My dad has heart damage from the Pfizer vaccine. He was in his last year of dentistry after practicing for 40+ years and he took the first two jabs because his cardiologist and chronic pain doctors, both of whom he deeply respects, told him to. He has also had eye problems and now needs regular injections in his eyes. I convinced him not to take the booster shot. He just retired from dentistry. Both his primary care doctor and cardiologist shrugged their shoulders and were pretty much silent about the heart damage. I wonder why? It infuriates me to no end. Doctors turned out to be some of the biggest cowards in our society. The doctors who spoke out and risked their livelihoods are heroes in my opinion, but there are many cowards in the profession; even today.

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My cardiologist with degrees from almost every prestigious university in the country and in physics and medicine met me a couple of months ago wearing a mask???

Curious by nature, I asked him why? He replied he got Covid a couple of weeks prior and wanted to play it safe with his patients.

I then asked him if he was taking anything for the Covid. He replied, Paxlovid.

Now anyone who follows Dr Jessica Rose will learn that she had studied the equivalent of Paxlovid in a prior research job and it was fraught with health problems and complications.

But here my gifted cardiologist was wearing a mask in March of 2024 and following the advice of his primary care who recommended Paxlovid. Which means he probably is still receiving boosters??

These are disorienting times for sure.

Thank God for platforms like Substack.

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Of course, my dad ended up getting Covid after his initial two injections. He took Paxlovid as well. My mother did not get vaccinated and never had Covid.

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Pax is crap, dangerous.

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most of our medical doctors are morons...it was a club they operated and COVID helped us understand how deranged and money hungry they are, academically sloppy and do not read the science, cannot even understand it...many whisper to me each time I come off a stage, saying thank you so much for speaking out but we were scared, we did not know, we trusted CDC and Health Canada and we did only a few hours of epidemiology, virology and immunology in med school.

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Thank you for your great courage, clarity, charity, commitment, and sacrifice.

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Book smart does not equal street smart or common sense smart or sceptic savvy.

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I just read about a doctor who said that he was knee deep in Covid cases and deaths during the epidemic and he’s still wearing a mask and has gotten 8 jabs. His wife does/has too because she’s immune compromised and she now can’t shake her latest round of Covid.

Took paxcovid and had a horrible rebound case that made her much more sick.

This is on a website where every comment was in favor of still following the CDC. Just sad.

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They can't shake the fear-induced propaganda brainwashing.

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I think that is a lot of it. We were subjected to military grade propaganda techniques for over a year and people just can’t believe that the government would lie to them. I bought into it and first, saw through it, but still feel the effects from it. But look at how many people still believe that Saddam had WMDs and those that believe Russia stole the election from Her even though both have been debunked.

We can thank Obama for the government feeding us propaganda.

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Precisely. Well said, Sam.

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ACOG still recommends the genetic jab to pregnant women. It still amazes me how many healthcare providers are captured, and truly frightened of Covid .

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May 28Edited

That’s just plain evil. They have to know what it’s doing to moms and babies. There’s no way they could not know!

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"Doctors turned out to be some of the biggest cowards in our society."

This damnable truth needs to be shouted from the rooftops. Our medical industry is captured. I was 1000% against Obamacare--now, I think, "Fbomb them. Make them all GS-11s. No infinity pools for these people, no gated communities. Strip them of their wealth and prestige...and the very, very, very few who demonstrated courage to practice medicine should be hailed from coast to coast."

The hospital administrators need to be jailed. The books should be opened. How much did the federal govt bribe these hospitals with COVID 'bonuses'? It was so corrupt from top to bottom, stem to stern, A-Z.


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many need to be hung...so sorry about this story...

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Two of our oldest friends fell for the scam in 2020 despite holistic lifestyle and emphatic skepticism about flu shots and cholesterol drugs etc. Inexplicably they became almost fanatical about Covid, and stopped inviting us over after 35 years of closeness because we refused the shots. They both got all the Covid gene jabs available, but still got Covid repeatedly yet got boosters. Well, one nearly died recently from a pulmonary embolism, saved in the nick of time by getting to hospital quickly and being given clot buster drugs, and will now be on blood thinners forever. Despite all the evidence that it's linked to the jabs, the family denies it and the doctor won't say it. But we're the crazy conspiracy nuts for refusing the shots on ground of risk and ineffectiveness. Yeah.

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I think "holistic-lifestyle" individuals met their Waterloo moment. I had a wonderful massage therapist/herbalist for years. She wrote a book on nature remedies which I helped edit. When the Big C hit, her first grandchild was in the hospital with a kidney tumor. She became a card-carrying pro-vaxxer overnight. I never argued with her, but when I saw her for the first time after rollout, she was squawking about "everyone needs to get the shot so we can stop this pandemic." I just looked at her...so sorry for her...and shook my head saying, "That's not true." She threw me out of her house. Never saw or had contact again. Others and she have a lesson to learn in this life time: to discern truth and resist genetic manipulation to their divine electrical body. They'll return to confront the lesson again.

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Them and the exercise fanatics, out in nature hikers types, eat healthy types, etc. They all fell for it hook line and sinker. Did exactly what they were programmed to from the Matrix.

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So true.

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That is just horrible isn't it?

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Ouch. And this is cardio related only….

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The evidence will keep on coming. Wonder how long it will take for some to sink in? Still an awful lot of denial out there.

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Healthcare providers read those shitty captured lying POS 💩 journals . Many don’t think for themselves… it’s all about the protocols

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Since the vaccine was administered without clearly understanding its effects on the human body, wouldn't the complex effects continue until the person dies?

Even if they don't die, the number of people who suffer from complicated side effects will continue to increase. Statistics show that the number of U.S. workers with disabilities has increased by 30-40%. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LNU01076955

Let's think about who is responsible.

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Thanks for the link. Most of the related charts (further down the page) also show a large increase, and they all started going up at the same time… in 2020….

One would think that scientific researchers, or public health officials, or doctors, or people who run disability services, or someone at the CDC, or government fraud investigations, corporate analysts or any other people who are paid to keep an eye on such things, even investigative reporters…..would begin to wonder why all of these bad things started happening at the same time.

One might even say that questioning these bad things and reporting them to someone (who then does something about it) is in most of their f-ing job descriptions.

But for the most part it’s still crickets….

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Would you really want to know you're a ticking time bomb, aged mid 20/30s, unless someone told you they know how to remove the detonator? Obviously, some deceased people's families have their suspicions, others just think the injections had nothing to do with it. Unless these revelations are on the BBC news, they'd think it was fake news, unfortunately.

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Yes, thats the real mystery. Mattias deSmet has some interesting theories on that.

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Unfortunately, by the time it dawns...they'll be gone.

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May 27
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Doctors are stumped.

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I believe the correct medical term is "baffled." 😉

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Thanks! Yea, I was trying to remember that. I was blanking and stumped was all I had.

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Are you trying to say that you were ‘baffled’ ? :)

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Yep! What if you add Cancer to the mix? 😥

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Or prion diseases

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There but for the grace…..

I remember when I was younger how easily I would take the tetanus vaccine without a second thought. I never stopped to think if I needed it or if it was safe. I imagine a lot of people got the Rona shot thinking the same way. I only questioned it because of how rushed it seemed, but never thought it’d be dangerous.

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Everything was “off” about this pandemic. Our p.m. saying, in march of 2020!, that life would never be the same. Literally overkill. Had all my red lights blinking. And on and on and on about the blessed vaccine for which we had to wait, and all else was barred meanwhile. Really, once you saw the lunacy of the pandemic response, you were wide awake. But i could convince none of my (no longer) friends.

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Yes lots of people saw through it much quicker than I did. Dunno why I was so slow to catch on, but it didn’t take long until I did.

Not sure how much attention I was paying to it at the beginning. But the rushed job and then the coercion got my antenna up.

Glad you did from the gitgo

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Sam, Not quite from the git go. It was a process. In march 20 a gp prescribed his patients hcq plus antibiotics and kept the elderly out of hospital. Cured. When that hit the news He was labelled a quack. That was really my brain tickler and eye opener which removed any fear on my part. Why would you denounce a working treatment, and one using an old and well-known medication, if we really had a pandemic? Wouldn't you rejoice about this cure and immediately use it on your covid19 sick? After all, every day we were kept in fear daily by the news giving us the infected and dead numbers! No… it was forbidden instead. that’s when i smelled the rat. It spurred me on to finding the ‘alternative’ news. Glad you were awake too before the roll out!

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I think that was the final straw.

"Why would you denounce a working treatment, and one using an old and well-known medication, if we really had a pandemic?"

That doctors would deny any treatment worked and try something before the patient died. Plus they went along with the 2019 memo not to use antibiotics for pneumonia. Just throwing out decades of evidence that they work.

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At first I thought that vaccination level of 98% couldn't possibly be true and then I realised it was an affluent, very blue area and it all made sense.

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Interesting to see Dr. Stricker as co author, he’s a well-known Lyme doctor who treated GW Bush.

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When I see these statistics, I often think about the reality of the impact. 50,000 out of 350,000,000M Americans, over three-years, isn't much. People on the more conspiratorial side keep claiming this is a 'depopulation' device designed to 'wipe out half the planets population' yadda yadda. How if we are seeing 15,000 per year? It would take a millennium or two to reach 350,000,000.

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Nope, forgetting sterilisation...

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Depopulation doesn’t have a single solution, and it’s been in play for at least 50 years. To the point that many Western countries are in population collapse. The only thing keeping these countries afloat in immigration. Watch the video on this page https://open.substack.com/pub/oxgmcxo/p/flash-back-15?r=pf0i9&utm_medium=ios …it will provide at least a little bit of information to consider. 👍

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The depopulation theories don’t work for me either, but don’t dare try suggesting that they might be wrong. You will probably end up with hostile people throwing links at you.

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Depends how bold they become starting wars and how successful the bird flu vaxx becomes. I think those purveying such weapons are enormously disappointed in their Covid results. They wanted a gradual kill rate but a significant, unending one. The one which resulted is far too slow, and people are receiving treatment for cardiac problems far too swiftly. They did say...did they not?...that these were "trials"?

On the positive side, people worldwide united and stopped the WHO pandemic treaty, but we can hardly miss significant efforts to start a war via Ukraine: U.S. has just authorized U.S. missiles be fired deeply into the Russian State.

Here's a neat paragraph from reliefweb Jan. 13, 2024:

"About 100,000 Palestinians have been killed, reported missing, or wounded since 7 October 2023 due to Israel’s ongoing genocide in the Gaza Strip, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor said in a statement on Saturday, noting that the number includes those who now have long-term disabilities."

Wiki says about WWII:

"World War II was the deadliest military conflict in history. An estimated total of 70–85 million people perished, or about 3% of the estimated global population of 2.3 billion in 1940.[1] Deaths directly caused by the war (including military and civilian fatalities) are estimated at 50–56 million, with an additional estimated 19–28 million deaths from war-related disease and famine."

If Moscow and St. Pete receive hits (and let's not forget how deranged Ukraine has become), I could see London, Paris, NATO HQ, and Brussels as targets. If more U.S. warheads rain upon Russia, I could see NYC and Washington, D.C. becoming targets. The people in Washington, D.C. right now simply don't seem to care: they're advocating nuclear war.

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Maybe there just better at identifying heart attacks

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excellent work Joel...excellent!!

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I just put this up Joel highlighting your work asking folk to support you...


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I can't prove anything, but pre-"vaccination" (prior to 2021) it was extremely rare to ever hear an ambulance in my small town. Now, it's at least weekly that I hear an ambulance. Maybe just coincidence, but...

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My Sheeple mates would insist that this is "just a coincidence bruh", if I mentioned it to them regarding their trust of these "vaccines ".

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First paragraph in Conclusion — resulted from, not resulted in, correct?

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