Ten out of ten. Note that these questions are framed and skewed to make the Arabs appear to be savage villains. Yes, the recent Hamas attack was an atrocity, but there are legitimate grievances on both sides of this blood feud that stretch back centuries, if not millennia. Sadly, the cycle of death will likely continue for the remainder of our lifetimes.

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With what right were the Jews/Zionists given half the territory of the Palestinians?

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10 out of 10, but the questions were written with a strong pro-Israel bias.

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Hi Joel, you have been a beacon of sanity and objective thinking about Covid 19. So I’m surprised that you apparently didn’t recognise loaded/leading questions on the U Prager quiz. The history of Israel is complex. Not all Jews are Zionists ie support the concept of a separate Jewish state. To be critical of Israel is NOT to be anti-Zionist. As someone with a Jewish grandfather I am proud of my Jewish heritage. I am deeply ashamed of the way the the Israeli state has treated and continues to treat its Palestinian neighbours. The Jewish settlers took the land from the people living there and attempted to throw them out. What would your response be if that your home was stolen from you. Two wrongs don’t make a right but we must acknowledge the deep wrongs that have committed against the Palestinians.

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I bet I know the history better than Prager U. For instance, as Miko Peled has described in "The General's Son" the 1967 war was actually started by Israel when it pre-emptively attacked Egypt, which was nowhere near mobilised. In 1973 Israel tells how it was attacked on Yom Kippur, a complete surprise to them, apparently. Except that Israel had been bombing Syria for months by the time Yom Kippur happened. I know this because my mother lived there and was nearly killed by an Israeli bomb that destroyed her hair salon. A vital strategic target, no doubt. There are lies, damn lies, and Israeli "history."

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This quiz is obnoxious and ridiculous. It deliberately avoids the real history of the region by starting after it had already occurred. The real history starts with the Zionist movement, briefly tells the story of the Ottoman empire and its districts, continues with the Sykes-Picot Agreement in 1913, continues with the story of the region during WW1 and the promises of the allies to the Arabian peninsula tribes, includes the Balfour Agreement between Foreign Secretary Balfour and Rothschild, explains the culture of the region between WW1 and WW2, describes what happened when Jews started migrating to Palestine in large numbers, explains the UN partition plan of 1947, describes the Nakba, when Zionist militias butchered, raped and set on fire 5000+ villagers, and drove 750,000 villagers out of the country entirely, and then poisoned their wells with typhoid germs so they could not return, recounts the attempt of the British to intervene to stop the Zionist violence, which resulted in the Zionist militias bombing a British hotel, killing 250 people. It is at that point that the PragerU quiz STARTS. And as others have said, even then it misrepresents the truth, nor does it tell the actual story of what happened to the remaining Palestinians within Israel. Not a good look, Joel. Spend a few hours looking at some legitimate sources, like the UN pages on the Palestine Question, or the Encyclopedia Britannica. Then you can say you know a little about the history of Israel.

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An interesting question would have concerned the creation and funding of Hamas.

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Oct 25, 2023·edited Oct 25, 2023

I got 10 out of 10. However.....this question was omitted: What country was established in 1948 by Marxist European Jews with no personal history of residence in Palestine, using terrorism (bombings) to set up a new country in Palestine, and kicking out Christians AND Muslims who had lived there for CENTURIES???

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10/10 was relatively easy for anyone who pays attention to what’s happening in the world. Amazing the anti Israel sentiments I read in the comments. Each writer would have made perfect Germans in the 1930-1940’s.

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Zionist propaganda! Not true, that Israel was invaded 1948 according to Prof. Ilan Pappe. The Arabs scrambled a loose coalition of people as a repsonse to Haganah atrocities against civlians, see statements of the Israeli terrorists:


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That is a filtered history. Jews were not welcome in either the UK or USA after WW2. After what happened in Europe in the 30s/40s I fully support the need for a safe place, which is what Israel was meant to be, and it relieved the 'West' of its problem and guilt. I support Israel though it was formed in a messy way. Had Palestinians set up a similar questionnaire it might have started with - what terrorist groups in 1948 displaced over 700,000 Arab inhabitants and killed many? There should have been an equivalent of the Marshall Plan for the region in 1948. I want peace and safety for both Jews and Arabs in the region; it is either both or neither. I don't have an instant solution but more death and destruction will not be the route to it. In the UK I have noted increasing anti-Semitism over the past years and I note increasing anti-Muslim sentiment too. Too much hatred.

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You know, maybe back in 1947 or even earlier, somebody should have been talking to the Arab states about the idea of a Jewish homeland. I think there were proposals in the 1930s that maybe it should be in Patagonia or even Canada. I think the Jewish people from the Russian territories were the first ones to make their way to Palestine before the Second World War. It always baffled me that the British went to war with the Nazis and helped to save Jewish lives in the process and yet Jewish people went to Palestine and started killing British people! I don't think there is an answer to this situation. The USA keeps Israel in existence with it's power and military know-how but the Arabs are no longer riding around on horses like Anthony Quinn in "Lawrence of Arabia". I read the other day that Israelis are not having nearly enough children and within a generation or so they will be a minority in Israel. What happens then?

The sad thing is all the hatred which just goes from generation to generation getting more and more entrenched.

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Oct 25, 2023·edited Oct 25, 2023

So when do we have to give the USA back to the Indians? Sorry, this Middle East problem is insoluble, barring some divine miracle.

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Now perhaps you’d like to understand more of the everyday plight of the Palestinians?


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only 8/10 but i do know both sides are atrocious

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