Use GiveSendGo instead of GoFundMe. GoFundMe cooperated with the Canadian government to withhold the funds that had been donated to the Canadian truckers during their protest two years ago. They are untrustworthy and undeserving of your support.

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agree 💯

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Thank you for this excellent summary . . .

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Thanks for digging into this. Disgusting you have to pay your gOveRmEnT for “our data” but there ya go. I do love thinking about the fact that there are nerds in the ONS seeing so many different IP addresses downloading the datasets for the very data they desperately want to hide in the bottom of the broom cupboard. Download away folks!

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Why can't people just trust USA's? 5 Billion In Fruad fines and leader in cause of Death, Big Pharma’s medicine? Just because their iatrogenic death rate is between *250K to *800K annually [in USA] (Not counting the 32K+ Coved and Jab deaths!) Look you've been trained to obey your teacher and people in charge, so why not just jab up as told? And for pharma sake, Never take any non-pharma approved remedy, like ivermecten or HCQ, “You’er not a horse!” They say!] And you will be cheating honest doctors out of income! (*See Johns Hopkins [low-ball] iatrogenic study, or Dr. Null’s well cited book, Death by Medicine! (Documenting 12.5 million deaths in just the last 50 years!) Also see What The Nurses Saw by Ken McCarthy I.e. “Systemic medical murders that took place in hospitals during what he calls the COVID Panic.”

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The Global Burden of Disease study paints a very gloomy picture for the vaccines:


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Acutely calling it a vaccine is just like calling Bruce Jenner a girl! Words used to mean things! A real vaccine stops the catching & spreading of a disease! The Coved Jab doesn’t do that, it just harms & kills! I.e. NOT a Vaccine! So call it an experimental Jab! Damm it!

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Thanks Joel, that's very convincing.

Eyeballing it gives me an average expected 450k deaths p.a. for 2020-22, 1350k total.

Excess deaths look like they total around 270k aggregated for the same period or +20% since this horror broke.

As you say this ignores the pull-forward effect whereby the base expectation should be reduced after excess mortality so the true excess in 2021 and 2022 is even greater.

Were the 270k excess pulled forward from 2023 with recovery to normal mortality thereafter, then the c. 390k expected deaths forecast for 2023 would be reduced to 120k.

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They haven't released the data for 2023 so I couldn't answer that until we get the occurrence date data which goes right up to the current day. If you look at the spreadsheet though, you can see which cohorts have already returned to baseline at least and the direction of the others. Unless there is some further adverse intervention, we should be seeing the back of this excess mortality now. Depends how many more line up for dose number 8 or whatever number they are up to now?

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Why would one want data from a 5 billion in fruad fines indudtery? If I may ask? (All though I use it some times, I.e. when they said jabs are good, & ivermectin, & Fendbendazine is bad, I just turn the lie, 180 deg. for the truth!

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Great stuff. Thank you. Could the dip in excess deaths in 2019 be a reflection of what i seem to recall was a very unusually low flu mortality rate for that year?

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Great stuff. Thank you. Could the dip in excess deaths in 2019 be a reflection of what i seem to recall was a very unusually low flu mortality rate for that year?

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I think the new baseline used by the ONS might actually be too low in 2021 and 2022.

I tried another way to calculate the baseline where I first calculated a linear trend in CMR within 5-year age groups in 2010-2019 in England and Wales. Then I multiplied the projected trend by the population size of each age group to get the expected number of deaths. But my baseline was actually a lot higher than the new ONS baseline in 2021 and especially 2022: sars2.net/statistic.html#Clare_Craig_New_baseline_used_by_ONS_to_calculate_excess_deaths.

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When I tried a similar method with a second-degree polynomial baseline, I got negative total excess mortality in Sweden in 2020-2023. See this tweet and the two previous tweets: https://twitter.com/henjin256/status/1774482529870885231. Sometimes for two adjacent age groups which in reality had a similar trend, one age group got a downwards-curving baseline and another one got an upwards-curving baseline, and a few years after the fitting period the baselines were sometimes completely off from the actual trend. So I don't know if fitting a Gomperts curve would be that much better.

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