And we're only seeing 'level one' of the chaos, IMO. Imagine what the data will show in 5 years........

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It seems to be only pointing in one direction, just like the UK.

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housing costs and parking have been terrible here, theres always a silver lining

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It could be catastrophic. For example, an OpEd titled "Have we entered a self-sustaining modus operandi for COVID-19?" has been posted recently on Trial Site News (https://trialsitenews.com/have-we-entered-a-self-sustaining-modus-operandi-for-covid-19/#comments). It addresses potential consequences of COVID-19 "vaccinations" followed by repeated boosters. Because most of the critical infrastructure personnel in the USA (doctors, nurses, military, law enforcement, teachers, pilots, etc.) were required to receive the initial COVID-19 "vaccinations" in order to remain employed, and are being required to get the boosters to remain employed, the consequences for the USA could be catastrophic if the scenario posited in the OpEd comes to pass. Recent events suggest we have entered the initial phases of this scenario.

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Brilliant. I keep thinking the MSM must pick up on some of your incredible work, some hope. What the heck will it take Joel?

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A few more dead celebrities.

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I thought dead politicians might be more useful. Are they having "Vaxxes" or saline? If they start dropping like soccer players, watch for WEF affiliation as a negative correlation.

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Joel, if you don't mind, can you share the source and methodology used to calculate this? I've been working on similar calculations and wanted to drill down to the state level. Are you just pulling from the Wonder database?

Something to keep in mind is that we are still counting accidental deaths for 2021. All other causes are ~99%+ complete for the year, but accidental deaths always lag quite a bit.

At the start of 2022 we had logged 264,490 accidental deaths in the US for 2021. Since then it has risen to 305,176 and will continue to climb (my guess is at least 7,000 more to be added over the next few months). For comparison this time last year we had recorded 280,000 accidental deaths for 2020, but it would eventually grow to 289,659 - and it continues to be updated, in fact two more deaths just added in the most recent update.

At this rate it's possible accidental deaths could reach 315,000 for 2021 when the books are closed. This is of course a historic number, pre Covid era we would expect <250,000 accidental deaths per year.

Quick table for reference of how much the data continues to grow in this category. Shows the total accidental death total for 2021 for each weekly update from CDC's weekly selected cause of death report [1], this week we just added another 2,566 accidental deaths, week before 4,076, etc.


[1] https://data.cdc.gov/NCHS/Weekly-Provisional-Counts-of-Deaths-by-State-and-S/muzy-jte6

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Not Wonder, CDC - https://data.cdc.gov/NCHS/Weekly-Counts-of-Deaths-by-Jurisdiction-and-Age/y5bj-9g5w. I used NVSS life tables to estimate life-years lost - https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr70/nvsr70-19.pdf. I didn't spend a lot of time on it but any errors would be the same for all years.

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CDC is breaking links all over the place. Second link is busted. Sneaky sneaky buggers.

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Both work for me..?

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I don’t know, I get a server not found error. Shrugs

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The PDF one? Life tables? Maybe try a different browser if not liking the PDF extension.

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looks like they are blocking some traffic. found a workaround….

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Thank you! Grateful don’t have to deal with the slowness of Wonder.

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Anything that causes mental impairment could have a considerable impact on accidental deaths

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Thanks for this info. How are they defining "accidental"?

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Accidental is any "non natural" cause of death. Suicide, overdose, fire, homicide, drowning, car accident, medical mistakes, etc. Prior to 2020 we had been trending ~250,000 accidental deaths. We shattered that record in 2020 and again in 2021.

In a comment to Alex Berenson I broke down the past five years accidental deaths with some commentary here if you are interested in previous year numbers (in one of my replies):


I don't think we will get a detailed breakout from the CDC on where these accidental deaths are grouped (by ICD-10 codes) for some years, in the past they were running 2-3 year lag IIRC quantifying all of this, though individual states have their own databases that can reveal this. We generally know car accidents were slightly up, probably the rest in overdoses and homicides. May have uptick in accidental child deaths (drowning, poisoning) due to lack of supervision while school closed but hard to speculate on that.

If you are curious to see what a typical year looks like and the level of detail we will eventually get check out this summary of 2017 - specifically Table 6 on pages 34 and 35. It breaks down deaths by ICD10 codes for (mostly) 10 year age groups. Gives a good reference point of a normal year.


Note that the indented rows are breakouts of the higher level ICD group. E.g., "Major Cardiovascular Disease (I00-I78)" totals 854,390, then it breaks that down into sub groups (Disease of Heart, Essential Hypertension, etc).

When you get to page 35 for the rest of Table 6 it breaks accidents into 4 high level groups: Accidents (unintentional) - 169,936; Intentional Self harm - 47,173; Assault (homicide) - 19,510; Legal Intevention/Complications of Medical/Surgical Care - 616+4,459. Underneath these groups they breakout Drug, Alcohol, and Firearm deaths - but those are already included above.

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Thanks very much, Michael! I think I looked at related CDC data tables in the fall of 2020, where I believe one of the comorbidities given for Covid was something like poisoning/suicide (something like 10k or 11k at that time?).

The web interface reminded me of long years working for the fed gov lamenting the poor choices made by higher-ups on who gets awarded the contracts for building the various agencies' data presentation.

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I always thought the contracts went to brothrers-in-law. Significant donors were also eligible.

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All US data right? Are there similar trends in other countries to validate ours?

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Yes. Look at some of my other reports. The young are dying in much higher numbers in 2021 which pushes life-years lost up.

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Yes Joël did this for Indonesia . I received an email recently

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Are any US data trustworthy? After the DOD/DMED revision confirmed my prejudice, I have had to review my assessments.

Possibly life insurance company numbers are useful, but the ownership and management are the same as the banksters and WEF affiliates.

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I believe Joel linked to a paper two weeks ago showing similar for Germany. Many other countries had more all-cause mortality in 2021 than 2020 (weighted near end of year 2021 as well, long after those countries hit 70%+ vaccination rates).

Then there’s countries like Sweden which defy this pattern. Their total deaths went back to baseline in 2021 and throughout entire pandemic they have zero excess deaths ages 0-64.

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Sweden is also highly vaccinated. I'd expect to see some swing away from the results of them being the control group through the 'pandemic'. Otherwise we might have to put more emphasis on fear being a major component (alongside jabs) of the increase in life-years lost with Sweden never having gone down the lockdown and associated insanity route.

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That's why I'm not quite as bullish on the vaccines being damaging as some other contrarians and skeptics. They seem merely useless, not necessarily damaging.

If they were causing more young people to die than usual, I would expect clearer patterns. Instead I see Nordic countries largely untouched by either Covid or the vaccines. I see California with it's high vaccine rates among < 25 year old cohort having an unchanged increase of death in 2021 over 2020, while very unvaccinated Mississippi had more deaths in the <25 cohort in 2021 than 2020.

There are plenty of possible explanations of course, but I think we need to be careful in our analysis.

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The vaccine has the same pathology as the virus. So, it is not a surprise that countries whose young were less affected by the virus are also less affected by the vaccine. The direct impact of death due to the vaccine is less than the increased vulnerability to the virus that it produces.

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Have you read/listened to Denis Rancourt? He touches on this and explains why particularly in the U.S., both covid *and* vaccines have been more damaging than, say, in Canada.

His interview on the Jerm Warfare podcast was a lightbulb moment for me https://open.spotify.com/episode/0mpJzVtCMHpGUS5PSXAMfH?si=ab5506e755a74473

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What virus is this Joel? Has one been isolated? Has it been proved that a virus, dead material that supposedly needs a cell to activate (I thought that was the role of the Mitochondria myself), has any agency whatsoever?

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I agree but there's bound to be some harm from the vaccinations even if they can't be seen immediately.

I personally know of two <25 people harmed by vaccines in the last 12 months. Both required hospital visits (for heart issues) but won't be reflected in any stats.

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Have you seen this substack from me yet. Larimer County has AFAIK uniquely detailed C19 data with both date and age for both deaths and cases. https://baizuobu.substack.com/p/larimer-county-in-one-chart-volume?s=w

Look at the first (smaller) circle and associated death stripe that reaches down into pre-retirement ages "off season" in May ... associated with the vax dose 1/2 peaks right down to having a hosp admission peak associated with each as well as younger ages rise proportionately! And we also see a matching case and deaths rate peak.

Then we see a much higher proportion of younger age C19 deaths (big circle) after everyone is vaxed! Basically, some proportion of vax deaths get tagged as C19 so we can see the wizard's shoes since the vax rate peaks happened in the C19 off season... (If you look at Euromomo you can see the same wizard's shoes with bumps in younger ages in May 21.)

I am now looking at state age banded data creating the death heat maps and it's blurrier as expected but there is a matching signal in CO as well as some other states like MN, MI, and OR. Coming soon...

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Life years lost is a way better damage metric. The relative deaths measurement was ridiculous - the death of an 18 year old is so much more tragic than the death of a 93 year old.

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Honestly, I'm not seeing the inferences being made. I think you need to plot YLL from covid specifically on top of these charts. It the peaks coincide, then it could still plausibly be the vaccines causing those covid cases, but plausibly deniable. But if the peaks do not coincide, then that would clearly be vaccine harm, as the only third possibility is lockdown harm which would not have such pronounced peaks.

Edit: Also, has anyone done something so simple as plotting covid death spikes and all-cause (non-covid) death spikes on the same chart? Any discrepancy in those spikes would likewise implicate vaccines.

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We've done so many studies showing the concomitant rise of COVID with mass vaccination rollout. No need to cover it again here. Besides, the bottom line is still indisputable - there are more life-years lost post-vax than pre-vax when the deadly pathogen had no cure. Whatever the reason, this is not a good starting point for something supposedly safe and effective, is it? It is not even stemming the flow.

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Allegedly 20 million cases in 2020 and 35 million cases in 2021:


If one assumes all excess YLL in 2020 was purely covid, then all else being equal (i.e. no changes in CFR / variants, no lockdown harms, no natural immunity, etc.), 2021 would be projected to have 27 million excess YLL, not 18 million excess YLL. Hence one could argue millions of excess YLL were saved by vaccines. Can't say much from this study, IMO, as we really do not know true case rates in either year, and there are several confounders.

I agree with vaccines causing covid spikes. But I reiterate, if it's possible, plotting all non-covid excess YLL is important for investigating vaccine harm. Age stratified ideally.

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I think this is what you are looking for:


Can replicate by dumping this into a pivot chart:


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Charts are the way to go! When debating a Covidian, charts like these are a mic drop! When the mRNA vaxxes are bundled with the flu vaccine and forced to be yearly(at least on health care workers and federal employees), I'm worried that the CDC will stop publishing this data. Or even sneakier would be to alter the data. If that happens will there be any other way to get the data for these charts?

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I swear I heard only today that the CDC are changing the way data is presented 🤔

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These deaths are not caused by COVID. Young people are dying in summer at unprecedented rates. Besides the fact that interventions have been proven over 100 times to be ineffective, this line of argument is dead. My position is simple, those who want to believe such nonsense can line up for their 5th shot! Those who care more about their health and even life will act differently.

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