Thank you for this ...and everything 😊🙏

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Midwives recommend that while you are pregnant you don't eat pate, soft cheese, seafood or drink caffeinated or alcoholic drinks but pushed these vaccinations quite forcibly on pregnant mothers. My own niece was made to feel that she was putting her life and that of her unborn baby at risk. She luckily had my GP husband and myself a retired nurse to support her in her decision.

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No telling how much they are paid per injection? A friend works in the dental field. Her employer was given several bonuses on a ‘per employee’ basis.

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I believe John is a very honest man. The worm has turned. He’s realised what’s going on and he’s now on his final warning. I’ve been following him for a year now and he was pro vax but the penny has well and truly dropped.

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Yes JC may be honest, but he is always late to the party, I and others have been highlighting the excess mortality data for a year, he only looked at the data a few weeks ago. And he still attributes way too many of these excess deaths to 'covid' when it is obvious that most are vaccine related.

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I agree but to steel man John I think initially he was asked to do a job. Push the narrative. I doubt he would have agreed to do that job had he known it was all a sham. Fair play to him that he’s actually saying it now. Turned against the machine. He has to be tongue in cheek but I share your frustration. I think he’s doing his best in the circumstances.

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Agree with this take

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The penny may have dropped but he's not willing to jeopardise the YouTube dollar.

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He doesn’t strike me as particularly money orientated. He has written a few books which are available for free. It wouldn’t surprise me if YouTube have already demonetised him. He’s on his last warning after all.

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Jc could have blown his stack by demonstrating that the jabs are harmful to pregnant women as detailed here, a long time ago -


Apologies to RP below for possibly repeating that post; this is a smoking gun and JC's video would have been imho far more impactful if he had destroyed the statement that there was no known reporting of harmful vaccine effects from 2013. That is flat out deliberate misleading - the above study concluded in 2021 from data gathered over the previous year - in other words from a relevant timing pov far far more definitive, and even more so given the admission of collusion to deliberately misrepresent study findings - how many pregnant mums have endured spontaneous abortions in the first 20 weeks after taking any one of these jabs - and how many have died, sorry been killed?

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He is trying to protect his YouTube empire.

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I see his Youtube silver badge placed on the wall, over his shoulder. People love badges don't they. Imagine sticking a CIA badge on your home's wall?

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People still love youtube, facebook, twitter. It is not easy to get unwean from these censoring entities. They still do have a lot of credit.

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Sep 3, 2022
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Tried to like but won't let me. May I say you are SPOT ON.

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I am always waiting for JC to blow his top!

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I think this about the extent of it for a phlegmatic Englishman!

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Ah, JCVI do a nice job on their words here.

'...breastfeeding women should be offered any suitable covid-19 vaccine. '

There is NO suitable covid-19 vaccine for breastdfeeding women.

In using these words JCVI is off the hook if anyone takes a shot and blames them for bad advice.

We all know the rest of the argument, it's not suitable for anyone and it's not vaccine, but hey, let's just go with the breastfeeding women bit..

Words are important, the devil is in the detail.

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The wordplay they use on the UK website is misleading and purposely used to cover their own arses. On the webpages where they encourage pregnant and breastfeeding women to get vaccinated, they never actually say that the mRNA vaccines are safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

I outlined the specifics in this article.


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Where is the link to John’s video?

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Just added it to the end.

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Total storm in a teacup were it anyone other than JC. This is at base an argument about time-stamps on a webpage and who knew what when about them and therefore who was or wasn't misleading whom, repeating or originating misinformation blah blah blah.. Not particularly earth shattering stuff except that the credibility as a video producer of the most high profile vax skeptic in the UK (and one of the most high profile on Youtube) is at stake.

The pro pharma Science Communicator crowd seem to have some kind of point here, looks like either Campbell has been sloppy at worst or not provided enough sourcing context at best. (No one can admit a mistake or acknowledge that the source itself is woefully unclear.) That is why the Noble Science Communicators have smelled blood; and they see Campbell, rightly, as the most dangerous ("problematic") vlogger on the net.

What is for sure is that what ought to be forced to happen in response will not be, ie. a truly open public debate about the full gamut of observational evidence emerging that the shots might be causing a decline in fertility. The pro vaxxers will only admit as evidence in their carefully controlled court of opinion stuff which has been published in journals which are as hidebound by governmental and corporate self censorship as they are. Campbell is not in their echo chamber, therefore is a public enemy.

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Never mind the fact that within days, weeks or even months, two public health authorities can hold juxtaposed positions on something as important as "vaccination" during pregnancy or breastfeeding? Perhaps that the main point we are making here? It's a bit like the flip-flopping of The Experts™ on matters like universal masking? Kind of a dent to their credibility, no?

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Poor John, ever since he realised what a mess these experimental biologicals are he has really done his best to piece together the covid vaxx puzzle. I am surprised he did not use the word “conundrum” in reference to the current advice offered to pregnant and breastfeeding women by the green book and the mhra. Two completely different sets of advice. How John keeps a straight face while reading these advisories is beyond me.

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Yea she just posted a rebuttal. She’s an idiot saying he owes her an apology. I strongly think when all this shit comes out doctors like she should be liable!

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She’s a Gates Shill. Morally bankrupt

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First we need to know if OUR OWN doctors are medical professionals or a paid whores for the pharma cartel? A simple question for your doctor to determine if they are a "Pro or Ho":

"Should healthy children under the age of 12 get the shots?".

If the answer isn't "NO" then you have a "Ho". There is no "yes" or "it depends". The IFR for healthy kids is so far to the right of the decimal that they have a statistically ZERO chance of dying from covid. It is of zero benefit for them to get the shots. It also is of zero benefit to anyone else because they will still get it and transmit it, injected or not.


Email the clinic, ask in person but it's long past time to demand doctors do their job.

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Just a head's up, but Ruminator Dan has a somewhat different take on this https://ruminatordan.substack.com/p/on-the-rumoured-change-in-uk-covid

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That's the beauty of science! In the absence of censorship, opposing views can be put forward, supported by evidence and everyone can make up their own minds?

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I’m so glad the video ended before a tear fell. I do not enjoy seeing grown men cry! Has anyone asked him what point he was attempting to make? I get so confused when people read out of both sides of their mouths!

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they couch it with 'suitable vaccine'

obviously they know it's not a suitable vaccine but are pretending otherwise

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