Jul 2Liked by Joel Smalley

Too many people still don't get that Covid-19 had absolutely zero to do with a medical or epidemiological event.

There was nothing for which any alleged treatment for this fictional disease could be beneficial. "Covid" the disease is pure fiction. There was no pandemic- it's all fraud.

There is no such thing as “Covid 19” except as a criminal conspiracy. It was an epidemic of violent government and medical assault against people, of false attribution of death, and of intense propaganda using fraudulent tests and bogus studies.

Covid-19, the disease, is nothing more than a disease of FALSE ATTRIBUTION.

Covid-19, the media event, was the Trojan Horse constructed to usher in a complete transformation of our society.

Covid-19 is the biggest racketeering scheme in the history of the world.

The official narrative of "Covid" is fictional- all facets of it.

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False attribution of everything that has always existed plus outright murder mostly at hospitals and care homes.

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This detox worked for me.... detoxall17.com/#aff=dellerem9

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That's pretty much it. People make more of it than how simple it was to fake the program as you succinctly just stated.

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Yep, what this guy said!


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I thought I told you "Bye!" long ago.

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Jul 2Liked by Joel Smalley

Drip drip drip becoming a flood.

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''Humanity is about to be tested....... mayankjeptha.substack.com/p/qbpe

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Jul 2Liked by Joel Smalley

Aah yes "Covid", a computer generated entity extrapolated from a genomic sequence. Nothing more. Hasn't been proven to exist but apparently it killed people.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2

Bye to you, too! The choking bronchial spasms weren't computer generated. Why do you depravedly indifferent disinformation bots keep posting here? Tiresome!

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2

Well I'll waste my time responding to your lunacy. Bronchial spasms are quite common and can be triggered by numerous things.

Sudden onset of bronchospasm is often linked to drug-induced anaphylactic responses.

Bronchospasm commonly occurs following anesthesia induction or intubation. Sound familiar?

It can be triggered by various factors, such as anxiety or pharmacologically induced by histamine-releasing drugs.

One of the known adverse effects of midazolam is bronchospasm, Sound familiar?

The only question that remains in your case is are you really this obtuse and incurious or are you some stage actor that thinks anyone takes you seriously?

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And all those special bots made to like their comments and ignoring/not liking yours. Pfiew, technology is a bitch, right, SaHib? They make them bots so good these days, they even ignore ignorant comments, how about that?

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The best way to describe the plandemic is "it was planned and orchestrated as such".

There never was a reason for lockdowns, masks and the fear mongering fed to the general public .

But it was all planned ,to scare most people into taking the injections for the benefit of big money as the numbers show the profits generated for the pharmaceutical industry .

And you know what ,the governmental agencies , MSM etc. are still acting and telling the public that we must all be very worried about the next pandemic . Create the problem ( false information),provide the solution (mRNA injection) ,rinse and repeat .

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Injections are only part of it. Social engineering is a bigger picture.

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Totally agree.

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Jul 2Liked by Joel Smalley

It is evident that the 'deaths from covid' numbers have been manipulated with the integration of the PCR testing parameters. What the data in this pre-print shows is a strong correlation between the 'covid vaccine' roll out and the excess mortality and adverse reactions without a 'man made' intervention (the fraudulent PCR testing process).

The PCR protocol has been used from the start to muddy the waters, re: resorting to 'lock downs', 'cases rising/ cases falling', the daily reporting in msm of 'deaths from 'covid'.

Deaths and heart injuries, ( plus the whole range of physical impairments) correlating with having one of those 'vaccines' stand in the open as 'numbers affected', no longer with the cloak of the PCR.

It's little wonder that the soon to be ex- PM ( "the vaccines are safe"), his opposite number, and hundreds of MPs deigned to attend the debates on excess deaths requested by Andrew Bridgen MP....the association/correlation is too close, unambiguous.

There are many people acknowledging their heart health issues ( or myriad other health problems) only started after the Astra Zeneca or the Pfizer jab....voices not heard by this government, nor likely the next.

It seems the extent of censorship, following the barrage of propaganda for the "safe and effective", is the means by which various Western governments aim to obscure the links presented by well researched Papers, and work done by independent data analysts.

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That is what happens when you incentivize fraudulent behaviour in a society without morals!

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Jul 3Liked by Joel Smalley

Thank you for sharing this study.

It is madness that the shots are still in use.

It is very sad and indeed concerning that the " no virus shills are now flooding substack comments. However at least it means they are inadvertently putting forward a case for no vax at all which will be beneficial in putting people off.

Dr Hooker and Dr Jessica Rose are already flagging up the issues around the trials for nasal Covid shots. The comparator will be whether they perform better than the injections covered in this article. As they point out this is such a ridiculously low bar that about the only thing that will perform worse will be a dose of arsenic.

Well done 'no virus' people for increasing the anti vax group. Even if that was not the intention ( we know that is to avoid people looking at who spread covid in the first place. Can't have people knowing about biowarfare can we ... it would mess up those Pandemic preparedness insurance policies...)

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The real question is why Joel Smalley likes the shills' comments.

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Jul 3Liked by Joel Smalley

Why it's taken so long for actuarial methods to be used, I don't know. 😐

They have tradionally been developed to be the most accurate assessment tool for mortality, disability. That's why the damn insurance companies live by them FFS!!🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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Jul 3Liked by Joel Smalley

This will require a lot of creativity from the debunkers. Gaslighting of the authors will probably be their main argument. And of course ‘correlation does not prove causality’. Yawn.

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Straightforward and clear.

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Wonderful!!! Except that it does not matter because https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/there-is-no-cure-for-stupidity

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I would really like to see some acknowledgement of the fact that no one was negatively impacted by anyone not taking the jab. There are people out there who believe that if everyone took the shot at once ,it would have fixed everything. The recent Biden debate failure just goes to show how we are finally reaching a breaking point with the medias war on our lying eyes. "He is sharp as a tack" is the same as "safe and effective". I think one can understand a lot about the shot fixation by looking at the flu shot. The people most militant about destroying the unvaccinated are the ones who voluntarily get the flu shot every year. It is part of a religious belief in the vaccine. A shot in the arm has to be the highest art form in medicine and therefore the best.

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Dag Sorenson your talking about the people who take the shot but still don’t put 2+2 together when they still catch and are ill with flu they’re supposed to be protected from.

Of course they behave like rabid dogs thanks to the dart pickling their brains.

They’ve become the mafia in that if I’ve taken or had to take it then so should everyone else, personal choice doesn’t or didn’t come into it because they believe our governments have their best interests at heart.

I also think some of it is spite because they didn’t have either the brains to question or the backbone to stand up and refuse themselves.

Imagine being that selfish and shallow that you want to poison others because you’re poisoned yourself, pure narcissism and self indulgence in destroying others.

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By COVID deaths, we All know it was a reference to COVID vaccines deaths, because any adult with intelligence and science methodology apply already know that wasn't a real scientific virus, it's All snake oil scam Hoax, period!!!

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This detox worked for me.... detoxall17.com/#aff=dellerem9

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Has any state released a comparison of age stratified all cause mortality by vaccination status yet?

It seems like all this speculation could be settled in two seconds with that data.

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