Earlier this month, Doug wrote to his MP, schooling him on some facts on so-called anthropogenic climate change:
Inevitably, Doug has not reported that his MP responded but does report that there is much more pertinent information on the subject…

Dear Mr Leadbitter,
Just over a fortnight ago I sent you an email on the global establishment’s fake “climate change” agenda and how the entire charade is founded on corrupt junk science. I’m sending this urgent follow-up email to you and my other addressees because so much of huge relevance to this topic has happened over the epoch-making past two weeks.
This is to let everyone know that my previous email has been posted online by my friend Joel Smalley: Climate change and the corruption of science. Worth reading again if only for the cartoons and angry overtones. Note the overwhelmingly supportive comments posted beneath it.
I am also pleased to learn that Joel’s substack has a reported global reach of about 29,0001 readers.
This is also to let everyone know that you, Mr Leadbitter MP, have not replied to my email of 9 January despite the economy-wrecking seriousness of the subject. In my experience, no reply or a cursory fobbing-off is the norm when communicating with Uniparty politicians. They can’t cope with being challenged by irrefutable truth which goes against their deeply-entrenched misguided dogma.
I know you received my email as I have your auto acknowledgement, to which I replied giving my full name and address to prove I am one of your constituents. I presume you are not indisposed as I can see that you have been active in parliament although I note that you didn’t contribute to the debate on the suicidal Climate and Nature Bill which you publicly supported.
The outcome of that 24 January debate was a political fudge to defer the bill until July. It remains a deadly danger as Paul Homewood explains. I watched most of the debate on Parliamentary TV and found it shockingly hysterical, scientifically illiterate and thoroughly dishonest. See the split Hansard record here and here. These dangerous Uniparty eco-fantasists need to be swept away, particularly the Lib Dem MPs, all 72 of whom supported the Bill. Reform UK MPs and organisers, please take note.
Following President Trump’s inauguration on 20 January, the UK Lab/Con/Lib Dem/SNP Uniparty’s unilateral and unpopular Net Zero policy is even more pointless now that Trump has ordered “drill baby drill” for cheap and plentiful energy, no more mandates or subsidies for unwanted EVs, no more offshore wind, halting more than $300bn in Biden’s Green New Scam infrastructure spending.
He is also withdrawing from the pointless Paris Climate Agreement and the corrupt WHO which tries to weaponise “climate change” as a health issue, e.g. claiming without evidence that 1,700 UK deaths were caused by an “extreme”™ heatwave in 2022, more on the same lies here, source ChatGPT and for a laugh here. More on Trump’s liberating climate and energy executive orders here.
Hooray! Freeing the USA from the clutches of the politicised, unaccountable WHO scuppers the possibility of globalists launching another Big Pharma plandemic. Here’s a reminder of the launch of the lethal and ruinous Covid plandemic, the comic video of a Wuhan man feigning collapse in the street due to Covid, almost as intelligence-insulting as the despicable Matt Hancock pretending to cry with joy at the December 2020 arrival of his precious Covid vaccines which, as widely predicted by honest independent scientists, proved to be unsafe and ineffective2.
And what better evidence that “climate change” is a global conspiracy than China playing along with the establishment narrative and feigning concern at President Trump withdrawing from the Paris Climate Agreement. If China really believed the nonsensical scare that climate change is an existential threat to humanity (says the lying UN Secretary-General) it would not be running 1,000 coal-fired power stations and building 2 or 3 new ones every month (source ChatGPT), with its CO2 emissions now far outstripping those of the USA.
Why do our hair-shirt climate zealots never protest about China and the other climate freeloaders? The International Energy Agency has just reported that 2024 will break a world record for coal use.
It’s more likely that China is “concerned” about Trump’s withdrawal because it could impact their exports of solar panels, rare earths and EVs and means they will get no more “climate aid” money from the USA. Unfortunately, this may mean that we plebs who remain stuck with the Paris Agreement which we never voted for will have to pony up even more. You will recall that previous SNP Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf took it upon himself to give away £24 million of hard-pressed taxpayer money as “climate reparations”. He should be made to pay it back.
On 23 January Matt Ridley put out a near-viral post on how Ed (Miliwatt-hour) Miliband’s ”barmy” plans for Net Zero are falling apart in a head-on collision with reality. Chris Wright, President Trump’s new energy secretary happens to be a good friend of Ridley, who writes:
“Wright’s innovations pretty well invented the shale revolution, turning America into now the world’s biggest producer of both oil and gas, ahead of even Saudi Arabia and Russia. That could have been our boom too. When Wright testified in the UK parliament in 2014 he said Britain had a fantastic opportunity to be a huge producer of shale gas, bigger than the original North Sea boom, but only if we stopped footling around. Yet Miliwatt-hour has now even shut down conventional drilling in the North Sea.”
Ridley also quotes Jim Ratcliffe, the boss of Ineos, who said on 13 January: “We are witnessing the extinction of one of our major industries as chemical manufacture has the life squeezed out of it” by high energy prices. De-industrialising Britain, he added, achieves nothing for the environment and merely shifts emissions, business and jobs elsewhere.
Ridley ends with "Britain’s experiment in virtue-signalling [I fear Ridley is ducking the issue with that too lenient labelling. They can’t all be that stupid. I attribute much darker motives to the actions of our Uniparty leaders] to the world that we are leaders in net zero ambitions has been a risible farce. We have achieved: the highest electricity prices of any developed country; falling electricity usage; the loss of major industries; a worrying dependence on energy imports; a dangerous risk of blackouts; an impending net reduction in nuclear power; net zero impact on global emissions; and net zero influence. Even Rachel (From Complaints) Reeves appears now to realise that growth means abandoning net zero.”
An unexpected vindication of President Trump’s decision to ditch expensive, unreliable offshore wind power was given on the morning of 22 January when UK-wide wind power (onshore and offshore) was unprecedentedly recorded as supplying 0% of UK electricity. Unbelievably, this medieval technology is the lunatic linchpin of Ed Miliband’s Net Zero policy (and of Boris Johnson before him), with full-scale battery backup not an option as it would be astronomically expensive (and in any case is infeasible), as explained by my colleague Richard Lyon.
You should also know that the World Bank produced a report on the worldwide potential of daytime-only, farmland-wasting, corruptly-financed solar power, another lunatic Mad Miliband Net Zero linchpin. Predictably (from my friend Dr Euan Mearns in 2018), the UK was rated abysmally badly, coming in at 229th out of the 230 countries surveyed. Details here.
What a monumental 20-years-in-the-making, self-sabotaging disaster! How did we allow this to happen? It certainly wasn’t by any lack of effort on my part. Energy Secretary Miliband responds to the Trump revolution by lying that the green revolution is “unstoppable” when it has never even started. Björn Lomborg uses easily-accessible public data to report that the world was 81% dependent on fossil fuels for energy in 2022, down from 81.2% in 2000. I did similar sums myself in 2020.
Thanks to complicit MSM omerta, many will be unaware that the UK narrowly missed a national blackout during evening peak demand on 8 January due to the Uniparty’s over-reliance (see above) on weather-dependent, inertia-less renewables.
I recommend anyone who wants to learn more about the blackouts which we will inevitably suffer sooner or later to watch this layman-friendly interview of energy consultant Kathryn Porter on that near-miss and the official obfuscations surrounding it. Energy analyst David Turver covers the same establishment “cheating” with pictures here [cf. the Covid scam obfuscations, with more revelations emerging].
I believe that you, Mr Leadbitter MP, didn’t reply to my email because you knew your only options were to make a public fool of yourself or to lie (least culpably by omission) or to come clean and admit that the UK Lab/Con/Lib Dem/SNP Uniparty is deliberately wrecking the country at the behest of your horrible globalist overlords on the ludicrous pretence of “tackling climate change”.
Some say my emails are too angry. Yes, I’m angry but the point many miss is that my emails are aimed not at named politician addressees who I know from many years of painful experience are impervious to reasoned argument, but rather at the wider general public who are the only people who can vote out our disloyal, overbearing, UN/WEF Agenda 2030-obsessed Uniparty politicians. I believe that my angry rants are exactly what most people want to hear - the downtrodden general public who are sick to death of incessant climate change propaganda and lies.
I believe that the anti-humanity stance of Mr Leadbitter MP and his fellow climate zealots on self-sabotaging Net Zero and the suicidal Climate and Nature Bill is nothing short of treasonous, either knowingly by wilful intent or passively by ignoring all warnings and contrarian evidence.
Perhaps this explains why climate change villain Tony Blair abolished the crime of treason before he left office as prime minister, given that he is now lobbying and grifting to ensnare us all through Orwellian Digital Ids which could morph into freedom-stealing social credit ratings [cf. Covid vaccine passports, now thankfully consigned to history in the USA by Donald Trump].
I recommend anyone reading this who agrees with me and has a similarly disloyal (or deranged) MP to give them the verbal abuse they deserve. Better still, forward this email to friends and family and ask them to forward likewise. Let’s go viral! Feel free to use my online works, e.g. here, here, here, here (contains a useful index) and here.
Our woke Biden-supporting UK Uniparty politicians who have been leading the country into ruination for the past thirty years are probably still too discombobulated to realise it, but Donald Trump and the American people have just shown us the ending of hysteria over fearmongering narratives like climate and Covid, the sudden irrelevance of the undemocratic World Economic Forum and the common sense way forwards to save Western civilisation.
Yours faithfully,
Douglas Brodie, Nairn, 26 January 2025
It’s actually over 30k now!
Which the FDA knew in March 2022 at the latest -
Well done again Doug. They're not listening. They can't listen. They're too wrapped up in their own anti-science fantasies to realise the absurdity of the claim that all warming of the planet since 1850 has been caused by the accumulation of man-made emissions of CO2 and other gases and that nature has played no significant role whatsoever. They just suck up the pseudoscientific nonsense being plied by the BBC for instance on behalf of fraudulent outfits like World Weather Attribution (based at Imperial College London), the latest of which is that the California wildfires were made 35% more likely because industrial greenhouse gas 'pollution' since 1850 has driven all of the 1.2C rise in global mean surface temperature since then! It's absurdity built upon sheer nonsense, but they fall for it every time.
It's the Sun of course - that great big ball of thermonuclear power (yes, nuclear fusion IS real!) on earth's doorstep - which drives virtually all climate and weather related activity on the planet, with the possible exception of some internal heat from the core. Its influence is mediated of course by the vastly complex ocean-atmosphere system, which nobody understands except Just Stop Oil protestors and politicians!
Thanks again for posting Joel. I’m not sure can keep this up for much longer! I’ve said it all a dozen times before but still things keep going from bad to worse.
The only glimpse of hope on the horizon is Trump’s dramatic dismantling of the deep state: https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/baptism-of-fire-tuesday-january-28.