Great post and excellent work!

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We will probably never know what was in the China and Russia jabs. They may have been mostly placebo. There appears to be a democide going on in the western countries.

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Pretty certain someone, somewhere could get hold of some vials and investigate? there must be a few spare in Hungary!

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They could have changed the content by now.

If Pfizer and Moderna switched now to saline, it would most probably make their shots look much better: still no protection, less original antigenic sin and less adverse reactions.

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Public Health in South Korea noticed that starting around December that adverse events per 1,000 injections dropped significantly:


Something seems to have changed in the shots - especially with Moderna. Though, they were getting in trouble for unclean manufacturing and might have cleaned it up, which would have reduced the immediate reactions.

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Maybe they're doing their death jabs in stages... Kill some, let it ride, kill some more, let it ride...

Remember they've been strategizing for DECADES...

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I've got a GREAT idea: why don't you all go back & look at when you first started producing/consuming/knew about the fact that these shots were killing people & calculate how many people that have died since while you continue compiling stats, but refusing to actually DO ANYTHING to end the mandates.

If you DON'T like that, please tell me what's preventing you from using the mass support you have in the dozens if not hundreds of like-minded people & their thousands if not millions of supporters to take legal, non-violent means to end the mandates.

If you don't like THAT, then... why NOT? Are you worried that you WILL save lives? You want the deaths stopped but refuse to act to stop them.


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I think you’re on a VERY interesting path here, Dr Smalley! I look forward to additional essays regarding further findings.

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More questions than answers, but some fantastic groundwork. A whole other avenue to research, MRNA vs inactivated whole virus vaxx. For another day I guess. Thank you again for all your hard work and future research.

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Add in Mexico that also uses China’s Sinopharm vaccine and Russia’s Sputnik vaccine.

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Very tasty. I'm in a bit of an analytical slump today and that was a real tonic!

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Thank you as always for these graphs.

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Excellent work!

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What if vaccination waves (according to manufacturer) could be inferred from some system such as VAERS. Like in the following we can see that batch name in VAERS does say something about what timeframe it was rolled out:


Like if a switch in vaccine manufacturer can be inferred from adverse events databases, then that can be correlated with excess deaths.

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Thoughts? The more I think I might know in this fog of war, the less I know... Except... Horrible crimes are being done, and don't take deathvax, and I need to get peace from nature or ill go crazy.

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Yes, and they keep going. But what amazes me most is the amount of people willing to be injected with some unknown substance so easily, no questions asked... Considering all the red flags flamig around since the beginning.

Injecting babies, children and pregnant women with these things, however, is something that goes beyond evil and perversion. We must stand, say NO. NO. NO. NO. I WILL NOT COMPLY.

I do need too some peace from nature. Hope this mass murderers will pay for what they've done and they're doing. Love from Argentina.

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I've been thinking that not all jabs are alike. As in, if I were a psychopath trying to cull billions of people, I wouldn't have the same jab for everyone, it would be WAY TOO OBVIOUS what was going on. They want different things in those jabs, so it APPEARS that people are dying from... something ELSE. Now think about what China might want to do, to NOT stand out this way or that way... Saline jabs? "Oh, yes, we are giving the inoculations!" And they are. But it's SALINE. Or better yet, VITAMINS! lol

That's what's been in my thinking...

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Fantastic analysis as usual!

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Given no mRNA but Graphene Oxide instead has been found in the death jabs are we to infer the Sputnik and Sinopharm injections contain no GO?

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So what did Greece and Portugal do that made them so different from everywhere else?

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All I can think of is the idiosyncrasies of their locations. Greece, especially can have some different activities, especially in summer. Or something entirely. More questions than answers in this piece. I need help to make sense of it all.

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Possibility this may be linked to more skin exposure to sunlight in Portugal & Greece?

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Vitamin C? ^_^

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Morocco also used those two, they might have more reliable mortality data than Algeria.

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