"Oh, never mind all the social, economic and public health harms it caused then?". Not to mention the mental health harms. Tho I didn't go along with any of the madness, I didn't want to leave my house. Not because of any"virus ", but because I knew I would see people wearing fear diapers on their faces and people obediently standing 6 feet apart. I knew I would see parents dropping their kids off at school, all wearing the diaper of fear and oppression. I knew I would see willing compliance with some of the most ludicrous policies I've ever seen in my 60 years on this planet. This affected me deeply and I still have a bit of PTSD. I struggle every day with regaining any trust in my fellow man. We often hear about how people lost their trust in the medical establishment, but I never trusted them anyway. It was with the public, my fellow human beings, that I lost trust. I never thought so many people would play along with something so obviously wrong and insane. I don't know if I will ever completely trust the people again. Thanks Fauci. You monster!

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100% my sentiments too.

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Thanks Joel. I always wondered if they got '6 feet apart' because you bury bodies '6 feet under.' Just seems like something these weirdos would do.

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Can you identify the third 6 so we have a complete 666?

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It's about time we started to call them what they are: cowards. Many of them fat, old and unfit, most of them authoritarian little Hitlers. What they refer to when they talk about safety for others, is the illusion of safety for themselves. They are little people, frightened and pathetic, yet still puffed up with fat egos full of self-importance and relevance, despite working for a mostly unnecessary state or entirely disposable company department. But underneath it all, they're just cowards.

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I cannot believe for the first few weeks I fell for their hokum, but unease began to develop when the extreme draconian measures kicked in and that was when I started to search for more information after recognising that everyone on the media were repeating the exact same stories down to the same words. I felt I had been transported and was reliving the same day without end. Thank goodness for twitter where I found many voices like yourself speaking sense and reason instead of hysteria, they made sense to me. I cannot even bear to watch or hear anything on TV, it is a medium used to bring lies and deceit into our homes and lives.

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“Acted in lockstep..” and using the exact same scripted language. That’s what made it so suspicious. Thanks joel

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Can’t stand Piers, now. Among others….Keep it up Joel. Thank you!

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Did any one expect anything else but lies and deception from these wretched evil individuals? Joe as always huge respect to you for all your hard work and fabulous articles.

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Thank you for all of your hard work, Joel. Now we need to find judges who are not compromised.

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Imagine if they’d known it was aerosol spread rather than droplet spread. Instead of 6ft apart it would have been 1 person at a time In Sainsbury’s.

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Which still wouldn't have made any difference given how long an aerosol could linger!

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TheyLied. Join the campaign to Take Action and Raise Public Awareness at






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Prof Michel Chossudovski wrote a book, Covid19, Global Coup d'Etat, which can be freely downloaded from this website and here's another writer with his analysis. globalresearch.ca/capitalism-friedrich-boris/5785964 Do any recall London 2012 olympics opening ceremony? Dancing nurses, scared kids, grim reaper with syringe? Oh, and Boris caricature, ill in bed? Check out Barcelona ceremony with grotesque human spike balls!

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And the Breggins..global 0redators and we are the prey.

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Education can be caught up, high school is 2 years too long, anyway. If Trump can be found just think of the field day it will be with Fauci. Fauci is not indemnified and with the destruction of government property along with his perjury testimonies... it will be less than the four week trial of 45.

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Fauci remembers only to things.

The fifth amendment.

His paycheck.

Everything else is out of reach.

He is only an old mentally ill man .

Everyone knows that.

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Jun 2
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It was just a joke.

He deserve a punishment that would make vomit a Chinese torturer

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these people are NOT to be trusted give them an inch and they become a ruler

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From my understanding of immunology/virology there's nothing about a "novel" (or more aptly 'newly identified') coronavirus that would make it any less treatable with standard respiratory treatments than any other respiratory infection (e.g. due to any other coronavirus such as NL 63, OC43 etc). But, hey, you sure could give that appearance of a "novel" pathogen if you denied people that very basic care whilst simultaneously "testing" them for the presence of a non-specific, potentially ubiquitous protein, likely shared by all manner of coronaviruses within the swarm. Then, when people get really sick, you can let them die or suffer without antibiotics (to prevent secondary bacterial infections) or steroids. How easy is it to just let them get so sick at home that by the time they get any help it's either too late or you give them sedatives and end-of-life drugs because it's "covid"?

I don't like the idea of conspiracies but damn, the 'science' they professed sure doesn't line up with any known biology I've been able to find pre 2020.

And, anecdotally, I'll add that while I had a positive covid test with an nasty chest infection (once about 3 years ago) , I know plenty of other unvaxxed people who had neither. So, for a supposedly, novel rapidly spreading virus, it sure didn't seem so "deadly". The whole thing stinks.

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If it wasn’t for the unvaccinated

As a healthy control group.

(That is, If everyone was vaccinated)

They would ALREADY

Be quarantining the “vaccinated” .


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