I love this. We will prevail, these people have reached the end of their usefulness. You know they’ve come full circle when money is no longer an interest but mass murder is their obsession. All of them who attended climate meetings in secret, and the WHO, and all those pushing for medical control of our lives have to be rounded up and s…
I love this. We will prevail, these people have reached the end of their usefulness. You know they’ve come full circle when money is no longer an interest but mass murder is their obsession. All of them who attended climate meetings in secret, and the WHO, and all those pushing for medical control of our lives have to be rounded up and stripped of all titles, wealth, and autonomy. Put them in the camps they’ve designed and built for the people. They won’t make it long.
I love this. We will prevail, these people have reached the end of their usefulness. You know they’ve come full circle when money is no longer an interest but mass murder is their obsession. All of them who attended climate meetings in secret, and the WHO, and all those pushing for medical control of our lives have to be rounded up and stripped of all titles, wealth, and autonomy. Put them in the camps they’ve designed and built for the people. They won’t make it long.