All mainstream news and social media sites use extreme censorship and it is increasing. Be aware of what is really happening as they collect mountains of data for everyone that engages with these morons. Social media sites are anti-privacy and getting more devious in their data collection methods. After all, the government condones this and there is no one to stop them. Most people have no clue.

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The government is in on it! In fact the Government funds and has been funding Zuckerberg, Bezos, Musk, Dorsey, Gates and the rest of the perverts. These Big Tech companies are nothing but glorified spy agencies collecting data for the Government's under the guise of doing business for the greater good of humanity. Guess who gives the Government the money to fund these POS? We the People!! Good time to cut the head of the snake off!

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Ex deputy PM Nick Clegg is also Head of Meta Europe iirc.

I posted a phonetic pronunciation of the word "Gilet" as 'Zhi-Lei' on a FB page this week, and added a quip that that may be the name of the Chinese Foreign Minister. Within 20 mins the Arsebook A.I. 'bot had taken that down and triggered a pop-up window about 'policy'.

Woke wankers.

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Welcome to the "New Normal" or "We Are All in This Together" remember the television commercials in the Spring of 2020? That's what they meant. Can't say they didn't warn us.

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...don't like this 'new' normal; this 'new' parallel universe into which we were involuntarily transported in Q4 2019. I want my old one back. That was much better. I think it is available, but getting it back will involve some spilled blood. If thats the only way, then so be it.

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Most people are ignorant and don't give a crap if they're cyber stalked by companies and web sites.

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LinkedIn pushed me off their platform in mid-2020, without warning or comment.

I was happy to leave the den of thieves and crooks.

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And….. A Den of snakes 🐍

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May 27Liked by Joel Smalley

I ditched LI years ago when theybannwd Dr.Robert Malone. They are utterly irrelevant.

And besides, since when is sharing the truth against community guidelines? The only thing it violates is the profit of corrupt glabal elitists like Gates, Ardern, Fauci, Trudeau, Boula, Tedros and Macron.

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100%. I only went back after being deplatformed to get my archive for a long series of "told-you-so"s. I broke my rule of not posting new material.

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They ditched me a couple of years ago and I can’t rejoin! It’s a dreadful set up at the best of times and the number of criminals they allow in there masquerading as professionals - I’m sure you’ve seen a few!! They’re totally irrelevant unless you’re looking for falsified CV’s which they do find acceptable or ‘PM me’ trolls with grooming type names…🤦‍♀️ Lost any potential respect I had for Reform, too.. keep your your wonderful work 🙏

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May 27Liked by Joel Smalley

I used to think the governments and the other organisations view on the "pandemic" 2020 response was a reflection of their fantastical thinking, a creation in their minds, illusory. It is nothing of the kind, it is a very deliberate and psychological attack on the minds of the public, yet again. If they repeat their lies often enough they think they will alter our reality, we are up against a massive propaganda machine and it has no intention of backing down.

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May 27Liked by Joel Smalley

If you've come to distrust government *after* the pandemic, I suggest you also change your attitude towards those who distrusted government *before* the pandemic.

Make the people who tried to warn you, your new teachers.

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EXACTLY!! What's interesting is there are still a lot of people who would go to the slaughter!

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Many being led by the 'Judas Goats' among their family and friends.

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None at all!! 2020 was just the beginning! They tried to brainwash people with sayings like "The New Normal" and "We Are in This Together." (They were to throw the guilt trip on everyone, and if you didn't comply, you were the oddball). I believe more people are waking up to this horse shit! If not, there will be dire consequences for them, their families, and their friends.

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May 27Liked by Joel Smalley

Great comment, Amat. I fully agree with your observation – ‘we are experiencing a very deliberate and psychological attack on the minds of the public’ – and yet I estimate that only about 20% of people can see that. The rest are blinded by their long-held assumptions about the nature of society. It is 25 years since the film ‘The Matrix’ was first screened and there was an amusing cartoon on Robert Malone’s Substack on the weekend which featured the caption: “The Matrix was actually a documentary!” I have come to pretty much agree with the thrust of that sentiment.

The last four years have totally upended my previous understanding of how modern society actually works – especially with regard to the professional liars of the corporate media and the senior levels of government bureaucracies – who are our real rulers. (Most of the politicians just seem to be brainless stooges). In addition, I was shocked as I began to understand the level of rottenness, self-interest, and general lack of ethics that now pervades the medical industry. In my search for answers, I came across a documentary linked to the Substack for “The Corbett Report” which explained in detail how the mass media evolved through history since the invention of the printing press and how it now works today. Suddenly I could see through the fog of deceit.

Another insightful discovery in my journey to enlightenment was Harrison Koehli’s book (& Substack) on the topic of ‘Political Ponerology’ – the study of how evil works in a political context. It draws heavily on the original writing of a Polish intellectual called Andrew Łobaczewski (1921-2007), who in his youth was in the Polish underground army in WW2, and then endured the decades of communist rule during the post-War years. He saw it all. It is a complex topic, but there can be no doubt that there are now some very evil people in positions of power in western countries, and if we are to survive and outwit them, it is important to understand how they think.

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We can thank Obama for this.

‘we are experiencing a very deliberate and psychological attack on the minds of the public’

He rescinded the Smith-Mundt act that made it illegal for the government to push propaganda on us. Not that they weren’t doing it anyway, but not on this scale. I thought it was in time for Russia gate, but now I see it for the Rona scam. Maybe for both.

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The only thing I find Linkedin useful for is finding white collar criminals.

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May 27Liked by Joel Smalley

As it happens, I deleted my 16-year old my LinkdIn account a week ago. Their frequent email notifications had become a time-wasting nuisance, and in any case I recalled how they had suspended Dr Robert Malone in about 2021 for publishing factual Covid-related information. I have come to the conclusion that the people who run these major IT corporations must be pretty dimwitted when it comes to understanding human behaviour. It doesn’t matter what sort of business you are in, in the end both personal and commercial relationships rely on maintaining trust, and outfits such as LinkdIn and Facebook etc have destroyed theirs.

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That's why they are studying Oxytocin, the trust hormone.

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My Linked account was suspended & never re-instated when I was calling out the covid-vaxx . . . Gates didn't like anyone speaking out against it . .

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May 27Liked by Joel Smalley

So does X 😡

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May 27Liked by Joel Smalley

That's what unsocial media does. The Post Office Horizon software scandal is my best example at this time for how abominable big companies can be. People's lives destroyed on a known lie - that sums it up. NHS whistleblowers have reputations trashed and lose their jobs.

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May 27Liked by Joel Smalley

Yes they took me off when I posted too many conservative, truthful, posts.

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You should do screen shots of what you were going to post and post it anyway :-).

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I've always had a difficult time staying active on LinkedIn. I know it's a good job resource, but the endless virtue-signalling and promoting seems to get old after a while. I guess the same could be said about most social media sites, but LinkedIn seems to be especially cringe.

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From what I see, it's not particularly useful for job seekers or employers either.

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When I was unemployed after finishing grad school and desperately seeking any kind of real job, it was worse than useless -- every second spent there was wasted and would have been better used on something else.

F*** 'em.

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Linked In is a Humint harvesting site. Nothing more, nothing less, the job seeker thing is a facade.

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That's good to know. Sometimes, I feel like I might be missing out on job opportunities by not continually "promoting" myself on the site. Ironically, I was a marketing major, but loathe the idea of trying to promote myself or make myself into some kind of "brand." I'm certainly not an Internet "influencer" type. The "me, me, me" centric crowd is just a huge turn-off to me, but I suppose it is just a microcosm of our current culture.

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Truth and facts to LinkedIn are like garlic and sunlight to Dracula. But, the truth is staking its presence however much 'they' try to block it.

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Yes, Joel, I was banned for asking why are we vaccinating children. I then refused to comply with their conditions which were accept a phone call from an office minnow telling me off and promising I wouldn't do it again. So the question remains unanswered and it was when I asked our CMO. Of course we both know the can't answer. Those were the days when I thought we lived in an accountable democracy.

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100%! I QUIT LINKEDIN about 5 -7 years ago. If you did not aspouse the democrat agenda, you were labelled misinformation. You will NEVER see anything about Gaza Genocide, pictures or videos, 9/11 truth, or Covid lies. It is owned and run by "dual citizens." It is a 100% propaganda forum that simply mirrors and reinforces dumbocrat, liberal policies and views. It is not reputable. It is simply a fraud controlled mouthpiece for people who seek reinforcement of their own lefty views and tell those people how wonderful they are. It is a complete circle jerk! If you are on it you are not credible nor someone I want to do business with anyway. PERIOD!

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When did LinkedIn become Facebook?

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