature objectives. At the same time, I believe it is important to recognise the legally binding targets we already have in place under the Climate Change and Environment Acts and to focus on delivering these, rather than unnecessary additional legislation.
I welcome that since coming to office, the current Government has already introduced a world-leading agenda on climate and nature action, making rapid progress and overturning the legacy of the previous Government, which left the country as the Climate Change Committee confirmed last July, off track to meet our climate goals.
I welcome, for example, the Government’s ambitious mission to make Britain a clean energy superpower – delivering clean power by 2030 and accelerating to net zero across the economy. I also support the commitments it has made toward our natural environment, including halting the decline of British species by 2030 and developing a new, statutory plan to protect and restore our natural environment, with delivery to meet each of our Environment Act targets.
As you may know, the Climate and Nature Bill was not pushed to a vote on 24 January. I am pleased that instead the Government and the Bill’s sponsors were able to come to agreement on taking forward the spirit and substance of the Bill, including strengthening action on nature; having an annual climate and nature statement to Parliament and the country; and having greater public participation on these issues.
I welcome that the Government continue to engage so we can make a real and meaningful difference to climate and nature in this country.
Thank you once again for contacting me about this crucial issue.
Kind regards,
Markus Campbell-Savours,
Member of Parliament for Penrith and Solway."
Well done Jaime for trying, and for demonstrating that if they reply at all, they just fob you off with utter BS. I’ve had so many replies just like that over the years, before I started accusing them of treason and crimes against humanity when they clammed up completely.
Look how glibly they trot out the line “Last year was the hottest on record” after all our efforts (especially yours) to debunk the false propaganda that this was due to man-made CO2. Search for “Hunga Tonga” in https://jaimejessop.substack.com/ to pick out your many posts on the subject.
At least your MP (Labour) didn’t publicly support the Climate and Nature Bill. I believe Starmer ordered his MPs not to vote for it because he didn’t want to “scare the horses” too much.
I assert in my post that MPs who support the Net Zero agenda are knowingly or unknowingly behaving treasonably. Ben Rubin of UK Column has just (too late for my post) published a very good post on how the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals are a public/private fascist scam to accrue power and wealth to the global top 1%, primarily through weaponising “climate change”. So their treason is to use Net Zero to ruin the 99% of the global general public for the benefit of the global top 1%: https://riseuk.substack.com/p/the-sustainable-development-scam.
Will Donald Trump’s evisceration of the climate change hoax in the USA be enough to stop them in their tracks?
Nailed it!