I started putting the puzzle pieces together for OAS before I even knew what it was. I didn’t know Geert or even Malone at the time but was just hunting through PubMed for articles on herd immunity in an attempt to understand how global mass vaccination would affect it, having had my interest first piqued by this April 2020 press conference by Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi:


I came across this December 2020 “Nature” article (https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-03441-8) expressing the following concerns:

“Mass vaccination campaigns will, for the first time, put enormous pressure on SARS-CoV-2 to adapt, and will select for any strain of the virus that might be able to escape immune defences. ‘We’ve never seen a virus like this under selective pressure,’ says Griffin. ‘So we don’t know how it’s going to respond.’”

That same month, an article in Medical Hypotheses (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33059225) suggested evidence was emerging that natural immunity had already been achieved and the asymptomatic version of the virus was winning domination, which basically would’ve meant the end of the (manufactured) crisis if policymakers had simply let nature take its course and not introduced mass experimental injections:

“The COVID-19 positive cases are increasing at an alarming rate across the world. On the contrary, the morbidity and mortality are showing decreasing trend as time progresses. The most intriguing part is the rise in asymptomatic Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) positive cases in the population, which made us speculate some kind of gradual development of immunity in the population.… Thus, we hypothesized the existence of SAMPPs mediated the development of immunity against SARS-CoV-2 infection, which has caused an increase in the incidence rate of asymptomatic cases and a decrease in mortality rate.”

On August 16, 2021, Vaccine published an article titled, “Playing Vaccine Roulette: Why the Current Strategy of Staking Everything on Covid-19 Vaccines Is a High-Stakes Wager” (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34315610/) that further delved into the threats of mass vaccination.

Needless to say, I’ve learned a lot since then, and the fears appear to have been borne out.

That said, Brian Mowrey at Unglossed disputes the OAS theory and just published this lengthy debunking, which I haven’t had a chance to read but will share in the interest of scientific debate:


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Thanks for the extra insights and references.

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To use changes in antibody titres to infer vulnerability to an invisible mutating infectious agent is akin to using small teeth under pillows sometimes changing into pennies to infer the activity of the tooth fairy. https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/to-be-well-studied-one-must-read


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Hi again

One of our obsessions at the moment is to inject each other with toxins and mRNA to improve our health and then to discuss whether it’s working.

From Jenner’s lethal procedure for smallpox onward not a single study has been performed comparing differences in outcomes, such as frequent illness or longevity, between vaccinated and unvaccinated people.

The smallpox vaccine, and every one after, was simply accepted as effective, based on no evidence, by the medical establishment and government. Where records were kept the vaccine was always positively associated with death. Luckily by the end of the 19th century improvements in sanitation, housing and child labour laws had done what the vaccine couldn’t do, eradicate smallpox, and the vaccine ceased to be used.

Vaccinologists know that there is no evidence that vaccines improve outcomes so they use a convenient surrogate marker; the production of antibodies. The detection of antibodies has, of course, never been shown to be beneficial to outcomes either. Indeed, in upside down virology world having antibodies to ‘HIV’ apparently doesn’t mean that you are immune but that you’re very sick.

Antibodies are globulins that seem to stick specifically and avidly to every antigen the body is exposed to. They are convenient because this reaction can be observed with a chromogen.

Their presence in low or high titres cannot be used to imply weak or strong immunity to becoming ill as their association with outcomes has never been demonstrated. People who have antibodies get sick, and people who don't stay well.

Studies on neutralisation seem to confirm that antibodies are not hanging around in the serum waiting to help in an attack but rather proliferate (as much as 30 fold) during the convalescent phase of an illnesses or detoxification process. The body makes proteins that induce fever, inflammation, pox, pustules, spots, mucus production, coughs and forces itself to rest in order to expel toxins. The antibodies produced in the recovery phase bind to these proteins (mistakenly thought to be viral proteins) inactivate them and help return the body to its resting state.

I hope that we can challenge all assumptions that we have about illness and vaccines before we waste anymore time and energy.



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This guy thinks little of the "OAS" idea, and he seems rather thorough, though I understand only a fraction of all that.


In the comments you can see he does think "ADE" is one of of the real immune impacting effects, agreeing that people lump different effects together under "OAS"

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There seems to be lots of confusion about if antibodies are present in low or high titres that implies weak or strong immunity. Presence of antibodies just means that the person has been exposed to or has made those proteins (never shown to come from a virus) at some point in their life. Antibodies are produced in highest titres (up to 30 fold according to Enders and Peebles) during the convalescing phase so important to compare like with like time wise. Virologists are also allergic to doing controls.

Here is a case in point in the NEJM paper supposedly showing natural immunity is best https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/its-still-really-important-to-read


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Interesting article on the origins of "virology". Unable as a very lay person to comment one way or another, regardless I thought it worth posting


Van Den Bosch and Malone and many other clear way back that vaxxing during a pandemic would cause problems. Now at the point that I think that WAS the point, and that Covid was deliberately released to kick off the Great Reset.

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Yes, I always wondered why Australia waited until April to start their campaign, 5 months after the jab was available. They could have had it when everyone else did and given it during their summer lull?

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Yes, Australia had the geographical advantage (squandered) of being an island, so, shutting the borders largely kept the virus out. They then held back with vaccination for several months for no obvious reason - purportedly reviewing data etc (though the data I was reading pointed towards problems with the vaccines). They then mass vaccinated all adults (willing or unable to resist the coercion) by November 2021, at which time they opened the borders and began to "live with the virus". It appeared to me that many were shocked by the subsequent explosion in cases - given so many were vaccinated. Then the 'we all need boosters' crap took hold.

There is a particular problem for populations which had little exposure to the virus, the absence of accumulative acquired natural immunity, then mass vaccination. Something to do with the vaccinal antibodies being even more dominant - as there is far less underlying naturally acquired immunity in the population. If I understand Geert Vanden Bossche correctly, the Australian population will be in a particularly precarious situation if/when the virus alters it's RBD (receptor binding domain) and becomes more virulent (to the vaccinated). This is because the vaccinated populations with no prior exposure will fare worst of all. That's Australia.

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NZ too. My wife's a Kiwi and appalled at what Ardern did to the country. Won't return till she goes

GVB has proved right on everything that he has been demonised for. And by no means alone in that. Western society is splitting in front of our very eyes. My wife lost her bessie of 40 years for suggesting Covid was the result of a lab leak. FFS

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Ardern is a notable adherent to Klaus Schwab's WEF, as is Canada's Trudeau. All despicable to their cores. Prime Minister Morrison - despite being a 'conservative' - oversaw the most egregious assault on the civil liberty of Australians in a hundred years. His health Minister at the time, Greg Hunt, is a minion of the WEF.

These cretins have infiltrated every nook and cranny of Western bureaucracy and politics.

For New Zealand's sake, I hope when Ardern is shown the door she isn't replaced by someone a little less obviously sharing the same ill intent.

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Yup. And their highly acclaimed island lockdown worked SO well in the end, didn't it?

Doesn't do take us all for suckers.

I have a huge archive of Covid papers and articles back on my PC back in Somerset (currently in Budapest where we're all enjoying temps of 35 to 38). I put up an FTP server a while back, mainly because I am an obsessive (Grateful) Deadhead, who has been collecting their taped shows and related for years.

Realised it would be a public service to put them all online. Same for my CAGW archive. Need to collate and file the related papers, as it's one large directory, but will start on that when I get home, and use Covid substackers such as yourself to publicise it.

Watch this space

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It's fricking cold here today!

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Yes, I wish climate change would last a few more days.

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It's climate change not weather change.

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And/or maybe they didn’t want to spend the money? Pfizer and Moderna weren’t giving the clot shots away.....

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Well maybe - but if you saw the SMIRK on Ardern's face when she proudly announce she was going to create a two tier society, the vaxxed and the persecuted unvaxxed, well, Jordan Peterson's term "Ideological Possession" incarnate. Terrifying. Terrifying also that the once independent, pioneer lands who's attitude to authority was always "Who the hell are you to tell me what I can and can't do" just keeled over. Always had colonial friends, liked them because they said what they thought. No bullshit.

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It was thought that because the virus wasn’t circulating in NZ and Australia they weren’t a priority for receiving the shots while the borders were closed, so had to wait bit longer to properly start the vax campaign

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Morons thought they could stop it. Sooner or later it would arrive. YOU CANNOT BEAT NATURE

You CANNOT stop a respiratory virus running its course. And vaxxing DURING its course is a really bad thing to do, prompting ADE and forcing mutation.

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I first came across OAS but did not quite understand it until recently. It does not help that phrase is not very meaningful.

"They" knew all about OAS and used it against us. Callous mens rea.

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another phrase used more often lately is "Immune Imprinting". I agree OAS is a strange phrase, and a bit outdated at this point.

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"Immune Imprinting" is also misleading.

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This was super interesting and informative. Makes complete sense. Thank you! So glad I have not had any jabs. Had the original C19 in March 2020 and felt dreadful for a month - didn't see a Dr but couldn't work for about six weeks as no energy. Had BA1 at Xmas, felt rough for a day then mostly a cold and suspect had BA5 last week. Again felt rough for a day but then OK. Immune system working well. My fully jabbed friends, many of whom have had the virus multiple times have been really poorly each time. Go figure!

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"(sometimes ten times a day thanks to Paul!)"


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Paul has real passion for this!!! I get his many emails too heheh

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Love him!

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He has real passion, but is completely incapable of explaining science simply to those such a me who need baby talk. Van Den is the same. It's a very difficult thing to do, put complex concepts into accessible images.

I still enjoy their posts, but as one groping about in thick mist.

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I just hope Geert is wrong---sadly so far he has been proven correct---he gave us performance indicators a few months ago re the hospitalisations of vaccinated v unvaccinated. I am glad I backed the right horse, but sadly have family who listen to the BBC as the gospel.

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Sadly, all the information I see points to Geert being spot on. The future is not bright for vaccinees.

Given there are so many, that means it's not bright for anyone.

I'm thinking the best approach for the vaccinated is the adoption of stringent hydrogen peroxide / povidone iodine protocols (nasal and oral) when the crap hits the fan - the virus alters RBD and becomes significantly more virulent to vaccinees.

Vit D, C, and zinc (with zinc ionophores). Chemoprophylaxis - Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine - if people can get hold of them.

It's going to get messy.

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reading up on this lately, Nattokinase seems to be a good candidate for helping clear up what might be happening in the blood post-injection.

I thoroughly believe the damage can be cleaned up over enough time, though I do agree, it will be messy. Maybe to rephrase that, I refuse to believe the damage cannot be undone. I know too many people who have gotten the shots. It's critical the endless booster campaigns don't take hold.

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I am hearing of endless sickness here in NZ... people just getting sick over and over and over... most businesses are experiencing severe staffing shortages due to The Sickness

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Thank you for that article - I too read all the articles and do struggle a bit to keep up. Not at all scientific or mathematical so it's a challenge. It's very depressing that nobody seems to have any idea how to fix the problem which most people seem to refuse to even acknowledge. I despair - I don't see any way out of all this. Apparently the BBC ran a programme last night successfully making some vaccine refusniks look like idiots. The Guardian review was a piece of work! The public will keep taking these shots so it will just keep getting worse.

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from what I understand (I can't bring myself to watch it) the BBC programme had zero % effectiveness in persuading those who had declined the shot. Granted, it was pure propaganda from the getgo, but that is still overall a good sign from my perspective.

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I used to read you often on Twitter prior to your final final ban - ah, those were the days.... - and also Clare Craig ( miraculously not banned, although her MSM appearances seem to have disappeared).

I would also add to your list of recommended reading, - Igor Chudov.

Also for a complete history - as to how the bloody hell have we've got where we're at - please plug and read :-

"The Real Anthony Fauci" by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

This book ought to be compulsory reading for everyone, especially in schools, but that would never do, it might make people think....

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Please read the following. You don't need to be an "expert" to understand the gist of it :-


Sections 3 and 4 detail how our brilliant genetic engineers trick your cells into becoming vaccine factories - whilst knowing the square root of f. all about the deleterious effects that their gene therapies will have on the immune system, Sections 5 - 14.

Warning, may not make comfortable reading for the jabbed.

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This was easy for non scienctists like myself to read: In this paper, we explore the scientific literature suggesting that vaccination with an mRNA vaccine initiates a set of biological events that are not only different from that induced by infection but are in several ways demonstrably counterproductive to both short- and long-term immune competence and normal cellular function. These vaccinations have now been shown to downregulate critical pathways related to cancer surveillance, infection control, and cellular homeostasis.

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Thanks, that is a very nice summary.

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Thanks for posting this! Good overview, or even reminder to pass along. 👍

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Maybe the only way to stop or drastically reduce this is by telling people and especially vaccinated people to take highly effective prophylaxis.

See this new study for example. It seems ALL cases can be prevented with daily Hydrogen Peroxide 1% for 1 minute. In this study, there were lots of cases among vaccinated as well as unvaccinated people who did not use Hydrogen Peroxide. However, nobody (or almost nobody) of those who took Hydrogen Peroxide, no matter if vaccinated or unvaccinated, got infected.

"The results of this real-world observational study provide clinical evidence that prophylactic HPA protects HCWs and inpatients from COVID-19. Over a period of 19 months, no HCWs, vaccinated or unvaccinated, using 1% hydrogen peroxide for mouthwash and throat gargle, and 0.5% hydrogen peroxide for nasal rinse at least once daily developed COVID-19 at SODH. Among these were the eight frontline emergency care nurses who had used HPA daily from May 2020. On the other hand, by November 2021, a significant number of both vaccinated and unvaccinated NHP-HCWs had contracted COVID-19. Surprisingly, in December 2021 alone, when the Omicron variant was dominant in Ghana, as many as 47 new cases of COVID-19 were recorded among the HCWs, all of whom were fully vaccinated and not using HPA. These observations, therefore, confirm the authors' previous suggestion that HPA protects HCWs from COVID-19."

"In summary, the significant clinical evidence for the protective effect of hydrogen peroxide against COVID-19, and likewise considering that it is also quite safe, inexpensive and readily available, makes it a valuable prophylaxis to recommend for the protection of HCWs, inpatients and all vulnerable groups against COVID-19."

Title: "Further observations on hydrogen peroxide antisepsis and COVID-19 cases among healthcare workers and inpatients"

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Or, they could just stop jabbing themselves too?!

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My wife was just telling me that one of our friends has just had her 4th jab -- she's posted a vaxxie on social media.

Well congratulations to her -- VAIDS will be her next life achievement.

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I saw a post on another Substack about people trying to "game the system" or get even more boosters than allowed by basically lying. They think the more, the better. One woman, an alleged PhD, was bragging on Twitter about how she just got her 5th booster by lying to the people at CVS. What can ya do? Let them take themselves out. Darwinism.

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They refuse to listen. So f789 em.... offer to give them a ride to the injection centre.... there's a good chance they won't be able to drive themselves home afterwards...

I know of one person who went blind immediately following the injection ... I said oh ya - how'd you feel about that? She said it was ok - she sat down for 20 minutes and her sight returned. Totally nonplussed about the situation.

You were F&*(ING) BLIND!!!! I'm thinking ... and it's no big deal.... hahahaha... clown world.

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Jul 21, 2022
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Maybe we need to start swapping 'more educated' for 'smarter' heheh

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Oh how lovely, a virtue signaling vaxxie!

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Povidone iodine also very effective - both for nasal and oral sterilization.

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So, I followed this, but I seriously doubt someone who hadn’t been reading covid science articles since 2020 would. Any chance AfterSkool or another illustrator would make this into a video? Then I think it could have huge impact.

Maybe after the experts give this their approval.

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"OAS for short. It is actually not uncommon at the individual level and explains why we get colds and flu throughout our lifetimes."

My understanding is the c/f viruses mutate so quickly (single strand, quick mutation) and that's why we don't have stable immunity to them. But not sure.

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Seems like a pretty good summary to me. You are right about Dr Paul Alexander, the guy never sleeps...

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The evil (genius) of their hand and glove manufactured virus and vaccine to shut down billions of immune systems and destroy hummanity deserves a World Economic Forum Prize for Genocide and Inhumanity!

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