
Let me begin by telling you something you can take to the bank…

almost none, maybe not one person, in the 2009 swine flu pandemic (it was never a pandemic, not even an epidemic) had ‘SWINE flu’…it was all a lie in 2009, the 2009 swine flu pandemic was made up, a lie, and yes, using testing, and today, CDC still cannot show us evidence that people had swine flu in 2009…no one who was a ‘swine flu’ patient, had swine flu…I want CDC to challenge me on that…it was made up, just like how almost none, maybe all who the CDC and NIH and medical doctors told us/you in 2020, 2021, 2022 etc. had COVID, actually had COVID.

The 2009 swine flu pandemic was a complete fraud! Made up, manufactured like COVID.

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love you Joel...

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Simple motive, depopulate the world, the elites this the population is killing the planet because there are too many of us. Death rates have risen substantially ( over the 5 year average before the Covid fake), birth rates have fallen, and people’s lives have been shortened ( only time will tell by how much, but the credible doctors estimate around 10 years) due the the “vaccine” death shot.

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It's not just 'too many of us', but too many in the context of the resource and energy crisis - principally oil and gas, but we can throw in water and fertile soils.

So it should be 'Soon to be far too many, relative to available per capita energy, and in the context of the end of the post-WW2 growth model'.

This is the principal reason all of this is happening NOW......

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What about the motive? Are you still struggling with the motive other than the ousting of Trump?

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All politicians are crooks and the more senior they are, the more seriously crooked they are.

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I think some politicians start off with some good motives…but later they either become disillusioned with the reality of politics and leave or join the club and numb their conscience…

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Really? Get over your Trump obsession, it's embarrassing.

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“In a speech from January 2017, Dr. Fauci said that the incoming Trump administration would face a surprise disease outbreak.”

Did Fauci have prophetic visions even before Trump got into the office?

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You silly 3 who can't see the forest through the trees, or the war on our [once] Creator-inspired USA's land of Liberty & Freedom, Now a woke fear-based land of mandated subjects! Who looks to Democrats for salvation!

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What’s the motive (s)???

Depopulation? The West doesn’t need depopulation… all it needs is for immigration to stop or slow down and it will collapse on its own… lol

“In 2022, Canada's population grew by an unprecedented 1.1 million people, most of them permanent and temporary immigrants”

Up to 90% farm worker in Canada are immigrants. If you only cut this in half, Canadian farming will collapse…

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Excellent work Joel and Clare. A big thank you both.

Criminally and morally culpable all those that did not listen.

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the graphs are very instructive

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boom, I have been saying this and will promote this stack, excellent...write me Joel.

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hi folks be aware theres a petition at citizengo.org..your last chance to stop the uns pandemic treaty-the 3 million petition..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely from any country in the world including yours....all social media platforms and alternative outlets can be used that said dont bother with gestapo book who you can be sure will suppress it.....it currently has over2,375000 signatures it urgently needs many more

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Julie Marson and Kemi Bandenoch are hopeless idiots!

These are people who cannot understand factual data or clinical trial documents.

Are they still politicians?

①Number of subjects in Pfizer's #I clinical trial | Onset | Non-onset | Non-onset rate

Number of people vaccinated: 21,500 people | 8 people | 21,492 people | 99.962%

Number of non-vaccinated people: 21,500 people | 162 people | 21,338 people | 99.246%

Even if vaccinated, there is only a difference of 7 out of 1000 people in terms of whether or not they develop an infection.

②Data of the Diamond Princess in Yokohama, Japan in February 2020

Due to the closed environment of the ship, the rather week elderly persons and the highly pathogenic Wuhan species.

Infection rate: 19%, infection fatality rate: 1.8% (some treatment), overall infection mortality rate: 0.35%

Combining this with the numbers from the #I trial, the infection fatality rate is only 7 people x 1.8% = 0.126 people/1000 people even in the worst environment and without vaccination. Furthermore, within 2020, the infection rate itself fell further due to virus mutations.

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Also no scientifically proven or characterized viruses to cause an alleged pandemic.

Only thing we know of is poison and inflationary war on the public amongst various other RICO crimes .

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Funny how they are interested in protecting mental health now, when they gave it absolutely no consideration during lockdowns.

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It was no brainer from the beginning that so-called vaccines weren’t going to save any lives for a simple reason: they rebranded the flu into covid and flu vaccines never saved any lives. So, it became clear they would have to use some kind of a statistical trick to convince the naive the “vaccines” do anything… Now we know the “vaccine” injure and kill people and they will kill more people in the future..So, how are they going to cover this up? New disease or a new pandemic is needed and likely coming… or God knows what else…

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Solid work Joel.

It took me a few seconds to realise that the modelled charts (where the expected deaths are shown) start off as zero because that cohort hasn't yet entered the vaccinated group until they accumulate over the following weeks and therefore the "expected deaths" is based on the number of deaths that should exist for that number of people recruited into that cohort.

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I did try and explain here:

"The FOI data is stratified by month (because disclosure!) so I took the NIMS vaccination rate at the start and end of each month and multiplied it by all deaths for the month for that age group to get an expected range. Anything below the range is a “life saved”. Anything above is a “life lost”." So, yes, if there are no vaccinated population, there can be no expected vaccinated deaths and the series must start only when the jabbing does. This also explains how the expected rate can be steeper than the total deaths, according to the speed of the "rollout".

Ideally, we would have liked daily data then there would be no need for the range (which is a bit of a hack, using vaccination rate data from start of month and deaths from end of month) but, looking at the exchanges between Clare and UKHSA, monthly was the only way to get any data at all, given their stupid bleating about disclosure risk and the "mental health" of the families.

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Remember of course that we will never get accurate data because the records for "unvaccinated" are mostly not kept, because it was not a prospective data collection exercise. Those databases therefore rely on "non-existence" in their database to equate to "unvaccinated" so it's junk data.

Therefore the only reliable data comparison is that one that you have performed against historical rates. It is then up to them to show that they did the appropriate pharmacovigilance to demonstrate safety, and it is clear they did not. Which is malfeasance resulting in significant excess mortality.

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Joel, are you able to do a video explaining the data, your methodology and your conclusions. Would be great to have you talk us through your findings. Many thanks to you and Clare for your important work. Best wishes, Kimberley

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I for one find it profoundly touching that they care so much about confidentiality and the mental health of the bereaved. Do give these kind-hearted people a break!

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Agreed, the neck springs to mind.

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Thank you! I couldn’t work that one out and I couldn’t find an explanation!

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Those dang, pesky numbers!!! Always messing with the approved narrative. Joel, you and those little pals of yours cause too much mischief.

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As they say you cannot fix stupid, politicians must be some of the most stupid and often dangerous people on the planet. I don't care how well dressed and well spoken they are they can be downright stupid and the worst of it is they think because they have MP after their name then they know-it-all, from science to space to world events, they know everything because after all they are an MP. Heaven help us!!

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In reality, you can never prove that any vaccines saved anyone. That is because you cannot be 100% certain what would have happened if those getting vaccinations didn't get them. Many times, the body is able to recover if given the chance or protect you. Vaccines are a farce. I haven't had any in over 50 years and am still living in my mid 70's and relatively healthy.

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My MP Simon Jupp East Devon is a man who sticks to his beliefs. A good example is that he still believes the covid vaxxes are not only safe, but effective. So do most of our friends who are or have developed a fib, heart attacks, cancers, transverse myelitis, sepsis, dementia and various other ailments after they took multiple covid injections.

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The cure for stupid doesn't come in a bottle.

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No; it comes, alas, at the point of a needle.....

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The "Vaccines saved X amount of millions of lives" assertions from the powers that should not be were all based on..... Computer Modelling

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The year 2020… (alleged) CoVid deaths peaked early March and declined quickly thereafter - was there an invisible vaccine being used? 99.9% of infected people had CoVid ‘less seriously’ - that invisible vaccine again? Two invisible vaccines maybe, the first called ‘Seasonal’, second called ‘Human Immune System’.

If only we had had two century’s worth of medical knowledge and experience regarding respiratory viruses.

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Everyone knows it was the non-pharmaceutical interventions that were the miracle before vaccines?! Professor Pantsdown predicted it.

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Particularly social distancing, which is why I have always travelled first class.

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A welcome return to classic Joel form! Thank you as ever. I just wish it wasn't such grim news.

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