Nice how to, comrade. Most people have the memory of a goldfish. Yuri tried to warn us:

“In the context of the USA, most of these nasty things are done to America by Americans with the ideological help of the Communist subverters. Most of the actions are overt, legitimate, and easily identifiable. The only trouble is - they are “stretched in time”. In other words, the process of subversion is such a long-term process that an average individual, due to the short time-span of his historical memory, is unable to perceive the process of subversion as a constent and willful effort. That is exactly how it is intended to be: like the small hand of your watch. You know it moves, but you CAN NOT SEE it moving.”

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Which is why we kept all the receipts! So many times, people asked us why we kept shouting the same message that fell on deaf ears. We said it was for this moment. And here it is.

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I'm sitting here right now flabbergasted at the approach a large company is taking in assimilating a client I currently support. Talk about doing it all completely wrong.

I'm equally still flabbergasted that the USA is recommending the jab to nearly everyone including children. The level of disconnect from reality is so off the scale that it's beyond comprehension.

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There's a clip of Fauchi saying that they need to provide protection to companies, organisations and to persons to get them to make life uncomfortable for the unvaccinated.

Once that happens they will give up on their "ideological objections".

Hence those "protections" need to be removed. They are likely to be proved either illegal, or unconstitutional, or both, when challenged in court.

Names are now being named!

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Exactly. My sister is a full blown communist and she has no idea. She spews ONLY government approved opinions and considers herself a rebel. We can’t discuss any of it because I’m a toxic aggressor. Me and my facts and logic.

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Sarah Knapton and Allison Pearson were lone voices shrieking into the void. I stomached question time last week in order to watch Farage (one of the few who openly acknowledges jab injuries on TV and questions the Unpleasantness) - he stated lockdown was one of the most catastrophic errors ever made. Cue Fiona Bruce - looking at him as if he had 3 heads. Looolll. The BBC still don't get it. "So are you saying it was wrong?" She gasped? Jhc. Four years later. I guess there's no cure for stupid. Or malicious. Or maybe the jabs addled her brain.

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Farage was in full support of Covid1984, including lockdowns and mass "vaccination" at the time. Cease the gas lighting.

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At least he has the guts to admit they were wrong and say so publicly. Not many in his position do. I'm not gaslighting anyone. It's all out there for people to read and see for themselves and draw their own conclusions.

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But he hasn't. You're pushing a demonstrably false narrative aka gaslight that Nigel Farage opposed Covid1984 and is anti establishment. He still doesn't oppose Big Pharma or mass "vaccination". It is a gaslight.

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Yes, he has. Did you watch question time? Have you seen him talk about jab injuries on his show? He admits he had 2 jabs, but declined any further jabs and has seen the harm they've done. I've actually watched his TV show and seen him discuss these issues. Clearly you haven't. So no, I'm not gaslighting, as I have seen the discussions on GBnews. It's the only mainstream media channel that has had vaccine injured on to share their experiences for a start. I know what I've seen as unpalatable as it may be to you and others. 🙄

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And I never said he opposed it at the time, I said he's admitted it was wrong now. Not many people who supported the measures in public life especially politics, have admitted they were wrong.

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My comment to the Daily Sceptic on X:

“The whole thing stinks, tentatively 3 and a half years later - remember the Gibraltar escapade. All the signals were institutionally ignored for 3 and half years. Everyone should be in jail.”

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These vaccines are a diabolical way to thin the herd. Just my lay opinion…

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Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one.

Charles McKay

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I would add that one facet of these controlled admissions is also to cover up the crimes that were committed in the hospitals and nursing homes.

Instead of looking at how millions were murdered many elderly, disabled and cognitively challenged via a preconceived program of state sponsored euthanasia they keep people talking only about the barbaric vaccine program.

This protects the fundamental narrative of "pandemic", takes thousands of administrators, doctors and nurse off the hook and diverts attention from the more heinous crimes of the mass slaughter that was called "Covid."

They can say "we made mistakes, "we had to do something" and assorted lies rather than "we committed mass murder."

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Hopefully one of these links will work - link to X monkeyboy/Doctor Dr McHonkHonk



Language warning ......

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"Further analysis is required"

That would be the 'further analysis' which the government and the ONS are stubbornly refusing to make possible by NOT providing the data - despite repeated high level requests - which would enable independent researchers to conclusively demonstrate, one way or the other, whether the vaccines were killing and injuring people. Because we all know the truth; it's been blindingly obvious for years and this slow motion reluctant admission complete with bullshit caveats from the Torygraph is 'progress' of sorts, but WAY, WAY too late. Now is not the time to congratulate the MSM on their sleepy awakening. Now is the time to get really, REALLY pissed off and push for total transparency followed by prosecutions. No more pussy-footing around the truth, which is a full blown iatrogenocide.

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I've recently subscribed to the Telegraph (dumping The Times) because out of all the UK MSM, they appear to be the ones that are changing their minds and admitting it was all a massive cock-up. Yes, it would have been nice if they'd done this from the start.

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I've been with the Telegraph for decades and whilst they might be marginally better than the rest it is a low bar. Watch out for the 'Comments' section where things (you can guess what) is heavily censored. Currently contemplating cancelling subscription.

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About 5 years ago, I decided I wanted to support the media as I was very much a free consumer. I'd become disillusioned with the BBC news which indirectly I did, and still do, pay for. I look at the papers and the general consensus was that The Times was centre-right. So I signed up but some of their articles really annoyed me and the way Russell Brand was treated to trial by media was the final straw. Bizarrely, they suddenly offered me £5/month... To be honest, I only diligently read Clarkson's columns.

So I'm giving Telegraph a go - reduced rate for first few months. We'll see...

But as you say, it's a horribly low bar. I've found out far more about world events and the scamdemic from substack articles like this and the Daily Sceptic. Not perfect and boy do you get labelled a conspiracy theorist but far better than the MSM.

So to be honest, I'll probably dump The Times and Telegraph - push the £300/year into the pockets of some of the anti-narrative new media. I've not even consider the Guardian!

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I used to read the Telegraph before it disappeared behind the paywall. We used to buy the paper copy on Saturdays - now nearly £5 a go. The other week they offered a year's subscription for £25. So I bit that one. The comments on the Sarah Knapton piece seem to be fairly evenly divided between those who will never take another vax of any kind and those who think they saved millions.

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I'm certainly a lot more sceptical of new vaccines, e.g. shingles and also question the effectiveness of the flu vaccine. But I'd still take well established vaccines. But certainly don't believe the COVID ones saved millions. Such was the power of the psyops pumped out by the MSM.

Challenge somebody on why somebody believes this and they'll just say "'because they do" without any real basis. Had a very interesting discussion in the pub where I was trying to get people to question everything. I started off with the question "Do you trust the government and officials?". The answer was "No, not really and it's certainly got worse". We then had a wide ranging discussion but when we got to the bit about trust in the vaccines I reminded them of distrust of governments and officials.

It was like the bit in Forbidden Planet where Robbie the robot is asked to shoot the monster from the id and he couldn't because he knew it was Morbius. His head fizzed and buzzed until he shut down.

Whilst the penny wasn't exactly dropping with anyone, I could see it was at least starting to rock a bit.

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I've had many vaccines in my life, mainly for travel reasons in the last 25 years or so. I had two AZ covid jabs as I had a trip already booked and postponed. I was lucky and had no adverse reactions of any sort. But I certainly won't be having any more.

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I had the first booster so I could go skiing. What a completely pathetic reason to take a novel vaccine esp. when I was at low from the coronavirus itself. I took it to keep my liberty. Madness...

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Dead Man Talking - "more than 3 million excess deaths... the mainstream media (MSM) is trying to leak out the truth... so slowly that perhaps you might not notice how much they originally lied... Be careful who you trust next time!"

A gross underestimation, and not many were copied on the memo: the oligopolic controlled state bought out The Science and Journalism long ago, to ensure that both along with millions become decedents. None of this is by happenstance and in this project all are expendable. Trust No One Mr. Mulder

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We need proper accountability

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I trust not one of them that are involved in politics, media and the compliant institutions. I seek independent voices and I also listen to my inner voice which I suppressed at the beginning of covid. It told me something was seriously wrong with the "deadly narratives" and the responses but stupidly I did not think that governments and public health would actively harm their populations. How wrong could I be? The compliant crowds during covid scared me more than the governments, watching them following each other wherever they were lead by the duplicitous governments and media was something I will never forget, especially during the Covid injection frenzy.

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You'd be surprised how many people are still taken in by this all.

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So they are basically saying "oh dear, looks like some people died unexpectedly, possibly from the safe and effective jabs that saved everyone's life - but you can't make an omelette without cracking eggs. Nobody could have possibly known the jabs weren't safe and effective, just like they couldn't have known the virus was a cold or that the life-saving preventative actions were a little over the top. Anyone who said they knew it was all political smoke and mirrors is and always was a tinfoil-hat wearing anti-vaxxing conspiracy theorist and not a proper scientist like the ones we trust".

So don't be expecting an OBE any time soon, Joel!

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I'm looking forward to turning it down! Ha ha ha!

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I am so glad I read 1984 during the pandemic. We are in the Ministry of Truth section!

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Brave new world:

evil clever, they discredit the dissenters and then when needed rewrite history and remove them from the narative🤡🤝

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no news, no news, no news...

old news!

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