This is just stage 1 of a multi stage project culminating in the enslavement of humanity & imo depopulation.
Look out for deliberate food & fuel shortages, mandatory digital ID to obtain rations. Probably then they’ll add back a vaccination requirement to keep your digital ID valid. The vaccines will be mRNA & far more lethal than the c19 “vaccines”.
This is just stage 1 of a multi stage project culminating in the enslavement of humanity & imo depopulation.
Look out for deliberate food & fuel shortages, mandatory digital ID to obtain rations. Probably then they’ll add back a vaccination requirement to keep your digital ID valid. The vaccines will be mRNA & far more lethal than the c19 “vaccines”.
This is just stage 1 of a multi stage project culminating in the enslavement of humanity & imo depopulation.
Look out for deliberate food & fuel shortages, mandatory digital ID to obtain rations. Probably then they’ll add back a vaccination requirement to keep your digital ID valid. The vaccines will be mRNA & far more lethal than the c19 “vaccines”.