Ten out of ten. Note that these questions are framed and skewed to make the Arabs appear to be savage villains. Yes, the recent Hamas attack was an atrocity, but there are legitimate grievances on both sides of this blood feud that stretch back centuries, if not millennia. Sadly, the cycle of death will likely continue for the remainder of our lifetimes.

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It's The Trail of Tears 2.0 spread out over 80 years so people don't notice that it's just a genocidal land grab.

Any criticism of the ongoing mass slaughter that posits two equally wrong sides is moral criticism which develops into insipid idealism, thus overlooking the elementary difference between oppressors and oppressed.

This is about energy interests, same as it always was, and a land grab.

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and Water.

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The questions were fine. The Fakestinians have been taught to hate Jews in the UNRWA schools in addition to what is taught them in the Mosque and passed through current culture where Jihadis are idolized and paid cash and apartments for their murder and torture of Jews. "from the river to the sea" is much older than the current leftard written chants about Fakestine being "free." It has been generations Fakestinians have been repeating it as a curse to commit genocide on the Jews and clear the land from the Jordan river to the Mediterranean. Yes they are just like Isis and the Jihadis running around in Syria and the Jihadis Pooties fought in Chechnya who are now doing the same in Ukraine...

The Jews immigrating to Israel in the late 1800s and early 1900s BOUGHT the land they settled on. The Arab masters decided they didn't like having filthy Jews returning to their homeland and living next door. Look up the history of Haj Amin al-Husseini. He was a good friend of Hitler and started the terrorist activity against the Jews in Israel. Even then the British put him in charge of Jerusalem under the Mandate and it has been down hill since.

Another area of history that is largely ignored in the west is the Jihad against India that has gone on for 1000 years. Yes it peaked a long time ago, but, many in the west claim that communism has killed more people than any other group. Jihadis have the record easily with just their slaughters against that area of the world.

Civilized peoples don't commit genocide or Islam would be the first. Islam wants to make Jews the first and then Christians...

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Attention Hamas Lovers: I want to make sure that I am clear that your attempts to draw moral equivalence between the Israelis, and the semihumans of Hamas are not going to work on me. I’m not a morally illiterate dipshit like the people pushing that nonsense. I want Hamas destroyed. I want them to pay. And I am entirely indifferent to any of their gripes, complaints or related bitching about how they ended up in their position, not least of which because their present condition is entirely and completely their own fault. Kiss my ass. Don’t stop until victory, Israel.

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Thank you...heartening that at least some are literate in this issue and unwilling to act as the cowardly *good Germans*. In all my years, I have never been so shocked as to witness the massive wave of Jew-hatred YET AGAIN. There are no good guys in Palestine, those people have left. The remainder are marinated in genocidal hatred, happily inculcating their babies into it, and it won't stop with exterminating *just* the Jews.

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I figured the quiz was really a way to support a narrative.

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No. It is about religion. Explicitly so. The Hamas charter and the Koran and hadiths all make this abundantly clear, that Jews---not *just* Israel---must be exterminated. Period. There can be no more tolerance for moral equivalency---this was a genocidal act hearkening back to the Holocaust. In case you have forgotten, the Islamic leadership aligned publicly with Hitler, and planned an Auschwitz in the Middle East.

The Arabs ARE, factually, *savage villains*. It is a barbaric, tribal culture, at the core. Yet even most, if any Arab, countries are not welcoming *palestinians*, aka, Hamas, because wherever they go, they bring violence, chaos, and death.

And, no, the attack was far, far, more than an atrocity; it was a calculated massacre of the most innocent, unarmed civilians, BECAUSE they were Jews. No more of this *good German* justification of a mythical *oppressed people* who openly celebrate the deaths of Jews and openly call for the extermination of ALL Jews.

There is no *palestine* nationality or ethnicity, and there has never been one, in all of history. There has, however, been an Israel, literally the indigenous people of the region. Since, the British Mandate, *palestine* has agitated for the eradication of Israel, with its 3000+ year claim to the land. Every attempt by Israel to reach the fabled *two state solution* has been rejected.

Since 2005, when Israel ceded self-rule to Gaza, there have been no Israelis in Gaza. Conversely, at least 20% of the Knesset is Arab. Arabs are free to be judges, doctors, lawyers, in Israel. We know now, too, that Gazans with work permits in Israel, used their privilege to case out Israeli homes, right down to the number of dogs, and the layout of the homes, and locations of safe rooms.

There are no *legitimate grievances* on the part of Gaza. Yes, the cycle of death will recur as long as people play *good Germans* and excuse the behaviors, and remain illiterate in the history and geopolitics of the region. Palestine, Gaza, Hamas, Hezbollah, all one and the same...90% of Gazans elected Hamas and continue to overwhelmingly support Hamas and its charter of open unyielding genocide against Jews. Their goal is the destruction of Israel---they TELL YOU THIS, OPENLY---and of every Jew, everywhere.

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With what right were the Jews/Zionists given half the territory of the Palestinians?

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OK. Name the President of Palestine prior to 1948. Who was the Prime Minister and where was the Parliament? It was never the territory of the Palestinians - never in history. It has always, going back thousands of years, populated by assorted groups. Up until 1947 it was British, prior it was Ottoman Empire, prior to that it was the Romans, then Crusaders. There was however a Kingdom of Judea prior to the Romans, but never a Palestinian territory. Most Palestinians are from Jordan.

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Writing about Palestine in the 1934 edition of the Swedish Encyclopedia (Svensk Uppslagsbok), Professor J. Fröden says that the Zionist movement:

"intends to give Jews from foreign countries the opportunity to return to 'their old homeland'. This movement is divorced from reality because Palestine has for hundreds of years been relatively densely occupied by an Arab population that is racially, linguistically, religiously and culturally completely foreign to Jews, and barely any space is available for a new people."

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Did it also say that many of those ‘Arabs’ were Jews whose ancestors had been there since before the Old Testament was written?

What do you think Jesus and his disciples were? Is there much mention of Palestine and Palestinians in the Gospels?

From 6 to 132 BC the , the Romans called it the Province of Judea,which incorporated the regions oc Judea, Samaria and Idumea, and parts other former territories of the Hasmonean and Herodian kingdoms of Judea.

Fact: the Jews got there first.

However there is a distinction between the Jews long settled in the area and European Jews who immigrated there - to their ancestral homeland - pre-war to escape Hitler and Stalin and post-war who escaped the Death Calps and to escape pogroms in the East.

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You say, "Fact: the Jews got there first."

Got where first? According to the Bible, Joshua followed Moses' orders about the people who where already in the land that the Israelites invaded. Joshua 10:40 summarizes: "So Joshua subdued the whole region ... He left no survivors. He totally destroyed all who breathed, just as the Lord, the God of Israel, had commanded."

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Judaism is a religion and not a race. The ancestry of the Ashkenazi Zionists who founded Israel and control its government to this day seems, for the most part, to be a mix of Slavic and Turkic.

Modern Jews are not the Biblical Hebrews. Whether or not any Jews are descended from the Hebrews is debatable. But even if there are living descendents, let's not forget that the Bible says they took that land after killing off the Canaanites. Let's not forget that the patriarchs who are credited with founding the Judaic religion were from Egypt (Moses) and what is now called Iraq (Abraham), not Israel / Palestine / Judea.

Here is a review of a book written by Shlomo Sands, Professor of History at Tel Aviv University. It discusses some of the information put forth in the book.

The Invention of the Jewish People


From the article...

"The contrary view of the unitary Jewish people expelled from its homeland, and wandering aloof in exile for two thousand years, until beginning its return in the late 19th c., is a reactionary myth which Zionism has deployed to conquer Palestine and compel support for it. The myth prevails unchecked today not only in Israel but worldwide. Nothing “has challenged the fundamental concepts that were formed in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.” Advances in the study of nations and nationalism have not “affected the departments of the ‘History of the People of Israel’ (aka Jewish history) in Israeli universities."

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What a horridly dissembling mythological and fictional contrivance, Please note...those who are functionally literate also understand that the term *Zionist* is a politically correct, coyly dissembling euphemism for 'Jew-hatred'. Nor is there a *palestine* to 'conquer', as it refers to an amalgamate of bickering Arab tribes. Thanks to the Arab states' quite literally hiring a NYC public relations firm in the 1960s to manufacture a tale of *Palestine* and a fictional tale of oppressed people to play the victim to darken Israel and its consistent ability to remain victorious over the Arabs' myriad wars and attacks on them, many who are illiterate in the actual history and timeline, continue to play *good Germans* and pretend they don't want another Holocaust. For peace, y'know.

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Stop projecting, sugar britches. You're the one who's putting forth "a horridly dissembling mythological and fictional contrivance".

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if you've read the Bible, presumably you noticed the mention of other groups besides Jews (not to mention "false Jews").

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Nonsense is still nonsense even if it was said 100 years ago. Mizrahi Jews are genetically indistinguishable from Arabs in the region, and Mizrahi make up the majority of Israel, along with the 20% actual Arabs.

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It does not matter to a *religion* and culture whose sole mission is the extermination of every Jew. They do not care about the arcane, and functionally meaningless dividing lines between *real* Jews and *not real* Jews.

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According to the documentary Al Nakba, Jews consisted of approximately 3% of the people living in Palestine before Jews started trickling in from Europe in the 1880s. The documentary specifically says this 3% were not Zionists, they were just residents under Ottoman rule. So these would be the "Jews long settled in the area" you mention.

Among the population under the Ottomans were also around 100,000 Orthodox Christians when the British took control with the establishment of the British Mandate of Palestine after the end of WWI (1918). This was inconvenient for the invasionist policies of Zionism supported by the British because these policies were based on the assumption that the inhabitants of the land could be lumped together as various heathen sects Islam.


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Except for a brief period of independence (110–63 BCE), Judea was ruled by Assyria, then Babylon, and finally Rome. Before Judea, there was Canaan and Philistia. Historians claim that the name "Palestine" is derived from Philistia or "Philistine".

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There was no Palestinian state and the land called Palestine was occupied by both Arabs and Jews. In 1948 the land was partitioned under the auspice of the UN into to sectors, a Jewish and an Arab. The Jewish sector was smaller and comprised worse land. Arabs were welcome to stay in the Jewish section- which became Israel in 1948 - and many did. Rather than seek to make the settlement work, the indigenous Arabs, along with their Arab neighbours launched a war against Israel which lasts to this day. And subsequent changes of boundaries have resulted from wars, launched by the enemies of Israel but ultimately defeated.

Their right to a homeland was therefore conferred by the UN. There are numerous settlements globally of similar kind, Kosovo being a recent one (which the Serbs dispute). Israel may be the most prominent example, but it is not unique.

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"the land called Palestine was occupied by both Arabs and Jews."

99% Arabs and 1%Jews!

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Not quite.

1922 12% Jewish, 11% Christian, 77% Muslim

1931 17% Jewish, 9% Christian, 74% Muslim

1947 32% Jewish, 7% Christian, 60% Muslim

So, yes, Muslim dominated but already up to 32-% Jewish (post WWII) at the time Israel was formed. And prior to this it was not a standalone country and Jews (or anyone else) were free to resettle there.

It’s also worth noting that the Jews were not given Jerusalem under the initial settlement, many of the key religious sites were left in Muslim-controlled territory etc. The point being that there was an effort to be “fair” at the time of partition - it’s not that all the “good bits” were given to Israel. Israel have just made more of their opportunity since.

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Some (most?) of those Christians and Jews who lived in Palestine before the Mandate were also Arabs.

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What is your solution to this problem?

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not sure who you're asking, so I'll chime in ;-)

One state solution would be best with full rights to ALL who live there, full voting rights, etc. EVERYONE who lives there gets to vote, gets treated the same way in the courts, etc. No more apartheid where Jews are treated one way and non-Jews treated another. That would be the BEST solution IMO.

Alternate solution: Two states. Gaza and West Bank are one country. But Israel no longer continues bombing Gaza, Israel no longer continues stealing land and homes from non-Jews on the West Bank. That is a lesser solution because Gaza will still be cut off from the West Bank, and Israel will likely continue restricting access in and out of Gaza. But at least they could have their own port on the Mediterranean and would own and could develop the Natural Gas that lies in the offshore waters.

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Your head is filled with illiterate nonsense. Every attempt made by Israel to make a two-state solution---which sounds too evocative of *the final solution*--- has been summarily, persistently rejected by Palestine. Get it through your head---they do not want any solution but total acquisition of the entire region, with NO JEWS. They have made this abundantly, explicitly clear.

Israel *bombs Gaza* because it is attacked first. Israel did not *steal land* from anyone. WTH are you even getting this *history* from??? And, btw, there have been no Israelis in Gaza, since 2005, when Israel attempted to once again appease a fictional nationality, by ceding self-rule to Gaza. Conversely, the Knesset has at least 20% Arabs, and Arabs are judges, doctors, lawyers, et al. Gazans promptly elected, by a 90% margin, Hamas, with its charter manifestly stipulating its mission as solely one of eradication of Israel and the extermination of Jews, with calls for the *holiness* of martyrdom in killing Jews...and not *just* Israeli Jews.

My gawd, we are so screwed AGAIN with this *good German* witnessing on behalf of a people who openly call the extermination of Jews a mission of holiness.

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and don't forget that Israel has made Gaza the world's largest prison. They restrict who can enter and who can leave. They restrict food, medicine, and other trade goods that go into Gaza. They will not allow Gaza to have its own port or develop the Natural Gas that lies off its shore. What would you do if you had lived in an open air prison for decades. Would you just say, oh, it's our fate, they want us to be peaceful, so we will be peaceful and give thanks for our starvation rations.

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Nope! In 2017 Hamas ACCEPTED the two state solution. Look it up.

And of course Israel stole land and continues stealing land to this day. When Israel was founded they stole the homes and land of 750,000 non-Jews residents of Palestine. And they continue stealing land and homes from non-Jews living in the West Bank.

Look it up.

Initially most of the Arab states did not recognize Israel and wanted it wiped off the map. But that was decades ago. People change, countries change. Today most Arab states recognize Israel, they know it's here to stay, so why fight with reality. Even Hamas, who initially did not recognize Israel, now wants a two state solution.

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I suggest you do some more research. But without further research you can consider your statement "their right ... was conferred... by the UN.

You think rights can be conferred by the UN? And presumably taken away again by the UN? And you're calling them"rights"?

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The genocide currently perpetrated in Gaza encapsulates the “heart of darkness” of Western fundamentalism. In the last decade alone, numerous attacks against Palestinians have caused thousands of victims, most of them civilians. And yet, somehow, it is Hamas’s terrorism that we should feel morally compelled to condemn first, before even being allowed into any discussion.

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Western fundamentalism is what built western civilization. Ignoring that is what is destroying western civilization.

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Yes! People don't seem to notice that there are never any resistance fighters when the USA (or their stooges) invades or occupies a land. Only "terrorists".

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If people who were in resistance to the Covid Operation understood it more profoundly as the global economic operation (business plan) that it actually was/is and not some ridiculous "health emergency" (which are now massive busness plans) they could see more clearly that Covid/Ukraine/Isael-Palestine War (it is not a war it is an occupation) are intertwined circa 2020-2023.

Not many people are talking about the massive gas reserves in the Meditteranean and those contracts or Israel's increasingly desperate situation re:water supplies.

Anyone who thinks the events of Oct. 7th are being depicted accurately by the MSM is asleep at the wheel.

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What a horridly dissembling perversion of reality. *Genocide* IN PALESTINE???? WTF were you just a few weeks ago, when over 1400 civilians were massacred in unthinkably barbaric ways. I'm sorry, but only a dunce or a deceiver would make such a statement, knowing full well that Hamas establishes itself in schools, hospitals, mosques, apartment buildings, to use THEIR OWN PEOPLE as meat shields. Has a complex system of tunnels to house armaments, and to carry out attacks on Jews, BECAUSE they are Jews. How cowardly, obscenely murderously cowardly to assert that Israel defending itself is the cause of Hamas' continued, unending attempts to decimate the nation and exterminate all its people, because they are Jews??? The *good Germans* were downright saintly in comparison to this murderous, justifying fiction.

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Do more research on this attack by Hamas. Go to electronic Intifada and listen to the interviews with the released hostages. Hamas didn’t target civilians at the festival. The civilians spilled out when they heard fighting and got caught un crossfire between Hamas and IDF.


Only Israel is purposefully is targeting civilians as is their common practice.

War crimes.

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You're lying and ignorant of all history. You belive your media parrots cause you're too invested and stupid to look for the truth.

Beheaded babies? Nope all lies.

Raped woman? Nope all lies her mother told the world already.

Killed 1400? Nope more lies it was not only 900 but over half were Israeli army and the evidence has already shown many in the other half were killed by tank fire- guess who has tanks?

Isreal lies when it wakes up evey morning- the history is clear here. And you swallow those lies.

You also support mass murder.

Isreal defending itself? Get outta here with those lies. The State of Israel has parcticed genocide and dislocation from its inception to present.

You are a sick human being. Get help.

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10 out of 10, but the questions were written with a strong pro-Israel bias.

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"bias" is a mild characterization of this propaganda/pep-talk. The content and omissions are entirely one-sided, as announced by the flag background.

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I agree. Mild.

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Prager is a Right Wing Christian who believes every word in the bible, he is hoping for all the jews to return to Israel, and Jesus will return to fight the Antichrist, save all The Born Again Christians, ........

Something like that, do you need more?

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Prager is Jewish.

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I thought Prager was Jewish.

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Ok, good German. And we will see another Holocaust, thanks to people like you refusing to become even marginally literate in the history and geo-politics of this. No Jew is safe. Again.

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Hi Joel, you have been a beacon of sanity and objective thinking about Covid 19. So I’m surprised that you apparently didn’t recognise loaded/leading questions on the U Prager quiz. The history of Israel is complex. Not all Jews are Zionists ie support the concept of a separate Jewish state. To be critical of Israel is NOT to be anti-Zionist. As someone with a Jewish grandfather I am proud of my Jewish heritage. I am deeply ashamed of the way the the Israeli state has treated and continues to treat its Palestinian neighbours. The Jewish settlers took the land from the people living there and attempted to throw them out. What would your response be if that your home was stolen from you. Two wrongs don’t make a right but we must acknowledge the deep wrongs that have committed against the Palestinians.

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So what do you suggest as the solution?

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The solution has to involve four things 1. a Palestinian state that is safe from Israeli attacks and incursions 2. a right of return for Palestinian refugees 3. compensation for what they lost in 1947-48 and what they have suffered since 4. equal rights for Arabs living in Israel. In return, Israel should receive recognition from all the Arab states and guarantees of security.

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You're living in la la land, if only for one reason and that is that Israel will never receive recognition from Arab states nor guarantees of security when their aim is to destroy the Israeli state and death to all Jews, even if they did meet points 2 and 3, as well you know (as for your first point, it's so clearly skewed, I'm surprised you even believe it yourself). So on the basis that your suggestion guarantees the massacre of all Jews (as well you know), maybe try thinking of something more, well, constructive and less, well, barbaric.

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Actually, Israel has already received recognition from some Arab states, and the rest would recognise Israel as soon as the Palestine question is resolved. In Syria's case, the Golan remains an issue, I'd suggest Israel give back the Golan in exchange for recognition by Syria. I never suggested, nor implied, nor even hinted at the destruction of Israel nor the massacre of Jews. Those are not on the table. Don't be so silly.

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I'm not being silly, I'm just being realistic.

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no, you're caught in the past. There was a time when Arab states did not recognize Israel, but that time has passed. They do recognize Israel. Even Hamas has said they will accept a 2 state solution. It's not 1967 any more. Israel is there, it's not going away, the Arab states know that, so they have faced and accepted reality. It's time for Israel to do the same.

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I bet I know the history better than Prager U. For instance, as Miko Peled has described in "The General's Son" the 1967 war was actually started by Israel when it pre-emptively attacked Egypt, which was nowhere near mobilised. In 1973 Israel tells how it was attacked on Yom Kippur, a complete surprise to them, apparently. Except that Israel had been bombing Syria for months by the time Yom Kippur happened. I know this because my mother lived there and was nearly killed by an Israeli bomb that destroyed her hair salon. A vital strategic target, no doubt. There are lies, damn lies, and Israeli "history."

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Yes, I’m sure the millions of Arab Muslims surrounding Israel never harbored any ill will towards Israel or Jews and certainly never explicitly stated that they planned to destroy Israel. It’s only because of Israel’s inconsiderate behavior that they are so angry and violent.

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In 1892, when Hertzl wrote "The Jewish State" there was no conflict between Jews and Muslims either in Palestine or other Arab countries. Throughout the ages there have been many conflicts between the 3 main religions, but most of them were Christians against either Jews or Muslims. Conflict between Jews and Muslims did occur, but it was remarkably rare, actually. For instance, when the Christians re-took Andalucia, the Jews, fearing a Christian pogrom against them, fled. To where did they flee? Muslim countries!

It's easy to buy into a narrative based on recent events, but actually, when you study history, you find that the problems began with the arrival of Zionism. Although, that said, Iran's Jews are still perfectly happy there today:


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Come on man.


“Jews under Islamic rule were given the status of dhimmi, along with certain other pre-Islamic religious groups.[1] Though second-class citizens and often persecuted, these non-Muslim groups were nevertheless accorded certain rights and protections as "people of the book". During waves of persecution in Medieval Europe, many Jews found refuge in Muslim lands.[2]

Today, Jews residing in Muslim countries have been reduced to a small fraction of their former sizes, with Iran and Turkey being home to the largest remaining Jewish populations. This was due to the widespread persecution, anti-semitism, political instability, curbing of human rights, and a policy by the Israeli government to draw Jews from the Islamic world to Israel. In 2018 the Jewish Agency estimated that around 27,000 Jews live in Arab and Muslim countries.[3][4][5]”

Sounds almost like “”aPaRtHeiD”, huh?

Also, while you’re at it, you might as well read about Taqiyya. https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/pages/quran/taqiyya.aspx

You win the most credulous person of the week award for believe a fluff piece about how happy Iran’s Jews are in their country whose government and media routinely engaged in open anti-semitism. Congratulations!

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Says the man citing Wikipedia, to someone who reads actual history books...

Yes, Jewish populations in Arab countries have declined markedly - SINCE THE ADVENT OF ZIONISM. Not before. Doesn't refute anything I've said one bit.


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You cited The Independent...



Israel exists.


U mad?

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This quiz is obnoxious and ridiculous. It deliberately avoids the real history of the region by starting after it had already occurred. The real history starts with the Zionist movement, briefly tells the story of the Ottoman empire and its districts, continues with the Sykes-Picot Agreement in 1913, continues with the story of the region during WW1 and the promises of the allies to the Arabian peninsula tribes, includes the Balfour Agreement between Foreign Secretary Balfour and Rothschild, explains the culture of the region between WW1 and WW2, describes what happened when Jews started migrating to Palestine in large numbers, explains the UN partition plan of 1947, describes the Nakba, when Zionist militias butchered, raped and set on fire 5000+ villagers, and drove 750,000 villagers out of the country entirely, and then poisoned their wells with typhoid germs so they could not return, recounts the attempt of the British to intervene to stop the Zionist violence, which resulted in the Zionist militias bombing a British hotel, killing 250 people. It is at that point that the PragerU quiz STARTS. And as others have said, even then it misrepresents the truth, nor does it tell the actual story of what happened to the remaining Palestinians within Israel. Not a good look, Joel. Spend a few hours looking at some legitimate sources, like the UN pages on the Palestine Question, or the Encyclopedia Britannica. Then you can say you know a little about the history of Israel.

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Beautifully Said and Written.

Linda it's always? Never written that early on the twentieth century there was a congress of Jewish scholars, and Religious Rabbis who got together and planned or conceptualized the Creation of a Jewish state.

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An interesting question would have concerned the creation and funding of Hamas.

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I think we all know the answer to that!

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I got 10 out of 10. However.....this question was omitted: What country was established in 1948 by Marxist European Jews with no personal history of residence in Palestine, using terrorism (bombings) to set up a new country in Palestine, and kicking out Christians AND Muslims who had lived there for CENTURIES???

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perfect example of why global government is an absurd idea. We have government upside down and backwards. The way it should be is that local government sits at the top of the hierarchy and should not be able to be overruled by state or federal or--God forbid!--global government. Instead, in the US (and all other countries as far as I know) have it backwards. We let State government tell local government what it can and cannot do. And we let Federal government tell States and local governments what they can and cannot do. Decisions at the local level about what's going to be done at the local level should stand supreme. Who better to decide what should happen or not happen in a local area than the people who live there? Instead, we have bureaucrats living 2000 miles distant telling the locals what they can and cannot do!

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This country of ours (USA) was meant to be much as you describe by the men who founded it. The power of the federal government was supposed to be limited to foreign policy, interstate commerce and not much else. It was the states that were supposed to function as semi-autonomous experiments in democracy, each state determining the direction it would take on most issues. Some states are now considering nullification as a way to force the federal government back into its original role.

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that's what I believe too. It's a shame that we had to have a civil war that changed all that. The winners rewrite history, so everyone believes it was a righteous war to end slavery, but in fact according to Lincoln it was all about "saving the union", which means turning the country into an empire that is ruled from DC. There's a now famous letter where Lincoln states that he was about saving the union and if he could save the union by freeing all the slaves, he would do that. if he could save the union by freeing none of the slaves, he would do that. If he could save the union by freeing some of the slaves, he would do that. He chose that one, he freed slaves only in states that were "in rebellion against the union". He did that because he was losing support for the war and now he could claim this is a war to free the slaves (even though he did not free the slaves that were in union states).

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Move to Montana?and hide out

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eh? how does that relate to local government versus state or federal government? My point was that whatever city or county you live in, the government of the city or county should be able to make decisions about what is to happen there and no other government, state, federal, or global can tell your city or county what to do. Palestine in the 1940's had Jews, Christians, and Muslims living side by side, and had been living that way for two thousand years. Along come some idiots living in Britain and the US pretending to be a global government (the UN), and they tell those people in Palestine what to do. If they had left it alone, we wouldn't have the mess we have there today.

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If you live on a compound in Wyoming

North Dakota, Alberta, ect ect ect,

Mabey you Don't believe in Govt, or Big Govt of any kind? There is a case to be made for the way that you think, a very good case.

But unfortunately, as the world population grows, 8 billion now, and countries become massively intertwined , there will be less and less " small govt" as opposed to large Govt

I can give you a future example of a smaller country, with less Govt

Arcadia: Northern California, Oregon, Washington , and BC

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totally agree with you. And yes, it's a global problem and in my opinion it goes back to the creation of empires or large countries. I realize I'm preaching to the choir--it's very unlikely that we will change our system of government and let local government make decisions that cannot be overturned by the states or the feds. So your solution makes sense. And yes, I would love to see the US become ten or twenty or thirty smaller countries. Arcadia sounds nice, but I'd leave out Seattle and the Puget Sound area in general. I used to think Canada was a great country, but their tyrannical covid policy freaked me out, so I'd drop BC and maybe go with Alberta instead ;-)

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Lol Alberta!!

Oh Your MAGA then OMG !

That explains a lot.

Alberta, Like their Cousins in Texas, have an unregulated power grid! Only one in Canada. Did you see the Ice storm in Texas, when that Dipshit insurrectionist fled to Cancun on a private jet?

Thats basically Alberta, only province in Canada where its cities and citizens get gouged

By Electric Companies,

PS: An Australian woman related to us while on vacation in Costa Rica she met some Albertans , who told her Trudeau was Castro's Son LMFAO ( NOW THATS THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION)

Covid policies freak you out?

Speak to my youngest daughter at the Montreal General Hospital, about Covid,

Not for the faint of heart, or if you have a conscience....

Also if you Don t believe in the Covid Vaccines, don't go to the hospital if you get it? Makes sense no?

PS: In my in box this morning, got my alert from Sante Quebec for my booster Covid shot, oct31st. Yes I'm getting it!!!

And Two months after that I'm getting my second shot of The Shingles Vaccination

I put it off for ten years , until I saw my MIL and Wifes aunt get shingles, Fuck That!

You can have them if you want, not me.

PS: Sorry to break this to you, from a five time conservative voter, but we are a socialist country? Not the Greatest Not the worst. We do the best we can.

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10/10 was relatively easy for anyone who pays attention to what’s happening in the world. Amazing the anti Israel sentiments I read in the comments. Each writer would have made perfect Germans in the 1930-1940’s.

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Scary huh? And my wife who is of German Heritage with verifiable Nazi ( hard core)Relatives, said exactly what you said.

Most comments are a Blueprint for Nazi propaganda. Its a continuation of Two Thousand years of Jews Hating and Jew Baiting

It's mankinds sin, there can never be enough hatred for Jews.

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You must have lived in a very different milieu from me. I've come across 1 person who disliked Jews in nearly 70 years. Almost nobody has antipathy to Jews in my experience; but the antipathy to neocons and Zionists in power is roughly proportional to the amount they know about the situation in Palestine/Israel.

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Zionist propaganda! Not true, that Israel was invaded 1948 according to Prof. Ilan Pappe. The Arabs scrambled a loose coalition of people as a repsonse to Haganah atrocities against civlians, see statements of the Israeli terrorists:


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That is a filtered history. Jews were not welcome in either the UK or USA after WW2. After what happened in Europe in the 30s/40s I fully support the need for a safe place, which is what Israel was meant to be, and it relieved the 'West' of its problem and guilt. I support Israel though it was formed in a messy way. Had Palestinians set up a similar questionnaire it might have started with - what terrorist groups in 1948 displaced over 700,000 Arab inhabitants and killed many? There should have been an equivalent of the Marshall Plan for the region in 1948. I want peace and safety for both Jews and Arabs in the region; it is either both or neither. I don't have an instant solution but more death and destruction will not be the route to it. In the UK I have noted increasing anti-Semitism over the past years and I note increasing anti-Muslim sentiment too. Too much hatred.

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You know, maybe back in 1947 or even earlier, somebody should have been talking to the Arab states about the idea of a Jewish homeland. I think there were proposals in the 1930s that maybe it should be in Patagonia or even Canada. I think the Jewish people from the Russian territories were the first ones to make their way to Palestine before the Second World War. It always baffled me that the British went to war with the Nazis and helped to save Jewish lives in the process and yet Jewish people went to Palestine and started killing British people! I don't think there is an answer to this situation. The USA keeps Israel in existence with it's power and military know-how but the Arabs are no longer riding around on horses like Anthony Quinn in "Lawrence of Arabia". I read the other day that Israelis are not having nearly enough children and within a generation or so they will be a minority in Israel. What happens then?

The sad thing is all the hatred which just goes from generation to generation getting more and more entrenched.

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Beautifully Put Stuffy.

There will be no solution to this problem EVER as long as The Religous Arm Hamas and its Mullahs believe every jew must die, first in Israel, and then worldwide, and an Islamic Caliphate will rule the world. Where the rest of us are subjects to their whims.


To Religous Rabbis who think that the Chosen Ones will be victorious in their battle against the Evil Forces. And they will be then WORTHY of the Return of Yaweh...


The Religous Christian Right throughout the world hoping the Jews throw everybody out, their favourite villain the "Antichrist" will gather forces to destroy Israel and the Jews. Buttttttt!

Hold on: to the theme of Superman Movies

Jesus returns, smites the antichrist, gathers all born again Christians and anybody who pledges loyalty to him,

And live happily ever after in Heaven

Has anyone ever noticed, three books, three messiahs, three religions, Same Land, and same Fucking Temple In Jerusalem!

They cant all be right, question is, WHO IS RIGHT?

Food for thought on where some of the real hate is coming from.

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It certainly is pretty baffling that all three religions believe in the same thing - one God - but they all hate each other for worshipping that God in different ways. They even hate sub sectors of their own versions of the story! The illogicality of believing that your way of praying is the only right way, that you are the True Believer and everyone who believes the same thing but with little modifications deserves to die is so crazy! Especially as this is meant to be a compassionate God, kind and lovely who cares for his creations. Heaven must be pretty empty!

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And that is the problem, their GOD is the right God, the One True God, There have been approximately ,give or take 3000?


Stuffy, Example, my DNA is 98%" Irish


Same book sort of, Murder , Bombings, Beatings, Firebombing, ect ect ect

Now take that small example, and search religous conflicts the world over. Throughout history.

That is why this KKKRISTIAN Fundamentalist movement is a Ticking Time Bomb in the USA

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So when do we have to give the USA back to the Indians? Sorry, this Middle East problem is insoluble, barring some divine miracle.

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Long since.

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Joe Please, Divine is what got us into this mess!

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Now perhaps you’d like to understand more of the everyday plight of the Palestinians?


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only 8/10 but i do know both sides are atrocious

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There is no "both sides"- that is a propaganda technique invented to turn the topic of colonialism and enslavement into a moralistic discussion whitewashing the reality of centruy old crimes.

Is a slave rebellion just a case of "both sides?" Hardly.

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