I often think of the airplane analogy. The reason planes don't crash much more often is because there are multiple backup systems; therefore, numerous things have to go wrong at once for the plane to crash. With Covid we've watched as our public health authorities have ignored warning after warning after warning that their strategy was failing. God, or Mother Nature, or whatever you choose to call it, has fired one warning shot after another. Our leaders have ignored them all. The result very likely now will be catastrophe on a scale never-before-seen in human history.

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May 18, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Yes we were lied to and misled etc, but we wouldn't be in this mess if people used the mental faculties they were born with - most just wanted an easy life, going along with the herd or showing their virtue. I made the choice to wait, and I am vindicated - I have little sympathy for these people who dived in and proclaimed their worth to society, pressured and vilified me - I still can't travel to most places - I'm not wishing them death but I am not sympathetic to them.

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May 18, 2022·edited May 19, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Thanks for this.

I had made the same conclusion at the time.

The anti-vaxxer labelling at the time was horrendous... An d they were - And still are - ready to sacrifice people including children to hide their crime. Shameful.

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May 18, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Dear Joel

Thank you. It is mindblowing what authorities did and how they lured people into getting vaccinated. How they misled vulnerable people. They should be investigated and charged.We have to change the processes that enabled all this FRAUD.

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I believe the logical conclusion is the "Early warning signals of vax-induced COVID were DELIBERATELY ignored" - as were masses of other evidence of its dangers.

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May 18, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

The correlation between vaccination rate and covid19 infection rate is real! In May 2021 I wrote in a small blog an article about the strange correlations between vaccine roll out and new Covid cases. The most extreme correlation I found in Bahrain. I found severall retroperspective or even randomized controlled studies that found that effect, as side effect hidden in the appendices. Links are all in my article


Other strange correlation is that the hospitalization data of vaccinated in the UK correlated for roughly three months only with the vaccination rate but not with the general infection rate! Chart in article.

Large countries like India and Canda had unsynchronized Covid19 surges in their states. With the synchronized rollout of the vaccines these surges suddenly synchronized. Charts in the article.

The correlation is actually "only" between first vacciantion rate. After the second jab there was no increase. (Example with India ans Bagladesh in article)

or see here: https://metatron.substack.com/p/alberta-just-inadvertently-confessed?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=web&s=r

Claire Craig had the theory that the immune system is weakend after the first jab. That was now confirmed in the recently published data from Pfizer that had to be released after court ruling due to FOIA. You find Clares comment under the comment in a bmj article.

What always wonders me untill today, why the correlation is so strong between vaccination rate and hospitalization rate in the UK. Normaly that should be a function of vacciantion rate AND generall daily infections. Because the freshly vaccianted must have a chance to get infected. This chance has to be higher when a lot of infections occur. But the correlation was only with vaccination rate. That makes no sense to me. It looks like a portion of people is carrying he virus with them but do not get sick, like Herpes Virus. And then if you get vaccinated your immunesystem is weakend an the illness Covid19 pops up. I am far from sure that that is right. But lately was the finding that in sewage water in Israel they still find plenty of Delta variant although in nasal swabs you only find Omicron. Do some people never get really healthy?


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May 18, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Joel, what is your gut feeling on how this ends? Will these companies and the CDC/FDA ever be held responsible?

So much evidence of fraud and vax injuries comes out every day and I think we are making progress—and wham! They say 5-11 year olds can get boosters. What do you think happens? Will they get away with this?

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May 18, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

I can feel your simmering rage and I too feel that there is clear evidence of criminal behaviour, if not in causing these things to happen, then in effecting a cover up. After all, you only cover up what you know is wrong. Something is seriously bad about the synchronised nonsense imposed on the world. Is the WHO 'Treaty' an attempt to ensure we can't interfere in future?

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May 18, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Whipple (https://twitter.com/whippletom) is either a paid Pharma shill or a complete idiot, who has obviously never read and understood a medical study. Tom, it is a scientificfact--the vaxx does not stop transmission, and from the data Joel presents the vax creates an environment of negative efficacy. And yet, Tom recently posted to Twitter the following:

"My n of 1: I had two nasal spray vaccines on a trial, along with three normal ones. Still got infected, alas."

Later on in the thread:

"What on earth are you talking about? I just said I’ve had five vaccines. Precisely because I believe in them."

I wonder what it is like to be Whipple and his editors, writing stories that are responsible for people catching covid and possibly dying. He and his must have enormous guilt.

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The whorganization is still winning folks, their needles are sharper than our pens.

In the other war front check my stack for two part transcript of truth

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it's the motivation that matters. Not everyone has the same motivations.

Some are motivated by wanting to understand deeply. Others don't care if they understand or not -- they outsource this function to trusted experts.

Some have a self-focus and do not really have compassion for others (nor even truly understand that there ARE others). This is on the narcissist spectrum, but a matter of degree

Some have an other-focus and in some this is overdeveloped to the point where all attention is outwards -- this is projection and would be the Karens (I'm oversimplifying)

People in positions of power may have different motivations. Usually, though, as we have observed, these motivations are out of balance. The institutions themselves are out of balance. We do not have the "checks and balances" in individuals, institutions, or systems of governance or social systems. These have been taken over by sociopathic groups with nefarious intent, lacking compassion, who know how to manipulate people through their emotions.

It's truly horrifying to those of us who can see it, especially when we see our many loved ones being deceived and harmed, while also being turned against us.

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UK threw covid patients into nursing homes too, didn't they? I remember reading about it at some point.

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May 18, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Crying shame indeed... Thanks for this.

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Into the abyss we go https://t.me/VigilantFox/4501

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I remember that HART presentation Joel and am so grateful for the help and graphs you gave to the UK Medical Freedom Alliance so we were able to be the first to alert the UK to the jab-related deaths in care homes catastrophe that was unfolding in our open letter to the MHRA, JCVI, Hancock and Zahawi on 7th February 2021 (link below). It was obvious by then that we had a serious problem unfolding, from the anecdotal reports in the media around the world, and confirmed by your excellent data analysis. We will be judged to be on the right side of history I'm sure when all the truth finally comes out. https://assets.website-files.com/5fa5866942937a4d73918723/601ffc3e56a64132caa3f42f_Open_Letter_from_the_UKMFA_Vaccine_Deaths_Care%20Homes.pdf

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