Analysis of survey data collected by Steve Kirsch would suggest that not only is it not safe or effective, it most likely causes more death PLUS further evidence of iatrogenic death.
These injections are indeed safe and effective in the manner with which they were designed and distributed.
Safe- safe from prosecution from damages as they are indemnified. Safe from financial losses as they are publicly subsidized and given guaranteed government contracts.
Effective- effective in creating enormous profits. Effective in creating such profits as the government is both the marketing arm and the coercive arm to guarantee uptake and profit.
When the Pharma execs go into the board rooms with the investors these are exactly the considerations and conversations they have. They do speak about the safe and effective nature of their product and this is what they talk about.
Dude: while I understand the creator of this newsletter is saying "{we need to ask why" if we stay here at the "please, Daddy, tell me why" stage you or someone you truly love is going to die from a mandated harm.
There is NO POINT in asking "why" if you then continue to accept them continuing to mandate the harms.
Let's say this was being done by The Hell's Angels or Kim Jong-un. Would you wait for their explanation, or halt the mandates that can kill children first? Right. Now, do we HAVE evidence that the mandates are harmful? Do we KNOW THAT they COULD KILL someone, anyone we care about? Yes.
Do you honestly think that the job of government is to force or allow people to make $ off of killing you or your loved ones? Do any of you think there are 'secret bylaws' created by those who framed Constitutional Law that allow politicians or judges to go ahead & decide to say "yeah, killing children is okay so long as Guido & I make a killing" so to speak?
So: these ARE harmful, they need to be stopped immediately, the people in government refuse to decide TO stop this. How are WE GOING to force them to regardless of whether they want to or not? Or do you prefer to wait until after more children die?
Silence is not an option here. If you refuse to STOP what's killing children from continuing, then you're not passively opting out. That is a clear vote for allowing it to continue. You KNOW this CAN kill children. Anything but an effort to halt that is complicity.
You're watching a movie made in the hope that it will cause Daddy-Government to apologize so we can have our Great Moment of Reconciliation with Your Perceived Protectors. How are any of you WORTHY OF being saved from anything when whenever you're needed to help anyone, you retreat into praying to non-existent entities?
This drives me nuts. You are already all 100% aware that the people in your government are corrupt. Yet you still side with Protecting Them as your imaginary Caring Parents as a CONCEPT than your real family. Constitutional Law makes politicians as prone to being charged, prosecuted & arrested for crimes when they commit them as anyone else who harmed you or your family.
We have this internet to communicate with people: but I have, in fifty years of trying never met One Other Person with ANY courage to stand up to one corrupt politician.
Look at this: praying that Watching A Movie will appeal to Daddy & make him apologize. You will do ANYTHING to avoid accusing someone of anything only because you INSIST ON thinking of them as Elevated Beings. You need that imaginary safety more than you need REAL safety?
Get the effing shot already. Protect your beliefs in politicians as saviors & stop pretending to think otherwise. There are no half-measures here. Either they ARE 100% Perfect all the time or they DO belong in prison. But NO ONE is coming to rescue you while you beg for IMAGINARY protectors to do so.
You cowards will do that: your idealism is way more important to you than any real harms as evidenced by the fact that you KEEP waiting. I wonder who you all think you're fooling by constantly liking &/or making expressions to say otherwise?
That is why we need to remove these imaginary protectors of ours. They only protect their bank balances, they are not in the least interested in we plebs.
As a Brit, I am fighting tooth and nail to get RID of these psychopaths ruling over us, but the biggest problem we face is not our corrupt "bought" governments and politicians, but the people who have become sheeple. I was no brain box at school, but I am very aware of common sense, which is something the general public seem to have lost. The majority of them cannot even be bothered to research anything (too boring), let's just believe what the government...Our Masters tell us. The fact is, it is WE who are their masters, it is we who have the power, which we don't use. Yet these pathetic unlearned, unresearched, easily manipulated sheeple, cannot comprehend that. Most cannot be bothered with what's happening to them and sometimes I think, that maybe what is going down is the best outcome for a completely kowtowed public. Having lived abroad all my life, I was never slowly indoctrinated by the western TV, their newspapers, radio...nothing. I can see what is going on while millions can't, or they just can't be bothered to do ANYTHING. They will eventually reap what they are "allowing" to be sowed. Just LOOK at what's going on right now in western countries with all their planned agendas coming into effect. But the sheeple still look on with blank expressions on their blank faces. What a pathetic lot the majority of us have become. As a true blood, I will never kowtow to these tyrannical psychopaths.
Subconscious (SC) reactions can & do cause many of us to do stupid things. With me, it was the frustration over not being able to appeal to anyone's logic. It's one thing to react in the moment: another entirely to reflect upon what you just said, then dismiss it.
The SC isn't DOING THAT though. It ISN'T 'considering your opinion' then rejecting it. Sadly, when removed from what I call their Default Preconceived Notions (just PNs) especially in adulthood, the SC's only priority becomes to reset to those default PNs.
The SC mistakes the familiar for what's comfortable, then what's comfortable for what's good. This is why victims of child abuse almost always repeat. Their SCs are looking forward To The Familiar, another thing that if Western society ever recognized, we could reduce tremendously.
The problem in THIS scenario is that anything you say against people's PNs simply make them cling more tightly to them. We need their support & they are defensively protecting themselves from giving it. We can continue trying to go through their impenetrable barriers...
Or we can try to go AROUND them. If I need their support & going through their barriers isn't an option, then that might be the way to go. I'm not happy with any of this, but there it is.
Well, we'll see. The human subconscious (SC) is where our most primal (fight or flight) instincts live. When triggered, people's only priority becomes returning to their comforting SC patterns.
Standing up to Daddy causes them only to feel MORE discomfort. At this point, people simply stop thinking about what causes them to think about the discomforting actions. That's why we're here. No one is trying to stand up to the Authority Figures/surrogate Daddies. They're all trying to 'get' Daddy to voluntarily change so that they can avoid the Imaginary Discomfort.
Every single last person who has realized that we can't stop the mandates without reducing or removing the powers of their Daddies TO impose mandates has backed away from their slight emotional discomfort. I haven't met One Other Person who doesn't still think of 'politicians' as their Divine Protectors.
I cannot emphasize enough the Underlying Mindsets at work here. It's not ABOUT listening to outside influences. The Blind Faith with which children before age eight view their parents is shifted in its entirety onto the concept of 'Government.'
Around age eight we can finally start making separations. Santa may not be real: but that doesn't necessarily mean that M & D are lying, just that they may be... well, maybe they're lying, but it's for a Good Reason.
BEFORE age eight, if we realize our parents are lying, then our whole World View & Sense of self is utterly lost. So the child HAS to believe that Santa is real in order to protect all that.
Until people learn to make the same separations from 'politician' to 'Government,' 'Government' to 'they Protect Us' etc., there is NO listening being done, only reacting to protect the underlying mindset that we need these notions of what 'Government' is. Not for its own sake, but because any effort to bring about the changes that can remove the harmful mandates requires mass public support.
Which means getting AROUND the mindset. Not ranting about it: not wishing it didn't exist. Not pretending that we can Just Wait it out. Someone is going to be crippled or killed by this tomorrow & THAT is more important than wishing people were different.
Totally agree mate and very nicely explained, but why are the public allowing this to continue. Yes there are voices of protest, but they are still a minority when EVERYONE (that of course does not include the braindead) should be standing up and saying NO MORE instead of baa baa.
I wish I could say that that was some kind of off the cuff cutting commentary on Pharma but it is the reality.
I have grown close to someone who used to work with a large multinational investment firm- someone who was at the top of the pyramid and sat in the meetings as one of the primary decision makers on Pharma investments for this firm. From this friendship I have been given first hand accounts of how these meetings go.
I will add that this person quit that firm over a decade ago due to these crooked policies and now works non-stop against Pharma.
Pharma execs know certain products are going to harm people and move forward anyway as long as they can make profits. Those at the top of these investment firms are also given the data/information of the "effectiveness" of these products and also move forward if they believe they will make returns on their investments.
They do not care how many people will be maimed or killed.
Hi Allen. As someone who never developed any sort of "those people are supposed to take care of me" attitude towards corporations OR government, The #1 Problem I notice I keep running to is that adults in Western society have a lot of trouble handling this bare fact. Do you know what helps?
Stop conflating the people who just happen to work IN either with what you think either are 'supposed to be FOR!' & I don't know what specific analogy will work for any individual person.
If Ben Kenobi doesn't separate Annikin from who he 'was SUPPOSED to be' he lets Annikin continue killing. If allowing harms to continue Because People In Authority Say So is correct, then what did we hang Nazis for?
If anyone thinks that this last analogy is too much, well... why tf ARE WE NOT prosecuting the people responsible for what we now know IS harmful to us? Would WE allow this to continue if it WAS being done by Nazis?
I mean, really: wtf does it matter WHO mandates that children should die for corporate profits? So to me, it's simple. We HAVE LAWS we can use to stop this. Neither corporations nor politicians are exempt FROM them. Only our psychology is making charging politicians feel like something wrong. It isn't. Not one person on this list is 'Government.' They are ALL taking corporate $ knowingly.
As the articles of impeachment against Trump reminded us, 1) that is STILL 100% illegal despite the 'passing' of Citizens United & 2) also, politicians are NOT exempt from that or any other laws.
So the only thing stopping the same people screaming AT the problem waiting for someone to resolve it for them from banding together & stopping it ourselves, legally, non-violently is ourselves & looking at POLITICIANS as if they were our surrogate Mommies and Daddies.
Now everyone raise your hands if you'll feel proud to say that you allowed them to continue killing children for Fun & Profit to retain this belief in them as Your Protectors.
The global lockstep not to investigate is hand in hand w/ the initial global masking, lockdowns, & then mandating the jab. I just saw something this morning that WHO is declaring the unvax’d as mis- & disinformation spreading right wing terrorists everywhere. Guess they are trying to make such discrimination a “thing” again. Will the sheeple follow this time in the face of truth going mainstream now?
That's why I just put the data out there. People can (and should) decide for themselves. Those who don't and prefer to trust the authorities are welcome to die. It's their choice!
I thought like that. Even mocking them. But then, you watch their testimonies and, men, that is hard. Ernest Ramirez or Maddie, for example. No way one should make fun of them.
Yes, I want to write a general comment about this, will do when I manage to find the time. Maybe it helps. And it is important.
Many people got it because the pressure was unbearable for them, for example.
And many people who got it and are happy with that decision also resisted an enormous pressure without caving. The pressure to harass the non-vaxed, to not invite us to their homes.
I also think it was the easiest IQ test in history. But, being non-smart is not a crime.
My two 20-something sons had to, 1 for employment / livelihood & the other for the Military. Neither wanted it & have vowed no more but that doesn’t stop me from worrying about them & long term sequelae. So I don’t make fun of or wish ill on anyone in such situations. It was & is the sanctimonious who, as you said, cruelly harassed (or worse) the non vax’d. It’s the celebrities in music, movies, plays, sports who banned us from attending games or performances; it’s for the corrupt politicians & medico-industrial complex who are STILL discriminating against us (refusing organ transplants in children, as 1 example) & wet-dreaming about bringing all the tyranny back via passports, digital ID (tied to vax status, of course), digital currency (ditto) & all the rest. They can drop dead & seem to be doing so regularly now. But in addition to A LOT of innocent people
The WHO? Have you actually looked at studied closely and done any research at all on this bunch of thugs and terrorists? It’s scary stuff, deadly . How the hell they are still there lauded and applauded by all is up to us to 🛑 before it really is too late - they’re the greatest danger the world has and add to their cauldron of evil the other acronyms WEF UN FIFA farmerGates Suckerberg Justice Trud and the disabled JoeB admin banks insurance companies Monsanto nestle and all your Xmas present makers you need more than aspirin to recover from that (they’re poisonous anyway) I think I might be dead before that happens - running out of time here 🥲 merry Xmas 🎄
Holy shit pray big that enough sheeple have binned their blinkers - huge doubts there inc numpties I know well 🙄 one currently unwell (nurses on strike no available Gp appointments) and proud to have had 5 shots - serves him right! FYI worked his entire life for Shell/BP to achieve muddle rank serfdom! This is what we are up against ..... the WHO need exxing
Then they can accurately say 'there is no evidence of harm'.
To find the evidence one must first ask the question.
So, even from the trial data as supplied, the authorities can accurately say there is no evidence of harm from the injection in pregnant women. Simply because pregnant women were excluded from the trial, that answer is correct by default, as far as the trial goes. The authorities can then rest on their laurels, safe in the knowledge that there is no evidence of harm, to that stage. Any problems in the 'real world', say in pregnancy, simply must be down to something else. Climate change anyone? Ooh, how about eating too much meat. Or maybe a knock on effect of stress from the war in Ukraine. Not the jab, look at the data, look, it says no evidence of harm.
Words are important. No evidence indeed. The devil is in the detail.
Joel, so illuminating. The graphs, the data, your explanations of the graphs. I couldn’t help but quietly think, these unvaxxed covid pts were murdered. Heartbreaking. I have read many stories of families begging doctors to provide early treatments for their covid infected loved ones. But instead, their loved ones were administered Remdesivir and placed on a ventilator, as per hospital protocol. Death followed.
The early treatment anecdotes follow the same pattern (but the inverse) as the Fauci protocol anecdotes. It was more difficult to stratify them programmatically but I read hundreds of the notes and there were more than enough to show that denial of early treatment was a common factor in unvaccinated, COVID deaths as well.
Regarding early treatment, you probably can find countries where it is non-existent. Nada, zero. Example: Spain. Where I'd say less than 1% of the people have heard about IVM or HCQ. If you get sick: "go home and wait, pray if you want".
That’s the murder - the WHO guidelines to medics who should know better to treat a plague that Farci funded and whose minions strategically let loose as a tester - believe me this doesn’t end here Farmagates is plotting junior genocide in 2024 and is quite open about it ..... those of them that are actually born alive from parents who had these vaxxes ?
I keep thinking of a world where there are only sick children struggling to survive, unlikely to successfully reproduce if they reach maturity. I think this is the future on earth. If there is no retribution soon, it will be too late. It has to happen in the US, because the USG is responsible for both the bioweapon and the bioweapon injections. Absent an opposition party, it is hard to imagine that anyone will ever be held accountable for what is in effect the largest genocide campaign in the history of the world.
You mentioned the Fauci protocol and I agree that must have been a huge factor. I understand that someone was only considered to be vaccinated after 2 weeks had past since last vaccine. And that a high % of short-term deaths were in fact vaccinated – excluded from being counted by a sneaky book-keeping trick.
People can see the analysis for the Scottish data here 2020-2022 and did mRNA have ANY positive benefit to all cause mortality and excess deaths ?
These injections are indeed safe and effective in the manner with which they were designed and distributed.
Safe- safe from prosecution from damages as they are indemnified. Safe from financial losses as they are publicly subsidized and given guaranteed government contracts.
Effective- effective in creating enormous profits. Effective in creating such profits as the government is both the marketing arm and the coercive arm to guarantee uptake and profit.
When the Pharma execs go into the board rooms with the investors these are exactly the considerations and conversations they have. They do speak about the safe and effective nature of their product and this is what they talk about.
They’re also extremely effective at maiming, sterilizing, and killing, which is their highest, truest purpose.
Dude: while I understand the creator of this newsletter is saying "{we need to ask why" if we stay here at the "please, Daddy, tell me why" stage you or someone you truly love is going to die from a mandated harm.
There is NO POINT in asking "why" if you then continue to accept them continuing to mandate the harms.
Let's say this was being done by The Hell's Angels or Kim Jong-un. Would you wait for their explanation, or halt the mandates that can kill children first? Right. Now, do we HAVE evidence that the mandates are harmful? Do we KNOW THAT they COULD KILL someone, anyone we care about? Yes.
Do you honestly think that the job of government is to force or allow people to make $ off of killing you or your loved ones? Do any of you think there are 'secret bylaws' created by those who framed Constitutional Law that allow politicians or judges to go ahead & decide to say "yeah, killing children is okay so long as Guido & I make a killing" so to speak?
So: these ARE harmful, they need to be stopped immediately, the people in government refuse to decide TO stop this. How are WE GOING to force them to regardless of whether they want to or not? Or do you prefer to wait until after more children die?
Silence is not an option here. If you refuse to STOP what's killing children from continuing, then you're not passively opting out. That is a clear vote for allowing it to continue. You KNOW this CAN kill children. Anything but an effort to halt that is complicity.
Now grow a pair & let's discuss this, shall we?
Ten likes & no replies. Everyone knows I'm right, no one will enter into discussion about DOING what's right.
I just saw this video about all this: copied & pasted, here's what I commented there.
You're watching a movie made in the hope that it will cause Daddy-Government to apologize so we can have our Great Moment of Reconciliation with Your Perceived Protectors. How are any of you WORTHY OF being saved from anything when whenever you're needed to help anyone, you retreat into praying to non-existent entities?
This drives me nuts. You are already all 100% aware that the people in your government are corrupt. Yet you still side with Protecting Them as your imaginary Caring Parents as a CONCEPT than your real family. Constitutional Law makes politicians as prone to being charged, prosecuted & arrested for crimes when they commit them as anyone else who harmed you or your family.
We have this internet to communicate with people: but I have, in fifty years of trying never met One Other Person with ANY courage to stand up to one corrupt politician.
Look at this: praying that Watching A Movie will appeal to Daddy & make him apologize. You will do ANYTHING to avoid accusing someone of anything only because you INSIST ON thinking of them as Elevated Beings. You need that imaginary safety more than you need REAL safety?
Get the effing shot already. Protect your beliefs in politicians as saviors & stop pretending to think otherwise. There are no half-measures here. Either they ARE 100% Perfect all the time or they DO belong in prison. But NO ONE is coming to rescue you while you beg for IMAGINARY protectors to do so.
You cowards will do that: your idealism is way more important to you than any real harms as evidenced by the fact that you KEEP waiting. I wonder who you all think you're fooling by constantly liking &/or making expressions to say otherwise?
That is why we need to remove these imaginary protectors of ours. They only protect their bank balances, they are not in the least interested in we plebs.
As a Brit, I am fighting tooth and nail to get RID of these psychopaths ruling over us, but the biggest problem we face is not our corrupt "bought" governments and politicians, but the people who have become sheeple. I was no brain box at school, but I am very aware of common sense, which is something the general public seem to have lost. The majority of them cannot even be bothered to research anything (too boring), let's just believe what the government...Our Masters tell us. The fact is, it is WE who are their masters, it is we who have the power, which we don't use. Yet these pathetic unlearned, unresearched, easily manipulated sheeple, cannot comprehend that. Most cannot be bothered with what's happening to them and sometimes I think, that maybe what is going down is the best outcome for a completely kowtowed public. Having lived abroad all my life, I was never slowly indoctrinated by the western TV, their newspapers, radio...nothing. I can see what is going on while millions can't, or they just can't be bothered to do ANYTHING. They will eventually reap what they are "allowing" to be sowed. Just LOOK at what's going on right now in western countries with all their planned agendas coming into effect. But the sheeple still look on with blank expressions on their blank faces. What a pathetic lot the majority of us have become. As a true blood, I will never kowtow to these tyrannical psychopaths.
Subconscious (SC) reactions can & do cause many of us to do stupid things. With me, it was the frustration over not being able to appeal to anyone's logic. It's one thing to react in the moment: another entirely to reflect upon what you just said, then dismiss it.
The SC isn't DOING THAT though. It ISN'T 'considering your opinion' then rejecting it. Sadly, when removed from what I call their Default Preconceived Notions (just PNs) especially in adulthood, the SC's only priority becomes to reset to those default PNs.
The SC mistakes the familiar for what's comfortable, then what's comfortable for what's good. This is why victims of child abuse almost always repeat. Their SCs are looking forward To The Familiar, another thing that if Western society ever recognized, we could reduce tremendously.
The problem in THIS scenario is that anything you say against people's PNs simply make them cling more tightly to them. We need their support & they are defensively protecting themselves from giving it. We can continue trying to go through their impenetrable barriers...
Or we can try to go AROUND them. If I need their support & going through their barriers isn't an option, then that might be the way to go. I'm not happy with any of this, but there it is.
You’re totally correct - just happen to be rushing around this minute
Well, we'll see. The human subconscious (SC) is where our most primal (fight or flight) instincts live. When triggered, people's only priority becomes returning to their comforting SC patterns.
Standing up to Daddy causes them only to feel MORE discomfort. At this point, people simply stop thinking about what causes them to think about the discomforting actions. That's why we're here. No one is trying to stand up to the Authority Figures/surrogate Daddies. They're all trying to 'get' Daddy to voluntarily change so that they can avoid the Imaginary Discomfort.
Every single last person who has realized that we can't stop the mandates without reducing or removing the powers of their Daddies TO impose mandates has backed away from their slight emotional discomfort. I haven't met One Other Person who doesn't still think of 'politicians' as their Divine Protectors.
They do it in public too except that too many people are too dammed thick to look listen and hardest of all understand the implications
I cannot emphasize enough the Underlying Mindsets at work here. It's not ABOUT listening to outside influences. The Blind Faith with which children before age eight view their parents is shifted in its entirety onto the concept of 'Government.'
Around age eight we can finally start making separations. Santa may not be real: but that doesn't necessarily mean that M & D are lying, just that they may be... well, maybe they're lying, but it's for a Good Reason.
BEFORE age eight, if we realize our parents are lying, then our whole World View & Sense of self is utterly lost. So the child HAS to believe that Santa is real in order to protect all that.
Until people learn to make the same separations from 'politician' to 'Government,' 'Government' to 'they Protect Us' etc., there is NO listening being done, only reacting to protect the underlying mindset that we need these notions of what 'Government' is. Not for its own sake, but because any effort to bring about the changes that can remove the harmful mandates requires mass public support.
Which means getting AROUND the mindset. Not ranting about it: not wishing it didn't exist. Not pretending that we can Just Wait it out. Someone is going to be crippled or killed by this tomorrow & THAT is more important than wishing people were different.
Totally agree mate and very nicely explained, but why are the public allowing this to continue. Yes there are voices of protest, but they are still a minority when EVERYONE (that of course does not include the braindead) should be standing up and saying NO MORE instead of baa baa.
That is the most brilliant description of safe and effective ever! Well done Allen!
Thanks Janet.
I wish I could say that that was some kind of off the cuff cutting commentary on Pharma but it is the reality.
I have grown close to someone who used to work with a large multinational investment firm- someone who was at the top of the pyramid and sat in the meetings as one of the primary decision makers on Pharma investments for this firm. From this friendship I have been given first hand accounts of how these meetings go.
I will add that this person quit that firm over a decade ago due to these crooked policies and now works non-stop against Pharma.
Pharma execs know certain products are going to harm people and move forward anyway as long as they can make profits. Those at the top of these investment firms are also given the data/information of the "effectiveness" of these products and also move forward if they believe they will make returns on their investments.
They do not care how many people will be maimed or killed.
That is quite evident. Pharma wants us fat, sick and medicine dependent.
Hi Allen. As someone who never developed any sort of "those people are supposed to take care of me" attitude towards corporations OR government, The #1 Problem I notice I keep running to is that adults in Western society have a lot of trouble handling this bare fact. Do you know what helps?
Stop conflating the people who just happen to work IN either with what you think either are 'supposed to be FOR!' & I don't know what specific analogy will work for any individual person.
If Ben Kenobi doesn't separate Annikin from who he 'was SUPPOSED to be' he lets Annikin continue killing. If allowing harms to continue Because People In Authority Say So is correct, then what did we hang Nazis for?
If anyone thinks that this last analogy is too much, well... why tf ARE WE NOT prosecuting the people responsible for what we now know IS harmful to us? Would WE allow this to continue if it WAS being done by Nazis?
I mean, really: wtf does it matter WHO mandates that children should die for corporate profits? So to me, it's simple. We HAVE LAWS we can use to stop this. Neither corporations nor politicians are exempt FROM them. Only our psychology is making charging politicians feel like something wrong. It isn't. Not one person on this list is 'Government.' They are ALL taking corporate $ knowingly.
As the articles of impeachment against Trump reminded us, 1) that is STILL 100% illegal despite the 'passing' of Citizens United & 2) also, politicians are NOT exempt from that or any other laws.
So the only thing stopping the same people screaming AT the problem waiting for someone to resolve it for them from banding together & stopping it ourselves, legally, non-violently is ourselves & looking at POLITICIANS as if they were our surrogate Mommies and Daddies.
Now everyone raise your hands if you'll feel proud to say that you allowed them to continue killing children for Fun & Profit to retain this belief in them as Your Protectors.
The global lockstep not to investigate is hand in hand w/ the initial global masking, lockdowns, & then mandating the jab. I just saw something this morning that WHO is declaring the unvax’d as mis- & disinformation spreading right wing terrorists everywhere. Guess they are trying to make such discrimination a “thing” again. Will the sheeple follow this time in the face of truth going mainstream now?
That's why I just put the data out there. People can (and should) decide for themselves. Those who don't and prefer to trust the authorities are welcome to die. It's their choice!
I thought like that. Even mocking them. But then, you watch their testimonies and, men, that is hard. Ernest Ramirez or Maddie, for example. No way one should make fun of them.
I refer to those who make us out to be the ones spreading misinformation. I know there are many caught in the middle.
Yes, I want to write a general comment about this, will do when I manage to find the time. Maybe it helps. And it is important.
Many people got it because the pressure was unbearable for them, for example.
And many people who got it and are happy with that decision also resisted an enormous pressure without caving. The pressure to harass the non-vaxed, to not invite us to their homes.
I also think it was the easiest IQ test in history. But, being non-smart is not a crime.
My two 20-something sons had to, 1 for employment / livelihood & the other for the Military. Neither wanted it & have vowed no more but that doesn’t stop me from worrying about them & long term sequelae. So I don’t make fun of or wish ill on anyone in such situations. It was & is the sanctimonious who, as you said, cruelly harassed (or worse) the non vax’d. It’s the celebrities in music, movies, plays, sports who banned us from attending games or performances; it’s for the corrupt politicians & medico-industrial complex who are STILL discriminating against us (refusing organ transplants in children, as 1 example) & wet-dreaming about bringing all the tyranny back via passports, digital ID (tied to vax status, of course), digital currency (ditto) & all the rest. They can drop dead & seem to be doing so regularly now. But in addition to A LOT of innocent people
Amen!! Hear and see it all and don't require for all! Informed decisions!
The WHO? Have you actually looked at studied closely and done any research at all on this bunch of thugs and terrorists? It’s scary stuff, deadly . How the hell they are still there lauded and applauded by all is up to us to 🛑 before it really is too late - they’re the greatest danger the world has and add to their cauldron of evil the other acronyms WEF UN FIFA farmerGates Suckerberg Justice Trud and the disabled JoeB admin banks insurance companies Monsanto nestle and all your Xmas present makers you need more than aspirin to recover from that (they’re poisonous anyway) I think I might be dead before that happens - running out of time here 🥲 merry Xmas 🎄
UN too. It’s all diabolically well coordinated. Is it too late???
We must believe it’s not - I’m just a bit old and suffering physically from this but you guys must believe you can stop it 🙏
Holy shit pray big that enough sheeple have binned their blinkers - huge doubts there inc numpties I know well 🙄 one currently unwell (nurses on strike no available Gp appointments) and proud to have had 5 shots - serves him right! FYI worked his entire life for Shell/BP to achieve muddle rank serfdom! This is what we are up against ..... the WHO need exxing
Dr. Yeadon Warns: So-Called “COVID Vaccines” Are Toxic by Design
"I heartily recommend you take seriously the warning I’m issuing."
Exactly Joel. WHY is this question not addressed?
Don't look = don't find.
Then they can accurately say 'there is no evidence of harm'.
To find the evidence one must first ask the question.
So, even from the trial data as supplied, the authorities can accurately say there is no evidence of harm from the injection in pregnant women. Simply because pregnant women were excluded from the trial, that answer is correct by default, as far as the trial goes. The authorities can then rest on their laurels, safe in the knowledge that there is no evidence of harm, to that stage. Any problems in the 'real world', say in pregnancy, simply must be down to something else. Climate change anyone? Ooh, how about eating too much meat. Or maybe a knock on effect of stress from the war in Ukraine. Not the jab, look at the data, look, it says no evidence of harm.
Words are important. No evidence indeed. The devil is in the detail.
Thanks Joel.
It is very effective. It all depends on what you think is the stated goal.
Funnee .... ✅
Vaccinating Babies
Harmacide scamdemic
Joel, so illuminating. The graphs, the data, your explanations of the graphs. I couldn’t help but quietly think, these unvaxxed covid pts were murdered. Heartbreaking. I have read many stories of families begging doctors to provide early treatments for their covid infected loved ones. But instead, their loved ones were administered Remdesivir and placed on a ventilator, as per hospital protocol. Death followed.
The early treatment anecdotes follow the same pattern (but the inverse) as the Fauci protocol anecdotes. It was more difficult to stratify them programmatically but I read hundreds of the notes and there were more than enough to show that denial of early treatment was a common factor in unvaccinated, COVID deaths as well.
Regarding early treatment, you probably can find countries where it is non-existent. Nada, zero. Example: Spain. Where I'd say less than 1% of the people have heard about IVM or HCQ. If you get sick: "go home and wait, pray if you want".
That’s the murder - the WHO guidelines to medics who should know better to treat a plague that Farci funded and whose minions strategically let loose as a tester - believe me this doesn’t end here Farmagates is plotting junior genocide in 2024 and is quite open about it ..... those of them that are actually born alive from parents who had these vaxxes ?
I keep thinking of a world where there are only sick children struggling to survive, unlikely to successfully reproduce if they reach maturity. I think this is the future on earth. If there is no retribution soon, it will be too late. It has to happen in the US, because the USG is responsible for both the bioweapon and the bioweapon injections. Absent an opposition party, it is hard to imagine that anyone will ever be held accountable for what is in effect the largest genocide campaign in the history of the world.
Your work leaves me speechless. As always. I am lost for words.
"Computer says no."
You mentioned the Fauci protocol and I agree that must have been a huge factor. I understand that someone was only considered to be vaccinated after 2 weeks had past since last vaccine. And that a high % of short-term deaths were in fact vaccinated – excluded from being counted by a sneaky book-keeping trick.
People can see the analysis for the Scottish data here 2020-2022 and did mRNA have ANY positive benefit to all cause mortality and excess deaths ?
Thanks Joel. Last 2 mins on protocol v. interesting.
Thank you. It was nice to finally meet you 'in person.' Again, thank you for all the awesome data analysis. We so appreciate it.
You too!
Great work! Thanks again.