Deaths in England Care Homes are at High Levels Again this Season
Is it normal? Is it due to lack of staff because the unvaccinated were sacked? Is it due to the vaccine itself? Does anyone care?
In early Sept last year, I wrote a controversial piece suggesting that the UK govt was giving an incentive to doctors to euthanise care home residents this winter:
Looking at the deaths charts, it certainly looks like the residents did indeed subsequently die at concerning rates1, pretty much immediately after the announcement (albeit this is probably just a coincidence as deaths always rise at this time of year):
Deaths this winter are almost as high as they were in the aftermath of the original campaign (note the inflection point in the last week of 2020 when they started jabbing the residents, just after they had finished with the staff - the ones that complied with the coercion at any rate).
The question everyone is asking (except those in government agency, of course) is:
What is causing this dramatic increase in deaths?
Is this actually a normal level of death and 2021 was simply unusually low due to all those deaths pulled forward to 2020? Well, if we had data prior to 2020, we could answer that quite easily. I’m baffled as to why the agencies haven’t already collected and analysed this2. Not baffled.
Is this due to the fact that the sector has a whopping 165,000 vacancies, not helped by the fact that 40,000 staff were laid off for not being dumb enough to take part in the futile mRNA experiment for a drug that probably facilitates infection and transmission, rather than preventing it?
Or, could it be the deleterious effect of the medical intervention itself?
Shall we take a show of hands?
One thing, we can be confident of (insofar as we trust the data coming from official sources and made public) is that it’s not COVID!
I guess that’s why nobody cares?
Excess deaths counted as weekly deaths minus lowest weekly deaths in the observation period since there is no data published prior to April 2020.
I’ve asked for the data anyway. I mean, someone has to, don’t they?
In my mothers small care home nearly all of them were ill between Christmas and now. One has died (though she was unwell for some time before this). My take on it is that care home residents may have had the extra bad cold going around like everyone else, but with more serious consequences). Whether the extra badness of the cold is related to immune damage from the jab is, of course, another matter. I’m not sure whether anyone has done any surveys of jabbed vs non jabbed getting an extra bad cold. I caught it from someone who has now been ill for about 3 weeks. I felt quite odd for a few days, but am now (after a week)almost over it. I’m unjabbed, but the mild symptoms could also have been because I’m on 4000iu vitamin D3 + I took echinacea and black seed oil. Anyway, that’s my purely anecdotal experience. Oh and my mother refused her 4th jab this autumn (due to knowing about a relative’s adverse effect from shot 3). She didn’t get ill when almost all the others in her home did, but she also takes vitamin d3 and echinacea.
Below is how to create a pandemic of the elderly/vulnerable. These policies were directed by Gates/WHO globally. That's why even non lockdown places still suffered higher than expected death rates in 2020. They also withdrew life saving anti-biotics often used in respiratory disease. Which were also reduced massively in 2020. But they weren't missing they were just reclassifed as 'COVID-19.'
''The number of prescriptions for respiratory antibiotics reduced through April and May 2020, with 34% fewer prescriptions issued by end of Week 22 (31 May) than in the corresponding week in 2019. ''