I often think of the airplane analogy. The reason planes don't crash much more often is because there are multiple backup systems; therefore, numerous things have to go wrong at once for the plane to crash. With Covid we've watched as our public health authorities have ignored warning after warning after warning that their strategy was failing. God, or Mother Nature, or whatever you choose to call it, has fired one warning shot after another. Our leaders have ignored them all. The result very likely now will be catastrophe on a scale never-before-seen in human history.
If that happens, and I hope that as a species we're more resilient than that, then there needs to be heads rolling. Even if it doesn't happen, heads need to roll. How anyone could think this pandemic "game" was ever justified defies reason.
The analogy works. The 'pilot' not only ignored evidence of error, he made sure that, as far as possible, nobody would want to, or ultimately could, query his error. That the back-up systems were negated and neutralised to ensure the crime ran smoothly. The alarms were turned off.
The number of annual deaths reported from these shots to VAERS is about equivalent to a deadly jumbo jet crash every week. But you see, the shots are innocuous, whereas a jet crash is so starkly fatal.
If we’re to include “hull losses” (the entire aircraft is destroyed) then I regret to point out that a closer analogy is a 9/11 every few days or weeks (I’m saying it’s deliberate. I’m not making a mathematical point).
The “vaccines” were toxic-by-design. I find it implausible that four, independent R&D teams all alighted on toxic CoV spike protein as the immunogen in their vaccine. No. That’s collusion & malfeasance.
Then the “full development package” which is always agreed with medicines regulators. The packages are all obscenely inadequate, both in what was even studied as well as what the findings were. The clinical trials were fraudulent. The regulatory interactions were fraudulent. The manufacturing is even now fraudulent. The public data in some countries is hidden & in others deliberately misinterpreted.
This isn’t an accident. Is mass moral cowardice in the face of obvious bad practise at every level.
My understanding is the nucleoprotein is not accessible to antibodies. So it seems vaccine-induced humoral immunity may not be effective?
Injected-vaccine-induced T cells home to the skin where they are useless. Respiratory infection induced T cells home to the lungs, nasopharynx where they protect.
So would one have to also change the route of administration (intranasal) for a nucleoprotein-based vaccine to work?
I don’t think it’s true that antibodies can’t access it.
More important is this: other than secretory IgA facing the air side in airways, antibodies are of little importance in host defence against respiratory viruses.
What really does that crucial task are T-cells. It doesn’t matter even if the immunogen is invisible, the immune system dismantles the pathogen & finds it’s preferred pieces (“epitopes”) then destroys cells displaying that marker.
Steve Kirsch interviewed a pilot; you may have seen it recently. He had a heart attack after landing. He tried to reassure the public of the protocol of having a
co-pilot but admitted it might have endangered passengers had he become ill midstream. Today, an Aviation union filed a motion to end vaccine mandates for pilots, citing widespread damage.
Loyal employee of American Airlines hospitalized ten minutes from headquarters and no one called or visited. He has to wear a vest at all times to shock his heart in case it suddenly stops.
Yes we were lied to and misled etc, but we wouldn't be in this mess if people used the mental faculties they were born with - most just wanted an easy life, going along with the herd or showing their virtue. I made the choice to wait, and I am vindicated - I have little sympathy for these people who dived in and proclaimed their worth to society, pressured and vilified me - I still can't travel to most places - I'm not wishing them death but I am not sympathetic to them.
I've wrestled with this combination of a lack of balls, blind subservience and utter dedication to a comfortable life. I never imagined that folks would just go along with this. And how! They just lapped this vax crap up without a second thought. It really hammers home just much sway msm and social media has over the populace. I lost a lot over the last two years but at least I never stopped thinking.
Thank you Daniel...I have come to a similar place, with the phrase in my head, 'the culling of the obedient'. Also I learned something when my Mom went through lung cancer, which is that the emotional bond to those we love is still affected by the practicalities of life. What I mean is that when we know that many will die early from the jab or from anything, even our loved ones, we begin a 'separation' process by default in our own heads. We pull away in an effort to save ourselves anguish later on, or we begin to process their dying while they are still alive. Perhaps this is the cold reptilian side of the brain, just the logic, that says we have to harden ourselves to much death and to possibly being a caretaker for someone incapacitated from the jabs. As they sicken, we quicken, so to speak, and it is not pretty but true.
That’s comforting to know that it’s normal to begin to separate from those who are dying. I’ve experienced that. I think the dying also separate from us and from this world. I’ve experienced that too.
thank you for pointing this out. You voiced something I have been silent and ruminating about, thinking I was alone and feeling bad about these thoughts and feelings.... I tried so hard to convince my adult children not to get the jabs, but they all did, and no sooner did they, then I began to experience this awful grief/loss emotion that I could not discuss with anyone. The intensity of the feeling has dissipated but I still have this feeling they are "dead men walking" and I pray every day that they will somehow still have long, healthy lives, but I just don't know and am caught between hope and a kind of bleak resignation/anguish. About everyone.... but especially about my children.
I have four siblings & only one, my dearest sister Liz, remains unvaccinated. I am blessed that both young adults kids are also unvaccinated.
Of my three siblings, one asserts I’ve been “taken by aliens”, another that I’m simply mistaken in every way & the third I believe knows full well I’m right, but is avoiding conflict. My lovely wife is red-pilled & always had faith, long before I could prove my hunches.
It makes all the difference to have a supportive spouse -- I'm so glad that you do. One of the hardest things has been having no one in real life to talk to, who sees things in a similar way, or at least can listen and have a real dialogue about it without shutting me down or sending the mocking derision my way.
I want to say this: it has been people like you (and yes, you specifically), who have made a significant difference in my life, by your sticking your neck out and speaking out, and by my being able to tune into your many videos where you are speaking from the heart about what you are seeing and thinking, giving great supporting factual detail, and so clearly caring and genuine. Especially during the harshest lockdown period, when I was so isolated. If it weren't for having access to people speaking up and validating my own suspicions, I am not sure I would have made it.
I am immensely grateful. Please know that you have made a difference in how this is unfolding, and you continue to help.
When I lost my freelance BSL interpreter work in March 2020 I had time on my hands and read lots. My wife and adult kids thought I was going crazy. Thankfully they all took heed and we all took supplements. Wife camevto the 1 million March in London and got it. There are many of us. Lost friends but gained a virtual online community. Stand firm.
I am in the same space. Both of my grown children and ALL of my friends are jabbed. My husband (J&J), though he is supportive of me, has no interest in talking about any of it. So it is me and my virtual companions in the world of substacks, for which I am so very grateful.
I often consider that I might have to raise my little granddaughter at some point. That is reason enough to stay strong.
No, I do think it’s normal & it’s mirrored by the dying. In 2016, it looked like I might not have made it. It definitely felt very strange for a few months. Both in myself & on the part of family members.
If anyone ever goes through that, and survives, life is never taken for granted again. I’m actually more reckless now. You can live so cautiously that you’re never as alive as you could be.
I’m so glad you are still with us, Dr. Yeadon. You are a truth warrior this world needs so much right now. Thank you for everything. Love your recklessness!!!
Most of those early deaths were elderly and vulnerable care home residents who were terrorised and coerced into getting jabbed. There were numerous documented cases of 'Covid outbreaks' occurring at care homes across Europe and the US almost immediately after the jab teams went in and gave everyone their first shot. I do have some sympathy for the old folk who were conned into getting jabbed, not so much for younger adults who had access to information on the risks and who should have been aware of their low susceptibility to serious disease.
Apparently, it's still happening, unless this is an old report of deaths picked up by Steve Kirsch. 6 out of 9 residents of a Palo Alto nursing home died after getting the shot.
And yet so many of the elderly and boosted are seemingly fine…? I have a friend turning 90; others in their 80’s. Two friends who received organ transplants; one over 60. Kirsch cited a study that showed benefit of vax to 60+ cohort…?
Without an autopsy and blood work, and in the autopsy a lot of biopsy of various organs, we don't know what the elderly in care homes are dying of, really. Unless the embalmer pulls the silly putty webbing out of their blood vessels. And the elderly in care homes alreay have short life spans, at entry the life remaining is 3 to 6 years, according to the folks my wife and I talking with when we were looking for a place for an elder. So deaths are statisically "noisy" in that cohort, and easily assigned say to cardiac or renal failures, to COPD, to diabetes: all worsened by the shots. My hunch based on observations is that many of the over 85 die some months after the shot, but the death is not recorded as Covid. Indeed a light case of Covid may make the old person feel better. That's a paradoxical effect as the Spikes when attaching to the ACE2 hangers switch off some high strung inflamation response.
Hi Adria, yes, there are many elderly people who do seem fine, but I suspect that the majority of deaths which occurred in the over 60s cohort occurred relatively quickly between the 1st and 2nd doses. This article on vaccine related deaths in Israel has now been memory-holed on the web and is only accessible via archives:
"In order to estimate the death rate of those above 65 which were mostly vaccinated before that period we use data reported by the USA-based VAERS,
There we found, see article in english, that the ratio of deaths by those above 65 vs those below 65 is about 4.42 (155/35). Hence the death rate of those above 65 between the first and the second vaccination dose should be until January 19 0.042 (the death rate of those below 65) multiplied by 4.42, resulting in 0.186%, which is close to the 0.2% reported by the Ministry of Health on January 21 2021.
This value of 0.2 % death has been mysteriously modified later on by the Ministry of Health and was switched to 0.005 without any explanation, see article in hebrew. Above considerations show that the death rate data provided first were correct, the updated death rate data might have been intended to suggest lower death rates among the elderly."
On the actual Israeli data for over 65s they state:
"Among those vaccinated and above 65, 0.2% of those vaccinated died during the 3-week period between doses, hence about 200 among 100000 vaccinated. This is to be compared to the 4.91 dead among 100000 dying from COVID-19 without vaccination, see below. This should not be confused with the COVID-19 0.279 deaths among 100000 reported for those who completed the vaccination process, meaning 2 weeks after the second dose, see below table from the Ynet article."
So it does seem that the risk window for the elderly occurred between the 1st and 2nd doses. This is talking about deaths just 'from Covid' of course. The authors conclude:
"We conclude that the Pfizer vaccines, for the elderly, killed during the 5-week vaccination period about 40 times more people than the disease itself would have killed, and about 260 times more people than the disease among the younger age class."
So in actual fact, the risk of death 'from Covid' in the under 65s is still significantly greater than that in the over 65s.
Steve Kirsch is perplexed by the result of the analysis he cites, showing a positive benefit risk ratio for those over 60, which was in fact done by Joel himself. I suspect it may turn out that the data may have been missing those elderly who died in the small window between 1st and 2nd doses. Steve hints at that possibility himself:
". . . . people may report someone who dies 13 days after Dose 1 to be unvaccinated, people who answer the survey."
I `believe' people CAN'T use `the mental faculties they were born with' due to the BRAIN POISON FLUORIDE that is in most municipal WATER supplies. Rural communities without FLUORIDE in their drinking water have a much higher `AWAKE' sense than their city brethren, and far less aberrant behaviour generally.
The anti-vaxxer labelling at the time was horrendous... An d they were - And still are - ready to sacrifice people including children to hide their crime. Shameful.
How much of the refusal to admit what has been blindingly obvious is down to ‘cognitive dissonance’?
I have a friend who is a nurse and she decided to give the vaccines to both her children to demonstrate her faith in the vaccines. She believes that if 20yo hadn’t been vaccinated we would all still ‘have’ to be locked down.
She is a lovely person and has to believe in what she does. When she talks about vaccines her eyes go shiney
I honestly believe it’s a subconscious psychological response to protect her from moral injury. She just can’t deal with the truth
At the lower levels, yes. But at the public institutional level, cognitive dissonance is not an acceptable excuse. UKHSA, ONS, SAGE, they all had the data and the analytical skills. They chose not to use them in favour of the pre-ordained dogma. And, as for the journalists...
Yes they have the capabilities but have chosen to follow the lies. Out of fear presumably given the level of coercion. A doctor speaking out against mainstream believes risks nearly if not absolutely everything
It’s the lower levels, the masses, that need to be shaken out of this dissonance and face the reality of the insidious project to imprison humanity that we have been subjected to over the past several decades, culminating in the events of the past 2 years. The perpetrators overseeing the plan are readily identifiable, other than a few shadowy figures that stay out of the limelight (Vanguard’s main shareholders no doubt). But the plan has only been able to be enacted by regularity capture, sycophants in high places towing the party line and too few doctors, scientists, journalists and captains of industry prepared to put their head above the parapet for fear of losing their jobs or being scorned at for not being in this together/killing Gran/etc.
To those brave few that have fought for truth, freedom and humanity I offer my humble thanks. You know who you are. Only once the masses have woken up and rejected the creeping authoritarianism of WHO treaties and social credit, etc, will we be in a position to replace the odious, cowardly leaders and their lackeys who have overseen the lies, propaganda and scandal of the scamdemic and the associated policies that mark the descent into technocracy. And they should be replaced with those that have shown honesty, integrity and a willingness to discover and share truth at whatever cost.
If only a whistleblower would come forward from one of the government sources trusted by the people getting vaccinated… It was announced that a fair number of CDC employees remain unvaccinated. Off the top of my head I think it might have been 20% of staff. One wonders whether Dr Walensky is one of them.
You make a very good point: most people who are taken in by the lies have some sort of very obvious emotional affect when they talk about the shots. Like your friend, it might be gushing gratitude for the life-saving technology of vaccines she believes in (like a religion, almost, right?) -- and I have also seen the very strong twisting of facial features into hatred, mocking derision, outrage or dismissal.
All of these emotions are decoupling the logic part of the brain.
Are we able to set our emotions aside as we do our research, even as the dawning horror of what is being done hits us in the gut? I think so. At least, that's how I experience it.... I have a strong stomach for the truth, and I seek truth. Sometimes, I get angry with what I learn, but look at the faces of people as they talk about this COVID madness: the mainstream news people all have very emotional, contorted faces -- to better entrain the viewers into feeling the same emotions as they soak up the information (so obvious, what they are doing). But the censored, "alternative" truth-seeking scientists who are trying to get the word out are not putting out false emotions at all - it's so easy to tell who is being genuine and who is being manipulative.
I see the same echoes in the people I come into contact with -- I can tell the ones who watch mainstream TV because they mimic the same, contrived emotions. You can tell who is brainwashed. For some, it is almost like yes, a trigger word activates them into the emotions. It's not coming from them -- but like an alien takes over their mind and body.
I believe people who have not been hypnotized may have a constellation of traits, including some of the following:
- an inquisitive mind, curious and with high pattern recognition, wanting things to "make sense." This is a combination of open-minded and skeptical.
- less motivated by wanting to align with a group for the sake of relationships/acceptance. This may be a natural trait or may be because of past ostracism/not fitting in, some bullying, etc. that led to more comfort in being alone, or going to the beat of a different drummer, etc. Or maybe have always been comfortable in your own skin, not needing acceptance of the crowd.
- enjoyment of solving complex puzzles and, in fact, thriving in complex environments and seeking them out, as opposed to shutting out the uncomfortable details to take the easier or less stressful route of following scripts and protocols laid out by others.
That's a short list and just a start. Can you think of any other traits to include on the list?
Good list. I fit all three. Part of my skepticism is a distrust of government. Could be why we find more on the left (eg Democratic Party calls itself “the party of government “) buying in to jabs and masks while right/ libertarian types haven’t as much. Even amongst my conservative friends, the mainstream Republican types have mostly gotten jabbed while the tea party/ MAGA types have not. It’s so clear a pattern related to trust in government, I could graph it!
One huge surprise to me actually has to do with the organic/natural foods store where I have shopped for years. I have been independent, health conscious, anti-GMO, anti-Government control of individuals, anti-groupthink, and I assumed that people who shopped at this store were similarly-minded, because many of us had tried conventional medicine and it had failed us, so we turned to herbals, clean food, etc.
Boy, was I wrong! This store is as lefty as they come! Very rigid with the mask enforcement but with a "hey guys we are all in this together, and do the right thing and put on your mask" GENTLE pressure, and everyone conformed without a peep. The most scared bunch of social distancers, darting in and out to grab the veggie, being very sure to politely wait your turn so you don't get in anyone's 6-foot space.
So weird to me that all of these people who would never put a gluten or a GMO in their body would leap at the chance to jab themselves as many times as possible, as soon as they could get an appointment. This is the same crowd who now prevents me from attending the lovely choral and instrumental concerts I always used to enjoy. Now you have to prove you've been boosted, or forget about it.
What I don’t get is doctors and nurses buying into the jabs. Unlike most, they have scientific training and also see the jab injuries and deaths first hand. Why do I know all the dangers when I’m just a gab and Substack reader with no science background?
I'm not claiming I have the answer, but I suspect it is the underlying traits making them susceptible to going along with the group. This can be a very powerful motivation. As many of us have seen, ostracism and shunning, particularly by friends, colleagues and family members, is extremely painful. How many of us have been shocked that our loved ones could not see through this?
With respect to nurses and doctors, they are for the most part self selecting into a highly dictated framework in which they operate -- the indoctrination through the medical schools is systematic and designed to produce people who reinforce the information they have been taught to memorize and regurgitate. That is part of the requirement to be a licensed professional. A few will escape that system and operate more independently, but it is much harder to do so nowadays than it was in the past.
I'm neither a doctor nor a nurse, so I'd love for some of them who have seen through all this to chime in.
My father was a pathologist and he just died in January at aged 97. No Covid or jab- natural death. He grew up in Sweden but immigrated to America in 1949 because he wanted to be a doctor but not practice socialized medicine. He was probably a last of the independent doctors of his day. I was sad that he experienced the passage of Obamacare after all he fought for. He left a mark on me- to distrust government and especially government health care.
We can see similar cognitive dissonance with regard to geo-engineering. Chemtrails have long been in the realm of tin foil hat conspiracy. Yet there’s evidence of their existence above our heads most days. But most people (90/10 Pareto seen in many psychological conformity studies?) ‘see no ships’.
‘The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. His heart sank as he thought of the enormous power arrayed against him, the ease with which any Party intellectual would overthrow him in debate, the subtle arguments which he would not be able to understand, much less answer. And yet he was in the right! They were wrong and he was right.’
Thank you. It is mindblowing what authorities did and how they lured people into getting vaccinated. How they misled vulnerable people. They should be investigated and charged.We have to change the processes that enabled all this FRAUD.
it is indeed obvious that we must cleave to one another because only we can save ourselves. It is so unsettling to come to terms that every institution that normally protects us has been destroyed, disabled or has self censored. Unfortunately, I can understand how one can be influenced into self censoring or even into taking an experimental treatment against everything known about its toxicity.
I feel like I’m living in the Age of Lies. Big Pharma/business, political leaders, economic leaders & the media. The overwhelming thread runs through them all: bald-faced lies from every angle.
I can not help but wonder, did you know about the possibility of high expression of HERV-K in the airways of people with severe #COVID19 before spike-producing mRNA was on the market?
Thank you for acknowledging my question. I simply asked: did you know about the possibility of high expression of HERV-K in the airways of people with severe #COVID19 before spike-producing mRNA was on the market?
No. I was aware that spike was weakly homologous with many human proteins, including the syncytins aka HERVs. Naturally the possibility of autoimmunity came to mind, for example in pregnancy.
I can’t immediately think of the significance of HERV in airways. That’s what’s behind my question. I’m tired & probably being dumb!
I believe the logical conclusion is the "Early warning signals of vax-induced COVID were DELIBERATELY ignored" - as were masses of other evidence of its dangers.
The correlation between vaccination rate and covid19 infection rate is real! In May 2021 I wrote in a small blog an article about the strange correlations between vaccine roll out and new Covid cases. The most extreme correlation I found in Bahrain. I found severall retroperspective or even randomized controlled studies that found that effect, as side effect hidden in the appendices. Links are all in my article
Other strange correlation is that the hospitalization data of vaccinated in the UK correlated for roughly three months only with the vaccination rate but not with the general infection rate! Chart in article.
Large countries like India and Canda had unsynchronized Covid19 surges in their states. With the synchronized rollout of the vaccines these surges suddenly synchronized. Charts in the article.
The correlation is actually "only" between first vacciantion rate. After the second jab there was no increase. (Example with India ans Bagladesh in article)
Claire Craig had the theory that the immune system is weakend after the first jab. That was now confirmed in the recently published data from Pfizer that had to be released after court ruling due to FOIA. You find Clares comment under the comment in a bmj article.
What always wonders me untill today, why the correlation is so strong between vaccination rate and hospitalization rate in the UK. Normaly that should be a function of vacciantion rate AND generall daily infections. Because the freshly vaccianted must have a chance to get infected. This chance has to be higher when a lot of infections occur. But the correlation was only with vaccination rate. That makes no sense to me. It looks like a portion of people is carrying he virus with them but do not get sick, like Herpes Virus. And then if you get vaccinated your immunesystem is weakend an the illness Covid19 pops up. I am far from sure that that is right. But lately was the finding that in sewage water in Israel they still find plenty of Delta variant although in nasal swabs you only find Omicron. Do some people never get really healthy?
"An observational paradox in our study was that the participants who took two doses of COVID-19 vaccination had higher odds of developing Long COVID."
Isn't it paradox that all data that shows bad outcomes of the vaccination is either just a correlation without causation or quite obvious a paradox? It seems they can only think in one direction. Because shortly after the sentence above they state:
"But we could not find any literature on this association, and based on this study, we cannot imply causation."
That is realy great! If new findings that show a bad outcome of the vaccinations can only be published if it had allready been published...
If we could just leave stuff alone, we could have paradise. Jokingly, I vote for a new evolution where we are the same but without thumbs. Full reboot, cromag, no thumbs. Or, that we are born without thumbs and have to earn them, like getting a drivers license. (I know this puts a kink in the ability of our long ago apesisters to swing from trees, but I am still working out my theory...) As for the Jan 2022 study you linked, am suprised it got published, but glad, despite those always misleading titles and conclusions. But ooh, that middle part!
Joel, what is your gut feeling on how this ends? Will these companies and the CDC/FDA ever be held responsible?
So much evidence of fraud and vax injuries comes out every day and I think we are making progress—and wham! They say 5-11 year olds can get boosters. What do you think happens? Will they get away with this?
I think so. In a few years, everyone will look back on this and wonder how the hell it happened. Hopefully, after watching the criminal conviction of all the WEF puppets and maybe even their masters.
This is just stage 1 of a multi stage project culminating in the enslavement of humanity & imo depopulation.
Look out for deliberate food & fuel shortages, mandatory digital ID to obtain rations. Probably then they’ll add back a vaccination requirement to keep your digital ID valid. The vaccines will be mRNA & far more lethal than the c19 “vaccines”.
I can feel your simmering rage and I too feel that there is clear evidence of criminal behaviour, if not in causing these things to happen, then in effecting a cover up. After all, you only cover up what you know is wrong. Something is seriously bad about the synchronised nonsense imposed on the world. Is the WHO 'Treaty' an attempt to ensure we can't interfere in future?
Whipple (https://twitter.com/whippletom) is either a paid Pharma shill or a complete idiot, who has obviously never read and understood a medical study. Tom, it is a scientificfact--the vaxx does not stop transmission, and from the data Joel presents the vax creates an environment of negative efficacy. And yet, Tom recently posted to Twitter the following:
"My n of 1: I had two nasal spray vaccines on a trial, along with three normal ones. Still got infected, alas."
Later on in the thread:
"What on earth are you talking about? I just said I’ve had five vaccines. Precisely because I believe in them."
I wonder what it is like to be Whipple and his editors, writing stories that are responsible for people catching covid and possibly dying. He and his must have enormous guilt.
it's the motivation that matters. Not everyone has the same motivations.
Some are motivated by wanting to understand deeply. Others don't care if they understand or not -- they outsource this function to trusted experts.
Some have a self-focus and do not really have compassion for others (nor even truly understand that there ARE others). This is on the narcissist spectrum, but a matter of degree
Some have an other-focus and in some this is overdeveloped to the point where all attention is outwards -- this is projection and would be the Karens (I'm oversimplifying)
People in positions of power may have different motivations. Usually, though, as we have observed, these motivations are out of balance. The institutions themselves are out of balance. We do not have the "checks and balances" in individuals, institutions, or systems of governance or social systems. These have been taken over by sociopathic groups with nefarious intent, lacking compassion, who know how to manipulate people through their emotions.
It's truly horrifying to those of us who can see it, especially when we see our many loved ones being deceived and harmed, while also being turned against us.
I remember that HART presentation Joel and am so grateful for the help and graphs you gave to the UK Medical Freedom Alliance so we were able to be the first to alert the UK to the jab-related deaths in care homes catastrophe that was unfolding in our open letter to the MHRA, JCVI, Hancock and Zahawi on 7th February 2021 (link below). It was obvious by then that we had a serious problem unfolding, from the anecdotal reports in the media around the world, and confirmed by your excellent data analysis. We will be judged to be on the right side of history I'm sure when all the truth finally comes out. https://assets.website-files.com/5fa5866942937a4d73918723/601ffc3e56a64132caa3f42f_Open_Letter_from_the_UKMFA_Vaccine_Deaths_Care%20Homes.pdf
I often think of the airplane analogy. The reason planes don't crash much more often is because there are multiple backup systems; therefore, numerous things have to go wrong at once for the plane to crash. With Covid we've watched as our public health authorities have ignored warning after warning after warning that their strategy was failing. God, or Mother Nature, or whatever you choose to call it, has fired one warning shot after another. Our leaders have ignored them all. The result very likely now will be catastrophe on a scale never-before-seen in human history.
If that happens, and I hope that as a species we're more resilient than that, then there needs to be heads rolling. Even if it doesn't happen, heads need to roll. How anyone could think this pandemic "game" was ever justified defies reason.
The analogy works. The 'pilot' not only ignored evidence of error, he made sure that, as far as possible, nobody would want to, or ultimately could, query his error. That the back-up systems were negated and neutralised to ensure the crime ran smoothly. The alarms were turned off.
The number of annual deaths reported from these shots to VAERS is about equivalent to a deadly jumbo jet crash every week. But you see, the shots are innocuous, whereas a jet crash is so starkly fatal.
If we’re to include “hull losses” (the entire aircraft is destroyed) then I regret to point out that a closer analogy is a 9/11 every few days or weeks (I’m saying it’s deliberate. I’m not making a mathematical point).
The “vaccines” were toxic-by-design. I find it implausible that four, independent R&D teams all alighted on toxic CoV spike protein as the immunogen in their vaccine. No. That’s collusion & malfeasance.
Then the “full development package” which is always agreed with medicines regulators. The packages are all obscenely inadequate, both in what was even studied as well as what the findings were. The clinical trials were fraudulent. The regulatory interactions were fraudulent. The manufacturing is even now fraudulent. The public data in some countries is hidden & in others deliberately misinterpreted.
This isn’t an accident. Is mass moral cowardice in the face of obvious bad practise at every level.
I’ll keep pointing this out until they intern me.
My problem is that it would seem to me that the vaccine industry was always so. The question I then ask is why did insiders not speak up before?
The vaccine was unnecessary because we have cheap, safe, effective early treatments.
Hypothetically, let's say we need a vaccine. What would you use as the immunogen?
If I had to do it, I’d pick part of the nucleoprotein.
I’d be guided by the direction of natural immunity.
That’s been done & it turns out the vast majority (~90%) of the immune responses are directed to virus protein fragments other than spike.
My understanding is the nucleoprotein is not accessible to antibodies. So it seems vaccine-induced humoral immunity may not be effective?
Injected-vaccine-induced T cells home to the skin where they are useless. Respiratory infection induced T cells home to the lungs, nasopharynx where they protect.
So would one have to also change the route of administration (intranasal) for a nucleoprotein-based vaccine to work?
I don’t think it’s true that antibodies can’t access it.
More important is this: other than secretory IgA facing the air side in airways, antibodies are of little importance in host defence against respiratory viruses.
What really does that crucial task are T-cells. It doesn’t matter even if the immunogen is invisible, the immune system dismantles the pathogen & finds it’s preferred pieces (“epitopes”) then destroys cells displaying that marker.
Do you agree that injected-vaccine-induced T cells are no good because they home to the wrong location?
Mechanisms of T cell organotropism
Steve Kirsch interviewed a pilot; you may have seen it recently. He had a heart attack after landing. He tried to reassure the public of the protocol of having a
co-pilot but admitted it might have endangered passengers had he become ill midstream. Today, an Aviation union filed a motion to end vaccine mandates for pilots, citing widespread damage.
Loyal employee of American Airlines hospitalized ten minutes from headquarters and no one called or visited. He has to wear a vest at all times to shock his heart in case it suddenly stops.
It’s a bit more than “ignored”. “Deliberately suppressed” would be more accurate.
More airplane analogy:
Vaccine safety: Learning from the Boeing 737 MAX disasters
Consider jabbed pilots and the pushback against 5G on planes fir technical reasons being ignored. We might need a new analogy soon!
Since the flood
Yes we were lied to and misled etc, but we wouldn't be in this mess if people used the mental faculties they were born with - most just wanted an easy life, going along with the herd or showing their virtue. I made the choice to wait, and I am vindicated - I have little sympathy for these people who dived in and proclaimed their worth to society, pressured and vilified me - I still can't travel to most places - I'm not wishing them death but I am not sympathetic to them.
I've wrestled with this combination of a lack of balls, blind subservience and utter dedication to a comfortable life. I never imagined that folks would just go along with this. And how! They just lapped this vax crap up without a second thought. It really hammers home just much sway msm and social media has over the populace. I lost a lot over the last two years but at least I never stopped thinking.
When they all run to one side of the boat....I tend to stay on the other...
Nice saying!
Thank you Daniel...I have come to a similar place, with the phrase in my head, 'the culling of the obedient'. Also I learned something when my Mom went through lung cancer, which is that the emotional bond to those we love is still affected by the practicalities of life. What I mean is that when we know that many will die early from the jab or from anything, even our loved ones, we begin a 'separation' process by default in our own heads. We pull away in an effort to save ourselves anguish later on, or we begin to process their dying while they are still alive. Perhaps this is the cold reptilian side of the brain, just the logic, that says we have to harden ourselves to much death and to possibly being a caretaker for someone incapacitated from the jabs. As they sicken, we quicken, so to speak, and it is not pretty but true.
That’s comforting to know that it’s normal to begin to separate from those who are dying. I’ve experienced that. I think the dying also separate from us and from this world. I’ve experienced that too.
I think something like this happens with some people: “They’d rather die with the herd than to leave the herd”.
I’ve never been a pack animal, more a loner. Fortunately for both of us, my wife to be & I “loned“ into each other ❤️
Like ❤️
thank you for pointing this out. You voiced something I have been silent and ruminating about, thinking I was alone and feeling bad about these thoughts and feelings.... I tried so hard to convince my adult children not to get the jabs, but they all did, and no sooner did they, then I began to experience this awful grief/loss emotion that I could not discuss with anyone. The intensity of the feeling has dissipated but I still have this feeling they are "dead men walking" and I pray every day that they will somehow still have long, healthy lives, but I just don't know and am caught between hope and a kind of bleak resignation/anguish. About everyone.... but especially about my children.
God, that sounds awful, and I understand.
I have four siblings & only one, my dearest sister Liz, remains unvaccinated. I am blessed that both young adults kids are also unvaccinated.
Of my three siblings, one asserts I’ve been “taken by aliens”, another that I’m simply mistaken in every way & the third I believe knows full well I’m right, but is avoiding conflict. My lovely wife is red-pilled & always had faith, long before I could prove my hunches.
It makes all the difference to have a supportive spouse -- I'm so glad that you do. One of the hardest things has been having no one in real life to talk to, who sees things in a similar way, or at least can listen and have a real dialogue about it without shutting me down or sending the mocking derision my way.
I want to say this: it has been people like you (and yes, you specifically), who have made a significant difference in my life, by your sticking your neck out and speaking out, and by my being able to tune into your many videos where you are speaking from the heart about what you are seeing and thinking, giving great supporting factual detail, and so clearly caring and genuine. Especially during the harshest lockdown period, when I was so isolated. If it weren't for having access to people speaking up and validating my own suspicions, I am not sure I would have made it.
I am immensely grateful. Please know that you have made a difference in how this is unfolding, and you continue to help.
Yes Dani, those who are injects certainly don't want to talk about it, I am not even hearing them be as proud lately.
When I lost my freelance BSL interpreter work in March 2020 I had time on my hands and read lots. My wife and adult kids thought I was going crazy. Thankfully they all took heed and we all took supplements. Wife camevto the 1 million March in London and got it. There are many of us. Lost friends but gained a virtual online community. Stand firm.
I am in the same space. Both of my grown children and ALL of my friends are jabbed. My husband (J&J), though he is supportive of me, has no interest in talking about any of it. So it is me and my virtual companions in the world of substacks, for which I am so very grateful.
I often consider that I might have to raise my little granddaughter at some point. That is reason enough to stay strong.
Thank goodness OSE for your grand-daughter.
Just one person makes the world of difference.
Painfully true Dani. Like JS above, your comment is insightful.
We are all grieving.
So true, I've found myself doing that and wondering if I'm a bad person as a result.
No, I do think it’s normal & it’s mirrored by the dying. In 2016, it looked like I might not have made it. It definitely felt very strange for a few months. Both in myself & on the part of family members.
If anyone ever goes through that, and survives, life is never taken for granted again. I’m actually more reckless now. You can live so cautiously that you’re never as alive as you could be.
I’m so glad you are still with us, Dr. Yeadon. You are a truth warrior this world needs so much right now. Thank you for everything. Love your recklessness!!!
LIke button not working again. And I agree, I am so glad you are still with us Dr. Yeadon.
Very insightful JS.
Most of those early deaths were elderly and vulnerable care home residents who were terrorised and coerced into getting jabbed. There were numerous documented cases of 'Covid outbreaks' occurring at care homes across Europe and the US almost immediately after the jab teams went in and gave everyone their first shot. I do have some sympathy for the old folk who were conned into getting jabbed, not so much for younger adults who had access to information on the risks and who should have been aware of their low susceptibility to serious disease.
Indeed. I am going to add a chart I did especially for care homes a couple of months later.
Apparently, it's still happening, unless this is an old report of deaths picked up by Steve Kirsch. 6 out of 9 residents of a Palo Alto nursing home died after getting the shot.
And yet so many of the elderly and boosted are seemingly fine…? I have a friend turning 90; others in their 80’s. Two friends who received organ transplants; one over 60. Kirsch cited a study that showed benefit of vax to 60+ cohort…?
Without an autopsy and blood work, and in the autopsy a lot of biopsy of various organs, we don't know what the elderly in care homes are dying of, really. Unless the embalmer pulls the silly putty webbing out of their blood vessels. And the elderly in care homes alreay have short life spans, at entry the life remaining is 3 to 6 years, according to the folks my wife and I talking with when we were looking for a place for an elder. So deaths are statisically "noisy" in that cohort, and easily assigned say to cardiac or renal failures, to COPD, to diabetes: all worsened by the shots. My hunch based on observations is that many of the over 85 die some months after the shot, but the death is not recorded as Covid. Indeed a light case of Covid may make the old person feel better. That's a paradoxical effect as the Spikes when attaching to the ACE2 hangers switch off some high strung inflamation response.
Hi Adria, yes, there are many elderly people who do seem fine, but I suspect that the majority of deaths which occurred in the over 60s cohort occurred relatively quickly between the 1st and 2nd doses. This article on vaccine related deaths in Israel has now been memory-holed on the web and is only accessible via archives:
The authors say of the VAERS data:
"In order to estimate the death rate of those above 65 which were mostly vaccinated before that period we use data reported by the USA-based VAERS,
There we found, see article in english, that the ratio of deaths by those above 65 vs those below 65 is about 4.42 (155/35). Hence the death rate of those above 65 between the first and the second vaccination dose should be until January 19 0.042 (the death rate of those below 65) multiplied by 4.42, resulting in 0.186%, which is close to the 0.2% reported by the Ministry of Health on January 21 2021.
This value of 0.2 % death has been mysteriously modified later on by the Ministry of Health and was switched to 0.005 without any explanation, see article in hebrew. Above considerations show that the death rate data provided first were correct, the updated death rate data might have been intended to suggest lower death rates among the elderly."
On the actual Israeli data for over 65s they state:
"Among those vaccinated and above 65, 0.2% of those vaccinated died during the 3-week period between doses, hence about 200 among 100000 vaccinated. This is to be compared to the 4.91 dead among 100000 dying from COVID-19 without vaccination, see below. This should not be confused with the COVID-19 0.279 deaths among 100000 reported for those who completed the vaccination process, meaning 2 weeks after the second dose, see below table from the Ynet article."
So it does seem that the risk window for the elderly occurred between the 1st and 2nd doses. This is talking about deaths just 'from Covid' of course. The authors conclude:
"We conclude that the Pfizer vaccines, for the elderly, killed during the 5-week vaccination period about 40 times more people than the disease itself would have killed, and about 260 times more people than the disease among the younger age class."
So in actual fact, the risk of death 'from Covid' in the under 65s is still significantly greater than that in the over 65s.
Steve Kirsch is perplexed by the result of the analysis he cites, showing a positive benefit risk ratio for those over 60, which was in fact done by Joel himself. I suspect it may turn out that the data may have been missing those elderly who died in the small window between 1st and 2nd doses. Steve hints at that possibility himself:
". . . . people may report someone who dies 13 days after Dose 1 to be unvaccinated, people who answer the survey."
Thank you Jamie for explaining this in such detail. I appreciate it!
I `believe' people CAN'T use `the mental faculties they were born with' due to the BRAIN POISON FLUORIDE that is in most municipal WATER supplies. Rural communities without FLUORIDE in their drinking water have a much higher `AWAKE' sense than their city brethren, and far less aberrant behaviour generally.
Yes, Daniel, a lot of people were proud to be early adopters.
I am sympathetic towards them but in a pitying way which is not a nice emotion to feel.
Thanks for this.
I had made the same conclusion at the time.
The anti-vaxxer labelling at the time was horrendous... An d they were - And still are - ready to sacrifice people including children to hide their crime. Shameful.
How much of the refusal to admit what has been blindingly obvious is down to ‘cognitive dissonance’?
I have a friend who is a nurse and she decided to give the vaccines to both her children to demonstrate her faith in the vaccines. She believes that if 20yo hadn’t been vaccinated we would all still ‘have’ to be locked down.
She is a lovely person and has to believe in what she does. When she talks about vaccines her eyes go shiney
I honestly believe it’s a subconscious psychological response to protect her from moral injury. She just can’t deal with the truth
At the lower levels, yes. But at the public institutional level, cognitive dissonance is not an acceptable excuse. UKHSA, ONS, SAGE, they all had the data and the analytical skills. They chose not to use them in favour of the pre-ordained dogma. And, as for the journalists...
Yes they have the capabilities but have chosen to follow the lies. Out of fear presumably given the level of coercion. A doctor speaking out against mainstream believes risks nearly if not absolutely everything
As do the ‘scientists’
It’s the lower levels, the masses, that need to be shaken out of this dissonance and face the reality of the insidious project to imprison humanity that we have been subjected to over the past several decades, culminating in the events of the past 2 years. The perpetrators overseeing the plan are readily identifiable, other than a few shadowy figures that stay out of the limelight (Vanguard’s main shareholders no doubt). But the plan has only been able to be enacted by regularity capture, sycophants in high places towing the party line and too few doctors, scientists, journalists and captains of industry prepared to put their head above the parapet for fear of losing their jobs or being scorned at for not being in this together/killing Gran/etc.
To those brave few that have fought for truth, freedom and humanity I offer my humble thanks. You know who you are. Only once the masses have woken up and rejected the creeping authoritarianism of WHO treaties and social credit, etc, will we be in a position to replace the odious, cowardly leaders and their lackeys who have overseen the lies, propaganda and scandal of the scamdemic and the associated policies that mark the descent into technocracy. And they should be replaced with those that have shown honesty, integrity and a willingness to discover and share truth at whatever cost.
The mass media & their four horsemen in the tech companies are as bad as the medics.
If only a whistleblower would come forward from one of the government sources trusted by the people getting vaccinated… It was announced that a fair number of CDC employees remain unvaccinated. Off the top of my head I think it might have been 20% of staff. One wonders whether Dr Walensky is one of them.
You make a very good point: most people who are taken in by the lies have some sort of very obvious emotional affect when they talk about the shots. Like your friend, it might be gushing gratitude for the life-saving technology of vaccines she believes in (like a religion, almost, right?) -- and I have also seen the very strong twisting of facial features into hatred, mocking derision, outrage or dismissal.
All of these emotions are decoupling the logic part of the brain.
Are we able to set our emotions aside as we do our research, even as the dawning horror of what is being done hits us in the gut? I think so. At least, that's how I experience it.... I have a strong stomach for the truth, and I seek truth. Sometimes, I get angry with what I learn, but look at the faces of people as they talk about this COVID madness: the mainstream news people all have very emotional, contorted faces -- to better entrain the viewers into feeling the same emotions as they soak up the information (so obvious, what they are doing). But the censored, "alternative" truth-seeking scientists who are trying to get the word out are not putting out false emotions at all - it's so easy to tell who is being genuine and who is being manipulative.
I see the same echoes in the people I come into contact with -- I can tell the ones who watch mainstream TV because they mimic the same, contrived emotions. You can tell who is brainwashed. For some, it is almost like yes, a trigger word activates them into the emotions. It's not coming from them -- but like an alien takes over their mind and body.
This is the mass hypnosis people talk about which sounds so ridiculous, but I have seen it in others as you describe.
How have they been hypnotised? And why haven’t we?
I believe people who have not been hypnotized may have a constellation of traits, including some of the following:
- an inquisitive mind, curious and with high pattern recognition, wanting things to "make sense." This is a combination of open-minded and skeptical.
- less motivated by wanting to align with a group for the sake of relationships/acceptance. This may be a natural trait or may be because of past ostracism/not fitting in, some bullying, etc. that led to more comfort in being alone, or going to the beat of a different drummer, etc. Or maybe have always been comfortable in your own skin, not needing acceptance of the crowd.
- enjoyment of solving complex puzzles and, in fact, thriving in complex environments and seeking them out, as opposed to shutting out the uncomfortable details to take the easier or less stressful route of following scripts and protocols laid out by others.
That's a short list and just a start. Can you think of any other traits to include on the list?
Good list. I fit all three. Part of my skepticism is a distrust of government. Could be why we find more on the left (eg Democratic Party calls itself “the party of government “) buying in to jabs and masks while right/ libertarian types haven’t as much. Even amongst my conservative friends, the mainstream Republican types have mostly gotten jabbed while the tea party/ MAGA types have not. It’s so clear a pattern related to trust in government, I could graph it!
One huge surprise to me actually has to do with the organic/natural foods store where I have shopped for years. I have been independent, health conscious, anti-GMO, anti-Government control of individuals, anti-groupthink, and I assumed that people who shopped at this store were similarly-minded, because many of us had tried conventional medicine and it had failed us, so we turned to herbals, clean food, etc.
Boy, was I wrong! This store is as lefty as they come! Very rigid with the mask enforcement but with a "hey guys we are all in this together, and do the right thing and put on your mask" GENTLE pressure, and everyone conformed without a peep. The most scared bunch of social distancers, darting in and out to grab the veggie, being very sure to politely wait your turn so you don't get in anyone's 6-foot space.
So weird to me that all of these people who would never put a gluten or a GMO in their body would leap at the chance to jab themselves as many times as possible, as soon as they could get an appointment. This is the same crowd who now prevents me from attending the lovely choral and instrumental concerts I always used to enjoy. Now you have to prove you've been boosted, or forget about it.
Speaking for myself, I don't like being told what I should do.
A nose for Bull & lies.
I wrote about this a while back and the comments provide tons of good stories:
What I don’t get is doctors and nurses buying into the jabs. Unlike most, they have scientific training and also see the jab injuries and deaths first hand. Why do I know all the dangers when I’m just a gab and Substack reader with no science background?
Indoctrinated and brainwashed industrial (for the money mill unit) doctors and nurses simply switch into Zombie robot mode @ work.
I'm not claiming I have the answer, but I suspect it is the underlying traits making them susceptible to going along with the group. This can be a very powerful motivation. As many of us have seen, ostracism and shunning, particularly by friends, colleagues and family members, is extremely painful. How many of us have been shocked that our loved ones could not see through this?
With respect to nurses and doctors, they are for the most part self selecting into a highly dictated framework in which they operate -- the indoctrination through the medical schools is systematic and designed to produce people who reinforce the information they have been taught to memorize and regurgitate. That is part of the requirement to be a licensed professional. A few will escape that system and operate more independently, but it is much harder to do so nowadays than it was in the past.
I'm neither a doctor nor a nurse, so I'd love for some of them who have seen through all this to chime in.
I recommend you watch some of Matias Desmet's videos on mass formation psychosis. https://odysee.com/$/search?q=matias%20desmet
My father was a pathologist and he just died in January at aged 97. No Covid or jab- natural death. He grew up in Sweden but immigrated to America in 1949 because he wanted to be a doctor but not practice socialized medicine. He was probably a last of the independent doctors of his day. I was sad that he experienced the passage of Obamacare after all he fought for. He left a mark on me- to distrust government and especially government health care.
I am sorry for your loss.
They are most at risk of not seeing the wood for the trees.
We can see similar cognitive dissonance with regard to geo-engineering. Chemtrails have long been in the realm of tin foil hat conspiracy. Yet there’s evidence of their existence above our heads most days. But most people (90/10 Pareto seen in many psychological conformity studies?) ‘see no ships’.
‘The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. His heart sank as he thought of the enormous power arrayed against him, the ease with which any Party intellectual would overthrow him in debate, the subtle arguments which he would not be able to understand, much less answer. And yet he was in the right! They were wrong and he was right.’
https://youtu.be/KG92h-4iVgY you may enjoy this. Good point made
Dear Joel
Thank you. It is mindblowing what authorities did and how they lured people into getting vaccinated. How they misled vulnerable people. They should be investigated and charged.We have to change the processes that enabled all this FRAUD.
It’s not going to get investigated, because every institution that normally protects us has been destroyed, disabled or has self censored.
This is why I say we must cleave to one another because only we can save ourselves. No one is coming over the hill. Just us.
Dear Dr Mike Yeadon
it is indeed obvious that we must cleave to one another because only we can save ourselves. It is so unsettling to come to terms that every institution that normally protects us has been destroyed, disabled or has self censored. Unfortunately, I can understand how one can be influenced into self censoring or even into taking an experimental treatment against everything known about its toxicity.
I feel like I’m living in the Age of Lies. Big Pharma/business, political leaders, economic leaders & the media. The overwhelming thread runs through them all: bald-faced lies from every angle.
I can not help but wonder, did you know about the possibility of high expression of HERV-K in the airways of people with severe #COVID19 before spike-producing mRNA was on the market?
Thank you.
To your question, I wasn’t aware.
Please would you summary as the potential significance of HERV-K in this context?
Thank you for acknowledging my question. I simply asked: did you know about the possibility of high expression of HERV-K in the airways of people with severe #COVID19 before spike-producing mRNA was on the market?
No. I was aware that spike was weakly homologous with many human proteins, including the syncytins aka HERVs. Naturally the possibility of autoimmunity came to mind, for example in pregnancy.
I can’t immediately think of the significance of HERV in airways. That’s what’s behind my question. I’m tired & probably being dumb!
And they’re still doing it.
I believe the logical conclusion is the "Early warning signals of vax-induced COVID were DELIBERATELY ignored" - as were masses of other evidence of its dangers.
The correlation between vaccination rate and covid19 infection rate is real! In May 2021 I wrote in a small blog an article about the strange correlations between vaccine roll out and new Covid cases. The most extreme correlation I found in Bahrain. I found severall retroperspective or even randomized controlled studies that found that effect, as side effect hidden in the appendices. Links are all in my article
Other strange correlation is that the hospitalization data of vaccinated in the UK correlated for roughly three months only with the vaccination rate but not with the general infection rate! Chart in article.
Large countries like India and Canda had unsynchronized Covid19 surges in their states. With the synchronized rollout of the vaccines these surges suddenly synchronized. Charts in the article.
The correlation is actually "only" between first vacciantion rate. After the second jab there was no increase. (Example with India ans Bagladesh in article)
or see here: https://metatron.substack.com/p/alberta-just-inadvertently-confessed?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=web&s=r
Claire Craig had the theory that the immune system is weakend after the first jab. That was now confirmed in the recently published data from Pfizer that had to be released after court ruling due to FOIA. You find Clares comment under the comment in a bmj article.
What always wonders me untill today, why the correlation is so strong between vaccination rate and hospitalization rate in the UK. Normaly that should be a function of vacciantion rate AND generall daily infections. Because the freshly vaccianted must have a chance to get infected. This chance has to be higher when a lot of infections occur. But the correlation was only with vaccination rate. That makes no sense to me. It looks like a portion of people is carrying he virus with them but do not get sick, like Herpes Virus. And then if you get vaccinated your immunesystem is weakend an the illness Covid19 pops up. I am far from sure that that is right. But lately was the finding that in sewage water in Israel they still find plenty of Delta variant although in nasal swabs you only find Omicron. Do some people never get really healthy?
Seems like long Covid happens to the injected primarily.
You could be right. Please check the study:
"Prevalence, characteristics, and predictors of Long COVID among diagnosed cases of COVID-19"
Link: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.01.04.21268536v1
There they say:
"An observational paradox in our study was that the participants who took two doses of COVID-19 vaccination had higher odds of developing Long COVID."
Isn't it paradox that all data that shows bad outcomes of the vaccination is either just a correlation without causation or quite obvious a paradox? It seems they can only think in one direction. Because shortly after the sentence above they state:
"But we could not find any literature on this association, and based on this study, we cannot imply causation."
That is realy great! If new findings that show a bad outcome of the vaccinations can only be published if it had allready been published...
Regards Jens
Stop thinking there is nothing to see.
If we could just leave stuff alone, we could have paradise. Jokingly, I vote for a new evolution where we are the same but without thumbs. Full reboot, cromag, no thumbs. Or, that we are born without thumbs and have to earn them, like getting a drivers license. (I know this puts a kink in the ability of our long ago apesisters to swing from trees, but I am still working out my theory...) As for the Jan 2022 study you linked, am suprised it got published, but glad, despite those always misleading titles and conclusions. But ooh, that middle part!
They are probably using some form of inaccurate testing like PCR which cannot be used to diagnose infection because of false positives.
Joel, what is your gut feeling on how this ends? Will these companies and the CDC/FDA ever be held responsible?
So much evidence of fraud and vax injuries comes out every day and I think we are making progress—and wham! They say 5-11 year olds can get boosters. What do you think happens? Will they get away with this?
I think so. In a few years, everyone will look back on this and wonder how the hell it happened. Hopefully, after watching the criminal conviction of all the WEF puppets and maybe even their masters.
This is just stage 1 of a multi stage project culminating in the enslavement of humanity & imo depopulation.
Look out for deliberate food & fuel shortages, mandatory digital ID to obtain rations. Probably then they’ll add back a vaccination requirement to keep your digital ID valid. The vaccines will be mRNA & far more lethal than the c19 “vaccines”.
I can feel your simmering rage and I too feel that there is clear evidence of criminal behaviour, if not in causing these things to happen, then in effecting a cover up. After all, you only cover up what you know is wrong. Something is seriously bad about the synchronised nonsense imposed on the world. Is the WHO 'Treaty' an attempt to ensure we can't interfere in future?
Whipple (https://twitter.com/whippletom) is either a paid Pharma shill or a complete idiot, who has obviously never read and understood a medical study. Tom, it is a scientificfact--the vaxx does not stop transmission, and from the data Joel presents the vax creates an environment of negative efficacy. And yet, Tom recently posted to Twitter the following:
"My n of 1: I had two nasal spray vaccines on a trial, along with three normal ones. Still got infected, alas."
Later on in the thread:
"What on earth are you talking about? I just said I’ve had five vaccines. Precisely because I believe in them."
I wonder what it is like to be Whipple and his editors, writing stories that are responsible for people catching covid and possibly dying. He and his must have enormous guilt.
They feel no guilt. They are either 100% consumed by the lie or lack the empathy to do the right thing.
The whorganization is still winning folks, their needles are sharper than our pens.
In the other war front check my stack for two part transcript of truth
it's the motivation that matters. Not everyone has the same motivations.
Some are motivated by wanting to understand deeply. Others don't care if they understand or not -- they outsource this function to trusted experts.
Some have a self-focus and do not really have compassion for others (nor even truly understand that there ARE others). This is on the narcissist spectrum, but a matter of degree
Some have an other-focus and in some this is overdeveloped to the point where all attention is outwards -- this is projection and would be the Karens (I'm oversimplifying)
People in positions of power may have different motivations. Usually, though, as we have observed, these motivations are out of balance. The institutions themselves are out of balance. We do not have the "checks and balances" in individuals, institutions, or systems of governance or social systems. These have been taken over by sociopathic groups with nefarious intent, lacking compassion, who know how to manipulate people through their emotions.
It's truly horrifying to those of us who can see it, especially when we see our many loved ones being deceived and harmed, while also being turned against us.
UK threw covid patients into nursing homes too, didn't they? I remember reading about it at some point.
Yep. Covered that almost two years ago too!!
Looks like the latest ONS data is supporting you.
Crying shame indeed... Thanks for this.
Into the abyss we go https://t.me/VigilantFox/4501
I remember that HART presentation Joel and am so grateful for the help and graphs you gave to the UK Medical Freedom Alliance so we were able to be the first to alert the UK to the jab-related deaths in care homes catastrophe that was unfolding in our open letter to the MHRA, JCVI, Hancock and Zahawi on 7th February 2021 (link below). It was obvious by then that we had a serious problem unfolding, from the anecdotal reports in the media around the world, and confirmed by your excellent data analysis. We will be judged to be on the right side of history I'm sure when all the truth finally comes out. https://assets.website-files.com/5fa5866942937a4d73918723/601ffc3e56a64132caa3f42f_Open_Letter_from_the_UKMFA_Vaccine_Deaths_Care%20Homes.pdf